Newspaper Page Text
/its.. if^H
4 Profitable Bnalnesc, Bnt What Do tho
Buyer* Do With Them?
Brooding white, piebald, black and
Japanese mice is the latest household
Industry which is receiving attention*
A woman living on the northern out*
skirts of the city has embarked in the
business extensively. The mice sell
wholesale at the rate of $10 pet 100*
nnd regularly onCe every week ahft
iirera fifty of them to the leading bird
iiml animal dealer, who sends them ddfc
to his customers in this and other
ties. In this way she earns $5 every
week, and $21 and $22 per week from
the other sales of her mice.
It would be hard to imagine easier
money than the $5 which she receives
weekly for her “dwarf cattle.” The
rearing of fancy inice involves little of
no work, and the proceeds are for the
most part pure gain. She has at her
home part of a large room partitioned
off. and the floor covered with straw,
and earth. This is her mouse farm.
It must be cleaned up now and then,
and new straw and earth put in for the
mice, but aside from this her only care
is to feed them twice per day and keep
tlieir basin full of fresh water. The
mice increase at such a rapid rate that
by selling fifty every week she Is able
to keep the number down to about the
original limits.—Washington Tost
Merkley, whose pic
ture is printed above, and Miss Claussen,
prove beyond question that thousands of
cases of inflammation of the ovaries and
womb are annually cured by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
• “ Mas. Pixkium:—Gradual loss of strength and nerve fnreo
told mo come thing was radically wrong with me. I had severe shooting
pains thronght the pelvie organs, cramps and extreme irritation com
pelled mo to seek medical advice. The doctor said that 1 hud ovarian
trouble and ulceration, and advi-od an operation. I strongly objected to
this and decided to try l.vriin Ii. I’iulriiam's Vegetable Compound.
I soon found that my judgment was correct, ami that nil the good
things said about this medicine were true, uml day by day I felt less
pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healed, and the other
complications disappeared and in eleven weeks I was onee more strong
nod rigorous and perfectly well.
. “ily heartiest thanks are tent to you for the great good von havo
done me,”—Sincerely youre, JIis3 SIaiujaiist Mckki.ev, 275 Third St.,
■Milwaukee, Wis.
fliss Claussen Saved from a Surgical Operation.
“Dean Sfr.s. Piskiiam: — It seems to me that
all the endorsements that I have read of the valuo
of I.ydia K. Pinklmm’s Compound do not express
one-half of the. virtue the great medicine really
possesses. I know that it saved my life and I
want to give the credit where it belongs. I suf
fered with ova rian trouble for live years, had three
operations and spent hundreds of dollars on doc-
tore and medicines but thU did not cure mo
after all.
“ However, what doctors and medicines failed
to do, I,y<1!a E. Plnkhani’s Vegetable Com
pound did. Twenty bottles restored me to per
fect health and I feel sure that had I known ol its
value before, and let the doctors alone, I would
, have been spared all the pain and exponso that
[fruitless operations cost me. If the women who are stillcring, and
[the doctors do not help them, will try Lydia E. Pinkham’s vego-
Jtabie Compound, they trill not he disappointed with the results.—
Miss Claiia M. Clal-ssen, 1307 Penn St., Kansas City, Mo.
\ ■
.WO 1
Lydl* 12. i’lukhum Med. Co., Lynn, Mm
It’t the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load-
ing and the use of only the best materials which make
winchester Factory Loaded “New Rival” Shells give bet
ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener
ally than any other shells. The cpccial paper and the Win
chester patent corrugated head used in making “New
Rival” shells give them strength to withstand reloading.
There is no brendth of knowledge
without depth.
Circumstances do not make the only
conditions In life.
You can be altogether childlike and
not at all childish.
No man is independent until he has
learned to despise money.
furry your conscience in your eye
and you will keep your heart.
The spiritual. Is the substance of
which the material Is the shadow.
Look for your own funlts, but don’t
worry about other people’s unless they,
look for you.
Don’t bo too anxious to show off.
Your friend* will have no difficulty in
discovering your virtues if you have
Live your life ns you think right and
best,, but be very slow to condemn
those who think and live differently
from yon.
Pninler Dnke.
The Duke or Norfolk retains quite a
number of feudal privileges. When
ever he so desires he may demand
from the Committee of Defense and
the Inspector-General an escort of cav
alry. When an English sovereign is
crowned the Duke of Norfolk Is en
titled to receive it golden wine cup.
But, apart from these ceremonial
rights, the present Duke, regardless
of dress and silent In manner, occupies
a position of bis own in the public es
timation. Certain stories about bltn
have become classical. He lias been
ordered to get out of the way of Ills
own carriage. Old ladles visltJng Ills
grounds have scolded him for not obey
lug the printed Instructions to “Keep
off the grass.” As I’ostmastcr-Coners 1
he was on one occasion only able to
secure attention from a clerk by ad
dressing a telegram to St. Martln’s-le
Craml signed "Norfolk, Postmaster-
General.” Of another Duke, whoso
rlpnnturc was a county and whose cos-
tuino wus fustian, the story Is told that
buuk clerk declared, "My dear sir,
we want your signature on this cheek,
not the place where you live.” That
incident might well have happened to
Ms (iracc, who was married recently.—
London News.
e Iltillillnr*. W- furnish all »
Beautiful, Everlasting
Modern Store Front*. W«.»rir* rou all L »h> trill* of an elegant N*w Tork or
Oi'ratf.. ilbn at m-xlera*- ro*t. far < ntnlu«o^.
SOUTHERN FOUNDRY CO., Owonoboro, Kentucky
Hifcfc to WOMEN
A Large Trial Sox and book of in-
■tructlonr, absolutely Free and Post*
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToilef Antiseptic
Paxtlne Is tn powder
(or.7i to dissolve In
water — ncr.-fottonou*
and far superior to llqu id
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritate*
Inflamed surfaces, and
" icleansirgpi
The coate—
of every box makes
morn Antiseptic Solu
tion — fasts loajer—
goes further—ha« more
uses In the family and
doe * more good than a ny
antiseptic preparation
ASK youb dealeb rou THt
erties. The contents *3 HALF A CtNTUDY. . %
prv TOWERS q&rmcntj and <fl■=£
Y*?l fa** art rw ^ c /i hi
\- \ At material* In black or yellow 7/ V
\ I l for dl ktrvb of wet work. • I 1
»AiwAcno:< is amifraot? you stick to
The formula of a noted Boston physician, \
and used with greet success us a Vaginal
Wash, forLeucorrhaea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, j ti.» oj«m emu
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of femalo ills Paxtlne is
invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we
challenge tho world to produco Its equal for
thoroughness. It isa revelation In cleanring .
and healing power; it kills all germs which j
causo inflammation and di«ehargea.
All leading druggist* keep Paxtine; price,GOe. |
a box 1 If vonrsdoc< not, tend tons Sor it. Don't j
take a substitute — th«.> re i j nothin: Ilk* PaxUne,
Write for the Free Cox nj Fmxtlna to-day, t
B.rAXTOHCO.^7 Pop*Bldg.,Boitao,Hass.
Give thtT~rama cf this paper when
writing to «dvortl«ra— (AH9-04)
Successful Gallantry,
The juatlce of the pence had Juat
finished the ceremony nnd was looking
nt the bnppy couple In a smilingly, ex
pectant manner.
“Are we married?” the bridegroom
“You are,” the justice replied.
“Firm and tight?”
“As tight as tho law allows."
“Then,” said the bridegroom, ‘T'm
sorry to say tliat I haven’t got a cent
to pay you. I’ll have to see you later.”
The justice frowned. He had count
ed on $2 at least.
“I dunno about thathe said. “My
terms are cash, and If you can't pay
I'll have to find some means of de
claring this contract not binding and
of no effect. Lcinmc see. I have It.
You have grossly misrepresented tho
lady’s age. You told me she was twen
ty-six, when anybody cau see that she
Isn't a day over seventeen.”
Whereupon the bride, who was nearly
forty, felt so much gratitude that she
promptly paid the justice out of her
ow n pocket—Cleveland rialn Dealer.
Mott of the Ailments Peculiar to the
Female Sex Are Due to Catarrh of
the Pelvic Onrana.
| Rachael J. Kcmball, M. I)., .134 Vir-
J ginia St., Buffalo, N. Y., is a graduate
* of the University of Buffalo, class 1884,
1 uml hits been in the practice of nicdi-
| cine in that city since then. She writes
2 as follows:
I "My conviction, tupportod by
t experience, ie that Peruna ii a'
< valuable preparation for all ca-
j tarrhal affections. I have taken
• one bottle of Parana myself and
} just fool fine. I shall continue to
' take it "--Rachael J. Kemball, M.D. ;
lYruua lias cured thousands of cases of
female weakliest. As u rule, however, be
fore lYruua is resorted to several other
remedies have been tried in vain. A great
many of the patients buve taken local
treatment, submitted themselves to surgical
operations, und taken all sorts of doctor's
stuff, without uny result. I
The reason ot so many luilurcs is the
fact that diseases peculiar *o the female
sex arc not common
ly recognized as be
ing caused by ca
tarrh. These organs
Are lined by mucous membranes. Any mu
cous uienibsunc is subject to catarrh.
Catarrh of one organ is exactly the same
as catarrh of any other organ. What will
cure catarrh of the head will also cure ca
tarrh ol the peivic organs. lYruua cutes
these cases simply because it cures the ca
Most of the women afflicted with pelvic
Of ihe Skin and Scalp
Speedily Cured by
Baths with
Venial* Trouble
Mot llecognUed
as Cut arris.
To cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and soften the
thickened cuticle, gentle ap
plications of CUTICURA have no idea that their trouble is Ointment to instantly allay
itching, irritation, and inflam
mation, and soothe and heal,
and mild doses 6f CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood.
due to catarrh. The majority of the peo
ple think that catarrh is a disease con-
lined to the head alone.
This is not true. Catarrh is liable to at
tack any organ of the body; throat, bron
chial tubes, lungs, stomach, kidneya and
capecially the pelvic organs.
Many a woman hat made this discovery
after a long siege of useless treatment.
She has made the discovery that her dia-
case is catarrh, and that Pcruna can be re
lied upon to cure catarrh wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use ot reruns,
rite at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President ot
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Sweat, ltcb, Blister? ROYAL FOOT WASH cures them. Remove*
odors of feet, armpits, etc.; stops chafing. If not nt drugg!sts
send 26e to EATON DJI *
paid i sample for 2c stamp. On*application j
>JlUO CO., Atlamta, 6a., for full sire, post-
o”t*s It-, merit. Money back If not satisfied.
lSIsrtrle Lighting.
The uso of electric lighting In New
York Sfuto nJoue bn* Jm-renaeU orcr
2000 per cent. In ten yqnrs, nml the
use of electricity for power has In
creased in the decade almost 1200 per
8tatv. or Ohio, Cm or Tolkdo, (
Lucas Cocmtt. j w ‘
Frank J. (’nr.xr.v :nako oath that hn Ii
senior partner of tho linn of 1'. J. Cutvr.t ,k
To., doing business in the City of Toledo,
Yunty nnd Htate aforesaid, nnd that imitl
firm will pay tho sum of o*i: nour-xo dol
lars for each nnd every case of catabdh
that cannot be cured by tho use of Hall's
Catarrh Ccar. Frank J. CnnxcT.
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed in my
—s. prcsenco, this Gth clay of Decern-
skal. J her, A.D., IMG. A.W.Olbxsox,
* .Votary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cun* is taken internally, nnd
acta directly on the blood nml mucous sur
faces ot the systom. Send tor testimonials,
* oil. F. J. Cherry A Co., Toledo, O.
Hold by all Druggists, 73c.
Tako Hall’s Family 1*111.4 for constipation.
Reverend Dr. Edwin liobic tins been
pastor of the Greenland, X. II.. Congre
gational Church for fifly-iwo years
and Is still healLij* nnd active In tliQ
work of the ministry. lie Is now sev
enty-three years old.
The '*•" In Chaperone.
| The Westminster Gazette is making
1 one more effort to banish the absurd
j “e” from the “chaperone" of All our
I novelists. Persuaded are all the mas-
; ters of fiction that as n chaperon Is a
j woman should she have u final
j A short time ago an elderly English
• General, asking permission to take twi
girls to a picnic, promised their mother
j that .be would he "an efficient chap-
I erone, or, perhaps, ns I urn not a lady,
I should say chaperon." A chaperon
! is, originally, a “hood," and has no pos-
: sible feminine significance.—London
Dally Chronicle.
So trouble to answer questions. M
' p ho rtf at route Shreveport to Dellas. —_
. £3 ,e .S£.’ , T2 Thomp«cn'» Eye Vittr ; ««««•
ftacreil street Dance.
Cuba celebrates Easter by a sort of
sacred street dance, in which the fig
ures of Christ, the Virgin Mary and
Mary Magdalene, borne by priests,
tnke part. In the mountain districts of
Venezuela there arc nightly proces
sions during Holy Week, showing the
various events cf tho last seven dajs
of tho Saviour's life, closing with tho
miles ' r *** irr « ct,ou - Here, alto, life size fig-
wme urea of wo* represent the vtrloue
Writ* u* a poatal card for a free aampl* of
We cheerfully «eu.l tt to all sufferer* of Kid
ney. Liver, Heart. Bladder and Blood dlieasee
on request. It will do all that y claim for It.
Full direction* with entnpl* >ent. Mention
Addrpn* STUART DUUO M’g'O.
. !? Wall
Street. ATLAS'T
must have a sufficient supply of
in order to develop into a crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
Acid or Nitrogen can compen
sate for a lack of potash in*
fertilizers [for
grain and all
other crops].
Wo ifcal! t. ,Ud
to tend free to any
termer our little book
which contain* vale-
able Information
about toll culture.
84.00, 83.50,83.00, 82.60
W.L. Douglas hIiocs
are worn by more
men than any other
make. The reason
Is, they hold tlieir
longer, and have
greater intrinsic
value than any
other shoes.
SoJS everywhere.
' T^iok far name «m
Dougin* iiici Coron
everywhere rrinreilrfl lithe I
1.4-ntlier yet iirodiieed. Kut i
Hlioc* I.T nmn.VI rent* extra. W
W. Is. DOlKil.As, Itioekton. Mi
A single SET, costing but One Dollar*
is often sufficient to enre the most
torturing, disfiguring skid, scalp, and
blood humors, eczemas, rashes, it<Jh»
legs, and irritations, with loss of hair ( '
from infancy to age, when all else fails*
Sold thftwfh«*t th* werte. Cullccm SfejOiM.
MM, WCm me. ite lotm of Cboc<ri*ivCo*l*d
flltt, !fe. per rUt of SO). iMpoft i Undo*. ITOiaftWo
houM Re-1 T*rU, * Bm d* la T»U i Boag*. l» ColiuahM
At*. Pott*r iJnir fc them. Corp.. Rolf ProprMH*. ■.
ST 4**d tor “ Th* 0r**» lixmor Cut*,"
Cotton Gin
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or K.T. MS
Remove!! a if swelling (a StOfO
day*; effects a permanent cur*
in^oto Godavs. Trial treatment
given free. Hot hlngcan be fairer
- Dr. It. H. Cress’s Sons,
" “ ‘ tisnta, ar.
_ Sped ills:*. Got B Atlanta, q
This is What Yon Want 1
Hire You Any Malarial Troubles ?
Do you want to nt veil and get well quick t IS so,
Nad a Poatomc* order for fifty cents to the
REGAL UEOIGiNE G0..II Stanford, Cm.,
.dumb *««• sod la tar mi turn tern.
it* iau * very thiag indid shoal a Cettoa Ola.
Write for Illustrated CataJogua.
Continental Gin Co.,
Birmingham, Ala.
Malsby & Co.
41 South Forsyth SL, Atlanta, Ga.
Port.vblo and Brntlonar,
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
Complete line carried in stock for
IVMEDIA TK shipment
B*st Machinery. Lowest Prices and D*M Tanas
Write us tor catalogue, prices,
etc., before buying.
I Ocr Latest Ira-
kith Here'* L’nlreraal lxt«Beams,RattlUa-
eae. 81 mulunron«s*t Works and tba Haa-
eoek-King Variable Feed Work* ar« nn*x-
relief, for ArcvsACT. »iHn.rci
IBIS Muir ^
4 IRON WORK8,NVln»ton-4
f or saatros.