Newspaper Page Text
MONQTMeNf Ta.MAfiAi/eer
Every woman covet* •
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
Laea ^f tkel#
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election to the Offloe of sher
iff of Thomas county, subject to the
action of (he Democratic primary. If
re-elected I will continue to give the
office my personal attention and will
discharge its duties to the teat of my
Mr. Ed Johnson of Quitman Wed a
Alabama Lady.
loss of their girlish forms
BB JM Jf after marriage. The bearing
Edl l MHC of children is often destructive
WW (fffffvfff to the mother’s shapeliness.
All of this can bo avoided,
however, by the use of Mother’s Friend before baby cornea, as this
past liniment always prepares tho body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother’s Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mether safely through
this critical period without pain. It u woman’s greatest blessing.
M J. a.-II aL- 1 £a 1 ..l.'.f J..: 4 ika
"Ur. Ed Johnson was married this
week to Mrs. Myra Morrison, of Ala.,
and they arrived la Quitman last night.
The drenmatannee of his meeting with
the lady oontaln some of the elements
of romanoe. Ur. Johnson was travel-
log in in the interest of the
Johnson Marble Works Oo.. and in the
oonne of business, It is mid, be sold
Mrs. Morrison a very handsome &nonn-
Sondld MoDonald, Allas Tails*arro
Toliver, Knows aH About tha Now
York Bankers Bat They Don't Know
Him and Ho Dorn to Jail After Long
Chase. _ ■>-
For Sheriff
I heaeby announce myaelf as a candi
date for Sheriff of Thomas county, sub
ject to tho action of the Democratic pri-
and solicit the support of there-
af the conafy. If elected I vpll
ty personal and undivided attea-
i the dnties of the office and will
rge tlioee duties to the best of my
<7 J. J. Pom, tf
i For Representative.
I hereby announce myaelf aa a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected 1 pledge myielf to a faithful
performance of ill the dntiee of the affl-
Be. My pest record in tho office is open
to inspection and relying npon this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit theirsupport.
Mr. Johnson was so Impressed with tho
lady’s charms that ha proposed and was
aooeptodaftera very brief Acquaint-
anoe.’’—Quitman Eree Press.
Mr.-Jobnton is weU known in Thom-
Seville and his friends here will con
gratulate him on being in the mono-
have been subjected tbobgb to the pain-
ful and pitiable sprinted* of grey hairs
going down in diagraoe.
Sheriff Hight sod Mr. Ed. Cochran
returned Friday from Florida with a
tespectabia looking gray bearded man of
85-years, and lodged him in jail under
the charge of cheating and awindling.
On the 13th of April this tame man
then gray beaded too, went to Ed Coch-
Mr. George Godard, suporintendentjof
the Moultrie public ecboolr, war in the
city Friday.
For The Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people to the very beet of
my ability in the last legislature, Ifeel
that I can confidentially and oonsden-
tionsly solicit their support in the -i-
prose fling primary.
32’in. colored Madra*, for shirts, sold everywhere at 15c, our
price * No.
All our French Gingham, sold easily at 20c.—during this
sale ... ...12 I-l
1 lot book fold Dress Gingham, old price 12 i-2c. During
this sale .W&.
36 in. Percales, always >2 i-2c. During thwale. .111*20..
1 lot plaid Linens, sold everywhere, 15c. Duping this sale 12-1*2!,
1 lot Scotch Suitings, worth 25c. During this sole l6'!-2 1
1 l&t Striped Linens, former price 30c. During this sale 221-2 <
Black and white Hopsacking 34 in. wide, sold for 22 I-2C.
•During this sale .........171-2 J
All our 50c. Mercerised Hadras.
V‘ ' During; TCfc Sale 1
35 cents ]
Tho Oixon Family Enjoy Rustle Life
; for a Week.
Tho Dixon family hno been camping
at Miller’* Spring for several day* They
have an immense family tent, and are
enjoying the time of » natural life.
Among tboee who have partaken of
the delight* of tho camp are Mr. and
For the Legislature.
I hereby mmonnoe myielf a* a candi
date tor representative in the legisla
ture from Thomat bounty, subject to
the action of the Demonratio primary. If
I am elected I will give the duties of
tho office my most careful attention,
and will ooasrieutkmsly endeavor to
serve the people to the beet of my abili
ty. I respectfully solicit the support of
the voters of tho county.
Mem. T. J. and W. L. B*U are upend
ing today with their families at While
Springs, Florida.
Mr*. D-. A. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs.
Kd. Bkuoe, Mr. and Mrs. RUM. Dixon,
Mrs, Ohs*. Dixon and familyp Messrs.
J. T. IL, Albert aad Dan Dixeo. Miss
MattfarfWhlteharae of MonHmilo has
been the-gnost of the camp.
Mr. aad Mrs. R, A. Weldon are now
at bom* to ttelr friends in the Beverly
Home on Monroe St.
^ For Ropresentative.
To the people of Thoma* county:
Appreciating the past honors yoo have
confirmed npon mal take this method
*f announcing that lama candidate for
Pino Park yesterday to be with hla par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. K, Read.
Figured poplin payee, cheap ac 25c. During this sale 18c.
All our ijc-aolaiied Dimity, Daring this sale .12 l-2c.
Cbttbn> Voiles,, all shades,. :eld at 25c. Dining this
sale V-. 18c.
All our 35c Dotted Swisses. Daring this sale. 25c
33 in; white Madras always soldi at 15c. During this sale II 1*2
AUi otnr 35c Mercerized Madras.
During thissalc.
29 cent*.
Mrs. B. H. Wright and children left
Saturday morning for a visit to Manis
tee, Michigan They will be gone for
soma weeks.
Tha smooth old mass wm bearding at
the heme of Jno. Fitxgeimld near Pine
Park, aad a* soon a* ho secured hue
Friday morning at half pari ten,
Briggs- Arrington Stone, tho infant sen
of Mr. and’Mre. Bi W. Stone, dioffial
their conn try home after an Ulnae* of
severs! weeks. The little fellow-was
only ten-month* old’ amt had. been • re
markably healthy child np>to alxxria
taken with
For Tax Collector.
Graham Ward, of the firm of Ward
Brothers at Pino Park, was a Saturday
I most respectfully announce myaelf
aaa candidate for re-election to the of
fice *f tax collector subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making this announcement I beg to ex
tend my thank* to the voters of Thomas
oaanty for tbeir kindness to mo daring
tho post and to solicit a continuance of
their support. p. 3. Hxxth.
Ur. Chat. Thrapp baa entered the
Thomastillo Business College for a
course in. the book-keeping department.
month ago' when- he
measles. Complication* ilovolupedLin
spite of alt that medical skill ooulAdo
ho passed) away yesierday morning. He
was a beautiful child and on* of uaas-
ual promise. Hi* death teaigreat shook J
to the parent* who have tUe sympatby >
of a. wide ciroleal friend*. 1
Mr. Jno. B, Grant who has been doing
some important plumbing work for
the Atlantic and Golf Mills in Quitman
is at home again.
For Tax Receiver.
J ,i-^ r T b7 “'! ooaoe “fritf as a can
didate for re-election to the offloe of
Tax Receiver of Thomas ooonty subject
to Ihe action ol the Democratic toimary.
If rejected I wiU gtv* the offloe the
•tone careful attention as in the pari,
i solicit the support of tbs voters of the
John F. Howard.
Mr. J. R. Anderson passodlthroogh
the city Friday morning on his way to
Nashville from Whigham. Mr. Ander
son wai fora long time in tho drug {baa.
incss at Oohlockenee. He moved to
Whlgliam last fall, but now recognises
Nashville to offer, better advantage* aad
bets moving Ills largo stock to that
point. Ho has already opened op bis
business at Nashville.
Next Week,
Will See Mon Prices.
Louis Steyerman.
. . • ■ ■ . ■. -
W. II Cliambers has returned from
Miss Dollie Weldon was hen from
Whlgliam Thursday.
Mr. Earl Wayne, a leading yoang
lumberman of Bainbridge, was te town
Mrs. Ella Brim of .Pelham passed
through the city Saturday on her way
to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mo-
Gahoe at Oeolldge.
Miss Susie Btriekland of LaGrange is
visiting her brother, Professor Perry
Strickland, at tlie home of Judge J. 8.
Mr. Will Pnrker returned to his work
at Pel ham Saturday after spending 1
night at home in attendance on tho com
mencement exercises.
Mr. John Wind is detained in Tampa
by Sickness, and his sister Min Clara Is
also sick at the home of iter uncle, Mr.
Jno Hamilton at Arcadia. Florid*.
Miss Louise Hopkins is enjoying the
first few days of a home coming to tho
fullest extent. She has been at the
girls school nt Milledgorille daring tho
The many frionds of Mr. H. N. Stan
ton wore delighted to see him at his of
fice yesterday after an absence of six
weeks from fever. He looks very thin
but toys he is piokiug up rapidly.
Mr. Horace Cochran returned Sat
urday from a visit of several weeks
length to Louisville and St. Louis. He
says that "half lias never yet been told"
Of that fair.
J. B. WAY.
Goes to Cairo.
Mr R. G. Lewis hat bought out the
barber business of WiU Alston in Cairo
and will go there at once to begin his
work. Mr. Lewis is a former cltixen of
Cairo and knows host* of people there.
Be wiU be assisted by bis ton, Irey and
they together will made a success of the
Visited Campers.
Mist Dokle and Mia Marie Dekle and
Messrs. MUey Edwards and JimGrib-
ben formed a pleasant party who drove
out to the river ou Wocluesdny night te
visit the Dixon oatnp.
— \
Mrs. O. A. Jackson wife oftlieMotho-
dlst minister at Valdosta is tlie guest of
her sister Mrs. J. D. Stringer. Her two
uhUdron ate with her.
Snake Story-
it it that two montlis of tlie fish-
liavu gone and Mr, Joe Bev-
have the honor of patting oat
story? He says lie killed
with 1# rattles, and
in circumference.
Mr. Beverly insta
ll inches. In di-
that Thoma*
that veraion.
Good spirit* dou’t sit come from Ken*
r. Tlieir main source is the tirer—
and nil the fine spirits erer made in tlie
Our Airship arrived Tuesday at noon.
See our Window.
mule together with an aid boggy and
harness, be started becao. At the river
be broke a wheal to tha baggy, and
theraapon unhitched,, left It on the
road trio and proceeds* So Pine Park.
From Ward Bros, at Flae Park he
bough** now wagon, haras**, stove and
aconsiderableamounted groceries,giv
ing inpayment there-fer another draft
on thaChase National iBank.
MoDonald want to FRagareld and
told him that ha wtagriagorer to Cairo
to buy egg*. This warn the last seen of
hlm uatU Sheriff High* and Mr. Oooh
ran want down Thnrsaay to' Jaokaon
oouasy. Florida la raaganai to/a notice
that a bird anawering the description
had alighted near Campbelton.
A amttsr of dyad hair and a changed
uawwere the only differences nidlooa-
Me. To Floridians Mr. MoDonald was
known as Taliaferro. Toliver, and bi*
occupation was that of storekeeper and
fanner. 'He had maetgaged the mole
for a tmaU stock of good*, but mule and
wagon both are now back to tbeir
Thomas oounty owners and Mr. Bight
and Mr. Cochran are receiving the
thank* and congratulations of Messrs.
Ward as well as themselves.
As for Mr. Donald-McDonald-Talia-
ferro-ToUver, he "iangoiehe* behind the
bats” of the local Bastile on a charge
of cheating and swindling.
$S>This store closes at 6 o’clock.
Our Valentine.
For Ordinary
Desiring first to thank my old com.
'ndes, and friends generally, for their
tour years gift of the offloe of ordinaryJi
hereby announce myself as a oandidrie
for re-election, subject to the the Demo-
credo primary, promising if elected, to
do my utmost to perform aU tho duties
ef the office faithfully in fntore as 1
have tried to do in the past.
We furnish"IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of Hie VERY BEST
This yon already knew, tlie words vrt speak are sorely TRUE. - We are too
bnsy filling orders to look yon up, but if you want the Inst of any thing in our
line quick, 'Phone 364, and the old man will do the rest.
Out by the Orate Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Blue Grass State could not remed'
bad liyfir or the hundred-and-one i
foots it prodnoes. Yon can’t hare
spirits and a bad liver at the same I
Yoon liver most be in fine condition if
you would fed booyant, happy and
' hopeful, bright of eve, light of step,
fab bright of eve, 1
vigorous and ■ooaesshu In your pur
suits. You aan pat your liver in fine
Pat _ |
condition by using Qteen’s^Au^nri
Flower the greatest of all
for the liver and stomach and a certain
1 for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It
beea a favorite hooaehold remedy
tor over thirty-fire year*. August
rar will make year liver healthy
active aad thus insure yod a liberal
•apply of "good spirits.” Trial Mae. too
regular bottles, 75o. At all druggist*.
Thoroughbred Chickens/
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGGS. Price $i.oo'per setting 15 eggs.
Thomasville, Ga.
Directions hr Making Good Srud:
Use on* leveled teaspoonful
to a quart of sifted flour; add
enough sour milk to knead the
When eour milk is no* used,
two puts of Cream of Tutu and
one of Success Soda are the cor-
reel proportions.
Tor Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commie-
mission,,1 of Roards and Revenues of
Thomas county, subject to tlie action of
tlie Eemocratic primary, and solict the
ragport of the voters.
J. D. Barrow.
For County Commissioner.
1 hereby announce myself * candidau
for elootion to the office of Commie-
•ioner of Roads and Revenne* of Thomas
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. 1 solicit the ran.
port of the voters of the county.
M. D. Redfearn.
For County Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-elec
non to the office of county surveyor of
Thoma* county subject to the action of
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
ivetiieothoe my bass
I WiU oontinne to _
A. J. StSSlaND
For County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am a
mmdldate tor re-election as Treasurer of
&m£ruM£ *• ‘ cttoaof
I am very thankful to the people far
toe far ora and confidence shown me in 1
the post, and pledge, if elected, my
▼ery nest and most conscientious efforts
to gire them faithful, efficient, and sat-
isfactory service.
earnestly solicit your support and
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faithfully roam.
jno. f. Barker.
For Coroner.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commit-
Would Call Attention
To the Columbia Dim (
S Graphophone v
thousand* of home* throughoot (hi* broad land c
joy just a* w*U i (bey an proving everything (bat bare bean said of
Urtalner in the home. A number of the now
ours, and whtoh you c*
“ them, i
newest models oaa b* seen at
CH AS. G. GOKHBIYQ. Jeweler,
. . l»,Bn»d8*.
I take this means of announcing for
re-election to the office of
~ Jeo* to
Thomas county subject to the action of
the primary. If elected I will give the
dodo* of the office th* same careful aj
careful at
tention that they have heretofore re-
etfvod at my hand* I apyredato the
support that my I
given me and tbeir many ktndexsrroT
slon* of satisfaction. Thanking all mv
c,, *3. Gi.vor. ■
sioner of Roads and Revenne of Thomas
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the rap
port of the voters of the connty
I E. M. i
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announoe
tor re-eletiaa to the office of
stoaer Roads and Revenue «f
•toner rtoads and Revenue ot Thomas
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup-
port of tho rotors of the county.
H. C. Copeland*