Newspaper Page Text
bosltiei* more or Ins throughout tho
dm ait in which they lire, anil tha poo-
pie themselves can decide whether or
not lie hae any fear of God, or any re
gard formal). Bnt wbeo we rote for
governor and supreme ooart judges, we
have to M governed largely by what the
newspapers print and the politician*
tell, wJbloh la not elway* correct, fer
they don't elway* know themaelvc*.
If the people are not competent to rote
for the oironit judge* whom they know
how can they rote for the governor and
■apreme court judge* whom they do not
know. The superior oourt judge to my
mind 1* the moat Important offloer that
our people have, for their moral and ma
terial welfare it largely in hi* hand*.
Who doe* not know that hi* charge to
tlie Grand Jury hi* ruling* in oourt and
hi* interpretation of the law to the petit
jury hat a great influence with the fine
verdict. He thould be a man that ha*
their welfare at heart and alao that to
them alone it he responsible for hi* of
fice for it i* their money, and not *ome
autocrat from afar that pay* hi* salary.
Now Mr. Editor if the people thould not
elect their most important offloer* what
officers should they eleot. The contention
whether so intended or not argues that
a republican form of government is a
failure * because forsooth corruption
sometimes pollntesour elections. Why
not enforoe the law and abolish corrup
tion instead of abolishing election? The
proposition reduced to it* last analysis
means down with the republic, np with
Editor Times-Enterprise:
Sinoe the contest for the nomination
for Judge between Gober »nd Morris in
their judicial circuit 1 have been wish
ing and hoping that some citlxen would
take Issue with yon a* to the best man
ner of making Judges in this state,of our
superior court*. Having been on the re-
tired list for some time so far a* parti
san politic* is concerned and having a
desire to remain so, I have this far hesi-
ltated in taking you to task in thi* im
portant matter,, Bnt since yonr timely
editorial, "JudicUl Danger,” in which
mer ones, I feel, that as a citizen (and
not a partisan) loyal as I trust to the
best interests of my country, that to im
portant a question should receive more
than a passing notice, and I hoped that
some one more competent than myself
would oome to the defense of the present
system, that of the people electing them
by direct vote. The only fault that I
find in the present law is it* final vote
having to be taken by the state at large
instead of each judicial circuit. Now a
woid about the contest in iNorth Geor
gia, in which two noted politicians
measured strength, and each were
charged by the pulpit and the press of
bribery and corftption, for whloli rea
son the pres* has raised an almost unan
tm-x- ■
ville is the better for their having been
here. There it no agpncy in dzistence
more effective for bringHig cooperation
'between Thomairilie and* the county
4fcan the school teachers* They urein
every case the influential citizen* of
their community, end tlseir opinion* are
i those of their patrons. They are ae
earcfplAnd painstakingly conscientious
a body of people as Oould be brought to
gether. What they think they say
without fear nor favor and what they
> say they think.
For this reason, and. broause of the
.great oaote that they represent, Thom-
Mvtlle is to be congratulated on the
generous raeointions Aiopted by the in
stitute Friday. It is| to be regretted
that the attendance of the public at
'the, carious of the touchers was not tar
get; tlie paper* read were of unusual
excellence, end any individual in Thom-
•asville would have been well repaid for
hie time in attending. The paper of
Use Gibson in today’s Timee-Enter-
prise is a specimen of the work pro
duced. Because of lie timely subject
and general application it will bn of
particular Interest to the reading pnb-
It' haa been a pleasure to Thamasvffle
to entertainrthe teachers and we all
aland ready to back them np in word
and deed in their sacrificing efforts to
upbuild our people.
The death of Hon. Henry G. Turner
of Quitman remove# one of the greatest
-fleurgiansof modem times. Mr. Tum
or was a statesman who was not a poll
Man, and lie gained his immense pow
<nr in national as well as state affaire
through the sheer weight of his ability
and honest determination. Quitman’s
1am is oar loss and our loss is America’s
loss, s^ihls services to Georgia in our
«wn legislature os well ae in tlie nation
al eongreee the qualities of a statesman
thrust him shove the oommon level as e
mountain top above a morning clond.
-St. Julian Renfro, the youug Shtave
port man who was'stricken deaf and
dumb on May 81 immediately after de
nying the existence of a God, is now a
convert. He was argblug religion with
'several comrades who were Christians,
and to strengthen Ids denial of the so-
preme being, lie invoked the power to
strike him dumb if it could. Just as
hae fievuentiy been the case before un
der similar oircntnstances, his defiance
was given it* just reward.
-*T ie paper ra^d by Miss Gibeou before
tlie reseller* institute, ou Moral Instruc
tion, nonlnlnt food for thought. I^ead It.
over and substitute the word parent for
teacher whenever the tatter oeonrq and
nee how diieetly It applie* to you. What
-« pity it Is that the oft abused expres
sion “It hurts me more than it hurts
yon’’ were not more often sincere!
Miss Edna Gain is our authority for
the statement that only lady mosquitoes
bile or sing; she adds that her liomu
must be a fashionable -shooter summer
reaort. In fact, we believe that all the
gentlemen mosquitoes have already gal
lantly gone to that place whore the
whole tribe lias so often been wished.
The Cairo Messenger says that Wight
& Browne have shipped from CalrOJlA
reason more than 5000 pounds of honey.
Ouemoro thing Thomas county can
No, no, tlie democrats of Georgia
didn't have a convention. A few of nt
Farkeritea just got together and “ap
pointed" some delegates to St T.ouis.
The botanical name of the new red
ant is 8olenopals Dobilis Texaua. We
■nderetand now how it is he kills tlie
think they have grad
ly school, bnt we never
a diploma.
My pretty maid? I’m going to Tybee, Sir, she said. Ani;
that's the place where the people ere going this yesr to;
hav* a good time.
Witn its many attractions, it* fine orchestra, ire splendid:
-bathing and its excellent ouitine is the most popular seaside :
reaort on the Sooth Atlantic Coast. Rates ,2.50 per day;
,18.80 and ,18.00 per week.
The Pulaski House.
Ie the moat popular piece in Savannah and should be your:
headquarters when In the city. Write for Illustrated booklet. :
CHAS. F. OR AH AM, Proprietor.
. . . , on I. e monarchy. Now this dOubtleas seems
eleotion by the people. This position in
7 v| fer fetched bnt it is never the less true,
my judgment ie not a reasonable one . . „ _ _ .
7 * ^ As you suggest about the U, 8. Judges
as I hope to show. As to the oontest re-
. ., the resow 'the time tooheck the growth is when it is
ferred to: If I had to ohoose the leAer, .. *”
evil at this distance I would hold mj in embryo sta»'put on the broke, and
. , ... . . , ,. check the old train nt the top of the
noae end say, Lord, neither! I might I . ... „ . .
feel different if ? wero in their , ,0 ' wiU be imrd to pnU tack
oironit. Sand knew the men
letter it too long already bnt there ia
personally. Now Mr. Editor, you say i
mooh more that oonld be aaid on this
newspapon and politicians to hatch pub
lic opinion enongh to force the repeal of
tlie law simply because Gober’s old ma
chine that was established long before
tlie present law was unacted has not
been broken np.
J. 8. Wakd Jit.
The New York Packer maintains that
betweeu 5,000 and 0,000 cars of Georgia
peaches will be shipped. 1,250 cars
will oomofrom Ft. Valley alone. The
state will doable its highest record, and
the crop will be fivo times that of 1003
Hon. Kobe rt Davis was defeated lor
Florida’s governorship by Napoleon B,
Broward. His campaign slogan at first
wos "Our Bob, he jnst lafTs.” The laff
seems to have emigrated to tlie left side
of Bob's mouth.
in your timely editorial,“Judicial Dang- . * . . f
;>■ that the judiciary of the United , matter, but in closing I
States government is beoonAng a men- >
aoe to the Uoertles of the people. In ( Ur ®°
this I agree with yon, because being ap- j
pointed the appointing power might be
in the hands of a despot. His satellites
would be appointed and rale She people
with an iron hand. Now to my mind a
despot in a state it no better than one in
the nation. The only difference being
in his sphere, the one in the state being
oloeer to the people and calculated to do
the most harm. Now I wont to say be
fore I go farther,that this it not intend
ed as a fling at yon or your paper, nor at
.large number of honest ;icople who do
not believe at I do, that the superior
court judge* should ho eteeteil by popu-
ular vote. 1 do not kuow whether there
pro yet those that favor the legislature
eleutlug them or uot. The pres, told so
much about the barter and trading of
that system, that I reckon they are
ashamed to own it. If there ure, how
ever I will say here, that it is the next
nearest thing to the direct vote of the
people. Somo good men favor appoint
ment by the Governor and confirma
tions by the senate. How wonld this be
with a machine politician for governor,
and possibly a corporation ruled senate ?
Bateveu this I think, Mr. Editor, would
he better than your proposition to have
them appointed by the supreme court of
the state. You say that they are free
from corruption, or something to that
effect. Now to my niind|iiothing would
lead to the corruption of tho peoples
Court of last resort so quickly nsj to give
them tho poworjto appoint the oircuit
judges. Men of questionable i.harai:t?r
aud ability would reach the supreme
bench by premising the judgeship to
cheap lawyers for servioea rendered in
wlnepiug them up uud fooling the peo
ple iu electing them to the supreme
bench. This ’iu my humble opinion
would be the ultimate outcome of such
system, tlie corruption of both
courts, who like Oaesar’r-wife, should
be above suspicion. I favor tlie people
lu each circuit electing them because
•icy have a bettor chance to know some
thing of the personality of tlie man, be
Florida's new governor was once cook
on it steamboat. He will dish np aome
hot messes iu professional style for his
Let us hope that tho sweet girl grad'
uate won't turn sour through inability
to get a husband or n jiositioii.
South Georgia nnd tho state eau ill
afford to lose such won as Judge i’ope
aud Capt. Turner.
Candidate Way Will Not Use Them
If Elected.
Mr. J. B. Way of Boston was in the
oily on* Tuesday and was a visitor to.
the Timec-Enterpriae office. Mr. Way
called in regard to a card that appeared
in n recent’ issne of the Times-Enterprise
asking candidate* far the legislature to
state whether or not they would accept
end nee free railroad passes, if elected.
In answer to that query Mr. Way,
If I am nominated aud elected I
will not accept or use any railroad pam.
This does no, mean that lam fighting
I think they are great agonta
proeperily. Bnt at the
I believe that a re presen ta
re of the people thould go to the leg •
to act at he thinks
For 116.00, $80.00 and $30.00. Several Iran-
died Discs to select from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music 10c. np A
No. 1 Guitar for $3.75. Mandolins $8.00 np.
Banjos $8.50 np, etc., can'he found at
Tuttle’s Jewelry -Store.
Thomasville. Georgia.
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
SIMPLICITY itself. Buy a
BLAKESLEE and keep your re
ligion. No profanity necessary.
Stationary, Portable, Pup*
and Connection Ontfits.
Yob can see every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the
BI.AKESLE&. Positively SAAR. Strictly high-grade.
Wntr for our c<Ha’ogue and prices.
(la* end
tiirrninjvliam, -
Cairo, Cairo.
My stock of General Merchandise at Cairo must be sold
out at once. I have sold my store building and must give
possession by August, ist.
Shoej, Dry Goods, Hats, etc.
Lcss Than Actual Cost.
Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my
stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods.
G. L. DUREN, H. W. Moncrief, M’g’r.
- Cairo, . . . Georgia.
5-26-8m w
Quaint, Queer end Carious Salt Lake-
The late Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There arc three uni
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” it is not only uni
que in it*. temple, tabernacle and other *
Mormon church institutions* but quainr
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions-
to the square yard than any city in. tbt
country, and its climate* while temper*
ate all the year round* is particularly
delightful in summer., The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water is “deader and denser H
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by,,
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and bo* sulphur springs.
Fishing and hunting can be had in every*
direction, The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den*
*r & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern*
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudeur of'
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast* if
that be your destination. Write S. X.
Hooper, G. P. Sc T. A., Denver, Colo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets*
etc 8-1-03-1 imos.
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
. For mankind.
The 5-cent packet it enongh for usual
occasions. The family bottle (tOote.)
contains a supply for n year. All drug
gists sell them. 6-8
For Sale. Newly Overhauled.
One 25 H. P. Tubular Boiler
“ 2o *• “ “ “
11 10 " “ Vertical ""
“ 8 “ * Locomotive *• on
One to H. P. Vertical boiler and en
gine detached on wheels.
1 No. 2 DeLoach Saw Mill, Duplex
Feed. *
1—48 inch iuserted tooth circular saw*
1—38 inch crosscut jaw.
1—24 inch cross cut saw. ^|-
1—8 x 12 Watertown engine, centra
1—35 H. P. centre tank Erie Engine.
3 Button Saw Moulders.
Works near A. O. L. R. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephone 134 aud 210.
For Men
who cniniut come to the city
when in need of cluthes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. We
carrv the finest mnkes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and U nderivoar, aud uo mat
ter what your size is, ; stout,
•iim or short,
We Can Fit You.
For Ladies
vnio do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an easy
task by sending to your
hornet two or three styles of
garments to select from.
We carry
Sale Agents tar
In Our Boys’ Department
can he bad everything
ready-to-wear for hoy*, ex
cept shoes.
B. H. LEVY, BRO. 4 CO.
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
J. B: WATKINS. - . . .Vanag
Office at William s' Stable 228 W
ackson St.. Thomasvillc. Ga.
aud remember . We now have a large
Screw Catting Lathe. Sa we can make
any kind of screw and turn np any
piece of shafting—repair Email machin
ery, insatatora, ejectors. We are also
prepared to do all kinds of tempering.
Wertz & Son,
131 E Jackson street.
A golden opportunity for en
ergetic boys and girls to get as
IS karat Solid Gold Watch ab
solutely free with pay besides.
Address, with stamped envel
ope. Matthews Medicine Co.
Americas, Ga