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If you had a house that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t yop
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $100 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
if you do not protect them by, taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in
Or that after a certain period, ’f you are still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
making application for a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
C. M. & E H. SMITH,
» ' ' ’
I General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
Out this out aud mail to.
? :^up°n.
lie Prudential
■ '
without oomi
.. ithont expenu.KMt
: self to any action, Will
tion^as to insurance poll.
I was born on tlie. da: of
ft .‘...18......
My occnpation is
Toon truly.
Name .*.
. —
Mica Bessie Merrill Entertained on Smell Petty Enjoye the Oellohta of
Monday Night. Hospitality.
Miaa Bessie Merrill, assisted by Misses That never ceasing fountain of pleas*
Martha Merrill and Hartley Patten en- are, Craigmllee was again the scene of
tertained on Monday evening in hou hospitality last, week,
or of the young ladies of Young's Ve- A small party consisting of Misses
male College. Pinal examinations had Ionise Hopkins, Gertrude Lloyd, Ma-
already passed, and the care free mind rion Balfonr, Janie Lee Brown, and
- of the girl was more than ordinarily Helen Miller, and Messrs. Webster Ed-
joyous in anticipation of commence- wards, Dodie Williams, Will Hopkins,
ment and home going. Earnest Mallard, and Tom Johnson,
With congenial spirits like these to were the latest to visit the Craigmllee
entertain, Miss Bessie was delightfully homestead.
herself. It is needless to ssy that her They drove out, nnder the olianning
young guests lost themselves among the chaperonage of Mrs. Brown, and do-
bright rays bf her hospitality. lightfnl refreshments were served at
As an amusement anil conversational Craigmiles' home. Dancing and other
stimnlns, 21 questions were asked, the typioul amnsomonts of yonng people
answers to which lied to be formed from managed to pass the time away until
the letters composing the word the home coming hoar made itself felt,
"violets,■' Dodie Williams was award- Fruit punch and sandwiches were serv
ed the prize, and in delivering it to him ed on tho return trip.
Mr. Hngh McIntyre made a speech that 'To Study 'Lew.
was worthy of the oocasion. Mr . Edgar Broadhnrst, who was sn- _
Among those who were invited to perintendent of the Thomasville public
Join the pleasures were': Misses Aline K haoi its first term has resigned his po-
Ramsey, Florrie Rapp, Katherine Dil- gition as superintendent of the schools
Ion, Bessie Boyer, Blanche Bishop, Be*- 0 f Greensboro N. O- and wiU begin the
sie McLeod, Clyde Pattereon, Annie ,tndy of law. He goes to the Unlver-
Rogert, Alberta Walker, Leona Stever- of Norkh Carolina next fall for that
Mr. J. R. Dekla Jr. Blasted a Coun
cilman In Tampa.
The many Mends of Mr. J. R. Dekle
Jr., will be glad to know that he is
making a splendid success in Tampa,
Fla., both in business and polities. A
recent issue of the Tampa Tribune
states that he was eleoted councilman
frbm the Fonrth ward in Tnotday’s
election, with a handsome majority over
■even contestants. He Is being promi
nently spoken of as a candidate for tho
next mayoralty election.
Mr. Dekle has been a resident of Tam
pa for but little more than a year, and
his rise has been phenomenal. Ho is
connected with the Jelton Dekle Lum
ber Co.
Crackers Pile Up The Soore Against
Bean Eatara.
The Cracker Gan Glab went to Boe.
ton according to Khednle, and came
beck Friday night with an ltoporable ud the courteous treatment of Borioa’s
•calpat the belt. The score, wereas fol aportIm , nmade tho TWt Tery pleulult .
C. E. Hartudale, 10.
W. R. Cochran, 2b.
J. W. Peacock, 18.
0. fr. Cooper, 21.
H. W. Hopkins, 10.
W. S. Brown, 20.
Total, 190.
Thevtotory was a well earned one.
Wednesday, Jane 24, is St. Johu's Day
and is observed everywhere by the Ma-
sonlo fraternity. At Whlgliam tho ad
dress of the day will be delivered by"
Mayor S. A. Roddenbery of this oity.
W. W. Brooks, 18.
S. B. Ivey, 16. ,
A. B. Cone, 12.
J. G. Taylor, 12.
W. J. Miller, 19.
. W. F. Mudre, 18.
Fred Feltham, 19.
T. A. Taylor, 18.
Jno. Fleming, 18.
O. Nelms, 14,
Total, 168.
R. Lake, 18. I
A. N. Watson, 17,
Oy Heetb, 22.
Robt. Varncdoo, 22.
The body of Mr. Wo. O. Clark was
sent from Thomasville to Dundee, IU.,
Monday. He was the father of Mrs.
H. A Barrows of Monticello, Fla., and
died ot chronic spinal moningitis at her
Postmaster Dismoke expects to leave
tomorrow for Washington and Balti*
more. Ho will be gone for some ten
days. He will work np the proposed
doable daily mall service on the A. & B.
a id see wliat can be done In the way of
additional mail tontes.
’ :
Mr. Joe Sparks of Albany spent 8nn
day hero renewing old acquaintance.
The Meeera. Sampaen And Den Fere-
men Dleposedlof.
Dan Foreman who was found guilty
of selling liquor in obonty oonrt on.
Thursday was sentenced Friday by
Judge HanaeU. He most pay 180.
Messrs D. and M. Sampson plied
guilty to Judge Hauell to the charge oft
selling liquor, and the first was fined.'
8100 00 and oosts and the second $80.09.
They are a prominent Jackson street
Shelter Over the Murks^^
A shelter is being bnilt at tho Coast
Line passenger depot over the fish mark
et. People who are particular, try not
to know where that is, bat for the ben
efit of those whose sense of smell is
wanting. It might be said that the mar.
Ket is at the extreme western end of the
depot. The thousands of fish, brought
in by express, are unloaded there, and
like great men, they leave tracks
man. Mary Bob Hnson, Janio Lee
His former assistant at
Brown, Helen Milier,Marion Varnedoe, Greensboro succeeds him in the saporin-
•Marie Dekle, Katie Cooper, Linda Mil- tendency,
ler and Margaret Gamble, and Messrs.
Cy Heath, Jim Dillon, Fin Groover, -
Frank Mitchell, Richard Mitchell, Sid-
Beautiful Melon.
The Times Enterprise has been the
, , r , , , _ ready recipient of a haudsome 81 pound
ney Fleming, Frank Staley, Joe Pat- . . .. . _ _ „.
ten, Earnest Mallard, George Neel, Do- melon from Mr. A. 8. Braswell of
die Williams, Leander Varaedue. WiU Meigs. Mr. BrasweU has a 28 acre
Hopkins, Henry Gribbcn, Will McKay,
Boot* Cook, Louis Houston. Alex under patch, and expected to aldp at leaat one
Cassels, Fred Boyer, and others. car of thirty pounders by last Monday.
Good Spirits * Mr. Braswell is a leading melon dealer
Good spirits don’t all come from Ken- °* ^ section.
tucky. Their main source is the liver—
and aU the fine spirit..ever made in tho / Mr. William Proctor made the high-
Blue Grass State could not remedy a
bad liver or the hundred-and-one ill ef- eat score of all the Thomasville team, at
fecto it produces. Yoa can’t have good Boston, breaking 28 out of 26. Mr'
? iirite and a bad liver at the same time. . .
oars liver most be in fine condition if Proctor is one of the best shots in Thom-
yon would feel boayant, happy and
and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, •
^ron. munroooae^i^ ^ Thomasville Business College
condition by using Green’s August
Flower—the greatest of aU medicines
for the liver and stomach and a certain _ _
cure for dyspejaia or indigestion. It Yonng man! young woman. Do
has been a favorite household remedy jron want to bettor your condition In
Will positively cure any case of Kidney
op Bladder disease not beyond the reach
of medicPne. No medicine can do more.
Thomasville, Qa.
for over thirty-five yean.
t enter oar school. WiUaligbn
Flower will make your liver healthy yoa to a position. Open all the year,
and active and thus insure yon a liberal For special rare*, call oo or address
sunply of “goodspirits.” Trial Mae. 26c Anson W. Ball,
At all druggists.
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 50o and $1.00
Passed Stone ud Gravel With Exsraeiatlng Pains
A. H. Thurncs, Mgr. Wills Creek Coil Co., Buffalo, O., writes:
"I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble (or years, pass
ing gravel or stones with excruciating psin*. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE the result was
surprising. A few doses stsrted the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
end now 1 bsve no psin scross my kidneys end I feel like s new men.
FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE bss dons me $1,000 worth of good.”
No Other Rimidj Can Compsra With It
Thoa. V. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C., bed Kidney Trouble end
sns bonis of FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect curt, and
Assays there is no remedy that will compare wittUr?