Newspaper Page Text
'or other lawful charges.
rfcr, Thom °* the m<mt interesting ceremo*
7 B 4t • nies that has occurred in our (falet l*t.
Smith. Bat
Pringle. Minutes ot
-••Superintendent of
av next meeting
to investigate turnpikes nnd
ntendent of bridges ^inglctary
! bid of 8 U Kent of two hundred
rs to turnpike the Miller Mill 1 road
which report was adopted,
superintendent instructed to
at the earliest possible time to
have the work done himself.
Superintendent Singletary also re
ports t)mt the bid of E. 0. Hedfearato
turnpike mid fridge the road near B. C.
Bedfeam’a plaee for a distance of about
one hundred and seventy-fire yards for
one hundred and nineteen dollar. as
reasonable and recommends the contract
he lot to E. O. Hedfsarn.
This report was adopted and Superin
tendent Singletary and Commissioner
Barrow ary to supervise the work:
Superintendent also report# that the
bid of 8. L. Kent to turnpike and bridge
tboBscola creek on tho Boeton and
Moultrie road—county to furnish lum.
her for bridges,-an reasonable, which
was referred to Commissioner Barrow
nnd Superintendent Singletary with
Mr. Hopkins* Bill.
H. W. Hopkins of this city
who is presiding over the Georgia legia-
latoro daring the. absence of President
Howell has introduced an important
bill that reads ss fellows: To provide
for a state board of tax assessors and
oonntyboardf of tax assessors of all
property In this state liable to taxation,
prescribe their doties provide for ap
peals thereto and fix the salaries of the'
members of the boards.
power to act
Smith reports 1, > having
appointed as commissioners to work
out the line dividing Ways from the
Militia district, the following nara.
odcltiseno: A. J. Way, Jr., of Ways
district, D.W. Mnrphy, Jr , of Cool,
ldgedistrict and A. J. Owens of Thom-
nsvile district who have been, notified
and are now at work,
Five dollan was appropriated to
Charles Brooks for July and the 1 ques
tion of placing him npon the permanent
pauper list with an appropriation of
five dollan per month referred to conn,
tyoemmlseioner Bryan and county pby-
: nlan. Dr. Bonchelle. 1
The question of repairing the road
Sand bridge on the Thomasville and
"Boston road near J. A. and Dnnctn Me.
Hitmon’i places referred to Snperlnteo.
dent Singletary anil Commissioner Bar-
row with power to set.
; The following report of road commie.
Bioncrs in regard to change or road now
. extending through lands of Gandy and
"Malletto read and ordered spread on the
minutes, bnt by request notion on same
postponed until next meeting.
GEORGIA,— 1 Thomas County
Toths Honorable Commissioners of
'Thomas oountr. We the Road Com
missioners appointed to Investigate and
capartontheohsngeof,thoD|xon road
ss mads by Gandy and Mallette, report
that we have Investigated said matter,
and reoommand the change when Gan-
47 and Mallette have oomplled with
their petition.
July Mh 1904, J, W. Groover, 0. 8. 0.
Adam Arnold
W. T. Smith
Road Commissioners
The contract to Build the annex to
jail awarded to Pasty Jail Co. for #9900.
00 everything complete .except the
heating and the chairman authorised to
sign contract with said company.
For month ending May 1904.
.From balance on band-as per
last report 9 581)6 99
From Mia 8. L. Hayes *
parable J*o, 8 05 I 000 00
From Chat. 1‘. Han,ell, J. C.
G.County court cost 36 00
£onvict hire 159 50
Fines and forfeitures. 194 99— 889 75
96715 qt
For building and repairing
court house, jail, bridges,
ferries, and other public im
provements 1421 02
For Sheriff's, jailer's, and olh-
er officers'fees... ,,..
For bailiffs at court, non-resi
dent. witnesses in criminal
cases, servant hire, station
ery, and the like.
For jurors at court.: 297 00
For support of the poor of the
488 41
>55 57
Triplett Denies Robbery.
St: T-onis, Mo. July 6,1904.-A report
t ist Capt John Triplett of Thomasville
had been robbed of Ilia watch sod
money litt night censed much interest
among the Georgians at rite World’s
Fair and National convention. Capt.
Triplett denies tho report
Miss Myrtle Staley who has boon
spending her vacation in Chattanooga
and Atlanta was here Tuesday. She
on her way to Honrioello, where
she has a position with A. Simon and
Other News Notes and Peri mats
and the Ufca.
Tbos. J. Jordan)
vs f Libel for Divorce.
Julia B. Jordan)
It appearing that the defendant, Jolla
Brown Jordan la not' a resident ot Geor
gia, it is ordered that service be perfec
tod in accordance with sections 9489 and
4978 of the Civil Code of Georgia, and
that notice containing the names of the
parries ^plaintiff and defendant, with
caption setting forth the court, .the form
and character ot the action and a notice
directed and addressed to the party to
be tljns served who is Julia Browu Jor
dan, the defendant, commanding her to
bo and apposr at the nest term of
Thonuu Superior 001 rt, and bearing test
in the name of the JnDge of 8. O, S. 0.,
and signed by the clerk Tito same to
be published in the Times-Enterprhe
twice a month for two months. This
6th day of Jnne, 1904.
Roar. G. |Mitciieu..
Jndge Superior Court 8oo. Circuit.
J. W. Giiooveii,
C.8. 0.
6-10 H
The following resolution was adopted
That the road comm laoners are
hereby ordered to pat all their reals in
good condition at the earliest practic
able rime.
The following petition read and re
ferred to OommiasioncraPringlo Cope
land and Bryan.
Gentlemen: The undersigned eiUaena
ot Tliomaa County respectfully ask the
building of a bridge aorosa the Ockloc-
konee River at Hadley’a Ferry in aaid
county. We urge this aotlon on your
part as an ant of common justice espe
cially to a large number of our ettt-
sens who for many years have through
taxation contributed to the building and
maintenance qf the other bridge* in rite
oonnty, while they have been deprived
of like privileges end benefits:
Respeotfnlly, Walter Davis, James
L. Mauldin, W. 8. Wight, and 199
The following bills were read and
ordered paid:
E. M. Smith..
). D. Barrow..
J. Q: Bryan...
Judge C. P. Hansell
$5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
83 33
J. S. Montgomery 10 00
Joe Callaway.
E. Brown
oordon Hattiway pauper.
15 00
5 00
5 00
P. A, Adams, pauper
E. Carter, pauper
Redden Carter, pauper.
P Haskins, pauper.... .......
Mrs Wright Warren, pauper...
H Godwin, pauper..
I. B. Bouchclle prof, services
R, Thomas MU.....
Amy Taylor ■’
H. P.Oone ” ....*. ..
Dekle A Bowman lumber ....
5 00
5 00
-5 «■
5 00
4 00
5 00
.20 00
4 20
5 00.
to' 00
8 10
4 50
24 57
8 <>1
85 41
11 00
165 £0
18 00
34 70
For insolvent costs 19s 25
Balance on hand 3894 37
*6725 V
30 83
Ml 52
fully submitted.
John F. Parker
County Treasurer
dHqweU and Company
of coat* referred to
and W. M. Hammond
W. H. WtUiama plumbing ....
Ben Cook lumber.,i
J. T. Pittman & Son provrs..
W. A. Pringle ”
J. H, Parker
Wm. Jones ln-iay
B. Singletary labor
Foote A Davit hooka
J. W. Groover court
T. J. Hight Jill.... 168 60
W. M. Jones 1 deputies
J. W Groover 5 Ust
P. 8. Heath J
W. Palin bill
J. R. Batch lumber....
W. H. Segter "
Green Bros.
R, Dekle ” .
C. T. Brooks pomps 5 00
A. J. Cambest " 18 00
Thomas riUe Variety Works
lamber.... - 200
Board adjourned.
J 8 Montgomery,
42 00
10 75
24 15
16 82
39 71
16 46
(By H.C. Jordan.)
Dr. T. M. McIntosh wan oal’ed to
Boston last Wednesday wfek on profes
sional buainesa.
Oar efficient sheriff, T. J, Hlglit came
to'ourcity last Wednesday week and
escorted a ooon of the Biped variety to
the oonnty hotel. Said Ooon waa cap
tured by our marshall, W. W. Barney
under a warrant for vagrancy. Let the
good work go ou.
Mia. Sam Taylor of MontioeUo, Fla.
waa the gneat ot Mr. and Mr*. W: H.
Blalock last week.
Clyde and Gay Wood who have been
visiting Mrs T 8 Leak for several weeka
returned to Macon, their home last Fri
Miss Bessie Blocker who has been vis
iting In Carrabelle, Fla. 'returned home
last Friday accompanied by Miss Janie
and John Blocker her sister and broth.
John Blocker, a citizen of Baltimore,
after accompanying his slater home
from Florida left for hie home last
Misses Bessie and Jjtnie Blocker have
gone to Valdosta to (Visit friends and
relatives in that city.
Unele Josh Barrow, one of Cairo'*
best citizens waa visiting Ilia daughter,
Mrs. A. B. Cone at her home on corner
of Stephens and Adams street since onr
last epistle.
Mlsa Fannie WUlis who has been on
an extended trip to Valdosta, Kinder
Lon, Cniley, Quitman, Naylor and oth
er p aces returned home last week.
Miss Ne -a May of Patten visited her
xlxier Min J. D. McUiiltniu ar h-r home
ou East Jefferson street laid week.
Miss Marie Carter, who has been vir-
iting her grandfather, Addison Way, at
Patten for several weeka aocomponied
her annt. Miss Nona Way, to Beaton
Ust week to viait liar mother Mrs. J. D.
MeOallnm. After her visit she returned
to Patten.
Mrs. E. T. Ansley of the Prospect
neighborhood apent several days wjth
her daughter Miss Wesaie last week.
Misa Mae Hodges who has been the
gneat of Miss Jane Vann for several
days left last weak for OkapUoo, Brooks
connty her home.
Miss Marie Vann who has been visit
ing relatives at OkapUoo Ga. returned
to her home Ust Thursday weak.
tie city for some rime, waa the marriage
of Mrs. Emma Groover to J. M. Groover
at tbe pretty residence of the former on
A lams street last Sunday evening at 6
o’clock. Rev. D. H. Parker officiating.
This scrihe tenders congratulations and
and wishes for them .a pleasant voyage
as they meander along d jwu the stream
of me ', ■
J. A. Horn, ceahierof rite Merchants
and Farmers Bank left last Monday f( r
White Springs Fla. for rest, recreation
and recuperation.
MPs. J. A. Horn if visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8 G. Covington of j
Mr. Jaa. O. Adams has bought the
interest of Mr. Dye Ingram in tbe firm
of Ingram and Adams, and tho boainess
will be conducted in fntnre nnder the
name and style of James 0. Adams and
Son. This new firm needs no introdne
tion at onr hands, for they are too well
and favorably known through at this
Mn. J C Adams returned home
from Metuaif last Tuesday whither
she v hod gone to visit a sick child of her
mice, Mrs. Cbaa. Thompson.
Mr. M. A. Reeves of Lota was in our
city la c Wednesday transacting busi
Edgar M. Lead and wjfe of Pidcock
visited Mr. and Mra. T. G. Hollowar
since oar last billet-doux
Rev Ed. F. Cook presiding elder o
the ThnmssvUle district was the gneat
of Rev. H C. Jones last Sunday night.
Judge M. Bantn, wife and children of
Quitumn ypent last Sunday in Boo. n
the guests otMr.W. R. Brantley, fath
er of Mr. Baum.
I..I. Puckett, proprietor of Bnetou’s
Telephone Evrhange who has been on a
business e^rnndVor a week to Savannah
retnrned to Boston last Mondav
9, v . Co * fort loft last Wednes-tav
for Hxrvunnh to attend to some urgent
Notice oi Stale.. j 17. 18, la, and 20, fronting South Side
. _ ' J Thomas St., and 2;, fronting Wngbt
GEORGIA—-Thom ■* Connty. ] g( u, p)at recorded Oct.
M. A. Fleet.A4ror.) Petition I r 30. 1895 ia Book Dt D.*. page 785
Reoor-1* of Deeds Thomna Co., Ga. All
Ls’ate ot VV. A. Barr<
D. W- t l)a<on
iT. M. Mill* et. *\T
Injun cun
and Relief
Thomas Su
per!. r Cou t.
Tbe Georgt i Lea •
Trust Co
M. A. Fleetwooi,
Adro-. Estate
W. A Kartell.
of said lots situated in TbomtsviUe. Ga.
E. M. Smith,
R. Thomas, Jr.,
Executors Will of W. E. Davies. De
Whereas the two above stated cases,
involving in effect the same questions
and same property were reicrcd to C.P.
Hanselljto be tried by aim as Auditor to
gether with any interventions, end
whereas same came on to be tried and
was after due notice tried by said Audi
tor. And whereas Lot No. 143 in tbe
■7tb District das that of the subject
matter of sold litigation and whereat
aaid Auditor in making up his report in
aaid cates did And that the Georgia
Loan & Trust Co., ia entitled to a
Judgment against the estate of W.
Notice oi Sale.
By virtue of an order granted by the
Ordinary of Fulton County, at lie
Jane term tqoi of tbe Court of Ordi-*
nary of aaia Fulton County* l,a» guar
dian of the person and property of
.Mamie* Daniel Eubanks (formerly
Mamie Dtniel) a minor*, will sell before
tbe Court bouse door in TboroasviUe.
Thomas County, Georgia* on the lint
Tuesday in August Iqp4». within the le
gal hours of sale, to tbe highest bidder. .
Barrett* deceased, for the sum of six {for cash, tbe following described Real
hundred jyid fifty dollars principal, with Estate to-wit: Alithat tract or parcel
interest at 8 per cent per annum from'
Dec. 1st, *«93. and lor twenty-six dollars
principal, with interest at 8 per cent per
animm from June ut, ibo3. and twinty-
six dollars p'lncipal, with interest at 8
per cent from otc. ist, 1893. and to per
cent on raid principal ana interest for
attorney’s fees, and whereas said
auditor did lina tnat the said, Georgia
Ix>an Si rust Co.npany have a first
lien on ah of .aid lot number one hui.-
Ured and forty-two (No I42J txcept
thirty (3o)acreatd the north-east corner
ot Siid Ijt, and whereas, said auditor did
of land being one Hundred (100) acna
in the northwest corner of lot No. 27 in
tbe 13th District of Tb^roas County
Georgia- -commencing,at tbe northwest
corner of sai^lot and running along a
line Jo a point equal distance tbe north
west co ncr and tbe noitheast corner*
thence south to a stake'in tbe branch,
thence ae.vt to the original land line.,
thence back to t<» tbe starting point
he same being one Hundred acres.
Same being tbe propevt* of said minor,
and of the undersigned as her guardian,
haid sale being had for the purpose of
lino that said M. A Fleetwood, admin maintenance, education and support of
iktrator ot the c*tate, who is also u- sasd minor.
ceiver, shouht sell said lot 142' except* •* G. T. Manner.
3j acres in tbe no in-cast corner 01 said ! Gaurdian of the person a«d property of
tot, after advertising same lor four Mamie Daniel Eubaaks. 1-1-44.
week,, pioccv.l, t„ be api,ii«l to s„id I Property pointed out by E M Malette,
judgment ot the raid Tte Georg,* Loan j Agent> Thoma>Tille , Ga *
at.d Iruvt Comp ttiv anu, wtic ea>,»aid %
atSciui’s icpurt uas duty fik-c and;
notice given u>M|iiimi by uw, am ,
wbvrea-. a past t»t said report to dhir.h 1 „ . . , , .
xccptio'.m we was co tirmeu I ^ppIicatioo.Fof Administration
June ^tu. 1897, and whonas, the excep- ■ ^^GEGIA Thomas Conntj.
ttb.istiied in eatd case, u, taut auditor’, j To all whom it may concern. D. G*.
report, was and the audi or'. i Vandergrilf having, in proper form ap-
J, M. Onover made a barinea* trip to
the city of Metcalfe last Tuesday.
Mr. ind Mrs. A. P. .Tones of Tifron
war* guests thi. week of Mr ' and
Mrs. 0. A. Oarson at their home on
North Green street.
report continued and made the judy- i plied to me for Permanent Letter, ot Ad
Menlo the court, Dec. loin, 1900. ministration, with the will annexed, on
N -w. therefore, in obedience m .aid ! the Estate of J P. Vaudergriff. late of
..m-nt, There will be .o.d at public 1 * a 'ti county, this is Incite all and singu-
utery tor i-ash between tho legal hours j 1st the creditors and next of kin of J. P.
oi ..lie on tile (ist) lirst To sday in Vandergriff, lo be and appear at my of-
Augii.t next, ad oi l„t ol land num er fice within the time allowed by law, and
(142) o e Hundred and to, tv-two, show cause it any they can, why perma-
36 .d ies ia the north-east .corner ot .am cent Administration should not be
,ut. .airland lying and being in the granted :o L). C. VandergnlT on J. P.
Mrs. B. M. Comfort, accompanied by
Mot ia Blood and Mildred Canon via
tied Quitman last Tnraeay. ,
Rev, H. O. Jones and F. O. Ivey who
have heed in attendance on the Dli-
triot Conference of the Thomasville Dis
trict at Brinson, Ga. returned home laa^
Mrs. Ohas. West of Thomasville a rel
ative of Mr. F. O. Ivey viaitod the lat-
ter since our last letter.
Jas. R. Evans of Tampa Fla. waa vis
iting his mother, Mrs. M. JA. Evans at
her home on West Jefferson street hut
Mr. Moses Kingsley and wife ot
Brooks oonnty visited their son, S J.
Kingsley last week.
Mn. G. B. Jolly, nee Mias Irene Dey-
erle of Montgomery Ala. is the guest of
her brother E. A. Deyerle.
Roland Baum ot Tampa waa tlie guest
of Mrs. J. B. Brooks, his cousin, since
our last letter.
Mrs. J. W. Taylor, S. W. Brooks,
wife and daughter left last Monday for
White Spriugm Fla. and will be absent
about two weeks.
Miss Mabel Baum of Quitman is vis
iting relative* and friends in our titr.
Mrs. T. G. Bollovray retained home
from Gaidafan county Fla. last week.
Mr*' W. W. Slappey of ETorida is vis
iting her sister Mrs. T. G. Holloway.
Dr. M. R. Mallette accompanied by
his son Roy visited onr city lad Mon
W. M. Fambrough en route to Tifton
from Elba, Ala. where lie lias been en
gaged potting in a system of -electric
lights and water works, spent last Sun
day at home. He goes to Tifton to in
augurate another system of water works
and electric lights. From there he goes
to Carrollton Ga. on the same errand.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA— 1 Thomoa Oonnty.
Notice is herfeby given that the ur-
dersigned has app'ied to the ordinary of
said o>nnty for leave to tell tbe on 'ivi*
ded hall interest in lard belonging to the
estate of W J Brooks, his ward, for the
payment of debts. Said application will
be beard at regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said cowty to beheld oh
the first Monday in August 1904'. This
$thdayof Julv 1904. J B Brooks,
. 7«8-4t Guardian of W J Broods.
■■■■'— ■
if Thomas County
gut, and containing twe hundred ai d
iwc ty t ut e or lux*
. .M. A Fleetwco i,
Recr»veram] Au».i<iin .ator Estate of
,W.*A- Barrel;. 8-i-«t
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas I'-Oiiuty:
Under and by %irtuu of ».n order of
the Court of Ordinary said county regu
larly l»uwe<l at the July term 1904 will
be sold at the conn house door in Thom-
Marine, Ga , within legal honrw of sale
for cash on tbe first Tuesday in August,
19 4, the following property, to-
wit: IsOtK 12, J3 and 14. rruun g on
Bryan street ;•!* 2. «. 4. 7 8 am! 9. front-
Vandcrgriff’s Estate.
Witness my hand official signature,
this ldih day of June 19o4.
Wm. M. Jones.
For Leave to Sell.’
GEORGIA—Thomss County :
Notice i, hereby given that the c
signed has applied to tbe Ordinary ot
said County tor leave to sell real estate
belonging to tho estate of Helen B.
Foote for the payment of bequests and
(or distribution. Said application will
be henrd at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary lor aid Conaty lobe
held on the first Monday in August
IngHcpklus Air ; 1. 2, 4, „ i d 6,11904. Tbit 1st day July 1904 W. B.
fronting Lexter S .tx. p, if), 1,. . and Webb Executor under the w^ll of
13. (muting Norm Sul* !h it.; Helen B. Foote. 7-8-41.
Hentz’s Curative Bitters.
One done of Hentz’s Bitters proves ita power better than cotomns of argument.
Get a free uampte botlle nnd TRY IT.
It is the.8afe. Pleasant. Natural Core for all Stomach an l Bowell Troubles, Including Catarrh
la the digestive tract.
In all its half century of cores it lias never failed to give quick relief from all acute pains due to
Dysentery, Bowell Complaint, Cholera Morboi, Acute Indigestion, Babies' Colic Ac., Ac. The
boat remedy, used by physician*.and hospitals, for Dyspepsia, Malaria, Depression, Nervousness
Neither. Stimulant nor Narcotic, bnt Ssdatlv* and Tonic. Purely vegetable au.4 safe, even to
infanta. We have arranged with the following leading druggists to supply free samples of Henta'a
R. Thomas, Jr., Patterson Drngtlo., J. W. Peacock, 8. H. Price Co. Thomaaville, E. W. Dan
iel, Bostoiv
Don't nrglext to get a fre* c< py s'si ol “Chaar Up.