Newspaper Page Text
UASV1U.E, GEOlifiJA .ICL? 8 1904
The Franklin Life Insurance Cc,
Springfield, Illinois.
v Organized 1884
Is jJvcn the rales for different forms of participating policies of the Several
ccmparies doing business in this section.
A New Scientific Dlszcvmj
Ur lie
blood aod mm.
It purifies the blood by eliminating the
waste matter and other Impurities and by
destroying the germs or microbes that
Infest the blood. It builds up the blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor.
pussies, making the blt> *d rich and red.
It restores and stimuli-:e$ the nerves,
causing a fbll free flow of nerve force
throughout the entire nerve system. It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervotx*
ness, nervous prostration and all disease!
cf the nervous system*
RVDALES TONIC I* a specific for all
forint of Malaria. It acti on a new prln*
riple. It kills the microbes that produce
Malaria. The cause being removed the
disease quickly disappears, R YD ALES
TONIC is guaranteed to cure the most
obstinate cases of Mtdnrlal FeVer, Chills
and Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize all
dealers handling our remedies to refund
the purchase price for every bottle ol
RYDALES TONIC that does not give
Rate.-, of ocr new 20 pay 40 percent. Guaranteed Dividend ^Policy—,iotJ|writtenJ]
exact form by an other’company. J
^ Age. Premiums. • '
21 — 27 15
22 —27 89 >■
28 — 28 28
24 — 28 78
25 — 29 84 . I .
27 -- 80 58
80 - 82 71
82 — 84 42
83 — 87 25
In all that constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN LIFE leads. ; 7A careful
selection o: risks enables us to enjoy tliej Most Favorable rate of mortality—:be location of
the company infthe middle west enables it to eprn a higher rate of interest than would be
possible 111 the eastern money centers. ' |
The rate of interest earned by the Franklin is a little over 5 t-2 percent, against an
average of about4 per cent, of Eastern companies'(some are as low as 3 1-2 while others
are as madias 4 «-2 percent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk.
Agents Wanted—Best Conttact. DAVID C.'BARROW, General Agent,
For SouthernGeorgia,
Thomasville, Ga.
. that vicin-
. -f 1m r mar
u.aeui youiiu
,\ an t Mr*
m in v f iiiom:»*-
it, 14 host of
vide :i vori.i^l
Sown at the last working
of the Coin or Cotton Crop,
can be plowed under the following
April or May in time to plant com
or other crops tin lame season.
Crimson Clover pre vents winter
leaching of the soil, Is equal In fer
tilising value to a pood application
"of stable manure i.nd will wonder-
- fully increase the yield and qual
ity of corn or otb sr orop, which
follow it. It also mokes splendid
winter and spring grazing, fine
early green feed, or a good hay
crop. Even if the crop is cut off,
the setlon of the roots and stubble
improve the land to a marked de-
T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen,
WMd'sDMCriptlr. Poll Catalog, Ktdj
.boat Aagasl 1st, tell. all abaal Farm
■ awl Vegetable Sleds lor Fall pUat-
lagT Melled free <m request.
Offers courses leading to A. B. and B. S. degrees
in Mathematics, Physical Science,-Philosophy,
Latin, Greek, French, German, English’,'Histo
ry and Bible, Physical Culture and Elocution.
Something up rkling
and refreshing to ur nk can be l ad at
Soda Water Fountain
at ail times. S-iiii. ko«l,i 1* good -ml oth
ers nottogood Our. ih delieiou*. Tlie
sooner you give inunelf the plea-ure of
tasting it. the loiter. All kinds of wa
ters and all kinds of flavors etc.
Directtas lor Making Good Bread:
Use one leveled teaspoontnl^
to a quart o* sifted floor: odd
enough sour milk to knead the
When sour milk is not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Success Soda are the cor
rect proportions. '“
Eight Specialists in Faculty—Careful government
—Every incentive to study—Best climate in
Southern Ga.—All.churches represented.
Total cost including Physical culture and. Elocu
tion $228. fl®* Write for catalogue.
fit. H. FRICK CO,
Soto Agent Jacobs Candies.
City Taxes-
The city tax books will beopea from
April lit toJnly l«t. I will be in my
office on Holidays. Fridays and Satur
days during that time,
tf. K, T. Maclean, City Clerk.
Best and Cheapest. 1
Woman’s Heme Afte&io.n Cmkiitm.
I Edited J’x LuH- il.Uoljcns.)
SOME THINf J8.W H 1)0.
Ab Home Mission WorU* rs, v« iui ^
the sick.- i
Help bury the dead.
- Oarefor the liviuj i t a s .ml
. 8eek employment ior thc-M.
Visit them in health auU
Holdpra'er nioetiiitfs v. :tii tlv.u. .
Educate. Entertain ilc:n.
Build homes, i o., pars cuco*.* m* cle
ment, Resouo Mi*-ion Hon-es hud Or
Provide needful furnisfiin^H f<r
homes. j
Supply clothings Print live Tacts and
figeres to awaken.the luditTereut.
Teach Bering: Give iiundc Igusouf.
Build chuichrs for the Chini-se aud
Japauet-e on our shous. Establish and
manage kindergartens, day schools,
night schools aud day uurserit-s. ,
Circulating libraries, gynmasinms
and baths, Sanday Schools, classes for
religions instruction.
We have 2,012 Biby. Roll members
Adults and children—tot id member
ship of 87,080. Property owned by the
Society $81,500. Daring this year we
have helped to build 150 parsonages at a
cost of 13,0)0. Yo have -* :nt 103 boxes
of clothing aud supplies to preachers,
MATRIIflggr ciHlfc;
•VlII Attack Tr^mr-.vlltu 3ar, Saya.
Dam Ramif-
and 500 bores to torphamiges and mh* • 1(1 accompli*..
.tax, auil \:*w u.
Sion schools. *1 hc.-e boxes were wort h
about $29,000.
While our hearts and minds ar<* • i •
grossed with hopes and desires fn j.
State Reformatory for its youthful of
fenders. is it not, the next step, **«*•! <•
of far greater i uportance to tin* u mm
and social uplift of its homole^s ;**« h
less boys above the age for orohaei.u..
to proyide a suitable home and train in:
school as a prevention to crime, desm t-
tion and ignorance/
Our school for girls alon;^ t hose Itms
is already meeting a long felt want
DitineRumc -, fh-.u
is sometimes i uud *•* in
is saying that a miUrisnuf]
wilkstrike the I' iomumk}
this time ami the L si t.c
Sho says that a y. un,w r,
iu legal circles ami oiiioi
in the not distant futu*> .
girl who refepes i ; a S >i.
and who has Unuv il .
She also says hat T
South Geoigi.. uu»fi .
lies will wed u.v ..t
a young lad , w ho \
another Get- ,m cii . ... .
much time.-a vi- ... iJ
New get yo...- gut . . m.
o’ Ur <ly who
i- .mea- ^‘reng
; o’llomic
tr bcL.veou
; Jairuary.
: e V,»l wed
. i ll Arming
-.•orgia towu
. .iff visited
)tl of one of
. ratio ft mi*
f the bells of
> jo Ins spent
-Uh o. t. > audi
Thc.r.-dil er.
[From The ).,» hUo seiii’fth'.Ii'it.J
Ac the hotni ti. u i#riu« in Climax
Sunday after.!. -u. ali.v» Ct.a tie 'I Itomas
an t Mr. .UWi v .\.i .tr uf L'homasville
W^re united in marr,ago.
1'lie ceremoitj jH»rformed in an
i ipressive nmiimt.* n» i. J. T. Ryder
0 Bainbridg-, un-t u it virnoh.*od by a
limber of tf-Mml, ..f the contract-
1 ig parties.
The bride h «» : of most popular
. * .ms tf Cli*
i y were in -
r.ige. Mr
DlRU of 7
Miller wil. -
ville, wh»-. >
frieuds wi.i*
welcome. '
afier rep - >«
; bate won
• to hell. < ! <
deemed M-u
* justice to i!»
i oan came i<
j i u saving lie'
i-l leave iopr.
# II id l
iui leu*
\H» 1,
,-i ♦*<!,> M-, v may <ieuy
>> \u.iii in J- -r, the * m of
• »viek an l t<« -a.e In* aud
% to make Heaven nr : with
-ejoicing \«*naf-matters it wb-Uior we
et the pearl u jt»t ti»*» iitudd • earn
*r ujwn the white hh*i -s of th • b* uch?
Vh»t natter* ft hi ii e/ w p-a< the
They found her in the police siatii u diamond from c « Ur th - fl ; ...•»«• lime
annex, a poor frightened, eight-year-o d sr-one broken hr our ln*»*‘« or •••»• <. the
child, nnder arrest for stealing au apple s laft that sck**i, n mnhs? If any "*'n»au
or an orange so temptingly display«• • -•
open booth* along the sidewalk, r 1 !.*
should learn better? Cerfaiulv *:■«*
M iould, but not iu suoh a place as »i*.s.
The very familiarity of prison walls i.nn
prison associations would do mote i* ;i-
ry to the baby heart than mothers of
careful training conld undo.
At first she only shrank nwav from
the deacooess—finally site won her h t lc
heart, but there she must stay until ri
ll eased bufde proses; of law. At hut
our Christian civillsatiou U awakeuiiig
to the need of better agencies for r
claiming its girls ander iig« hi'drenth n
the police court and the prison.Uj-
It is believed the greatest defect iu
our social system today is the way in
which our girls are brought up. Very
few indeed, are prepared in mind or
body for the lofty duties and serious re
sponsibilities of life. A girl reared
Without an object, to idle aw«r l.e life
is sure to be vacillating in mind, weak
in character, and selfish in all the rein*
tions of life.- A girl* so reared never
knows the labors aud joys of church cr
home. May not tliis same '‘defect” in
the ieuing of girla be the reason why it
it oo dificnlt to find workers for the
lineter? Will not every mother yro-
ponnd tliiir question witli heart ttjflift. d
to God.
Daring one hundred end fifty-live
years of appointment,, not a single
preacher has ever been made missiona
ry to the fallen! Miooinnaries to Africa,
at home and abroad, by the hundreds to
China and Japan, to the Jews and to
the Lepers; missionaries to convicts, bnt
none to the hundred thousand daught
er, who grope fn the blackness of ruin
and despair. Our gospel is a humbug
if it cannot save a sinner in 'petticoats
as well as save one in trousers. A fall
en woman Is no more than a fallen mad,
and is as easily saved as he. After all:
v there i« no aex in sin, that we should go
t-.iin Christ J..U- is a new - ic.-ure
tt hateverher i-.t mu.; and il« ..... of
uod to onr bi)-ntrv or caste su*a inr.-ls.r-
.luoeofmanue ■—•« - ■ l t-e h-’n-o suy-
i -gnotto Pet. . -
•WhatI have •
.i union!"
w..g ,u
The question ot«i com-,« i - a*. »--at
is ,■ utracter? It - .» stra t ie I. mil
Vbody is bull lm.-. y-mar an-l ••'-t,
uaeli one for hint-elf; T-.a is t-a-ted
-ranter and everv »c- is a stt-t-e
lr, every day. s, mv - ..etu. tw t u Id
otr live* with iu i, n-.i.e, a,. - ■ hr.
devils at the end. s-it -t-.n-t a -n-i-l-
liouorod by God an t in , ,! -r a-t-it-
te.s .. ill sink a »tip an. is -I . a- b • ■.
. oliain, oo one m-ait iii«l--m.ii.t, a-
trnlhSulactorwr.i l»t t i-r-n-r ten
its i.u|ire» and work its i:i8-u..i <-
-nr - I-.racier.'
There Bt» aa mtnr tpiyter \vaK m-
■ y - < m thero are m,m ..‘e f.-ui..-
an I ilie.eareaa maur stn-'k os
there are separate nets -if e n -ri-i 1. Ev
ery single day then- in) n nl forivs a «
hull ling, building, naildin.-.
Here is a great it ‘i -;uiv g-i!.' op,'
print h.r ,»int,stor, hv story, aithor-sli
you arr n it conscious of it. .
It is a building of eleiraeter. ft is a
buildiug that must-t-ml amt lln » oki
of ius;k!3tion wanis # you to take In-el
hoe- you build it, to set- to !: that .vim
have a r-imdatiou this w-tl en lare,
ami m ik«- sure that y-si ur j building on
it for there is an iicarof rorelatioa wiled
you s'.nil' l« seen j ,s: as yia aru.
Our min is are given to us, hut our
character we make ami Uod gives the
mind, man makes i!.o character Tlie
mindis a garden, ilio character is oug
profits ou tlie trade Iji-ge profits are
from quick tales aud small perorntaj e.
So great c! arseters are made by mauv
little acts and effor'. . A good rfurt-c-
s therefore a l-r-
rubies, gold crowt.-s
tlio workof malr n
labor on carili.
Hoc* rhing, aoovo
rr h ugdo-nii ami
; B ti**> 4-oblesc
. ■■ ■ ■
&4 «
8 -'
FrauKim- Hiie
28 10
31 10
35 00
43 60
N‘j\v York Life
81 88
34 76
88 84
51 07
01 53
Matnal Lift*
30 25
,88 20
8ti 87
47 77
57 72
Mi^Radiu^fetts* Matnal
30 or>
32 98
30 02
47 57
57 47
30 CIJ
38 50
30 95
49 71
59 21
Pena Mutoal
30 90
33 7(1
87 25
50 03
59 01
Illinois Life
30 27
83 28
30 93
48 40
68 82
Hartford Life
33 39
38 08
50 2!)
59 41
8nn Life. Canada
30 00
88 25
47 00
58 20
IflllllEV niCEfiCEC cause one-third of
IUUNET UI^EAOEO the total deaths.
When the Kidneys fail to perforin their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of. the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
cured OF' bright’s disease. whole system, and the diseases that have
£S2*'^iSS*£;,£ 0 i'assn? resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because the cause has been removed. Com-*
.»«.<* tattog folev-s kidney cure
‘ ‘ *
ier symptom* ot Kid
Two Sizes, 60 Gents and $1.00.