Newspaper Page Text
fIMB’4-£NTBBPK18B.THOWA8ViLl,K, OEOK'Iia. JULY 8 1904.
The political situation at present la
one of peculiar htwnl The claus an-
a'ready Vviuuin" lo pettier for tiif
gnat contention In h:. I ouisiiitxt
Dial mi an adranoed on h the flneue.v of
a idde show spoiler, by tho udlicrvuie t.1
the different caudidaics-Juilxe Alton
Jb. Parker of New, York is drciiledly
la tins load for tbo nmiittwi. lie i-
tbe candidate of ;!m vatice e'e
moot of tin part/. 0.;ptot>tl to hint lr
candidate William It Hears', yeoiijri
agreatdre, radical. Of r>rcUiisii" ieinUia-
oo* Ho boa the support of pabbliup llii ;V
Bryan who is still u p, (.tdar nlul in tin-,
treat. Xlicsu men liiiJ their uaeocfaidr
nay be Able to control the votoi of one-,
"third of the delegates, and tbnaprovont
dodge Parkor'a nomination. Though
Hearstcauuot seoore tlie nominal ion lie
may bo able to name his man, Gray,
Olner, McClellan, Folk, Francis, and
lust but not least Gortnun, all stand In
tiio background. If tint mantle wen to
drop on any of their shoulders, it would
not be shaken off. And back of all, the
gigantic figure of tbe -‘only victor,"
(Inner Cleveland, looms up as if to take
command. There Is onongh uncertainty
to add spice to the contention, and
there will he no cat and dried program
of events. It takes a crowd of Demo
crats to manufactnre some of the old
fashioned kind of entlmalatm like our
fathers used to make. Keep your eye
ou the convention which meets July 0.
Stories of The Street.,
Legislator Calvin turns out os many
-bills as a modern author does novrls,
and makes a hit oftener. The Savan
nah Press very pertinently remarks:
The resolution of Mr. Calvin of Rich*
mond to provide for special exercises In
the public schools in Georgia com memo-
Jjrivo of Mr. Stephens andGcncralGor-
don, lea good one. This is better then
a holiday to ebeerve the day of their
nativity. Sometimes we think that the
best tray to celebrate the anniversary of
Jefferson Davis’ birth would be by ex.
ercises iu the schools rather than a holi
day in the hot inn outside of the sohool.
The Georgia lawyers are good at mak-
iug recommendations. Here are some
of their recent oues presented to the bar
association, but not acted upon:
It ahould be unlawful for a state offl
oarormembor of tho legislature to ao-
oept railroad passes, and the legislature
Hhculd appropriate out of the publio
treasury a sum sufficient to pay the rail
road fan of such officers and legislators.
Rotation of judge* over the state is
reoommendod. All superior court jud
ge* to hold for six yean. Salaries of
supreme court judge* should be (MOO
and superior court judge* $0000.
+4 was ngreeebly surprised to Hud
Tbomaaville a city of aueh idle and in
dustry” imid a visitor to Tliomaavllle,
afler viewing kite town for thrf first time
yesterday. "I see tlw Times-Enter-
pnH-icc.'iriomillj-.aud I read what yon
pen).:# soy In the Atlanta Constitution
omt-davamiab News, I had snpposed a
gooff deal of this to bo what Is common
h- termed newspaper talk, bnt I see that
1 was mistaken. You hove a very pret
ty townnnd a tyuey town. The people
seem prosperous, and the place has no:
tli'e appearance of a village. ” No com
ment is necessary and this is only *
sample ofwhai we hear every dav.
A man at the postoffiee yesterday
morotng who owed both box rent and
postage .due received a blue and orange
card. Til esc are "dun" colors, and tie
immediately tamed red with embarrass
ment and became green with envy of
the man who received neither. His
language was vIole'(n)t, and this crowd
called him a “yeller," Wouldn’t this
make you color? ^
This is the day of big things and thq
Time*. Enterprise offloe bat been the re
pository for big apples, big oats, Mg
corn, big melons and even big stories.
Mr. B. Griffin brought us yesterday
rooming a specimen that is the fat man
of tho melon population. It was raised
by him on tho Pittman place and weighs
52 pounds. If you don't believo it oorne
and try to lift it. 4
Afswdays dgo the street-story man
printed a little yum about a valiant citl-
sen who mistook a departing lover for a
burgldr, at a neighbor’s retidenoo. It
seems that there must be a plentiful
supply of late lingering lovers. No
nsmes were mentioned', but siuce tbe
story-appeared no lees then three young
ladies, living in widely separated parti
of; town,. have assured the newspaper
man that they knew he meant them,
and tile only, true part of the story was
that the ' , |over was going to catch the
1 a.-m. train.
S~ My pretty m$ld? I’m going to Tybee, Sir, she said. And *2
t—* that’s the place where th* people are going this year to ^
p have a good time. 25
ZZ' Witu its many attractions, its fine orchestra, its splendid ZS
bathing and its excellent c nisi no is the most popular seaside ^2
g resort on the South Atlantic Coast. Rates' f2.50 per day; ZZ
ZZ '$12,50 iu id $15.00 per week; Z5
if The Pulaski House.
Is tho most popular place in Savantmli and should be yonr^j
headquarters wlieu In the city. Write for Iliuermted booklet.
g CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor: =§
'For Fair,
One 25 H.
20 “
Newlv Overhauled.
P. Tubular Boiler
Vertical boiler and
’Mill. Sitnplv
It Will Bear Inspector!.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why not have your work done so yon will not be liable io a case ot typhoid fever
in your family? We know how to do
ITiirrst-Cla-ss TXToz3zz
and that is alt tlie kind we expect to do. When in'need of that kind call on us.
"We gtinrantiielall new work for 1 year.
d w
107 Madison Street. 'Phone 251
They overcome Wear
ness,increase vigorand
banish "pains." They
are "LlhE SAVE US.'' aiding development of organs end body. No known reme
dv equal* them. Cannot do harm—life becon
_ eon (■■■■■
MAIL. Sold by Patterson Drug Co. DR. M)
and. Ohio.
es a pleasure, il.l
1.00 PEk BOX BY
w bln et
Mr. Mtalherrin of Richmond oounty,
will Introduce a bill to Increase the num
ber of repreaentatives, giving Poitou «,
Ohatham 5, Bibb 4, Richmond 4, the
twenty next largeat two each, and to
tho rest one eaoh. Tills Is a very pretty
plan, very, but we do not think it will
Borne is howling for a hospital, Way-
croas wants better paseanger service
(ran the Atlantic Coast Lina and
Tbomaavilla laobarging the A. O. L.
with discriminating against the city in
excursion rate*. Brunswick can join
aUtbadtiaa in their bowls.—Brunswick
"Get married, 1 ’ says president Sehnr-
man to the Cornell graduates. "Don't
gat married," we Gov. Warfield of
Maryland, to the high achool girls iff
Wilmington. (Tbs dictum of the one
woman is, however, more important
than cither. J
The little buay B’e—Bryan and
Broughton—ought to be deported to the
' Ida of Yap and nominated for President
and Vice President of that far off land.
Dowie says: "I think when I get to
heaven I should like to go to hell.” If
he !)ad said the reverse we would all
agree with him.
The Baltimore Sun says the disfran
chisement plank is merely a "nubbin to
the coons in the doubtful state* of the
Tbe - life preserver worn by tlie Hearet
t seems to be of the Geu. Slocum
sy.change that "dee-lighted’.’
d” next fall.
New bin at Pavo.
Due more enterprise has been added
toPavo's growing list of Industries.
MemreD.O. Feaoook and Wm. Bensii
of Atlanta, are having tree ted an up-
to-date ginnery. This is to be one of
the very beet equipped ginneries in
Georgia. No expense has been spared
by tbe gentlemen in order to make this
an idaal gin system for both long and
short staple cotton. '
It is said tlmt the long tuple gins to
be rued will not only torn out twice
many baits of oottou as any other gin
known, bnt tbe staple will make much
finer samples, so that the. farmer may
axpeot to get from one to .two o
a pound more for ootton ginned on them
Mr. Chris Pose the brother of the
Inventor of these gins, and an experi
enced gin man will be personally in
charge ot the plant. Pavo feels jnstly
proud of the new industry and expect*
to break all reoordt both in the number
of bales ginned and the warehouse re-
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Pfwtr Purposes.
SIMPLICITY Itself. Buy a
8LAKESI.EE and keep your rt-
llgio . No profanity necessary.
Stationary, Portable, Poapii
and Connection Outfits.
You can see every -Movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about tli
BLAKESLEK. Positively SAAK. Strictly higlijgrade.
- Write for our cata ogue and prices.
Birmingham, - - - Ala.
wheels, 0
f No. 1 Dr*Loach S.
Feed. *
i -4*i inrh Inserted Cioth *-aw.
— Smwll saw*,.
I —Soul* ite*im feed rope*feed as go d
av hew.
I -15 H. P. center crank engine.
1 as
good as new.
i — Button saw mantle.
I—Sot 36 stringer fogging trucks new
a— Sets 36 pole „ „
1—1% Duplex Steam pump, new.
1—3 1-2 Gardner governor. £
!—2 1-3 „ Clod .15
I—2 1*2 King governor.
1—2 1-2 Monarch governor.
1—11-2 Pickering g vernor.
12—Sets 12 Pit. kern.g Carriage truck,
new, tbe best made.
Prompt attention upon work. We
Will be'prepared to furnish cane mills ii
30 days.
Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot.
P.O. 103: Telephone* 181 and 210.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The 5-ceut packet is enough for usual
occasion*. The family bottle [60cts.|
contains a supply for a year. All drug
gists sell them. S-9
Was In Progress Finlay NearlPoit
Chefoo, July 7.—What should prove
to be adeoiaive naval engagement is
in progress at 1 o'clock this afternoon
midway between Dalny and Port Ar
The steamer Cliefoo, which has just
arrived, pawed within fifteen miles of
the Japanese fleet, oonsistlug of two
battleships and five cruisers, all active-
tv engaged. The Russian fleet was net
seen, but tlie dtstanoe of the Japanese
from land precluded the possibility of j
any attack ou laud batteries.
Tho captain of the Chefoo says lie'
heard a terrific expUtoiou. but was un
able to ascertain whether a Japanese
or a Russian vessel was affected. He
failed to confirm tlie report ot Chinese]
that thery were only five larger Russian
ship* at Port Arthur last night. ,
Cairo, Cairo.
My stock of General Merchandise at Cairo must be sold
ont at once. I have sold my store building and must give
possession by August, ist.
Shoes, Dry floods, Hats, etc.
--'v't/2/00, AT ' *
Less Than Actual Cost.
Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my
stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods.
a. L. DUREN, JL W. Moncrief, M’g’r.
Cairo, • . Georgia.
5-26-2m w
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
1. IL WATKINS. - - . Manag
Office at Williams’ Stable 218 W
acton St., Thomasville,Ga.
Miss Lilly Bot‘001, IWV- Stinrv-
usl Cline* Thor*.
Yn-wrday ••art!" were received n
Thomasville l orn 'lrs. 8- R Buttaou
announcing the .unrriage of tier daugh
ter Lilly to .Ur. Samnol II. Cline?, Jure
20, 1904 nt the First Merhuilist' Church
in Tainpa, Fl»
The news will be of niitrliod interest
in Thomasvillo. Bottoms is a.
member of one of Tht^mnsnrille^ well
known families and was born aod rear
ed in Thomas county. For the last
Hwen yearn she I fas lived in Tampa,, bafc
her friends have lmd the ploasurft of an
occasional visit from her. Mr, CUmb.
jg a prosperous business man ot Tampa,
aud they will continue to- maka tkir
liome in that city.
The wedding was a Ytrj quiet mMkmr
and was attended only by the i—
ate relatives,and close friend* of the
contracting parties. Mrs. 8. K Bot
toms went from here to be present at
the wedding.
Mr Richard Heath Jr. Wsrfl Ki
Thomasvillo Pas sad Away.
News reached the city Friday of Um
death of Mr. Kichard Heath Jr. in <£nit>
man on Thuniday afternoon ' at flHro
o’clock. He was a young roan of 18
years, and had many relatives in Tltom -
asville. Ho was a son of Mr. Richard.
Heath Sr. of Monticello, Fla. and a
nephew of Mr. P. S. Heath Sr. of thia
city. The elder Mr. Heath is seriously
ill with typhoid fever at. hit* Florid*
home aud he may not recover. Tbo
sympathy of the community are with
the family in their heavy afflictions.
HELP WANTED.—A good reliable
colored man to work around dairy. Ap
ply with reference to Winter’s Dairy.
For Men
who cannot come to the eity
when jn need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. We
carrv the finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your sixe is,- stout,
slim or short,
Wc Can Fit You.
Sols Agents for
For Ladies
who do uot find it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an eaay
task by seudiug to ^onr
homes two or three styles of
garments to select from.
We carry
In Our Boys’ Department /
can |?e had everything
ready-to-wear for boys,, ex
cept shoes.
and remember . We now have a large
Screw Outline Lathe. So we can make
any kind of eerew and turn up any
piece of *haftliw—repair small machin
ery, lnsolatore, ejector*. We are also
prepared to do all kinds ot. tempering.
Wertz & Son,'
131 E Jackson street.
95 Hone Power Boiler. Good as new.
Terms easy.
W. P. Sparks,
M0 4t Thomasville, Ga.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and 6ther points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent.
Lumber Mill At MouJtri* Burned.
Moultrie, Ga. July i.—The Cresoanfc
Lumber Company's planing mill and
lumber yards burned v«t.terday morn
ing. The mill and lumber represented
aluo of $*>.000. There w&r no insvf-
aiue. in addition to the lumber com
pany V Iohk t»v.» U»xt iO> "»i tho Atlantic.
attd Birmingham ride ttaefc were burn
ed. Tbo origin of tho Ii.*■ iMtoi known,
ill lack MMiinsto be purnumg E S. Xace».
ownsr of the planing mill. Ho was
burned ont lew than two years ago. sad
his plant was destroyed by a cyclone
about a year ago. It is not likely- that
he will rebuild. •
• Back tf Thomasville.
Mr. G. T. Porter a former resident of
Jacksonville, Fla. is iu the oity and will
make thia place his future homo. Ho
lived here several years ago and bns
been in a number of Southern cslwn.
since that time, but nays that
viUe is the best place of all to live* Ho
is a contractor by trade.
Hyomei Duly Guaranteed Cure for Udn
Common and Disagreeable dieaaan.
Hvornei cures catarrh by the
method of breathing it iuto the air i
ages and longs. It kills the geraa of
catarrlial poison, heals aud sooths tho
irritated mucous membrane and effec
tually drives this from tlie system.
If you have any of the following
symptoms, catarrhal germs are at work
somewhere in the* mucons membrane
of the throat, bronchial tubes or fisnat
of the lungs.
Offensive breath, hoakiasss of raic*
drynesa of the ncse, discharge from tke-
nos«. pain in the back of tbe hand, nob-
iug of tlie b.idy, pain iu i rout of tbo
head, dropping m tbe liicoat, month
open while sleeping, tendency to takc-
oold, burning pain in the throat, tick-
ling back of the palate, hawking to clonr
the throat, formation of crusts in tbo
nose, a pain in the chest, a cough, dry
ness of the throat in the morning, ifitch
in the side, spasms of coughing,
of liable appetite, cough short
awl hacking, variable appetite, low
spirited at times, rising frothy and mu
cous, ooagh worse nights and mornings,
expectorating yellow matter, lorn of
vital force, a feeling of tightness across
the upper part of the chest, difficulty in
breathing, frequent sneezing,
Hvornei will distroy activity of nil
catarrlial germs in tho respiratory organs
and in a few weeks tlie core will* ho
This is a strong statement, bat J. W.
Peacock empliasizes it by agreeing to
refund your money if Hyomei does not
BOILER FOR SALE. 25 Kan* pow
er bolter, good as new. Term* E*sy.
W. P. Sparks, Tbemasvme, Ga.
Flint Ri»er and Northeastern
Railroad Co
Effective April 6, zqo*.
Daily.except Sunday.
Leave Pelham lorjoa m.
Arrive Ticknor 12:33 pm
Leave Ticktor 2x10pm
Arrive Pelham 4:10pm,
D. M. Roger,..Gen'I So pi.