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that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t yo/
Tf you had a no is
las ore it for. $1,000?
► Y >u certainly would, all good business men do„;
You Would doit knowing that your house,may never burn and you may never get
,b sdk nn e< nt you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $lt O per year are you being fair to your family and estate
if you o n -i protect them by taking out life insurance?
You c:w d> this knowing, that you ;re sure to die and get back more th in you
haVe , -aid ui
: Or t ^t after a certain period, ’f you a e still iving, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day o” old age
^ny man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
mailing application for a policy of insurance to the
Gat chit oit ivi l cnlil to.
O. U. &E. II. Smith, General Altai)!*. Tlio Prudential
Ins. Co of Amortca Thomas ri Us. Ua.
Dear Sira:
Without expenw to me ami without committing my-
self to any action, will you send mo further inform*
tion ns to insurance policy on uy life. fl
I was bom on the .day of.
ill out. the c oupon and mail it to us for full informatian.
General Agents, Thomasville, Qa.
My occupation Is.
Yoora troly,
Mr. W1U Fambrongh, of the well
known Boston family of that name is in
the city, as the gciest of Mr. Bhett
Pringle. He lie graduate of the Gear*
glasohool of Technology and la now lo
cated in Atlanta.
Do You Like to be
Well Drejssed?
Craoker Sun Club and Quests Have
Enjoyable Day at Country Club.
The Fourth of July 1991 will long be
lewembered aa a most pleasant day by
the members of the Craoker Oun Clnb
At half past nine in
Mr. W. J. Dickey of the Iamonla
neighborhood spelt Saturday in town.
He was on his way home from the
Methodist district conference id Brin-
ion, and reports a most inspiring meet
and their guests,
the morning the shooting began. There
were ten events, half for 20 and half for
IS. Visiting gnnners from Moultrie,
Oordole, Pelham, Way cross and Boston
were present.
The entrance fees, with five dollars
added by the clnb were divided in each
event, among the four high gnu,, borne
splendid shooting was done. Twenty,
five men euteted most of the mutest*,
and it was no uncommon thing tor in i
to be broken ont of a possible 20. In
many cases first money was divided
among several. Thoee who took first in
the different events were:
Mr. J. W. MoKachln of Ceiro was a
Saturday visitor to the city. He is a
contractor and is doings good pan of
the building that is constantly going on
n the busy syrup olty,
Ready Made
Clothing, ’ ■»
Just arrived [a line ot extra
pants, in ail wool
-rash and wash pants.
Mr. J. H. Anderson and family of
Oholochonee, loft yesterday morning to
visit relatives in Nashville.
Will Give Satisfactio
Price, Service and
Tamer, Lake, WUl Hopkins, Martin-
dale, Aycock of Moultrie and i mining
of Boston.
Not the least pleasant feature of the
oocaaion was the loach and refresh,
meats. Charley Ohl and Horace Coch
ran distingnssbed themselves in the
culinary department. A number of
ladies witnessed the events of the after
noon, and they, together with the vis-
itors from other towns, sey they sire un
excelled hosts. The day was one of the
most plstssnt in the history ot the clnb.
Mr. Jim Deal of Cairo was shaking
hands with his friends here on Satur
day afternoon. ,
Misses Stella ,and Pauline Pittman
of .Riverside, spent Saturday in town.
A line ul wash shits $2.75 per suit mid upward. Out Blue Serge
efinata fur Bits, Youths and men are ,till the go ut $2.60 and upward,
•wll wool.
&V- and Mrs. W. F. Walker of Met
calfe, spent 8atnrday at Ocblookonee.
Arohie MacIntyre came over from
Valdosta to spend Sunday at home.
Should call for Sykes' and Klrshbaum's
Mr. Plnaney Grantham is back from
a visit to relatives in HonticeUo.
Just received today a line of alt wool 2 piece suits $12.00 value to sell
is $8-50 right frctu the makers.
A full line of boys kuee pants in all wool Summer weight are expect-
bv the fniddle of next week
Big Day For Negroes.
The ThomasriUe negroes celebrated
thdepeudence day in proper style.
They rented the fair grounds, and there
wee something doing them all day from
dawn till dark. Them were hundreds
of negroes present to enjoy the races,
moeio, dinnerjeto.
in the afternoon in tlie presence of a
large crowd ThomaeviUe swatted Telle-
haseee all over the lot and won a bail
game by the score of 16 to 11. Thu col-
bred people deserve great credit 'or the
orderly and quiet manner in which they
conducted tlieir celebration.
Mrs. Frank S, Jones of Bsinbridge
is visiting friends in town.
Miss Lilia Forrest of Boston spec,
Saturday in Tbomasville.
Mike Monde Carter of Metcalf, shoj>-
ped in town Satnrday.
Department *
for 30 Days.
Louis Steyers
Comer Broad a il Jjccsj
_a new line of Trunks, Bags and Suit cases.
B. O. Ganlden of Bsinbridge wgs here
on holiness Monday. .
Our $1.25 High Art Negligee Shirts are going like hot cakes at One
Hollar, s • come and g-.c' your share of the best shirt* on earth for
•Owe Dollar.
Mr, Grover Whipple of Boston spent
Sunday in town.
WUl Platt came home from Albany
Sunday evening.
Mrs. E. D. Burts, children and nurse
of Colnmbos are the guests of her soot
Mrs. 0.0. Halt at 327 Warren Ave.
B. r. Wheeiau of .‘Pelham , wax here
on Sunday.