Newspaper Page Text
c«mous Event Takes Place this month
at Cootidge* Other News
Our iittTfc town is considerably oxer*
cised over the approaching singing cot;*
veution. The Salem Singing Conveu-
tion istfo hold its acmaal session on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday be*
Tore the third Sunday in this montli in
the Goolidge Baptist church. -The at
tendance at tUese meetings is large, but
nor people have invited the conventu n
and everytliing will be done for the en
tertainment of the delegation. Arrange
ments will be made to have dinner on
the ground near the church and a pleas
ant occasion is anticipated by everyone.
There is something of a building boom
in onr midst. Mr. O. U. Easters has
aboat completed a comfortable little
cottage as a residence for himself and
Mr. Tom Daren of Thomssviile a nict
residence near his two story dwelling 01
Che comer of Verbena Ave.
Work on the gin and grist mill bein^
erected bv Mr Robcrt Dekle is being
poshed to get same ready for the cottoi
There is scarcely a vacant dwelling
in town and some of our public spirited
dtisens should build a number for rent.
The picnic at Mr. Tom Saber’s 0^1 the
have the people gather at his hospita
ble home on the Fourth of Joly to
4ien4 the day in fan and frolic, and the
occasion is looked forward to with much
pleasure for weeks beforehand and when
^he day arrives, enjoyed to the tallest
Last Sunday was the regular monthly
appointment for services at the Baptist
chjuch here and pastor Alligood had a
goodly number out to hear him as is
usual. *
The occasional rains dnriug the last
IGew weeks have helped crops* aud gar
dsn# very materially in this seotiou but
cue wells and \vhter courses are still
wry low, many of them dry can-in^
cattle to Huffor'for water.
Sam Mack, the Boston negro sent up
for«ight'mo.itli« for wife whipping, or-
coped from the chaingaug men her- a
few days ago and has not been capt nr-
of. Be iiad been in the gang o . y «
week. Tlte escape was made just as the
M<ut were called from their day*& work
and Sam failed to m troll oat with the
others, ludiug under the lumber skids
until a more convenient time to make
himself secure. He was missed in a few
minutes aud ran withjdog* until after
10 o’clock bat he managed to evade his
pursuers in the darkness.
Oar people for the most part are keep
ing quiet this hot weather and news is
Nurse Says: ‘‘.Pe-ru-na is
Tonic of Efficiency.”
nra. Kate Taylor, a graduated
I nunc 0/ prominence, gives her ex•
I perlsncr with Peruna la an open
I teller, tier poeltloa In society and
* professional standing combine lo
E c special prominence to her at•
C hicago, ill., Hr Monro, st.-
“ As far •• I hare observed Permit
It the floete tonic any man or woman
can 11.0 who ia weak from tho aftet
affects of any serious Illness.
“Ihare seen It used In a number ol
aonralescent eases, and hare seen aar-
4th was largely attended. For several K}1 other tonics u«id, hot I found that
those who used Peruna had the quickest
those who used Peruna had the quickest
Mr. Sijher has made it a custom to rellef t
Iia iwnnln^Pfithnr hia hnanilm. «« Pa
Peruna teems to restore vitality,
Increase bodily vigor and renew health
and atrength In m wonderfully abort
In view of tho great multitude oi
women suffering front some form of fe
male disease and yet unable to find any
cure, Dr. Hartman, the renowned spe
cialist on female catarrhal diseases, ha<
announced his willingness to direct the
treatment of as many cases as make
application to him during tho aummei
months, without charge. Address The
Peruna Medicine Co., Colombu* 'Jhlo. ,
S'l tinnla.
The Cairo Column.
- lily U. 1.. Vunlundltigtiuin.)
That rain we hare been looking for
| so loug came Saturday night aud uuotli-
er nice shOwer-Tnesday afternoon.,
Mr. and Sirs, F. M. Brannon left
Wednesday morning for Indian Springs,
where lie goes to recuperate his health.
il«s(er Raymond towell, sou of ; seo-
turn* foreman Powell, npou whom Dr.
Walker operated recently for appendi
citis. is able to be oat agaiu The doc
tor has heen very successful iu his oper
ations for appendicitis; hltving never
lost a case ont of quite a comber.
Mr. J W Merrill is on thfi sick list
tills week.
Mr. Tom Mauldin of Atlanta spent
several days this week with relatives.
Mr. Manldin ia interested in the Dixie
Suspender Co. of Atlanta) who .are
wholesale dealers in anspenders.
Miss Surah Clown of Valdosta, ia
spending several weeks with home
Bov. G P Rtviroo. W T Odom and the
writer attended Dietrii.t Conference at
Brinson last week. Quite a large dele
gation was present and the session
was both pleasant and profitable. Rev.
Ed F Cook, the presiding elder, ia do
ing much for the district aud the re
ports from the various chargee showed
marked improvement along all lines.
The good people of Brinson lef t no stone
unturned to make the occasion a pleas
ant one for all present and they wUl Jbe
long remembered for their openhearted
hospitality. T^io next District Confer
ence goal to Pavo.
Several shipments of peaches were
made tliia week by W B Roddenbery.
J B Wight Is at Monticello, Fla.
looking after the gathering and ship
ping of a orop of LeOoute pears which
ho purchased there.
We are pleased to note the marked
improvement in the health of Dr. W A
Walker since his return from Atlsnta.
He has been kept from his office for
some time by sickness though lie is
again at his post snd is ready to minis
ter io all who need Ids services.
A negro by the name of Neely Jones
raised quite a disturbance on boarl the
Told of by Berwick Correspondent.
Other News.
Barwiek, Ga.,Jnly 7,1904.—Mr. B. F.
Market of Sumpter Ga. spent the latter
part of last week with his brother Mr.
S. M. Market, and returned home Mon-
Barwiok’s baseball team are gleeful
over three successful victories since lsst
Thursday. They defeated Pavo Thurs
day on the home diamond, and alto
Prospect Saturday by more than three
to one and on the fourth they played
Pavo at Pavo, and came home with a
victory of more than two to one.
Mrs. H. W. Massey and Miss Lon
Bedfearn visited Albany Monday and
returned today.
Watermelons are still being loaded
here and prices are very good for the
One of onr young men while loading
a car of melons some few weeks ago,
ont his name and address on a melon.
He has since received a letter from a
youhg lady at Waterloo N. Y, stating
that site had bought the melon. How-
ever we d > not think it advisable for tli
yonng men to spend too mnch time carv
ing their names and addresses in like
manner, for young ladies do not bny all
the melons shipped from Sonth-west
Mr. W. T. Gulden of Quitman was a
prominent visitor to oar town last week
Mr. J. A. Barrow, one of Berwick's
leading merchants made a business trip
40 Valdosta Tuesday.
£The teachers of the Baptist and Meth
odist Sunday Schools have organized a
teachers meeting and will meet once a
week to prepare their lessons. We are
very mnoh In favor of this meeting, for
the success of a Sunday school largely
depends on the efficienoy of its teach
Mr. B. F. Massey, after a few weeks
sojourn in Albany reonperating return
ed home Monday.
Judge and Mrs Joshua Barrow of
Cairo are spending this week with their
Some Interesting Figures about Sa p
tlst Church for twelve montha.
■UP,- . -TSSjjjjSH——
Hundreds at Tttomasville Readers Know
What It Means.
The kidneys are overtaxed!
Have toe mnch to do.
They tell aboot it in many>chcs aud
Bockaofe, sideaiche, headache,
Early symptoms of kidney ills.
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright'*
Disease follow.
A respected assn telU diere a certn.u
B. Sweat, Justice of the Peace st d
Notary 'Public, residing at 58 Th.irim.
in s will remove 'an or
nl restore sir beauty of
Mr. B. L. Griffin of Valdosta was in
the city this week. Mr. Griffin repre
sents Oratqhfl eld add Woolfoik, one of
the largest commission firms in Pitts
burg, Pa. Mr. Griffin stktes that owing
to the lateuess of the season he will not
street, Waycroes, Ga. says: "luseu facial discolorations. They clear and Prof aF HiU of DonalsonvUle has!have opportunity to call personally on
west bound train Monday afternoon, son, Mr. J. D. Barrow.
He was drank and seemed to feel his Elder T. J. Heal, of Doeron, filled
importance somewhat, refnsing to sit; the pulpit at Harmony Saturday and
down and behave himself as instructed
by the conductor. He finally made an
uttemptfaTpall a pistol which the con
dnetor soooeedediln taking from him.
He was turned over to marshal Ntchol-
sou when the train reached Cairo and
spent else remainder of ."The Gloriona
fourth'' behind the tars of tiie cala
boose. Sheriff‘Hight cable over Tues
day and carried said Jones to Thooas.'
vile where be will be confined In the
county jail to answer to a charge of
Too Much Booze”, carrying concealed
we ,pont eto.
Merrillville Hee Shipped That Many
Melons This Season.
«•*'■) '• is - new dlscave-v, tmnran
teed and mi ney refunded i' i' tails to
reirove Freckles, Pimples. Liver Spots.
B'ackheads, Decolorations and Erup-
tions. Ordinary case* in io days, the
worst in 20 days. After these defects
are removed the skin will be soft, e'ear
and bi autiful. Price r 0 cents at drug
stores or by mail. Thousands of ladles
i-stify to the merits of Satinola.
The daughter of an eminent physician
Memphis, Tenn, Jan. u, iqo*.
Gentlemen:—I have need Satinola and
Egyptian cream for a year or two^ and of
unhesitatingly recommend.them as the > • -
finest preparations l have ever used to dr^d car. shipped from this pome this
remove pimplis, freckles or any other season.
Merrillville experienced the heaviest
downfall of rain last Saturday night
that we have had this season accompan
ied by a great deal of wind, but so far
we hare lieardnf no eerioas resalts from
it. '
The melon business is on the decline,
one more week will «bont finish it .up.
Sunday for Elder R. H. Berwick on ac
count of the illness of the latter.
Mr. O. O. Foss, of Pavo, was in Bar-
wiok Tues ’ay shaking hands with his
old friends.
Mr. Miss Barrett attended a singing
convention near Doernn Saturday and
This vicinity has received refresh
ing showers recently and the beautiful
growing'crops show a ready response to
its invigorating influence. There waa
never a brighter prospect for a good
We are glad to see Mils Abble Bar. ett
stirring out again after being confined
to her bed for three weeks with
continued fever.
Miaa Jessie Redfearu has returned
fiom Pavo whete she spent a short time
with relatives.
Butler Sanchez took In the excursion
to Albanr Monday.
Doan's Kidney Pills and can recoin- beautify the coTplexion as no other pre-
mend them'very highly. I took them psrations will
Cor backache and kidney tronble from
which I suffered Cor a number of years.
There was a severe pain across the
small Of my back, constant, dull, bear-
Mrs, Evelyn Porter Ringwald.
National Toilet Co., Paris.tTenn.
Sold in Tbomasville by R. Thomas, Jr
moved into oar midst, and we extend to
him and bis excellent wife a most cor
dial welcome.
and all druggists.
ing down pain, and the secretions from C(JRED op CH RONIC DIARRHOEA
Miss Addie Craicy la visiting in town
the kidneys were dark end fall of tedi
meat. Since using Dean's Kidney Pills
my back is stronger and the pain has
teftaae. I think Doan’s Kidney Pills
am a very reliable and a very effective
"I wish to say a lew words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy,'' says Mrs. Mattie Bmge
rMoody. They proved to be go in my I oi Martinsville. Va. “I suffered from
s after I had failed to get any relief chronic diarrhoea for ten year, and da,-
. , . _ „ ling that time tried various medicines
(roes tbe use of several other remedies. 1
Emphatic endorsement can be bad
right here in Tbomasville. Drop into
B. Thomas Jr's drag store andssk what
I Without obtaining any permanent relief.
fais cwtomers report.
Far tale by all dealers. Foster-MU-
bum Co., Buffalo' N. Y., sole agents for
the United 8tates. Remember the
mas-Dead's—and take no other.
Last summer one oi my children was
taken with cholera morbus, and I pro-
cured a bottle of this remedy. Only two
doses were required to give her entire re
lief f thru decided to try the medicine
myseli. and did not use all of one bottle
before 1 was well and I have never since
been troubled with that complaint. One
cannot say too much in favor of that
wonderful medicine." This remedy is
for sole by J W Peacock. sr
this week.
Miss Belle pnren is rapidly improv
ing, and all indicationi are good ft r her
recovery. . I
Cspt E M Smith of Thomasvilie was
with us last Monday afternoon.
. Miss Bertha Teat has aa her guests
two charming yonng ladies of Americas,
Mimes Bessie and Mamie Wyatt.
One of the greatest of rulers is the
liver. It governs the human organism.
When the liver is ont of order the whole
system become* diseased. Keep your
liver healthy by naing Rydale’a Liver
Tablets. They cure all liver tronble;
Titer care constipation. Your money
book if they do not give satisfcctidn.
For sale by J. W Peacock.
ail the melon growers, bat that if they
will consign their shipments to hit
hodse he will see that they are given
nit personal attention. He goes direct
ly from here to Pittabnrg, where he will
be direotly in charge of all consign
ments from this seotion. Tbs melon
growers can ship to Crutchfield & Wool-'
folk with perfect reliance. 7-8 St
The flrjt year of Rev. Alex W. Beal-
er’s pastorate at the Baptist church has
just dosed. That gentleman presents
some foots and figure.) about the year’s
work that are interesting to the congre
gation and every one else. The work
of a church in modern times is a big
basinets undertaking, bigger than most
people imagine.
The showing made by the Baptists is
most creditable. It indicates the pros
perous condition of the community, and
the live Interest in things spiritual of
the ohnroh.
For all purposes 17587 were raised.
Of this amount (667 went to missions.
The good ladies of the ohnroh, and the
ladies are always first in every praia-
worthy endeavor, contributed (868 of
this amount. To the Orphans Home
$188 wassent. Eighty -eight dollars was
given to the poor, and <809 went for
Sunday School literature. The splen-
did new pastorinm cost <8681, and (1960
was expeuded for pastor's salary and
local expenses The Sunday School
collections amounted to <864.
Ninety-eight new members were add
ed to the church, giving it the largest
membership roll in the city. Sixty-four
of these jollied by baptism. The revi
val meeting conducted ;by Messrs Up
shaw and Bealer caused the additionof
54 members. Daring the year 84 mem
bers were added by clmroh letters.
This is an indication of the nnm6er of
new people who are coming to Thomaa-
The pastor preached 184 sermons aud
delivered 8 addresses on special occa
sions. He married 11 couples, and ilia
income from this source was <44.50.
The first msrriago service he performed
without a fee. One c'oople was colored.
Tile monthly statistics may be of iuter-
est to those contemplating matrimony.
The figures (or the marriages were 1 Sep
temoer, 8 October, • November, 8 De
cember, 8 January, 1 February and 1
April. Strange to relate there were no
Baptist Jane brides.
The pastor conducted 18 funerals. Of
these 4 were members of the clmroh, 3
children of members, and one a relative
of amember. The fliares indioute what a
busy than a preacher is, find what a
volume of business is transacted by a
live aotive church.
If Mi-o-na Does Not OnTe Dyspepsia,
J. W- Peacock Will Return Your
\ Money,
When yon buy a box of Mi-o na, na
ture's cure for dyspepsia, have him sign
the following guarantee. This pro loots
yon absolutely against lius, should the
treatment fail to cure you.
I hereby agree to refund the nnney
paid for Mi-o nn on return of the empty
box, if the purchaser tells me that it has
failed to cure dyspepsia or stomach
troubles. Tliia guarantee covers two 80c.
boxes, ora month’s treatment.
''Anyone who has dyspepsia, indiges
tion, headaohes, dizziness, or specks be
fore tho eyes, or any form of liver and
stomach troubles, should take advan
tage of this chance to be cured without
risking a penny. The guarantee is plain
and absolute. If Ml-o-na does not do
all that is olaimed for ir, if it does not
give perfeot satisfaction, if it does not
care dyspepsia in any form and give
perfeot and natural digestion, yonr mon
ey is returned on demand.
J. W. Peacock gives a positive guar
antee with every box, allowing most
conclusively Ills faith in tills remedy.
> Attornsy-at-Law,'
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street.
Thomasvilie. • _ - , Georgia,
IWMoney to loan on Thomas County
Real Estate at 7 per cent ann&m.
t - * .-
Mrs. W. L. Ball and family have gone
taQuincy, Fla, to visit relatives.
sn the good old summer time, wheo
blovcle throng thoroughfares, and larm
animals and roadsters are all kept busy,
accidents to man and beast are of fre
quent ooonrauce. Elliott's Emulsified
Oil Liniment fa the most serviceable ao-.
oident and emergency liniment in nse.
It relieves qniukly and lieala speedily
ants, contusions braises, sprains, eto.
You get one-half pint for 86o., snd yon
et your monev book if not satiilied.
'or sale bv J. W. Peacock.
About what you will give,
that friend who is going tor
get i married. Simply come-
dow.i here tnl til uslow-
i ■
much you want .to spend.
We’ll do the rest—and guar*-'
antee that the present will lea
elegant. You don’t have to
spend a fortune to obtain ele
Belays are Dangerous.
h Toda y-
v . /-
if rapidly being: adopted for all commercial parpoo
rer mo OCEAN 8TEAESHIPS and bv the NA-
es. it is now emploied on over ^
VIES oi the leading nations of tbs world. The U. S. GOVERNMEN f has giv -n
the Marconi Company a contract to build three stations >n Ala-ka, thereby rec
ognizing it as an abioluto necessity. A very important (act is that the POSTAL
llfO-TL’U V tIUli W TCI E-flD ADli , ...... m..
and WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH Companies receive and trarsmit.
sages (or the MARCONI SYSTEM from each of their to.uoo office), thus gi
the MARCONI COMPANY the benefit of their HUNDREDS OF MILLk,.,.,
invested in receiving and operating plante, and thus enabling tbe Marconi System '
at tho present time to bare an office in every town In the United States and r
To Melon Growers.
Consign yonr melons to 8 H and E H
Froet. New York City. They, will get
yon <60 par car for 18 lb melons. Refer
ence E B Parker. 7-8-'04-lt.
To Jacksonville, Fla, from Mont
gomery and aU intermediate points to
WayCroee, via Atlantic Coast Lino,
Monday, July 18th.
Further particulars later. (
T. J. Bottoms, T. P. A.,
ThomaavUlo, Ga.
We advise immediate application, in order to secure certificates before I
advance in price. it
To give an idea of tbe possible moreasc in the value of the Marconi Sec
tbe stock of tbs English Marconi Company, which was first offered the pu
<3 per share, has since sold at <22 per share on the London Stock Eacnange.. 1
AMERICAN MARCONI COMPANY Offers as great, if not gre uer opportun
and tbe stock is now on the eve of a pronounced advance.
Applications are -eceived in amounts of not less than *122, and it is
that immediate remittance be made. Through tne managers Inr thianden
who comrol the stock we are enabled to make the present offer, but have oalv ■
limited amount of these certificates tooffer at the present figure.
For prospectus and full information address
1015 Piudential Bldg.
A* J. McBride,
Do you wish to Tarn Money
<n4dogood? ‘‘Yes?’* Then
write to
The Christian Union,
For Infimte
lbs Kind You Have
27 E. Hunter, Atlanta,