Newspaper Page Text
From the Bainbiidge Democrat;
Tito Democrat believes that Bain-'
br.dg« would like to trade note of In r I
bar rooms for ear shops and maiinfnc-j
taring enterprises of every kind—'vliiclt |
their presence ninoog ua detera from I
-coming; for we have a surfeit of tlto j
former ttu l slnioM a dearth of fho latter f
M M Every womrr. covet* a
'■'T' TrO**“8£J JFSM APjg shapely, prett figure, nnd
Jr man/of them tJio
lots of their j ittirh forr:*
. after marriego. I be twarir.g
73? ftIPSE® /£3I CPS children i« oftar. (Ystnictivo
...3?31Bum'S&mB *° *h* mother’* slur pc tines*.
/ I All of this can 1 e si voided,
• he use of Mother'! Friend before baby come*. thia
rnt ahraya prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
* ay it net ry of her fonn. Mother’s IVi end overcomes all the
Slid- jrth, and carries the expectant n itber safely through
pc. od with on* pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
X-»f- ‘ u Vy toil of the benefit and relief derived from the
roar fflU , r
Carl Mcore of Macon, Is Elected
for High Sditool Position,
Reporter Offleers Death Utterly with'
out Foundation.
■ lta’eqn.,1 liar never '.r *n ros -overe l for
Prepared only by
Dickey Eye Water Cu.,
Manufacturing Chemist. Bafa’ila, Ala
S^vessors to Dr. .T. A Dickey,
*■ Bristol, Teufcr
Prir.Y 2-j cou’R. For » by Drutffriflt*.
=£ FrBorz
tension, some
urry. bat mao
or indigestion
ver or cohsti-
• all rkict on
n*r tiv i Tea on
rbcin by us-
k*r. *nere i«
:.>•«. rOats, O- ni.'.ittrl. Wheat Bran ground
TTjvIiijs! a*d ciiea it t fpod knows and is une.i
aiitf V.iUer ■T‘dr,Cv.-r.
i ufiat ion.
DlcJ Consider*^;* Oamag* N*
Ochuickonou Saturday.
i-.tsf rpfvrimlj. fj esh car of this 1 ■ sc
bd Mr. See >«>ur stock up and feed bill* “d.'v. a.’
.ightSv u V: • :.«l large feeders.
I Va> '.uwrb.- -stuck of fresh corn, oats, hay, wheat,an
| c. ’itc«ri e i ttiaral 1 a; i emtotj seed hulls in sacks. Let us s- n-
you xetur.. in m-td . -.inyihing in'the feed line.
i a muroi ■ ,r Lssortea Soda Water and Root Bc< •
W at e- hot - tiajj' al the popular flavors and guarantee puri' ■
an*extxDe' e_
Oli'oclionee. G-f*, Jo!y 2, Ia.&* -
»«• A a/rtsli
Ni/.ei! rreftMiw with- <»<i
httii iwejit ifmutub »h»r county in t?i*
O'lmHtuiM- neipihlMM fiOMfi r J8v*» mile*ih,At*
cunt of kMre-tfc# Ti*o Mormj
lent t% v**nbh illM.ut
bluu ni& 4owu> hju* iumsli liutH *,
OoiiRiiiwuOlw 'iiAUumo wu#uwiie i.m .. *{
aud cotton.
Tliu lioilntontw wcr« of Wrun . |
Ml vrkb great fore*
Cooper; who \tnn oangnr intiiw w*
liarl difttwlty iu« boMins: bn* Ie*»r j
WliteiDWdNMfMUigby the ftfclittg anuieu i
i>». .**. Xtjw.d: Larly
i. vv :t,. ji’i-l \ *\ei« tnlieu
... t ... f ••t-— X'r-r** MIC
y ti yhyau-tuu wiio
, inn hid iimdiomaa
«.v rel ef. \ friMint w!»o
■ s I'm.isbernai'.i’i*
mtIi w*a* iltMimav on iiand
it .lore him \v<* a: once
i i m 1>ittl*j anA
A‘ a* .1 •' • Oil Klltit Wi'
i v i sf i- . •.x.»ii*.vrfal
n t i>'* 1 • ..i.l mi every
!*• bv .1. W. Pe«wclr.
Van lutlo pe <ple will hall with glait
at claim the dawning of the day, when of astute willtrahssfi.
i d with the same lUell.y oud honesty mi
that of a corporation or iudivldual. That
this u not the case, at preseut, la ouly
too api-arcut to tile casual obsorvor. The
lack cl ftnot busiiiesa methoda leads to
many - Vila of which tho SIlaKourt hood-
lersaul iliejaMtoffice corruption stand
as t,i» a. {
itstv.iu ilmt Imre to rcorg'a oar
itiirti me uooe too clear. Absolute dis
honest" n»y ho lackiug but criminal
oaretei-n«e. looms largo ou the horizon.
i3ou. Joe Hill Hall of Bibb has made
to tee eooae tho report of a special com
mittee a huh daring recess hgs been in.
ve.tlgnll ig Institutions and departments
of the time gorurnineut. Tho oommlt-
tee sho..s very loose meliiodt of book-
k.»pin.’ at ilie’sute suultarium at Ull-
\ledgttVil>» and charges lhat some otll-
- eials are allowed food, fael and other
-things without (lie authority of the law.
.it lsataii charge.! that the commissioner
. nfagrs uitnie lissolerks om;-’.o)c.i with-
- «l the warrant nf the law. Tho com-
mltttfkn-uoiiiiiieiidi the creation of the
office .if >tsie hndltor auil a radical
change mi he a> atom of bookkeoplug hi
all InaUt'utlcn. a id de;>»-tineuia except
the governor’s i.Hcf, l.cnsory r.nd'thc 1
immplr". ** gvueral'a office.
Mr. Rodfamo.Ww*.
Ml. M. \>. nedfeuimi oh Davo, wua In
tho city Sarnrday. Mn klw->learu lu»s
served ilw wiunty
several tvraWi. Jbot now. arywea ro-
hlglia.' onkst,. Mist uh ixomsDr com mi
sioncr. He- la- luatliig ass active can
palgoot theooiiill v andikaa- Jem Ian
iatorviewmigiUio viit«i»inufii»Csiru di
trick He- as,* Ian 1* taeor ifcau wr
pleased, vuishi hi* ohaaoOMit ctwnioui
the coanty primary on Augur* UWi.
•» t» tsi*earn Cit»o»
it.t«n a »«*u bt«
Ml . . ■i.lil-
* t '.l'..»Ml,l M'UflHMl
i«« .M.trii vt.k j'hv.'iUi.hL
.M M ’«• • pi'iv or H»*r-
- u.p i'oia
- •- I'lr.kHfll-
m >• ,. t^rd
• i» I lv r.» rH»f-
s, ! C H j h)|i, Cflo
» a < -i? c pi '• • jnic > ou probably never had such a tab bar
Kpiin .Tcietl uu Itefoie. Think of being able to i
' Ceop Cool for $25.50
'thetf lumbing fixtures at cost. Come to see me.
’Tfhc e at sic.' ice. •
JQ{ (\j P fRANT 206 Taejon Street.
h i itnil 11 Telephone konjiection.
Of Farmers Mutual Inaurande Com
penyofThomaa County.
Tho animal mooting of the Parmer's
Mutual liunrauco Company of Thomas
county was hold Friday, tl brought
a number of the moat promlncut farm-
era in tlw county 'to Thomaarille, 10
look after the affairs of tho company.
Tho mooting of the company
showed lie affair! to be in good
condition. ‘ Darius the last twelve
months the property Ices haa boon abrfut
41,000. lhure were several disastrous
fires aril t tin aaaeaauieut thia > u ir was
twlon what It had been at any previous
time. The amornt per 11,000 lain.
Tills la a very moderato rate, and ti e
protection afforded Is aa good as lliobes'.
There IsuoW 1400,0J0 worth of iiro]ieny
The old offl-
Bnle«.wid.Groom Wcaurod •
Satanlatfa. Atlanta. Uoasrt Mietuu cot.
tain*lli»p!otures of Mr. auu ui.a. Z, h
Norton od Falhua. wiw.wui. uwokii
Friday i» the 1 First Uautias ckwHi hi i
Pi-lhAow Mr* N»rtn* wai* tmuuily
Mr*. Hjsaao. CoiUnaui iM-luaia. Mi.
Norton tieqpeutly vpana 'JBia—uivit i,
and ouce resided here, lie i»Ui" temp-
taut Ot mauy cougratuImi.ini. uuut >..■
frlgada-tbroaghout ttouin iie-ugi...
■' For fartncri
Elliott's Eniul.ii
best everpiodui
keif pint for *jc. i
satisiactory Imimc.
lyand on aniun. >.
- MATln
"My mother has been a .uderer -for
many years with rheum ciw,"s»vt W.
H. Howard, nl Husbano, 'a. "At times
shewaannai 1* to move I. »nile at
times sralkh.g was painft • p .. ci.teti
her with a bottle oi Chan, mi . Pain
Balm and after a lew app.-.i ... she
t. . 1. cr
Mr. A* J, O.ulaliauoi A-i.viuli, Ala.
was In town Saturday. Mt. Uall. li
recently purchai-ed tUu Aiuawmili |*i- >
lu Ferusifiu. Hu will movo he « • ■
-ills family within trlup uvzt few -
Mr. Cabahau is uv. stranger to Sm.ti
Georgia Uuulng fonnewy lived in li.iu
bridge. *
lusuroJ in tiie comimuy.
cors were ro-olccted unnuimonaly. Oapt.
N. R. Bpengler of Boaton is president
and Mr. Kulert Alexaudor is sootetary.
The company Is a home Institution that
h-w heon very sncoessfal.
‘ Vrcii inat- (I uliey Mid to the grade-
Sting tUiuw of Yale:
•Ti.c r wily fundamental thing in a
gMjb'alireU Ills ohoice or a religion.
Two rdlgidne are today struggling tor
the mr.siery. There is the religion ot
Mammon, whom dominant purpose is
■eliyiMMeud whose creed to lndiffer
sore M morel oenridentioos. There is
the religion of God, whose purpose 1$
. service aa* whose oread is loyalty to
something l-iger than yourselves. The
religio ■ of tied appeals to tlmae who
‘valoeUfe for the work that It brlogs.
It appenls b> row who will not sell their
honor nor betray their friends, no uisi-
er how great the advantage.
Mr, a. J. Miiu.eC the turpentine firm take- grea* pleasure in anne un ling to our patrons and
dv. Mr. WiiUsuna bed just closed a i-' ®«»JV July 8th, gdb, nth and 13th, an expert optician,
large deal for inrpeoitno and lumbac n i®. seating the celebrated fi*m of A. K. Hawkes, Atlanta,
privilege* involving several timawnd jCvu. the largest and most favorably known optical establish
dollars. > nief.AS in the South
Mr. j. wuiiatn* at Favo. wan md- He Will Test Eyesight and Fit Glasses. *
shun tJatoixmy monuug. Tim rer>H». lesarsra tbe Umted St ites, is thoroughly conversant with all
Mrs. Hsath Laid Away Under Show
ers of Tsars.
Many sorrowing heart* gathered Fri
day afternoon at the residence of Mr.
P. & Heath to pay. their tribote Of love
and respect to one wboea departure had
left aa aching void In the clrole where
•he lived.
Tim fnuoral of Mrs. Heath wiu con
ducted at the reside Dos by Bey. 8. L.
MoOarty. The rervieewa* short, bat
overflowing with pathos, and many waa
the weeping eye aad bleeding heart that
followed the, flower-laden beans to
Laurel HilL
Thera has seldom lived la ThomisytUe
• lady more highly respected or uni-
venally beloved than Mrs. Heath. Her
lorn will be felt not alone ia the larally
where the woe all but idolised; the en
tire community- realise* .the loss of a
main stay.
Howls yonrlivetr Ir Rydales Liver
Tablets were a* well known there as ia
*ouie.paits of America, the sower would
* 1 4J i * h *-. 1 u « RydaleV
Liver Tablets. The tablets cure coasti-
stipatioa, biliousness and all liver tros-
that we have arranged this engagement and secured the ser
vices of a man of ability and reputation and that we, person
ally, guarantee his work.
All examinations are free and only regular prices will be
charged for glasses.
You Cu Sive Money
and obtain the highest class of professional service in this
line by taking advantage of this opportunity.
Bear in mind the dates, July 8tb, ¥th, IHh and I2tb*
Mr. R. 0. Sutton of Live Oak, Fla.,
it visiting Mr. Oh**. A. Hancock for a
tew days. Mr. Sutton formerly lived
here, and is being warmly vreloomed by
his old friends.
l .in 3
* „ ® ho,u, u"d jrad Typewriting. *
J Stsnogrephio Work Neatly Exe- 3
► ca *®^- ’Phone *73. *
► M!!** 3* n| H Aloxandar. <
Tbs annual allotment made by the U.
ft government for arms and equipment
el state tfonpi has Just been completed.
Georgia gate 1*8,981. Money well
Mean. John A. end Dunoon McKin
non, two of Thomas eoqnty's'prosper,
oas farmers, were in the city Saturday.
They report all crepe In good oouditian.
Valdosta is to bare a new church
-balhflN for tbs Methodists worth 4*8,000
Itsligion to Valdosta people is ell the
some, in stent or In a palace.
Mr. Jim Williams who was formerly
with the Prudential Life Iututauce
Company is now with the Fraukllu cad
at present is in Decatur county.
Thoniaavllla Win*
ThefTbomusviUe colored baseball team
plays havoc with ths aspirations of the
jBk Test your eyes
■MFit them with the
Improper glasses and
✓ adjust the frames
pnyerty. Goods and wotfc
hr J-JR. Salter, proprietor
vse Optical and Medicine
^-revau, Gm Nextre
other coons in this vicinity,
lo's crowd came up in gay apparel and
returned shrouded in inky gloom ye*
tetday. Score tells the story: Thomat-
ville 4; Mootioello 7.
Archie Pittman,'PUny Wlilte and Ed
ward Blanton ore recent matriculates
in the TbomasviUe Business College.
tl*>‘ pir box. u HOI® II
Miss Moselle Griffin went to Meigs
Saturday to visit friends there.
Tims* Enter