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Free Samples
You Can Got Ona.
BLACK WEED, the great v.getabls
remedy for Rhoumatlsm, Catarrh, and
Kidney and Bladder oomplaint*. has met
With almost instantaneous ancotee be-
eante it hae made eome noteworthy
onree of Tory sever* oases.
Mr. John Poet, of the Atlanta Pin
Dept., write*:
" For mouth* I (offered with my kid
ney*. 1 made erery effort to get relief,
but failed nntil I accidentally name in
poeieaaion of a bottle of Blank Weed.
The relief obtained from Ita nae wee ao
great before half the lint bottle had
been need, tint I pot (aide all other
medicine* and am now-aonnd and well,
having been cored completely by .Black
Weed. At the aame time I nad an ag
gravated caae of Catarrh of the head
and throat. Black Weed liaa completely
oared this, and my head ia now a* clear
aa a bell."
BLACK WEED la sold by all drug
gist* at |1.00 a bottle, or we will aend
prepaid npon raoeipt of prioe. ''
Send Your
a trial (ample of thla great nmedy,
which will be aent abaolotaly free, to
gether with ear book containing valoa-
If yon are the slave of
-a weak stomach -
will net you free.
Aak a friend who haa tried it,
or btty a hottle and prove it.
Band “Cheer UpF* TOES
at Drug Store*.
Thomasville Business College,
Thomasville, Ga.
Wo.havo excellent facilities forgiving
thorough and preoticat instrnctiona in
BooWteeping, Arithmetic, Penman-
•hip. Correspondence, Shorthand, Type
writing, Spelling, Badness Forma, etc.
Special low rate to all (tndenta enroll
ing daring the summer' months. Write
for terms. Anson W. Bam.,
I >s President-
Please mention this paper. Addnee,
Slack Wood Medlclna Co.,
Atlanta. Co.
ie Franklin Life Insurance C
Springfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884*
Below is given the rales for different forms of participating policies ojtfe s-cural
- ■ companies doing business in this section.
Susina Njws Items.
(By >1. fiesetn
Broad Street Store 'Purshaasd By
Chisholm and, Dillon.
Mr. S.^umpeon has eold hit sodawty-
tor, cigar, and grocery business on Broad
street to Meeara. T. B. Chisholm and J.
W. Dillon Jr. The new proprietors at -
anmed charge-yesterday. Both are
Thomasville boy*, who havo, grown to
manhood here, and their popularity will
aaanre them immediate snocaas. They
will both devote their entire time to the
boaineaa and will conduct it in a first
class np to date manner.
Mr. Sampson has been in business in
Thomaaville for eighteen yean. He haa
been at the present stand more than IS
yean and by olose attention to boaineaa
and honest methods he has boile up a
splendid trade to which his popular
young auocesaon wilt fall heir. For the
present Mr. Sampson will mako his
headquarters at A. H. S. Cooke’s offloe
over Taylor and Watson’s He wUlnot
re enter bnsinea* again for at least two
yoan, but will enjoy a well earned net.
He may return to Greeoe, his native
country, for a visit.
Tbo new firm starts with the cordial
good will of Mr. Sampson and every one
The pleasant and surprising news of
the marriage qf Mr. Boscbe Luke and
Miss Esther Stevens of Lumpkin, Ga,
will be of Intenet to Thomaaville peo-
. They were were Married in $t.
Lords at half past nine o'clock on Sun-
day-mdrning. Sunday night they left
for Hot Springs, Ark. and after a visit
to that city and other western points
they will retain to Thomaaville and
make their home here, —
Misa Stevens, Hr. Luke, Mr. and Mrs
J. O. Lewis and Mr. John H. Lewis
formed a congenial party who left hen
July 16th, for St. Lonia At the time
of their departnm no one (inspected that
the journey would witness so happy and
romaetio a culmination, though tlio
friends or the contracting parties knew
of their engagement.
Afro. Lake win one of Lnnipkin's
most attractive young ladies, and had
baaoma known to TbpmasvUle people
tlWODgh visit* to her relatives, Mr. and
Mss. Lewis. Sbo is the possessor of
aaaay charms of person and character
andwUl be a delightful addition to
Cbamaaville. Mr. Lake’* prominent
position a* county solicitor and one of
Abe town's leading lawyers baa given
him a wide acquaintance. He la highly
•Mteomed by aU of this wide circle of
friends, and the telegraph offloe was
kept bosy sending congratulatory met-
sages to him, Hia charming bride will
receive a warm weloome from nia
ThomasviUe friends.
We are betting that the New York
man will win.
Thomasville should pat her boat toot
and her beet cook forward for the bar*
Sumpter county had a splendid tax
ncreaae bat of corner mot equal to
Thomas. . /
We are beginning So think that there
is some sense in Hje no-breakfast fad
since meat went np.
Shorthand and Typewriting.
► Stenographic Work Neatly Exe-
- cured 'Phone 273.
•Now the Soldiers Win Lino up at Mi-
The latest orders in regard to the mil
itary maneuvers at Manassas have jnst
been issued. They provide that the
troops from the fourth lnfantrv shall be
farmed Into a battalion under command
of Major B. L. Wyliy of this city. This
battalion will be a port of the first pro-
visional regiment of infantry, odder
command of Cul. W. E. Wooten and
Lient. Colonel T. N. Hopkins. . A
There will be four companies. One
of these will be commanded by Gapt.
Jas. H. Brown of Co. K. and will include
twenty men from the local company,
the Thomaaville Guards. The remain
der of tlie provisional company will con*
Mat of First Lient. T. B. Gremmer and
fifteen men uf company I., Bainhridge,
and Second Lient. 0. P. Broqks and
twelve men of company B. Valdosta.
The Georgia commands will be eta-
turned on both aides at Manassas. Tlio
maneuver field occupies fifty, square
mile* and will he occupied by two hos
tile armies. Tlio Thomasvitlo boys will
Capt. K. T. Maclean of Thomas-
villa was don u here last Wednesday
writing life-insurance.
Ex-sheriff Gus Hurst was here last
Wedneiday on his way to Fla. He bade
ns goodbye saying that he was leaving
Thomas county for ever.
Mr. W- T. Hall is now carrying the
mail between here and ThomasviUe,
and we are getting oar mail on time.
Mr. Scott McCaU and family' went to
Lake Iamonlalast Thursday,
Mr. Willi* Quarterman passed through
bore last Friday on his way home from
Thomasville. He informed ns tl at
crops on the lake were good, and cotton
opening fast. /
Mr. Walter Biown has the lumber oa
the ground, and intends building a home
on the Quincy nad. This coupled with
his nufoeroua viMta over the river, leads
us to suspect that he intends takings
Ufa's partner.
Mr. Robert Whitfield went to Thom-
asTille last Thursday and brought back
a hay press for use on hia plantation.
He expressed his satisfaction with the
com harvester he recently purchased,'
having out, tied and shocked six acre*
of corn in five hours.
Soveral loads of ootton nagging have
been hauled through here, and picking
will soon commence.
Miss Annie McQoeen of Tallahassee
and Mr*. W. T. Robertson of Iamonla
came npto see friends last Friday.
Two little girls arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. i. B. Wells hut Wed
nesday. Oougratalations use now in
JO 1
Fronkhn Life
28 10
,31 III
43 60
New York Life
31 88
34 76
38 34
61 67
01 53
41 78
Mntnal Life
30 23
83 ao
30 87
47 77
67 72
89 44
Massachusetts Mntnal
30 08
32 08
47 67
B7 47
39 22
30 06
33 60
83 93
49 71
59 31
40 23
• Penn Mntnal
30 00
33 76
87 85
B0 08
69 01
40 63
Illinois Ufa
30 27
83 28
36 93
48 46
68 82
39 70
Hartford Ufo
30 65
38 89
86 63
B0 39
69 44
Snn Life. Canada
30 00
83 36
86 96
47 60
• Rates of our new 20 pay 40 percent, uarantced Dividend Policy—not written ia
this exact form by an other company,.
Age. Premiums.
21 — 27 15
22 — 27 89 '
28 — 28 28
24 — 28 78
25 — 29 84
27 - 80 66
30 — 82 71
82 — 34 42
• 85 — 87 25
Figures Talk.
Mr. J. M. Blacksliear Jr. John and
WiU Thomason went to Panacea
Springs Fndny expecting to be gone a
Mite Jania Alexander.
Stdw Next door to TlmesdCn lerprl-e.
•AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | be put in'camp at camp number one,
— — 1 two and a half miles north west of Ms-
A resolution has been introduced it
the honse by Messrs Mitchell, of Thom*
asiShackelford, of Clark.; Felder, pi
Bibb; and Stovall, of Chatham, forth*
appointment of a commission composed
of W. G. Raonl, John M. Egan and
Allen D. Candler to investigate the sit-,
The camp will be order command of
Brigadier General Frederick D. Grant
U. 8. A. Thu second provlutonal reg*
iment will camp near Thoroughfare,
Va. Tlio two camps wUl be maintained
as hostile forces and as near as possible
nation ns regard* the staid road and the condition* of actual warfare WiU be
report to the ' next general assembly j reproduced. The qppoeing Georgians
what stupe should bo taken to preserve ; may clash at any time, and Thomasville
tlio property against paralleling or oth
er movoments that might injure the
Hundreds of Tlioniasville Readers Know
Witat It Means.
boys wilt lie in the thick of the fray.
Mr. F. A. Belcher of Cairo, represent'
Inga New Orleans ossnmerolal honse
wae here soliciting orders last Saturday.
Cards are out for the marriage of Mr.
WlUie Qnartermau.and Miss Lola Jones
of River Junction, Fla. to be held on
the 38th. *
Miss Lnls Clower of Cairo, Miss Mar
gasot Ilall of Thomaaville, Mrs. John
Ponlk of Cairo, and .Mrs. James Be
den of Jacksonville silent last Wednos-
(lav at the borne .of Mr. ami. Mrs. JVM
Master Roggie and Miss May Haw-
thorn of Thomasville are spending a
few days with their cousin Master Al
bert Moller.
' Miss Adeline Moller of Thomasville
and Mrs Carl Moller and daughter of
Jacksonville, Fla. ware down Saturday
calling on friends and relatives.
Mr. John Andrews of Climax came
over Saturday to spend a few days with
Ids father Mr. Thomas B. Andrews.
Negro Called to Door and Shot to
Death at Patten.
The latest argument against the Au<
etralian ballot bill is that it wonld giro
control of certaiu counties to negroes
and Republicans. The how of this
would be as interesting and fairy like as
Au explanation of how to deport the
negro. ' We are offering a leather medal
for the elucidation of either point.
The kidneys nra overtaxed:
Haro too much to do.
They toil about it in many nclion and
Backacl e, sideache, headache.
Preparations for the state fair go
steadily on.
* In all ihat constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN" LIFE leads. carefu l
selection of risks enables us to enjoy the Most Favorable rate of mortality he location of
the company in the middle west enables it to earn a higher rate of interest than would be
possible in the eastern money centers.
The rate of interest* earned by the Franklin is a little over 5 t-2 percent, against an
average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low as 3 1-2 while others
re -as much as 4 >-2 per cent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk.
gents Wanted—Best Contract. DAVID C. BARROW, Genera] Agent,
For SouthernGeorgia,
u- Thomasville, Ga,
About what you will gi\e
that friend who is going to
get married. Simply come
down here and tell us how
much you want to spend.
We’ll do the rest—and guar
antee that the present will be
elegant. You don’t have to
spend a fortune to obtain ele
! Jenkin* Smith, a negro living near
Patten, was called to hi* door some time
during Monday night and shot by au
Early symptoms of kidney ills. j unkuowu person. Smith'* wife was iu
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright's ; t j, e |, oa/!e die time, aud even she
Disease follow. . ....
A respected man tells here a certain S' uotto who commuted the
tore. |
ii. Sweat, Justico of the Peace and j The hall entered the negro's month
Notary Public, residing at 52 Thomas, and wont straight through, breaking
street, Waycros*. Ga., say*: “Iused ; his neck. It wasn't long until he was
Doan’s Kidney Pills and cau recom- ; dead.
mend them very highly. I took them | Corouor Gaudy was at Meigs wkcu
for backache and kidney trouble from he revived notice of the killing, and he
which I suffered for a number of years, j went direct from there through the
There was a severe pain across the j country to patten to hol'd the inquett.
small of my back, constant, dull, bear- , j m( j uo j returned late Tuesday,
ing down pain, aud the secretions from j an j ow j n g to tlio slowness with which
the kidneys were dark and full of sedi- j uewg travels from that part of the
ment. Since using Doau s Kidney Pills j ( . ouu ty definite details could not be
my back is stronger and the pain has i
left me. I think Doan’s Kidney Pills
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping “it will wear away,” are
drifting towards Bright’s . Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
are a verv reliable and a very effective
remedy. They proved to be so in mr
case after I had fail**' to get any relief
from the nee of several other remedies ”
Emphatic endorsement can be had
- right here in Thomasville. Drop tnt
R. Thomas Jr’s drug store and aak what
Us customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Foster-Mil-
Jmrn Co., Buffalo’ N. Y„ sole agents for
stops uicguwiiucs, sticagincns tne urinary organs ana ouuas up tne
of the kidneys so they wHl perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
Jj?2L an y s « ns Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY’S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal tnalady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
the United States. Remember the
name—Doan's—and take no other*
Democratic ski** are bright and kpep
growing brighter. They will burnt into
effulgence next November.
The discrimination against Georgia
in the matter of freight rates and the
indifference of the railroad commission
make* tiie Atlanta Journal clamor for
the election of the railroad commission
ers by the people.
How to Find Out.
You can eisily determine if your kidneys are
out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has
a brick-dust sediment or small particles float
: in Tt,
G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Voire. '
G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y. v writes:
"About four years ago 1 wrote you »LtIng that ! hsd been entirely
cured of a eerere kidney trouble by taking let. then two bottles of
about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and fifnve never had a return of any of thoee symptom, during’th. four
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken •?“«•«*/ cured to etey cured, end
w u u taaca heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any 000 suffering from
/ kidney or bUdder^trouble."
Two Size*, 50 Cent* and $1.00.
sad symptoms of kidney disease disap;