Newspaper Page Text
'■ ..
We want you to remember it,
think about a«4 talk
, l about it.
' It will be as different from
all the other “Sales" in char
acter as it is in manner.
We are preparing for it, and
want you to wait for it.
In the mean time, we are
still hitting high prices, Sledge,
hamnier blows, that only an
/ and
Spot Gash
System of Merchandise
Compare the following. Is
there another business house
anywhere, from whom you can
get such values?
Obtldrens henry ribbed lioee email
Pair 5 oenta
Mo tboneand four imndiwf
1 me tehee 10 cent*
S yard bunch, Feather Stitch
braid cente
Hw'e 4-ptr guaranteed Linen
colinn 5 cents
t oent package Chewing gun....9 oenta
Two 6 oent packages beat en-
relope 5 cents
Ho. S Lamp Chimneys 6 oeute
' 10oent Pearl buttons, doaen. v ,il cents
80-cent chain, wrist bag 90 oenta
10 foot tool decorated crepe
paper .lOoenta
Ladies warranted all linen hand-
kerchiefs ....Scents,
OOOyard spool basting cot tun....8 oenta
Seat gold eye needles, paper.... Awnts
'Man's Klasstio Brogan Shoes... .90 oenta
Han's Buckle and Lace Brogans. 97 cents
Man's Sunday Shoes '..98 cents
Old Ladies good soft shoes 78 cente
Sunday Blioqi 98 cents
Pavo Personals.
[By.Cary MeOrowl
Mr. Earl Adams lelt yesterday for
White Springs for a few days ot reit
Mr. J. B. Wilson whd lias been sick
tor some time vtae taken to Dothan Ala.
yesterday by hie: daughter Mrs. Geo.
Baker of that city. He lias many friends
and relatives wtio wish him a speedy
Mr. B. W. Mills of Toccoa Ga. ft
spending a few days witli his parents.
Miss Olivia of near Pavo returned last
Thursday from Lowndes ooonty where
sJie line broil visiting relatives.
MiisLocy Reddick who haa been vis-
l ing her mother at Morvern retained
i her home last Thursday.
Dr. J. Frank Harris and wife spent
this week in Atlanta on business.
Cary McGraW enjoyed.* pleasant trip
to Doernn and Moultrie lest week.
Miss Ora Dekle of Moultrie returned
borne today after spending a month va
cation with friende in and around Pavo.
Misses Jane and Mary Edmonson,
returns from Ht. Petersburg, Fla. to
day after spending two months with
their sister, Mrs. Lucy Harvey who will
rotorn with them
Mr, Hugh O. Ford returned last Sun
day from Carthrsville his old home.
Elder R. H. Barwiok and Mr. Jchn
Dukes formerly of Bainbridge, hue the
contract of fonr brick buildings to be
be lmllt on the corner of Harris and
Main street#. Work has already begnn,
Mr. W.-W. Wade of Okapi loo was In
Pavo Saturday. ' ^ gone to New f<«’<*** ** AoM Ootlnpon
will many Mr. Don Monroe Fryer of
Reached by Gorenar’e Jury in Snipes'
Murder Caaa.
Afterjholrlidg several exhaustive ses
sions, one of them luting all night, the
Coroner’s Jury iu the case of the mur
der of Mrs.iL. B. Snipes has adjourned
for a recess after being unable to reach
a verdict.
The Jury is composed of six of Meigs
best citizens. Judge P. P. Dixon is
foreman and the other members are E,
E. Wilkes, Wm. Hill, John Pilclior,
J.D. Marshall nnd Ed. Alligood. They
examined about twenty witnesses and
have others on their list. They will
meet within the next week to dipeuss
any farther developments that may be
brought out. They are a set of most
careful anil conservative gentlemen and
the people are counting onsthorough in-
veetlgation. /
The resilente of the neigborliood are
determined to spare no time or money,
in an effort to apprehend the aeaaasiDS.
The'crime bu been declared one of the
wont ever committed in the county.
One of the mast shocking features is
that the murderer’s bullet left mother-
lesaTseven little.cliild i enjunder 17 years
of age.
Mice Covington to Wed Mr Flyer
, this Afternoon.
This afternoon at half put' three
York to buy hft fall stock of goods.
J. P. McGraw spent yesterday In
Moultrie onibunnosa. .
Don’t Forget our
Dixie Girl
Ladies Shoes, best in
the world, $2 wear
in ever pair, we cut
to $1.49.
A. F.
& Co.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thom ta County:
To the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of M. M. Cooper, James
Gribben, Ju. H. Brown, L. Steyennan.
F, W. Boyer, W. L Molntire and W. O.
Snodgrass, all of said state and county,
respectfully show:
1st, Tint theyv desln> for themselves
and their associates, successors and as
signs to become incorporated nndor the
name and style of the Thomuvltlo Kike’
2nd. The term for whioh petitioners
ask to be Incorporated ft for twenty
years with the privilege of renewal at
the end of tbnt time.
3rd. The capital stock of the corpora
tion ft to be 96000.00 (Five 'Thousand
dollars) divided into shares of (10000
(One Hundred Dollars) each, payable
In monthly Installments of $9-00 (Two
Dollars) each. ' Petitioners however as
the' privilege of increasing the said cap
ital hock from time to time, not exceed
ing lu the aggregate 910,000.00 (Ten
Thoniand Dollars. ) )
4th. That more tifan 10 per oent. of
•aid oapttal (took of 85-,000.00 hu al
ready been actually paid In. • ""
6th. The objeejt of the proposed cor.
poration ft to promote the social ’ inter
course of Its members, and to build and
to maintain an Ells’ dob in Thomas-
Title Ga. Petitioners desire to exercise
the usual powers, and to do all usual
necessary and proper acts wluoh per
tain to or may be connected with the
election and maintaining such an insti
tution, as herein specified. To have all
the riglite and powers provided in sec
tion 1869 of tlie oivil code ot 1896 of
Georgia, and to have the righc-and pow
er to borrow and loan money and to ex
ecute all necessary notes and mortgages
or secnilty^eeds and other instruments
of writing to evidence such locus and to
secure the same.
flth. Petitioners desire that I heir per-
souat* liability may be limited to the
amount of each individuals unpaid stock
subscriptions if any.
7th. The principal office and place
of business of the proposed corporation
will be Thomaaville,|Ga. s
Wherefore petitioners pray to be made
a body corporate under the name and
style aforesaid, entitled to the rigbto,
privileges and immnnltiee and subject
to the liabilities fixed by lew.
M. M. Cooper, James Gribben, Jaa.
H. Brown, L. Steyennan, F. W. Boyer,
W. L ikaclntyrr, W. 0, Snodgrass, pe-
' Joly, 7 19W
I certify the foregoing to be a true
copy of original now on file in my efflee
J. W. Groover, C. S. O.
July 7,1WM.
Jacksonville, Fla. The ceremony will
tade place at the reaidenoe of Mr. and
Mrs. Samnel G. Covington, the bride's
parents. It will be a very qniet affair
and will be witnessed only by immedi
ate relatives and intimate friends of the
contracting parties. Rev. K Read will
perform the ceremony. After a wed
ding tour the yoong coople will goto
Jacksonville, Fla. when they will make
their home.
No Executive Meeting.
The exeoutivo committee in charge of
the September gala day did not meet
according to schedule yesterday. They
were prevented by various reasons hut
will hold their meeting this morning.
They era Much Obliged.
The mombers of the librarv associa
tion are returning thanks to Mayor Rod
denbery and the city officials tor two
new iron hitoliing posts, placed in front
of the lli>raiy yesterday. L _
At Vashtl Home.
Yesterday afternoon Elizabeth John
son, an sloven year old eirl of Patten,
In tide county, 'arrived in the city
and j ft being cared for at the Vaeh-
ti Home.
Application for Administration.
GEORGIA—'Thomas County:
W. W. Brooks, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent administrator upon the es
tate of Joseph Mallard,late of said coun
ty, notice is hereby given that said appli
cation x ill be heard at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for said county
to be held on the first Monday in Sep
tember, I904.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 18th day of July, I904.
7-99-5f W.M Jones. Ordinary.
Notice ofjSale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Under and by virtue of an order cf
the Court of Ordinary said county regu
larly passed at the July term 1904 will
be sold at the courthouse door in Thom-
asville, Ga., within legal hours of sale
for each on the lint Tuesday in August,
* the following property, to-
wit:: Lots 12, U< and 14, fronting cn
Bryan street) 1, 9, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9, front
ing Hopkins Ave.; 1, 9, 3, 4, 6 and A|
fronting Lester St.)8,9, 10, 11, 19 and
IS, fronting North Side Thomas St.)
17, 18. 19, and 90, fronting South Side
Thomas St., and 9j, fronting Wnght
St., according to plat rqoOrded Oct.
1896 in Book D. D., page 78f
Records of Deeds Thomas Co., Ga. Afi
of aid lots situated in Thomasville, Ga
E. M. Smith,
R. Thomas. Jr.,
Executors Will of W. E. Davies, De
Wife of Colored Man, Says Four
White*'Killed Him.
Counter £Gand7 caino home Wednet
day from the Patten .neighborhood
where he went to investigate
the mysterious death of Jen
kins Smith, a colored man who was
coiled tb hie door and shot Monday at
midnight. The jury composed of J. M.
Gandy, W. J, Mills, Thomas Williams,
W. W. Wade, J. B. Lancaster and Jim
Williams, ret uraed a verdict tha* Smith
came to his death at the hands of party
or ponies unknown.
The evidence at the inquest showed
that Smith had refused to turn out of
the rood and had used abusive language
to an nnkpown white man on Monday
afternoon. The white man threatened
him with death inside of two weeks.
His wife says fonr white men called him
out and killed him. She did not know
any of then), and they enticed him from
the boose by saying they had a warrant.
The whole.affair is mysterious and there
is no clue to the murderers.
Ira tel Lover Fire* at Rival and Hits
Lovad On*-
. Henrietta Wilson, a colored woman
who lives near town, came to Thomas-
ville WedesdaySrith a bulletin her knee.
She had the bullet extracted aixtfs not
seriously hart, she swore ont a war
rant against Ben Hopkins, the colored
man whom she says fired the shot.
It seems that Ben and Henrietta had
beam lovers, but that the dusky maiden
is “variable as the shade by the light
quivering aspen made.” She was en
tertaining another lover on her veranda
when Ben passed by. The demon
jealonsy promped Ben to take a pop' at
his hated rival. The ballet got in the
wrong peufeuid the wonndedouc sought
revenge. Ben is now ruminating over
the cruelty of fate in the county jail.
T. J. Bottoms Writes of Hlo Health
and of Wootom Customs.
A Thomasville man teoeived a letter
from T. J. Bottoms who ft st Prescott,
Aria., yesterday. He said in part: "I
note the Thomasville Times-Enterpriso
says I have gained 40 pounds since com
ing bore. Thoy must have been misin
formed for such ft not the fact. 1 hope
yon will have them correct tin report. I
have Jnst about held my own sinpo I
came here. I have every reason to be
lieve that I will improve for this ft s
splendid climate, high and dry. We
are|living for rather camping about a
mile and a half from Presoatt on the
aide of a mountain.
Pricee here are fifty per cent, higher
than at Thomasville. A good chicken,
costs ft, corn meal 98 s bushel, cooking
•oda 16 cents a pound and everything
else in proportion.
■•We are having the first rein in two
months to-day ,;Jniy'|9iT*~Thoo»n(l» of
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
By virtue of an order granted bv the
Ordinary of Fulton County,*at tne
June term 1904 ol the Court'of Ordi
nary of saiu Fuiton Cbunty, 1, as guat-
diatr of the person and property of
Mamie Daniel Eubanks (formerly
Mamie Daniel) a minor, will sell before
the Court house door in Thomasville,
Thomas County, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday jn 4 ngnst I9O4. within the Id
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County. ; •
M. A.* Fleetwood, Admr.) Petition for
Estate ot W. A. Barrett > Injunction *
1 ml Relief
D. VV. Cliason
T. M. Mills et. al
The Georgia Boa *
Trust Co
M. A. Fleetwood, ) *
Adm , \ Estate (
W. A. Barrett. )
Whereas the two above stated case*,
gal lifeurs of sale, to the highest bidder involving in effect the same question*
for cash, the following described Real ant j same property were referred to G.P.
Estate to-wit: All that tract or* parcel
of land being One Hundred (100) acres
in tbo northwest corner of lot So. 21 in
the 13th District of Thomas County
Georgia--commencing at the northwest
corner of said lot and rurnim; along a
line to a point equal distance the north
west corner* and the northeast corner,
thence south to a stake‘in the branch,
thence west to the original land line,
fficnee back to to the starting point
he same being one Hundred (i0*>) acres.
Same being the properu of said minor,
and of the undersigned as her guardian.
Said sale being had for the purpose of
maintenance, education and—support 01
said minor.
G. H. Tanner.
Gaurdian of the person a'*d property of
Mamie Daniel Eubanks. 7-l-4t.
Property pointed ont by E M Mallette,
Agent, Thomasville, Ga.
For Sale.
Having bought the entire equipment
of the Kentucky [Stables, we have on
hand an excess of harness, phaetons,
buggies, surreys etc. These we offer at
alow figure for cash. These articles
are second-handed, [but - with light re
pairs they will give splendid service.
Call -it Kentucky Stables,
ELDER and FOSTER, d-w-tf
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Xo'tir.i is hereby given that the ur has applied to the ordinary of
said county for leave to sell the undivi
ded half interest in land belonging to the
estate of W J Bropks, his ward, for the
payment of debts. Said application will
be heard at ihe regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said county to beheld on
the first Monday in August 1904. This
5th day of July 1904. J B Brooks,
«-8-4t Guardian of W J Brook.
For Infests end Children.
Tk« KM foi Hate Always Boagbt
Seam the
i of
cattle hsve(died here of, starvation end
It ft nothing to see fifty or s hundred
dead cattle piled in a heap, killed by
lack of water.
People here are clever bnt there are
vary few church goers among them.
There are forty bar rooms in town, and
one street, "Whiskey Row,” lias ev^ry
building a bar room or gambling house.
Gambling ft a favorite amusement. It
ft carried on openly and gold ft stacked
on the tables. A man thinks nothing of
winning or lotting |D00 or 91.900 in
night. Yet a minister tails me tfrere ft
not an object of charity in town.
"Any one can get work and wages are
high, bat it costs yon twice ss much to
live as it does at home. Give my re
gards to all my friends.
"T. J. Bottoms."
$25.00 Reward.
A reward of twenty-five dollars will
be paid by the undersigned for the ar
rest with proof to convict any person
guilty of a criminal trespass on the fol
lowing lands in Thomas county Georgia,
to-wit: Lot 3, 4, 6, 37, 38, 39, 43 and
44, in the 17 district. Consult D. L.
Bulloch, Ochlockcnee, Ga. E. W. Swift,
Columbus, Ga. 7-93-19m
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas County;
Mrs Sarah Wyche Hayes, adminis
tratrix upon the estate ot Robert T
Hayes, late of raid county, deceased
having filed her petition fot discharge,
this is to cite ail persons concerned *.o
show cause against the granting of this
discharge at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county to be
held on the first Mondav in August 1904.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomas County :
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to the Ordinary ol
said County for leave to sell real estate
belonging to the estate of Helpn B.
Foote lor the payment of bequests ( and
for dietributfon. Said application will
be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for aid Connty to be
held on the first Monday in August,
1904. This 1st day July 1904 W. B.
Webb Executor under the will of
Helen B. Foote. 7-S-4t.
Application For Administration.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern. D. G.
Vandergriff having, in proper form ap
plied to me for Permanent Letters of Ad
ministration, with the will annexed, on
the Estate of J. P. Vandergriff, late of
said oounty, tins is to cite all nnd singu
lar the creditor!* and next of kin of J. IV
Vandergrff, to be and appear at my of- |
fice within the time allowed by law, and
show caus.e if any they can, why perma
nent Administration should not be
granted to I>. C. Vandergrtff on J. P.
Vandcrgriff ■ Estate.
Witness my hand official signature,
this 16th day of June IMof.
Wm. M. Jones.
Hnnsell to be tried by him as Auditor to
gether with any interventions, and
whereas same came on to be tried and
was after due notice tried by raid Audi
tor. And whereas Lot So. 142 in the
17th District was that of the subject
matter of said litigation and whereat »
said Auditor in making up his report in
said cAses did find that the Georgia
Loan Sc Trust Co., is entitled to a
Judgment .against the estate of W. A. *
Barrett, deceased, for * the sum of six
hundred and fifty dollars principal, with
interest at 8 per cent per annnm from
Dec. 1st, 1893. and for twenty-six dollars
principal, with interest at 8 per cent per
annnm from June 1st, 1803, and twenty-
six dollars principal, with interest at 8
per cent from Dec. 1st, 1893, and 10 per
cent on said principal and interest for
attorney’s fees, and whereas, said
auditor did fina that the said Qeorgia
Loan & Trust Company have a first
Hen on all of <.aid lot number one hun
dred aid forty-two (No. i4x) except
thirty (30) acres in the north-east corner
of said lot, and wueteas, said auditor did
find that said M. A. Fleetwood, admin
istrator of the estate, who is also re
ceiver, should sell said lot 142 except
30 acres in the noith-cast corner of said
lot, after advertising same for four
weeks, proceeds to be applied to said
judgment of the said The Georgia Loan
and Tru>t Company, and, whereas, said
auditor's report was duly filew and
notice given as required by law, and ,
whereas, a part of said report to which
no exceptions were filed was confirmed
June 9th. 1897, and whereas, the excep
tions filed iq said case, to said auditor’s
report, was dismissed and the auditor’s
report confirmed and made the judg
ment ol tne court, Dec. 16th, 1900.
Now, therefore, in obedience to said
judgmt-nt,»There will be sold at public
outcry for cash between the legal houra
of sale on the (istj/4irst Tuesday* in
August next, all of lot of land number
(142) one uundred and forty-two, except
30 acres ill the north-east corner of said
lot. said land lying and being in the
17th District of Thomas County, Geor
gia, and containing two hundred and
twenty (220) acres, niore or less. J
M. A. Fleetwood, ^
Receiver and Administrator Estate of
W. A. Barrett. 8-i-4t
Application will he made to the Hon.
R. G. Mitchell, Judge of the Superior
Court Southern Circuit, at Chambers in
Thomasville, Ga , on the 10th day of
August, 1004, by James C'. Ricfntrdson,
guardian for Owen C. Richardson, to
•6(1 |for reinvestment the following
property: All that tract of land lying
d being in Thbmas county, Georgia,
described as follows: bounded on the
north by lauds of Mrs. Clarke Watkins;
east, by lands of D. A, Groover; sooth,
by lands of E. O. Nelms, and west, by
lands of T. O. Slanatand, and in the
Thirteenth (13th) district of said ooonty,
being a part of lot No. four hundred
and thirteen (413) and containing forty
(40) acres together with ail the rights
and privileges thereunto belonging in
fee simple.
The said land being the property Of
the said Owen O. Richardson.
The reason for said application being
that said guardian resides without the.
limit of Thomas connty and is unable to
properly look after said property,
that the expenses for keeping it up will
exceed the valno of the property
itself. 7-16-41.
GEORGIA—County of
Libel for Divorce.
Excursion Rates to Eastern Citie*
vis Savannah and Steamships.
Die Central of Georgia Railway and
its connections sell excursion tickets to
Eastern Cities and return via Savannah
and Ocevu Steamship Company or Mer
chants and Miners Transportation Com*
pany at greatly reduced rates. Tickets
nclnde meals and berth aboard ship.
For further information apply to near
est Ticket Agent or l C. Brinson, Com
mercial Agent, Albany, Ga,
I Attorney-st-Law,
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street.
Thomasville. - - Georgia.
Money to loan on Thomas County
Off*Real Etate at 7 per cent annnm
Thouiat 1 .
Thos. J. Jordan ^
Julia B. Jordan )
It appearing that the defeudant, Julia
Brown Jordan is not a resident ot Geor
gia, it is ordered that service be perfec
ted in accordance with sections 3432 and
4978 of the Civil Code of Georgia, and.
that notice containing the names of the
parties plaintiff and defendant, with
captinu setting forth the court, the term
and character of the action and a notice
directed and addressed to the party to
be thus served who is Julia Brown Jor
dan, the defendant, commanding her to
be and appear at the next term of
Thomas Superior cot it, and bearing test
in the name of the Jungtf of S. C, S. O.^
and signed by the clerk. The same to
be published iu the Time^-Enterpiise
twi^e a month for two months. Thia
6th day of Jnne, 1904.
Root. G. Mrr uell.
Judge Superior Coart Sou. Circuit.
J. W. Groover,
C 8. C.
6-JO 8
A regular stack of straw votes will W *
taken between now and next Novem
'f'he man who invented golf recently
died in Scotland. Unfortunately tbo
language still lives.