Newspaper Page Text
ttUMS KSTl’.UP'!'. Vj . ■ h iaSVILLB, aaOKHIA, JULY SO 1961.
I.o;ca! arid • Persoiftil.
Mr 4. (> I cl y
nrday ill r«/*a.
Mint LilU Forrester of Molar-:
Saturday iu the city.
Former Resident Buys Farm In
Thomas County-
. Mr. Kilby Morphy of Moultrie was
in towu Saturday, tind closed a (leal by
which he purchased from Mr. S. Stey-
erraan 180 acres of land known us the
Jim White place, 14 miles from town.
Mr. Morphy tdtuxeifa owned a farm
just atnilo from his recent pun-haw:,
but for the last ten yeare lie has been
a resident of Monltrie. He says there
is no place like Thomas county, and that
I to is in a hurry to get back within its
LaniijrV Lemon
laxative cures
Constipation, B11-
lc;itr.Rts, Indites-
(ion :.nd Headache.
Act - promptly
ttnl powerfully on
the bowels yet is
penile and pleas-
nr.t i:> action
docs not gripe or
sicken. It can't
hurt you it can
help you.
Dothan, Ala..
April 16,'04.
I have used La
mar's Lemon Lax
ative in my family
and would nut l*o
without U. It is
certainly a valua-*
ble medicine.
3. A. May,
Chief of rollt*'..
Mr. Murphy received many
warm greetings from his old friends,
all of whom will learn with pleasure of
his determination to return.
On 0ml0 mt nil good drug tt:ras. 30 dim* j
OWN CO MO ma*UWCtu*«d cv
Russia Promises England to bo Good
And Relieves Tension.
St. Petersburg,Jnly 22 —The Runtfan
reply to the British protest was' handed
to Ambassador Harding this afternoon.
Russia agrees that the Malacca will not
be brought before the prise court, aud
undertakes to say that no similar inci
dents shall happen lx the future. As a
matter cf formality,the Mahcca’s cargo
will bo examined at Sudn bay, Island of
Crete,in tlio presence of the British con
sul and a Russian representative. The
claim for damages for delaying the
steamer will be presented later through
the British embassy.
spent j
booted ns the blood.
After the aip* of 4", or 50 when the vital powers arc
naturally weaker, it is noticed that a hurt o: any kind
heals alowlv, and often a very insignificant scratch or
Mr. Taylor Mitchell is nt home agaiti j br*„i« e l^coins* a kid ulcer or sore. At this time of life
after a visit to jh» World’s Fair. xvar*y growth:;, moles and pimples that have been on the
j body almost from birth begin £0 inflame and fester, and
| before very long are large eating, sloughing ulcers.
Leo Wise came over from Bainbritige f *“ henc-ver* sore or ulcer is j> 9!ir si r *:-I have not word* ■trona
clow ill hesiliug then VOU may pm ion your proa: medicine. I bad a Rors on my
b, sure somethin* is radical-
ly wrong with your blood. never lior.l. Th® doctors^pronounoad it Oaaoer.
to spend Sunday with his parents.
J)r. T. J. Taylor and family are back
in the city after 0 visit to Boston.
W. h. Adams tho Pavo merchant was
a visitor ro Thomoaville Saturday.
bleed. ^ ^ ^
___ bagan to dis
till tii® poisonous matter baa
healed. I took in all about thirty
Julian Mitchell is taking a course in
Shorthand* and. Typewriting at the
Thnmasville Business College. -
has been alumbennff there for £**®2dout1i -y- --
V. irs i ; !u»r : tinit«v to n<i<rrt bottlu*. taking it for aom® time after it nad®n-
years it» |je„innn.g to assert “ j honied. Thm wa»aboutt®n yeariago, and
Itself, ami breaks out and he- j Jiar « M,«n r.o •turn of it otac#.
comes a bad ulcer au.l per- 0,*m. Audrain Coun.jr.Ho. JOBEPHD8 BBIB.
haps the lieginning of Cancer. These old sores are rooted 111 the blood, ana
while washes, soaps, salves, etc., keep the surface
clean, they are not healing. A blood medicine to
Mr. O. L. Thompson, wife and yon, of
Smith vide are at I Id Loro afreet. They
will spend severalwveksin Thomasville.
puri/v and strengthen the polluted blood, and a tonic
to build up the general system is what is needed, and
vS. S. S. is jn* t such a remedy. So poison is so pow
erful and 110.germ so deadly that this great vegetable blood remedy cannot
reach it, and ulcers of ev'.rv kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative
E ropertiV. Medical adviefc <*r any information you tjay desire will be given
y our physician u *tIio
Undo Renlmn Pylon, the grizzled
bridegroom from Cairo perambulated
through Thomasville’w ^streets Satur
Misq Zeola Hand of Meigs was here
Saturday on her way to Cairo where
she will teach school for the next few
“For what is worth in][anything
Hut so much money as 'twill brinR.”--Butler.
Wo dosiro t'i
lino of
col 1 attention of our customer* this wok to a large
Our Valentine.
llow 1
Washington, July 22.—Spencer Kd
dy, American charge d'affaires at St,
Petersburg, cables the state depart
inert today that the British embassy has
been notified officially of tho release of
(ho steamer Malacca, and that conse
quently the tension has been relieved.
We furnish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST
This you already knew, the words we spoak are inrely TRUfi, We are too
busy filling order* to look you up, but if you want the beat of any^thing in our
line quick, 'Phoue 204, aud the old man will do the rest.
Out by the Orate Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Meat Workers Strike Has Broken out
Afresh In Chicago.
Kirby Planing Mill.
The Drummers Livery Stable
Having just, built and equipped a modern Livery Pml and SiPea Stubbs'
with firatucla** Carriagts, Bugg'es and saddle horsed New Buggies Car
riages and Drummers Rigs Prompt and courteous attention given all,
Order* for quick services.
The (patronage or commercial travelers especially solicited. Rates
Very Reasonable, Conveniently located on Bryan street. Two mi mites
walk easy of depot near railroad. Call on, write, 'phone or wire,
Cairo, a. W. D. BARBER, Prop.
Satisfaction Umanted.
Chicago, Jnly 22.- The butchers
strike was ordered renewed this morn
ing iu Chicago and all other cities af
fected by the- previous strike. Viola
tion of agreement by tho lacking house
proprietors is assignod as the reason.
Three thousand cattle butchers roporhsl
at the stock yards here for work this
morning. Only half of them were
given places. Thereupon nil refused to
lork and reported in n body at tno
union headquarters and n general order
i renewal of tho strike was soon
forthcoming by order of President Don
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
Mrs. Kinma Wyatt and her daughters j
Misses Bessie and Mamie who have j . Wo handle the——
been tho gnests of Miss Bertha Teafo j
hum K om. to Guiucy, Fi»., to roiu- j Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
tive *- i and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
South Georgia is perhaps the only
section of the state that is enjoying j
such a period-of unexampled prosperity, We have combination corn and cotton planters and cotnbina-
nud yet has resonrees undeveloped that
tion guano and corn drills.
will cause this prosperity to continue
and wax greater iu the years to come.
The railroad promoters realism this, and
now roads are coutinnally being built, j \\
old ones extended and still others pro- j
' havo the boat, line of Fertilizer Distributors wo over saw. Yon
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pound*
of fertilizers i**r acre.
The growth of the Parker sentiment,
that is mirrored in the independent
newspaper# of the country is truly eu-
conrnging to Democrats. The person
ality of tho ermine clad judge ns op
posed to the khaki-clothed bundle of
liooseveltiau impetuosity is one that ap
peal* strongly to thinking people every
where. A united party ro-inforced by
independent votes make the White
House loom near.
We also carry u full lino of two horse riding and walking cultivators
ui id weeclofa.
Wo are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and havo on lmnd yet- some select North Carolina Seed Pindars
Send Your Products.
The Georgia State Horticultural So
ciety meets next week at Tallulah Falls. I
Mr. M. B. Jones who is goiug front j
Remember that we give with .inch 26c cnuli purchase a ticket «»•
„„ . . . _ , , jtitliuK you t» a clmncft at tlin lieantifnl Amea stick seat run about on
Thomas eomity, wauls tohmke a good 1 , . . , , . , . , “ u “ l on
display m our window, winch will lie given away on May 28th. One
The Portable Saw Mill Is the Coming Mill.
It is a portable mill that is really portable. Makes perfect
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to to,000 feet per day.
Can be set and ready to saw itt two hours. Variable Fric
tion Cable Feed. Stationary Mills, any capacity. Portable
and Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory Supplies.
ALBANY, GEORGIA. ===========
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EOQS. Price $i.oo per setting 15 eggs.
Talked of Anniversary of Battle of
Man«iaa Thursday.
Yesterday lieing July 21st. was tho
anniversary of the first buttle of Ma
nassas. Tho day was especially ohsorv-
odiu Savannah by tho Oglothoriio bight
Infantry, with a jmrnde, banquet aud
tho like. This command was compauv
B, of tin 1 Eighth Georgia, and took
part iu the battle: so they havo good
cause to remember the date. Two
Tiiomasville men were members of the
company. They are Mr. J. B. Chisholm
aud Capt. V.. S. Law. Mr. Law, who
was in the fight as a non-commissioned
officer, was later promoted to first lieu-
teimut. Mr. Chisholm was a private
and was *iek at Winchester aud did not
get iu the fighting, on the memorial
day. '
Mr. E. 1). Nelms of Boston was
^ Ut ^A/iuna M r nnn ** among the prominent visitor* to Thom-
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville,
Matters Legislatives
Senator H. W. Hopkins hasinttoduc-
ed iuto the senate a bill to carry into
effect paragraph 1, section I, orticie 7
of the constitution with reference to
resting a debt other than a bonded
debt by comities and municipalities.
This is to enable Thomasville to pay
for a municipal light plant, if the citi
zens vote for such, without issuing
bonds. The Senator has also introduc
ed the following bill:
To ameud paragraph 5. of section 1
of article one of the constitution so as
to provide that iu cases of mjw or as
sault with intent to rape the persou as
sanlted may be testified by deposition.
showing for the count? and ingoing to
take along a number of things to show
the people of other sections what .South
Georgia industry can do. The big 70
anti HD i>oand watermelons now on
exhibition at the Times-Enterprise
will go. Mr. Jouos requests anyone iu
the county who has an nnnanal, a car
ious, or extraordinurly tine or large
horticultural product, to send it to him.
Tho articles may be loft at the Times-
Enterprise for Mr. Jone* They will be
labeled and exhibited at the meeting.
Send your procucts to this office.
of our customers will get this beaut, if til run aln
lucky olm. COME to see us.
ut. You may be the
Comfort Trading Co
Announcement of
A Neighbor’s Solution.
Baiubridgelike Thomasville has ltoe.n
iu the throes of the municipal ownership
question as applied to electric lights.
They havo nt>nnt arrived nt a solution of I
the questiou over there. On August 8th
an election will l»e held to determine
whether or not 020.000 in bonds shall be
ssued, for the pnr]K>so named. If bonds
a itt tho day, the plant of tho X css-
baa m brothers will lie purchased. The
owners of the plant and the city each
named nn electrical engineer. These
agreed upon the value of the jilant as
#1.\000 and this price will be paid in tho
event the citizens want to own the
Proprietors of Meigs Big Livery Stables
beg to inform the public that they are
now folly fitted up aud prepared to serve
all with very best accommodations.
Having recently bought out the firm of
W. H. Hurst & Co., and in corobiuing
the two they will conduct a flrat-class
Livery, Feed aud Sales Stable. Best
turnouts, all kinds of new and up-to-date
vehicles. Drummers’ Rigs and Fine and
rast Horses. Rates reasonnhla -m>i
East Horses. Rates 'reasonable anil
satisfaction guaranteed, Calls answer
ed promptly. Phone, wire or write.
Meigs, Georgia.
Camilla Coons Capture Contest
Thednskr aggregation of Mitcholl
**0001? darkies, who came down to play
baseball Frsdav put the fixing to
Thomasville’s team. Tho game was
well played ami exciting but the sad
score was fi to o in furor of the visitors.
Goes to Valdosta.
i up-to-date stock of
That's what it means to to trade wtth us. We have a
Bed room Suites, odd Dressers, Beds,
Tablts, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Mattresses, Etc.
We also carry the
ever sold in the So*Hh. Our guarantee is behind every one and if you
needing a stove it will ■pa/ you to see ns. We are making some -.penally
Mi* Etu. Peat-oeg.otaughts, boot, Matting, Rugs. Lace C.irtains, Window Shades, Hammocks, Mos-
■re last year, but who resigned her r— ■ .. 0 .. * ' ' lU3
qu'tcr Canopies and other Summer House Furnishings.
Come to see us and we will make your visit profitable. Yours for business,
L'airo Furniture Company.
R. L. Van Landlagbatn, Mgr.
here last year, out who resigne
position a few week ago. it as beenelect-
ed to a toucher's place in the Valdosta
schools. She will go there in Septem
Cairo, Ga