Newspaper Page Text
If the joy of the hm’.scholJ. for without
it no happincs* • he complete. How
sweet tile pic;ure ot mother ami babe,
nngels smile at and commend the
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how*
ever, is so full of danger and suffering thftt
she looks forward to the hour when she shall
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. 12very woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother s fr*ricna,
A scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
pliable all the parts, and
assists nature in its sublime
work. By it* aid thousands
of women have passed this
great crisit* in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at $1.00 per
bottle by u ruggists. Our book of priceless
value to all Women sent free. Address
Woman’s four protective measures.
• Mission Column.
, (M'lrt! Hr In. Ji'. F. Kuii)
Cau it be that He whose baud
Spread the sea and formed the land,
lie, whoae voice tho orb of day
And conations stars of night obey,
Ruler of all! O can jr be
That such n God hath need of me?
Cot. McLendon Gives His Ides of How
to Save State Railroad
Is located on Broad street, opposite
Piney Woods Hotel,
is aii up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs.
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Tliomasvillc, Ga.
Have we, yon ami I, responded during
thy past week to His call, "I have need
of thee?” .Suffering and sorrow are all
about ns. Have we done wlmt we could
in His name to alleviate this suffering,
to soothe and comfort these sorrowing
Have we cheerfully and patiently
helped others liear their burdens ami
so fulfilled the law of Chritit? Or Imre
we let these opportunities go by unim
proved, trying to appease our eonscinre
wit!) this thought, the call was not to
me? Let us not attempt to deceive our-,
solves. Our eternal destiny depends on
what we are for Christ.
A sculptor once showed a visitor his
studio. Seeing a statue with face cov
ered aud wings on each foot, the visitor
asked, "What is his iiaino?" "Oppor
tunity,” was the reply. “Why is his
face hidden?" "Because men seldom
know him when he comes to them."
Why has he wings on his feet?” "Bo-
•ause ho is soon gone, unci once gone
can never be overtaken.”
May our blinded eyes bo opened, aud
ir bauds eagerly outstretched to seize
these opportunities that are coming to
ns every day and use them as coming
from our Heavenly Father.
The minutes of the Board meeting
held in Kansas City iu April have been
sent throughout the Southern Methodist
liurcli. These minutes*give in uo un
certain tones the extension and ad
vancement of the vjrork projected by the
Womau’s Home Mission Board. Its
mcmltership ever increasing, its schools,
itscitv mission boards, its rescue homes,
its orphanagus, all sowing seed that will
by tlioir re-productive powers bring
forth a golden harvest for eternity.
"My suggestion in regard to the VV. &
A. railroad is one of protection. The
method is secondary. I believe the best
protection would be the sale of the road,
the purchaser assuming the fiaymeut ot'
the principal aud interest of the states
valid bonded debt, together with the
payment of sncli other sum as would
represent a fair value of the property,
not a fanciful or Imaginary value. The
second best protection would be on ex-
tentiou of the lease for auy desired pe
riod beyond the present lease on terms
fair and reasonable. •
The third protective measure would
be the prohibition of a parallel line.
Tjie fourth would be the acquisition
of other lines that would measurably
save the earning power of the W. & A.
The sovereignty of the state would
not exert any influeuce iu the move
ment of freights, however efficacious if,
might lie in other directions.
The day of short railroads is gone
forever. I believe the state as a mat
ter of choice should go out of the
transportation business aud only as
matter of necessity should go fnrthc
into it.
S. G. McLcudon.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bom
In use for over 30 years, has homo the signature of
and has been made nndcr his per-
Sgjy. soiml supervision since its inlbncy.
,, Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-os-good” are but
Experiments that tritto with and endanger the health of
Inlhuts and Children—Experience against Experiment,
. Cotton Opening.
Bn|x>rts from the county indicate
that cotton is opening rapidly, and tlio
first bale is not many days distant.
The fear lias been expressed that much
ot' tlio fruit would be causod to Hlied by
the frequent rains. So far however,
the crops are in good condition and
unless the rains continno the fruit is in
no danger.
Get Prices from
him before
Cairo, Cairo.
My stock of General Merchandise at Cairo must 1* sold
ont at once. I have sold my store building and must give
possession bv August, ist.
Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats, etc.
Less Than Actual Cost.
Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my
stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods.
0. L. DURON, H. W. Moncrief. M’g'r.
Cairo, • • - -Georgia.
VM-Vm w
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
.SIMPLICITY iUelf. Buy a
BLAKE5LEE and keep your re
ligion . No profanity necessary.
Among the many new enterprims of
our city, then* in not one that ho ap-
poals to every mother’s heart an tlio
Youug Men’s Christian Association
building going up on Dawson street. It
ht-andri for tlio purity of heart and
character of our boys. It will be an
ojien door where every mother will
fool that her boy is safe from the haunt*
of sin and vice, whose doors are nlways
opened wide to entice onr boys into
paths that lead down to eternal death.
With every stroke of the hommur cu
this building should go up a note of
praise to Almighty God for the G/iris-
tion influences at work developing our
boys into noble, well-rounded manhood.
His Explanation
A visitor to this office who keeps
well in'orim-d on international affairs
has u new theory to account for Russia’s
action in antagonizing Germany and
England. He says the Czar sees he is
whipped, aud wants to get the other
nations to declare against him, in order
to claim to have been overpowered, and
save the disgrace of a defeat by little
Castorl.a in a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pore,
goric, Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It la Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotla
substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
null allays feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It ussimilntcs the Food, regulates the
Stomach und Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tlio Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of ^
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Use For Over 30 Years.
Two Weeks Court In Berrien.
A. bill before the bouse of represen
tatives to change the time of holding
Saperior court in Berrien, Echols and
Colquitt counties, will make Judge
Robert G. Mitel mil’s work easier. It
provides (or a two week’s term in Bor-
rion on tlio third and fourtli Mondays in
March and September. This will re
lieve the congested docket which ull the
legal fraternity in that county complain
. Equipped
Boiler Works
Shops and
Woomn Wlrm Fence, Firm V roof Hoofing, Spray Pumps, Mown, Pakms, Smparafm
We will Make It to Your Interest to Figaro with Us. -
..... MACON. CA.
- Mr. W. H, Benton who lives twelve
miles from the city was here on 8ntur-
day. He had with him ft curious freak
of natnra in the shape of a twin ear of
corn. Two perfectly doveloperl oars are
joined together at baco and apex
though each is well rounded.
Miss Sue Lane, of Boston Ga., who
has taken a coarse in the St. Louis
Training school of Christiau work, pass
ed through «ur city recently en route to
the momorinl Training School Nash
ville Tonu. This school is under tlio
management of Misses. Kaima and I Jim
Tucker. Miss Lane's going from our
soctiou brings this rescue home into
close touch with our city Mission Board,
a. this Board sooftmi hasto point somo j rtPEC1AL BARGAINS IN READING
poor deluded fallen girl to a place of j MATTER OFFERED
Our Yasliti Home opens its portals to
these before their fall, but how are they
to know of its open door unless some
Christian man or woman points them
this way, and opens the way for them?
The saddest words tide Board has to
give out. "Its too late, you should have
come before your fall.”
Weekly Tlmes-Enterprise.
Weekly Timea-Enterprise 1 year and
a splendid man of Georgia, the United
States and tlio world, $1 00.
(The map alone is worth the money.)
Weekly Times-Enterprise and
Homl-Weekly Atlanta Jonrnal, both
yearll 40.
• Semi-Weekly Savannah News both one
Now, can you sit quietly by and let year |i go.
theso girls KO down, down, and not j Woekly Timuu-Untnrpri*- mid the
require some tiling at your hands.? j Three Times-Week New York "World,
both one year ftl 50
j _ Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Stationery, Portable, PompiDii
end Connection Outfits.
Weekly limes-Enterprise and
But some one will say, your j Snnny South and the W
Weekly Atlanta
Constitution, all one year $*„’ 00.
Weekly Times-Euterprise and South
ern Cultivator, $1.50.
happy girls, yet there is room for sixteen
present needs have been supplied—just i
that—how do you expect to provide :
food and raiment for an additional i
Nothing hidden or con.phc.ted about the j number’- My friend, that i. God'. ; „ ^im^Xn.^dgh.W1 ‘nteri
Strictly high-grade. part of the transaction. And lie has j denominational weekly, $1.50.
j never failed iu any of His transaction*., Almost any other combination you
_______ , cau want at a price to suit you. If one
of these combinations doesn’t suit write
i T- m Irmha m _ _ A I tu T. F. Moore of Cairo wne a visitor to . us what yon want.
Birmingnam, - - Aia. m , . times-enterprise,
tom on Friday. j ZhomasylUe, Ua
Yoti can see every, movement.
Write for our catalogue and prices.
rrloa la th« kind feopin want When one metirw
tb* worth of bl* money h* la aatlaStd and aomaa again
Our Work
Must plea,a onr auatoaara. Wo koto sol* W <
men who "know how."
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed*
154-256 SOUTH BROAD,
Oppoalta Plnay
Wood* Hotel
Would Gall Attention
To the Columbia Disc Grapliophono which is bringing so much pleasure 16
thousands of homes throughout this broad luml of ours, and which yon can en
joy just as well * they are proving everything that have been said of them, an en
tertainer in tlioJionie. A number of tin* nowest modols cau be eoen at
OH AS. G. GOBHBING, Jeweler.
- 130 Broad St.
Carries a complete line of Drugs,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta
tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps
Combs, Brushes .....
The only up-to-date Soda fount
in town, serving all kinds of cold
and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream.
A fine line of Tobacco and Cigars,
Fancy and Family Groceries.
Thanking you for past patronage
and soliciting same in future.
Ocklockoneo, Georgia.