Newspaper Page Text
The Franklin Life Insurance Cc.,
Springfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884.
hr*. of two popular and promi
sing people ware joined in mntri-
it J:*0 o’clock Thursday after-
The contracting partita were
nna Covington and Mr. Don
■ Fryer. The ceremony' was
ned at the residence of the bride’s
Below is given the rates for different forms
companies doing business in this section.
Frauklm Lite.
New York Life
Mutual Life
Massachusetts Mutual;
Penn Mutual
Illinois Life
1Hartford Life
Snn Life. Cnnucin
Uaxa prootor in honor of their guests,
Miss Bessie Proctor pnd Miss Dbrs
Rawls, of Savannah; Miss Nellis Vsn
Djke and Miss Rosebud Wynn. of Al
After ▼arious amusements the guests
adjourned to the yard where tables were
patotts on Love street, me weaaing * J
m T .« . • -..0^.^..* set upon the lawn and Japanese lanterns
w wirMlmarniflcent in everv anvxnutmeut .
added to the charm of the watermelon
feast. Those Invited were: Misses
Th-3 home was beautifully decorated „ r » ir , „ ,
* ' Marion Balfour, Louise Hopkins, hate*
throughout in a color scheme of white , T • r o C j u •»,
% v * Ooyle, Jiuue Lee Brown, Sidney Smith,
and green. The ceremony was per
formed in the parlor before a beautiful
floral altar. t
The bridal party entered to the strains
. of Mendelsshon’s wedding march,
'played by; Miss Hallio Covington, who
was charming in a beautiful gown cf
white chiffon. She was assisted by Mr.
B O. Douglas. Misses May Taylor and
■Willie Mae Whatley, nieces of the
bride, were the flower girls.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
~K. Read iu an impressive fashion.
Daring the ceremony “Oh Promise Me”
was played. •
The bride wore a beautiful going-
nway gowu of bine crepe <le pari* trim
med with wffite and white vostiugs, and
* champagne nnd blue lmt. She never
looked mote charming than on this oc
casion. 0
Mr. and Mrs. Fryer left at 4:20
o’clock for Jacksonville, where they
will make their future home. They are
both deservedly popular with a wide
circle of friends and au unusually large
and handsome array of presents bore
witness to the fact.
Mr. Fryer is a prosperous young busi
ness mau of Jacksonville find is fortu
nate in winning for his, brfde one of
ThomnsvUle’H prettiest and most ac
complished young lathes.
Agnes Lillianberg, Elizabeth Mallard,
Julia Davenport, Dokle, Hallie
Covington. Paulino Smith, Rose Bud
Wynn, Bessie Proctor, Dora llawls an$l
Nolle Van Dyke. Messrs. Eugeno Fiorti-
Ag, Will Hopkins, Webster Edwards,
Claude SmithMiiey Edwards, Albert
Pringle. Milner Smith, James Dillon,
James Gribben, Joe Jcrger, Frank
Speight, Ernest Mallard, A. L. Bntey,
Robert Gamble, Albert Williams, Tim
Chisholm, Herberuer Mallard and Al
bert Dixon.
Th's Size 25 Cents Each Largsr
Size 10 Cents Each.
An enterprising! merchant offers one
of Young's famous $3 hats for the near
est guess to the number of visitors in at
tendance at tiie picnic and barbecue.
J. T. Culpepper, S. A. Roddeuberry acd
!?. T. Stuart will constitute the esti
mate board of attendance. Fourteen
lire, activo citizens constitute the finance
committee who estimate one thousand
dollars auecessary amount to ragpt their
Did you ever 6ee anything like it?
What? The activity, interest and unan
imous concert combined among the peo
ple to have a’greater picnic. The whole
county is coming.
Twenty-five thousand yards of bunt
ing and flags will decorate Bread and
Jackson streets September the 25id.
Horace Cochran chairman *of the
amusement committee, already lias a
program long enough to choke a dog,
This is a picnic by Thomasville to our
Hero anc somo verses fresh from the
foolish factory that should appeal to all
golfers. They were written by a well j friends from the county and surround-
known resident of Thomasville. | ing towns. Everyone is expected to do
There was a young man from Dundee, I *'^ or * ier 8 * ia,e l * ,e entertaining. It
Who drove a ball into a tree.
“If I play from .the lie,
I'll look like a guy.
And break my fool neck.” Said he.
There was a young man from St. Louis,
Who said “There are few who can do
will be the grandest display of united
efforts and hospitality ever witnessed in
South Georgia.
Ho skinned 'em alive.
By the lougth of,lus drive,
And his putting sure pat it to ui
Mr. and Mrs- Taylor Hosts at an
Event of Great Beauty.
One of the most elaborate and enjoy
able occasion.! of the season was the tea
jgifen by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor
f. Wednesday evening iu honor of the
^Covington Fryer wedding i»rty.
The house was beautifully decorated
4hroughout and the color scheme of
puik aud green wh&i carried out iu every
The dining table was particularly
lovely wijli its polished surface and real
lace pieces; the centre piece was a hand
painted vac© filled with Madame Lam-
bard rotes.
Tla» amusing feature of the evening
wan observation tables, which proved
aacoetisful. The gentlemen's prize
white silk tie, was won by Mr. Fryer,
-and the ladies prize, a beautiful lace
was wou by Miss Hallie Coviugtou.
The charming hostess wore a lovely
4own of white chiffon to carry out
it were, the harmonious effect.
IVarotva Visitors Maks ths Wslkii
Ring st Mlccosuki*.
T1 lure w
Who drovo a ball like a Gcheuua. .
He at last met his match,
In a player from scrath.
Aud now his skin's gone to the tanner.
There was a man from Bellevue, ‘
Who made every hole iu a two.
He raid, with a laugh,
“If I'd score one aud a half.
Why something quite new.
There was a young man from Mattoou,
Who made a terrible slice with a spoon,
The ball fell iu a well,
And lie muttered “Oh! —
I'd better play out by hf|
Cox’s Patent MocbiuJ^lade Poetry.
None geuuine without the name blown
in the bottle. Dose for children forty
jumps. Adults, two jogs.
If your drug store don't keep it, tell
a policeman.
What would you do if you had a dime
aud a buggy top?
Buy a tine t«></th comb and get ’em
G S. C.
A Droad street merchant offers$2.50
1 gold to the/prettiest girl buby, and
. a like amount to the prettiest boy bubV
tat the picnic linger six months of age.
! If the baby doesn't want tho gold the
^avail-1 equivalent in merchandise will he given
The Judges iu the baby contest aro Mr.-,
J. F. Culpepper, Col R. E. Lester . nd
Alderman J. L. Beverly.
Kates ot our new 20 pay 40 per cent. Guaranteed Dividend Policy—not~written“ia
this exact form by au other company.
Age. Premiums.
21 *- '37 15
22 — 27 tin
2U — 28 28
21 — 28 78
25 — 29 '84
27 — 110 no
, 30 — 82 71
82 — 34 42
S3 — 87 25
Figures Talk.
In all that constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN L'lFE leads A'careful
selection of risks nibbles us to enjoy the Most Favo:able rate of mortality—‘he location of
the company 111 the middle west enables it to earn a higher rate of interest than u-n„V1 ho
possible in the eastern money centers. 11 a De
The rate of interest earned by the Franklin is a little over 5 t- 2 percent. against an
average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low as \ 1-2 while other,
are as much as 4 >-2 peV cent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk ’’
Agents Wanted—Best Contract. DAVID C. BARROW, General Agent
Another merchant offers a fine pair < f
trousers to the tallast man. The tall
men deciders are S. Richy, A. W. Stuart
and J. D. McCartney. Come aud have
your measure taken.
Of course all the premiums are only
for visitors and the home folks wil^liave
he contests for their guests,
Still Registering.
An occasional voter still registers at
Tax Collector Heath's office. Though
the campaign has been quiet the regis
tration list is larger tliau it has been for
some years. The books for the county
pr.mary close a week from Tuesday.
k New scientific Discover!
lor me
It purifies tho blood by eliminating the
waste matter and other impurities and by
destroying tho germs or microbes that
infest the blood. It builds up tbo blood
by rcstori ng and multiplying the red cor
puscles, making the btood rich and red.
It restores and stimulates the nerves,
causing a full freo flow of nerve fores
throughout the entire nerve system. It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervoua-
ness, nervous prostration and all
of the nervous system.
BLACK WEED, the great vegetable
remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, aud
Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met
with almost instantaneous snoosss be
cause it has made some noteworthy
cures of very severe cases.
Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fire
Dept., writes:
For Mies Evans.
Among tho pleasant social events of
the past week was the at home of Mbs
*m* Culpepper on Tuesday nigbHn hon
or ot Miss Bama Evans. „
Many Visitors Hero-
Among the out of town guests at the
Covington-Fryer wedding were Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Covington, of Monticello,
Fla.; Hi*. Willie Mao Whaley, ot Mr. J. F. Janie., one ofthe beat farm.
Dothan. Ala ; Mr. E. O. Dougina, of era in all the Boaton dUtrlot, wa» among
Brnnawick, Ga.; Mr V. T. Coringtoo, | fiie Saturday visitor,totown. Mr. Janes
of Monticello, Fla., aiuLMr. and Mr. «ay» hi. section has .offered severely
J. A. Horn, of'1 Ua I° r
" For month! I .offered with my kld-
aeyl. I made erery-effort to get relief,
hot failed until I accidentally cam. io
poaaession of a bottl. of Blaok Weed.
The relief obtained from lte use was ao
great before half the flrrt bottl. had
Men uaed, that I put add* all other
medicinal and am now aoond and well,
haring bean cured completely by Black
Weed. At the earn, time I had an ag*
RYDALES TONIC Is t specific for a* SPlULj^tJi SSSF&fiJSSaiS!
forms of Malaria. It acts on a new prin« """
riple. It kills the microbes that produce
Malaria. Tho cause being removed the
disease quickly disappears. RYDALES
TONIC is guaranteed to cure the most ..
sb,(inale case, of Malarial Fever^ChlU, I upon reoeipt of prioa.
md Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize all ! $6110 Yolir NfllOC
iealere handling our remedies to refund ,, , , . Im
ihe purchase pric for every bottle ol °* t *‘V*™**
RYDALES TONIC that does not give 1 ***}”)* "j?| ^ ft *V to ~
Mtiifaction. «*“ 1 ' lth w book containing ralna.
bla Information and ndonemcota
Pleaaa mention thia paper. Addnaa,
and throat. Blaok Weed has completely
anted ihia, and my head la now aa dear
BLAOK WEED la add by all drag*
ghrt. at 11.00 a bottle, or va will aand
the Bay.
la dumb aa the Oyatere at
Slack Weed Medicine Co.,
_ Atlanta, Go.
We note that none of the I idler who
return from the World', Fair have
much to aay about the Iggorotaa.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Notice i, hereby given that the un
dersigned has applied to the ordinary ot
said county for leave to sell the undivi
ded half interest In land belonging to the
estate of W J Brooks, bis ward, for the
payment of debts. Said application will
be heard at the regular term of the const
ol Ordinary for said county to be held at.
the first Monday in August 1904. This
Jtb day of July 1904. J B Brooka,
7«*8-4t Guardian of W J Brooks.
Lake Microsokie is one of the most
beautiful place, in all this section. If it
* new not ao, people who muter the
ooaimge to get up at three o'clock in the
*«g to drive the Si miles lying be
tween Thomasville and the -'Basin,
would bo fit subjects for a guardian's
When the company and the weather
ana auspicious however, all hardships
a brink Into insignificant weight before
4ke pleasures of a trip to "The Loke."
Evory phase of every feature combined
to make delightful the trip of a party of
twelve on last Wednesday. The party
reflated of Misses Marion and Louise
Hayes and their guest Miss Jane
Howard of North Carolina, Miss Sadie
FWwers of Blakely. Misaes Mabbett and
Heudry of Quitman, and Messrs. Chat,
lug, Clyde and George Neel W. M.
Hardy and Rhett and Albert Pringle.
Straw Ride Friday.
Friday Evening some of the young
aat in the "Smart Sot" honored the
noting yoong ladies. Misses Vandyke,
Hands, Proctor and Winn and Lellen-
bang, with a moonlight picnic. A string
delightful mnaio and
1 were provided.
Birthday Party.
Mr Hamuli Watt his tvretr
ty second birthday on Monday night
Mr. and Mm. J. B. Jenniaon entertain
ed a number of friendi io faia honor at
he Watt reaidenoe on Hanaell street.
Wood’s Seeds.
Crimson Clover
Sown at the last working
of the Cora or Cotton Crop,
can be plowed nnder tha following
April or May in time to plant corn
or other crop* the same eeeson.
Crimson Clover prevents winter
leaching of tha aoQ, is equal In fer
tilizing value to a good application
of stable manure and will wonder
fully Increase the yield and anal*
ity of corn or other crop* which
follow it.- It also makes splimdld
winter and spring grazing. One
early green feed, or a geod hay
crop. Evan If the crop fa eat off,
the action of the root, and atnbble
improve the land to a marked de*
T.W.Wogd&Sons, Secdsmei,
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping (< it will wear away,” are
drifting towards Bright’s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forma
stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
Jj?I5. an3r ,l « n * of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY’S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a alight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out. B. B. Borfeans Testifies After Foot Tears.
oofs? SSfaTbT T ^?2lda T to? X’SSEfS ° B. Barham of CnalUls Canter, N. Y„ writes:
botria af tha hrta. ft “Atoaf hr (ware m» I wrol. r» MaBnf that I ka. kou wtlnlv
2lA21™* * f • ■a**™ kkkwr by taktag Im. tb*. tw. battim .r
npoo examination It to dandy or milky or km *Pai.y. Kteur Cure. It Mtirair nnu tk. gu-m MSwat «d
• briek-dnat sediment ar saaU particles Seat r^a ms ireriw. F MU., Muii Creuw. 1 .re (la. u Mr mat
about in it. yoar kidneys am diseased, and’ ■ hareamrka<a .retire of .nr or tkre. matwaa Swiw U. Are
FOLEY'S KUDN&Y CURB .hanld bn token