Newspaper Page Text
launar'-i T-emon
Laxative euro*
Cur.a'.l;iaticn, B11-
leasacus," tmllgu-
t;«a i.-JllJoiacbs.
A I . ,-..::i;iUy
r.iul .j-nvetfully on
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,1., i Klimt—-
i i < *- Bf'Pe or
ilol.iji. It can’t
,iitrt y>: :cin
Wot., you
Dothan, Ala.,
April 10, '04.
I have ined La
mar’s Lemon Lax
ative in my family
and would not lie
without it. It la
certainly a valua
ble medicine.
J. A. Hay.
Chief of Police.
OH Mfe Hi mil food liraJ '-1 • •’ J -e- I
owMca l . -jcAoo*nt3 Lr
Ytctn, Ba-
General Hardware,
Manufiiclorera of
K. T. McLean
Thomasmillc, Ga.
Life, Health
Accident Insurance
Worked by Corpantoro In Auditorium
of Softool Building*
The auditorium of the “South Geor
gia College" building has been trans
formed by a force of carpenters working
nnder directions of contractor Henry
Arnold. As a matter of economy nrnl
convenience the school decided to con
solidate both schools and have all the
children under oue roof.
The auditorium has been floored over
at the level of the. old gallery, and tho
gallery removed. 'Hie supports have
been moved from the sides and a single
row of pillars pot down the middlo
The fears of those who expected the
new auditorium to be low and squatty
are without foundation. The ceiling is
fourteen feet from the floor, amt the
room is neither close nor dark. The ac-
constic properties have never been of tlie
best, but if affected at ail by the change,
they are improved.
Up-stairs the old waste space has
been converted into four school rooms,
for the accommodation of some of the
pupils who have been at the Barrattc
school. Each room in splendidly light
ed and has plenty of room for block
boards. 'Die partitions between the
rooms do not reach to the ceiling as the
roof is a shod. This will mako little
difference however, if tho youthful teu-
deucy to chunk chalk over in .tho next
room can lie restrained. The bell cord
also passes through one of tho room.-,
and should be arranged differently.
Alderman W. B. Hambletou who view
ed the improvements with a Times-
Enterprise man, said lie would “pull it
sure," if lie was a school-boy, and
others will probably pull likewise.
The building has been much improved
hy the alterations and the arrangements
will be entirely satisfactory to children
teachers, aud patrons. Col. H. K. Les
ter is chairman of the building commit
tee of the Board of Education and the
other members ars M. M. Hutchingson-
and W. O. Pittman. They have every
reason to be satisfied with tho work.
The Drummers Livery Stable
Having jnit built and eanipped a modern Livery* Feed und SaVs Stable,
with Qrtt«clau Carriagta, Boggle* and saddle horaea. New Buggies Car
riage* and Drummers Riga. Prompt und courteous attention given all,
Orders for quick services.
The patronnge of commercial travelers especially solicited. Rates
Very Reasonable. Conveniently located on Bryan atreet. Two minutes
walk easy of depot near railroad, fall on, write, ’phone or wire.
Cairo, a. ' W. D. BARBER. Prop.
Satisfaction Uaantsd
•The Portable Saw Mill i» the Coming Mill,
It is a portable mill that is 1: ally lwntable. Makes perfect
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 1 .not) feet per day.
Can be set and ready t > saw in two hours. Variable Fric
tion Cable Feci. Stationary "ills, any capacity. Portable
and Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory’ Supplies.
—■ ■ ■ == ALBANY, GEORGIA. ============
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EQGS. Price $i.oo;per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasvilie, Qa
Latflea and Gentleman Who will be In
Charge of the September Picnic
The oxecutivo committee who have
charge of tho September picnic aud bar
becue held un enthusiastic meeting yes
terday morning. All of the commit
teemen were prescut utid the full dis*
cusaiou of tho details for tho twenty-
third was field. The principal busiucss
of tho morniug was the npiKMiitment of
the various sub committees.
The most important committee uml
the oue ou which the success of the
whole affair depends is the Ladies Table
aud Basket Committee. The good la
dles of Thomasvilie have uovor yet been
found wanting iu any matter in which
they have been called upon, aud they
will raoket heir part of the affair a grand
success. The chairman will call a meet
ing of the committee, within the next
few days, to discuss details. There an*
seventy two of Thomasvilie’s best
known ladies ou this committee, aud
they are asked to npi&>iut additional
committees. In fact every Indy iu town
is appointed an active member of the
committee. The list is as follows.
K. T. Maclean,chairman; Me*
dames. J. T. Culpepper, W. A. Pringle,
S. L. Hayes, M. L. Harley, Eugene
Smith, R. C. Balfour, John Lamb, R.
Wolff, S. Steyerman, L. Steyermar,
Geo. Smith, J. H. Merrill, J. J. Stevens,
L. C. Durant, O. W. Cooper, C. T. Gau
dy, F. W. Boyer, A. L Spicer, S. A.
Roddenbory, W. P. Grauthum. R. F,
McDonald, F. H. Butler, O. S. Parker,
Williams, J. W. Dillou, Geo*
Ferrill, A. G. Robinson, J. D. String* r
H Wise, B F Oochrau, J R Burch, Robt
Dcklo. A O Cassady, A W Palin, W W
Lintou, Ralph Neel, J E Robison. J S
Cliftou. J L Beverly, A M Watsou, W .1
Taylor, W B Hambletou, S G Covington.
S G McLendon, R J Mil ler, W H
Mitchell, T C Mitchell, Jns McKinnon
Joseph Massey, T J Ball.
Clias Cochran, C F Coleman, W N
Austin, Calvin Carroll, A Bennett, M It j
Mollettc, A P Taylor, H Arnold, John |
iGraut, H W Hopkins, J J Tharpe, H H j
Vann, C L Ward, Lonnie Dekle, John
Dekle, JWH Mitchell, Ardis MeDong- j
: all, J F Parker,' C M Smith, M M
, Cooper, J F Evans. Misses Lillie Stuart,
I Emma McIntosh,
j The other committees are as follows:
Horace E Cochran, chairman; Mike
Mr* Hafry Poweil of Camilla Lost His
Life Late Yesterday
Camilla, Ga., July,28.—[Special to
tho Tfmes-Enterprise. \ — Mr. Hurry
Powell, one of tho leading young law
yers of this section, was drowned late
this afternoon at Dubignon Ferry on the
Flint river, 15 miles nelow here.
Mr. Powell was a member of a party
of Camilla youn.'? ladies and gentlemen
who liad been camping at the ferry for
several days. lie attempted to swim
the river when In bathing this after
noon and is supposed to have taken
the cramp. A large party left here late
tonight to drag for the body. Mr.
Powell was the son of County School
Commissioner J. H. Powell.
Atkins. Dave Barrow, Leo Neel.
J T Culpepper, cliairinan; E M Ma
le tt-e, K T Maclean, W -McIntyre, L H
y W Bover, A L Spicer.
8 A Roddeubery, chairman and mas
ter of ceremonies; W C Snodgrass, T N
Hopkins, J W Dillon, Robt Gamble, W
M Hammond. Dr B A Daniels, Dr T M
McIntosh, Clio* Wolff.
C W Cooper, chairman; L Steyerman,
W A Pringle, W l McIntyre, J L. Tar-
uor, J W H Mitchell, C F Coleman,
Ardis McDougall, Ralph Neel, J L
Beverly, Pierce Harley, F. D. Dismuke,
W. M. Singletary, Walter Bareli.
A W Stuart, chairman; J J Stephens
B Edwards, C M Robinson. Dr H C
Ramsey, Dr SI M T Hutchinson, Will
Watt, Roscoe Luke, M R Elder, T P
Spence, Jno. Lamb, W H Bibb, Jas F
Evans, W M Reese, C B Dixon Ohas
CJnin Jno Graut, R C Balfour, A W
Palin, Frank Pittman, R E McDonald,
Dr T R Jones, Theo Titus, C S Parker,
A W Ball, J S Montgomery.
JD McCartnoy, chairman: WJ Tay
lor. Mason; Homer Williams, Wood
men; Dr Harr}' Ainsworth. Elks; W P
Cox. lOO F; MA Fleetwood, K P;
O H Pooh, W L Ball, Dr M R Molette,
K M Smith, W H Brandon.
In S. S. S. Nature has provided a tonic suited
to every requirement of the system when in a debilitated,
run-down condition. It contains no strong minerals or
drugs, but is a pleasant vegetable preparation. You can find no better reme
dy for toning up the nerves a n d bringing refreshing, restful sleep.
S. S. S. improves the ap- s . and found „ to be xn excel-
petite and digestion, and Its Unt blood par!fla r and tonic. My system became
good effects are seen almost vary much run down and debilitated. I.lost
from the first dose. It acts twenty-ormore pounds inj"eight, had »osppj-
. , tite and wasin a bad shape. Seeinir a- a. a.
promptly in cases of chronic "Jrtlsed I be?an its nos, and m well pleased with
dyspepsia, indigestion and the results after miner it for soma little wnue.
all stomach troubles, and From 139 pound, to 135 is pretty
does away with the ti’ncom- *
fortable fullness, shortness , „ . o a «
of breath, drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after eating, b. b. o.
is not only the best tonic, but possesses alterative or purifying properties,
and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood, it searches 't ort and
removes it. Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition ol
the blood and can only be remedied by such a remedy as S. b. b.
If you suffer from debility, weakness, insomnia, nervousness, loss ot ap
petite, bad digestion, or any of the miserable symptoms of a disordered
blood, nothing will so soon put your blood in good condition, invigorate
and tone up the system and restore the health as S. S. b.
“For what is worth in'anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.”--Butler.
Wo desire to call attontiou of our customers this week to a large
lino of ,
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle the
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton plauters aud combina
tion guano and corn drills.
Accidental Shooting.
Thursday morning at Metcalfe Mr.
J. Cargill, watt the victim of a serious ac
cident. Ho placed his pistol iu his pock
et when ho wont to his work and while
he was walking about the gun was ac
cidentally discharged.
M r. Cargill wan brought to Thomas-
ville late yesterday afternoon and was
taken to Dr. McIntosh’s sanitarium.
An opomtion was performed by Dr’s.
McIntosh and Jarrell and pieces of shat
tered hono removed. It is to Ini hoped
tho leg cau bo saved.
Mr. Cargill is the fourth
member of the Cargill family
who has four bullets iu Ids body.
Wo have tho best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. You
cau put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pouuds
of fertilizers per acre.
Wo also carry a full lino of two horse riding and walkiug cultivators
and woeders.
Wo are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and havo on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Finders
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to u chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about cn
display in our window, which will be given away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about* You may be the
lucky oue. COME to see us.
Premier Balfour Lays Down tha Brit
ish Position.
London, July 28.—In tho house of
commons this afternoon Premier Bal
four, continuing un unuouucewent,
said that tho ucutc stage in tho Red Sen
incident had passed and that tliQ Rus
sian volunteer fleet would bo with
drawn. Ho laid down tho British view
that no belligerent warship could issuo
from tite Black Sea, and that a volun
teer fleet, issuing therefrom, if it took
belligerent action, either Imd no right
to issuo therefrom or no right to take
bolligereut octiou.
Mr. George Porter Building Two
Over in Fletcherville.
Work was commenced Thursday on
two handsome cottages in Fletcherville.
Mr. George Porter recently purchased a
desirable lot from Mr. J. J. Parnell ami
is doing the building. The houses are
situated on Jackson street near the
South Georgia College building. That
I>ortiou of the town is building up aud
improving rapidly, aud the new homes
will bj very desirable.
Comfort Trading Co
Announcement of
Proprietors of Meigs Big Livery Stables
beg to inform the pablic that they are
now fully fitted up aud prepared to serve
all with very best accommodations.
Having recently bought out the firm of
"W. H. Hurst & Co., and iu combining
the two they will conduct a first-class
Livery, Feed and Sales Stable. Best
turnouts, all kinds of new and up-to-date
vehicles, Drummers' Rigs and Fine and
Fast Horses. Rates reasonable aud
satisfaction guaranteed. Calls answer
ed promptly. Phone, wire or write.
?*l*lm Meigs, Georgia.
Capt. J. B. Way was here from Boston
ou Thursday.
D. Comfort, Boston’s merchant was
here Thursday.
25 Per Cent Off.
For the next 60 days we will sell our entire
stock of
At 1-4 off the regular price.
We have a large assortment of attractive patterns in tx
China and Japan goods and the prices range from 12
1-2 to 25 touts yard. Dont’s allow your floor
to go bare when you can cover them so
We have “BARGAIN DAY” prices on “FURNI
TURE of all kinds and it will pay you to call on us
when in need of anything in this line.
We take Country Produce in Exchang
Cairo Furniture Company,
% L. V«* LaMlogkaa, Mgr. Cslro,