Newspaper Page Text
.. Ip— ——
Our Meigs Department.
Mr. Oliff^Kirkwood of Coffee county
spent a few days of last week with his
aant, Mrs. J. N. Isler of this place.
Mrs. G. B. Jolley aud tier little sister.
By T. S. Searcy
here Sunday.
Sadie, of Montgomery, Ala. are tfie
guests of relatives here.
Mrs John Dunbar has returned after
a ten day's visit to relatives iu Albany.
Mr. J.>JR, M^con has purcliased a cor
ner of the Nelson lot and the contract
has been let for the building of a nice
residence in the near future.
Major E. E. Wilkes and Mr. J,, H.
Pullen have returned’ from White
8 ’phur Springs, Fla.
Congressman George Henry White, of
Tarboro, N.C., writes the following letter
to Dr. Hartman in regard to the merits
of the great catarrh cure, Peruna:
House of Representatives, )
Washington, Feb. 4, 1800. \.
Peruna Medicine Co.,Columbus, o.:
Gentlemen—“ I am more than satis•
tied with Peruna t and find it to be an
excellent remedy for the grip and ca
tarrh. I have used it in my family
mnd they aft Join me In recommending
jx- cfj excellent remedy."
Very respectfully,
r *J 3 George H. White.
Mrs. Nannie Wallace, Tulare, Cal.,
President of the Western Baptist Mis
sionary Society, writes:
“ 1 consider Peruna an indispensable
article in my raedicino chest. It u | to relatives at Garden Valley, Ga.
twenty medicines in one, and has so far i Richardson is the agent of the A. C. L.
cured every sickness that has been ini’ llf , T rr * * i. .
ray home for five years. I coinldor It of | at tl,u P lac «- Mr. J. H. Davtawillact
special value to weakly women, as it
builds up the general health, drives ont
disease and keeps you in the best of
Mr. H. W. Moncrief. who 1ms been the
manager of Mr. Dnren’# store at Cairo,
has moved back to Meigs aud will be
found at Duren’s Blue Front Store, on
Crooked Avenue. He has numerous
friends here who will be glad to wel
come him back.
Miss Pilcher, who has been engaged
in the milinery business here aud at Pel
ham for several years, has accepted' a
paying position at Douglas. Ga. as head
of a millinery and dress mukiug estab
lishment there.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Fraukliu of Bos-
ton were visiting here Monday the
guests of the family of Mr. C. G. Battle.
Messrs C. E. and L. K. Boswell and
families of Leland came down to the
union meetiug Saturday and Sunday.
Mr A. J. Richardson aud wife will
leave during the week for a short, visit
health.”— Mrs. Nannie Walla*
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the itso of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. JIartman, giving a
full statement of your ease and ho will
be pleased to givej-pu his valuable ad-
flso gratis.
• AddTr«s Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.
ObJo. . /
t place of Agent Richardson during his
Mr. W. J. Stubbs, agent at Camilla,
came down Monday.
Miss Milmer Twitty o* Pelham was a
charming visitor of Miss Olivo Wilkes
on Crawford street several days this
Rev. T. A. White of Thmnasville
preached a dedication sorntou at Plens-
| ant View church, two miles north-wost
j of town, last Sabbath. It was said to
i have been the largest crowd ever assem
bled at that placo. Mr. Wliite, as is
usual, preached a fine germon giving, in
his plain aud unequivocal way, the ear
marks of a Now' Testament church.
— . ^ ^ t| la t Judge J, C. Norman of
AN UNEQUALLED BEAUTIFIER. the Baptist church here is the mostcaro-
; ful aud painstaking sexton in the state.
He is true to his trust, and keeps his
: church like a parlor.
Rev. Mr. McCaun, Brnyton Bingleta-
! ry, Mrs. J. F. Cardin 'and Miss Susie
Siugletary came over from Ochlocknee
TO Bb/VUklhY -
Satin o la.
Messrs. B. M. Johnson, Ed Hurst,
Willie and Kaufman Dekle of Cairo .were
Quite a number of our citizeus went
t6 Thomasville last Monday as witneses
in the cases against the Tindalls" and
Matthew Thompson.
The union meeting or $Jie Tucker As
sociation mot with the Baptistchurch of
thisptace last Friday Rev. J. A. Du
mas of Pelham preached the introduc
tory sermon at 11 o’clock a. m. At 2 p.
in. organization by electing Rev. W, L.
Curry moderator aud W. E. Davis clerk
was effected and the work of the meet
ing began.
Several question of interest were*dis-
cussdH to the enlightenment of many
who were in attendance. ffHttfr/.
Rev. Mr. Paige preached several
times during the meetiug. The services
wore well attended aud were of a very
inters! ing nature. Quito a number
came from tho various churches of the
association. They were an affable set,
aud were easily cared for. On Sunday
which day was not included in the bus
iness part of the meeting, Rev.A. J.
Dumas preached to a very largo crowd
on “Rebecca at the well,” or n “Roman*
tic courtship and how] it ended ” Ho
advanced many now ideas concerning
the intermarriage of different denomina
tions, etc. His sermon was well re
ceived. The services have been pro
tracted aud he is holding two .sendees a
day during tho week,
Mr. J. R. Macon wont to Thomasville
Tuesday ou busiuoss.
Coming Aquatic Champion,
C. M. Daniels of the New York Ath
letic club la picked to be the winner
of a majority of the national swim
ming championships to be held in St
Daniels is but nineteen years old aq$
has been a racing swimmer for only a
Catbert, Ga.
/ Fiftv-First Year Begins September 14,
To those parents who are looking for the right (p>
4 ) Ec hool for their daughters, we submit fer consider- J t
X ation the foil ing facts: \r
year. Ho has already lowered several
records, and ere long he*Will probably
be the sw imming sensation of the e«
Fl<» a Fighter, Not on Actor.
Nobody seems able to convince Rob
Mr. W. E. Duron of Thomasville, Go,
s hero this week.
Rev. Mr. Pago is assisting pastor
White in tho protracted services this
week. The attendance is due aud the
interest increases. Several have already
united with the church.
Mr. A. J. Richardson is spending
day or so iu Jacksonville.
Tlie whistle of the Wilkes ginnery was
sounded yesterday.
Tho article ' on education from Jthe
pen of Adriau Robinson strikes 1110 with
I>eculiar force. It is truly a most excel
lent plea aud I hope others will take it
A tew applications will remove tan or
sallownesi ana restore the Lc.uuty oi
Sstinols is a new discovery, guaran
teed, and mcney refunded if 1? fails to
remove Freckles, Dimples. Liver Spots,
Blackheads, Discolorations and Erup
tions. Ord nary cases in 10 days, the
worst in 20 days. After these defects
are removed Yhe skin prill be soft, clear
and beautiful. Price so’cents at drug
stores or by mail. Thousands of ladies
testify to the merits of Satinola. /
The daughter of an eminent physician
Mr. J. D. Hay, an old Thomasvilllan
has come back here in the capacity of
foreman at tiie electric light plan t. Mr.
Ray comes here from Quitman. He has
brought his family back) and they will
occupy one of the new houses of Mr. O.
Ath.ntic*& Birmingham.
St. Louis, Ha, Account Louisiana
Purchase Exposition, May I, Novem
ber 30, IQH4i
Season Excursion Tickets will be sold
daily, beginnig April 25th. and continu R Quinn on Clay street.
ing during the period of the Exposition {
with final limit December 1904 Round
trip rats from Thomasville $37,35.
Sixty day excursion tickets will be
%old daily, beginning April 25th, and
continuing during the period of the Ex
position, with final date to leave St.
Louis, returning, sixty (60) days in addi
tion to date of sale. Final date in no
case to exceed December 15, 1904.
Round triprate from Thomasville $31,20
Fifteen day excursion tickets will be
sold April 25th and continuing during
f >eriod of Exposition with final date to
eave ^t. Louts returning fifteen {i 5) days
J. W. Peacock wallcovering
t. 1901 j j rom <j a e of sale. Round trip rato from j ground yesterday almost at his usual
1 .. tarn ..I.n AO 1 IU I * —"
Memphis. Tenn, J.i
""Gentlemen:—I have used Satinola and j Thon k*-ille 823.45,
t- „ „„ _ nr j I For schedules and full information
Egyptian cream lor a yar or two. anc \ . w
unhesitatingly recommend them as the | A. L. Spicer Agent,
finest preparations I have ever used to ! Thomasville. Ga..
remove pimpl ts, freckles or any other j q
They clear and
Mr. W. II. Williamson of Andalusia
Ala , an expert woodworker ami cabi
net maker, has accepted a position w ith
the Thomasville Variety Works. Mr.
Williamson has moved his family to
Thomasvillo and is occupying one of tho
Tullis cottages ou Jeffersou street.
facial discolorations,
beautify the complexion as no other pie-
partitions will.
Mrs. Evelyn Porter Ringwald,
National Toilet Co., Paris,?Tenn.
Sold in Tbomaaville bv R. Thomas, Jr
and all druggists.
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Scott’s Emulsion
summer as in winter.
»^,rr * bo’
SW4I, Peart smt.
I rears oi™, «•*
50C.ndSi.ool »Ild™«taU.
Public Hanging Every Day.
I mean public '■ hanging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
■ (Mu* by 'phone or mailgiren prompt
Atentioo. .rhooe 15-1 ring*.
Samples shown at your homes.
John Hinson, 3V CampbeU St
This remedy is certain to be needed
in slmost erery home bsfore the sum
mer is over. It can always be depended
upon even in the most severe and dan'
gerous cases. It is especially valuable
for summer disorders in children. It is
pleasant to take and never fails to give
prompt relief. Why not buy It now?
It may save ypur life. For sale by JW
Lingering, wasting coughs, may end
in consumption. Rydale's Congh
Elixir will stop the oongh and healths
diseased membrane of the throat and
lungs. Rydale’s Elixir is the moat ef
ficacious remedy ever discovered, for
all chronic throat and long trouble and
thoae debilitating, -‘run down” condi
tions of the system, which stubbornly
must treatment and jfhich, if neglected
may end in fatal diaeaee. Trial size,
So, Large »Us, 50°. J. W.'Peacock
pace again. The accident which befell
him ln»t Friday at the Fair Ground*,
resulting in the tracturejof gome *of the
bones in hUTight foot baa greatly incon
venienced the doctor.
Fitzsimmons that his forte is fighting,
not acting. How many thousands of
dollars have been squandered by Iluby
Robert in efforts to emulate Jim Cor
bett's example and become a successful
actor deponent knoweth not, but bank
after bank roll 1ms been wrecked
without the experience bringing convic
tion with It. and now we learn that the
freckled Australian Is on the eve of an
other venture In the realm of Thespis
in u melodrama by Hal Reid, who thus
discourses upon tho outlook of his ef
forts with tho pugilist:
“An author writing a play for a man
whose reputation has been made off the
Btuge will do well not to give that man
too much to do at the outset. The
main thing Is to bring him on the stage
right. Once you succeed in doing that
his personality and popularity will do
the rest.
“I used to write the plays hi which
Bill Cody starred before he took to clr-
cusing. and l always followed that rule.
Get Rill on the singe, and tho,rest was
only counting up the house.
"I invariably stuck to tho opening
speech for B11J. It was this: T am Buf
falo Bill/
“Tills, of course, was preceded by the
question, usuuliy asked by the villain,
‘Who the devil are you?’
“Can you realize the effect of Bill’s
answer? With the gallery everything
was settled from that point on. They
didn’t have to be told anything moro
about Buffalo Bill. They knew all
about him and were satisfied that at
the right moment Bill would take fan
cy shots at any villain who happened
to annoy him.”
Photographs and Race Vlorsex.
Lot there be nn end to tho old super
stition amofig the rank and tile of the
trainers of thoroughbreds that allow
ing a hors« to be photographed “hoo
doos” him so that he will not be able
to win. # Many trainers nro so firmly
Impressed with this whim ns to the
evil effects of photographing that they
become absolutely uncivil when a po
lite request Is made for the privilege
of Securing a chance to photograph
nny of their horses. Of course no sen
sible person' would pay any attention
to such an okl woman’s Idea, but thero
are hundreds of trainers who profess
to believe In tbc Idea that a photogra
pher brings III luck#
v Andre w Female College is in a high and heal Mr ation ' r
\ f ab0 * e the wire * rft8fl in one tho most beautiful sections of Georgia ^ )
JV The cost of attendance is exceedingly low considering the j i
\r excellent aduantagesoffered in all departments; Literary. Music, f P
Art, Elocution, etc., and tho abundant provision for the conveui- ] [
\ f comfort, safety, and welfare of those who share. Iter home ( }
A A Andrew offers an education eminently practical. A \
\ [ Andrew’s cnrriculm is broad and high. \ "
A ^ . Andrew’s corps of instructor is a body of men aud women A -
\ r who feel called of their work and who labor with painstaking care
A i to show themselves approved in the polish of mind and heart, and a v
\ " 1,fe cf those who are committed to their training aud care, \ f
A \ , .» i"!??’ 8 s P eci i a departments are powers of strength, es- > .
f f peciaily is this true of the Music department. One of our leading A J
teachers has spent five years in Europe, besides having enjoyed the N "
A : best advantages which America affords. A
] { ... lt y° n ^ ftn t to sond your daughter to a school where she
will receive the very best attention while securing unexcelled
\f advantages, write for a catalogue and full particulars.
Homer Bush,
Closing Out Sale.
O. K. Druggist.
We are going to close out ouri entire stock of drugs and patent
medicines, paints, oils, and everything found
in our store at v
Parties interested in the drug business in any way would
do well to See Us.
We are dissolving by mutual consent; not because' the bust,
ness is unprofitable, but because the nianagei can not ,
;give it bis personal attention. X.
Spiers a id. Z-iocatioaa..
Good town—Fjne Farming Section —No Opposition.
Branan & < -
On line of A. C. L. Railroad, iS miles north of TbomasvilJe.
towards Albany. >
Notwithstanding all that is Alone by
boards of health and charitably inclined
persons, the death rate among small
children is very high during {be hot
weather of the summer months in the
large cities. There is not probably one
case of bowel complaint in a hundred,
however, that could not be cured by the
timely use of Chamberlain's OoliC x Chol
era and, Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale
by J W Peacock.
One of the greatest blessings a'modest
man can nruh for is a good, reliable eel
of bowtls. If von are not the happy
possessor of such an outfit you can erraat-
ly improve the efficiency of thoae mn
have by the judioions use of OhamhA*
Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets The*
are pleasant to take and aggreeable in
effect. For sale by J, W. Peao ok
Atlantic Coast Line tbe Great High'
way to the World’s Fair.
Round triD tickets on sale from Thom-
asviile>t following rates:
Season tickots $87.85—Limit to re-
ffc»Rk Training Likely Younailera.
Pat Shank, who has a private track
at Lltchflelti. O., where be trains, has
•omo very promising youngsters in
From All the Great Sooth
TO H .
Excellent World’. Fair Service,
/as. Prcemar. B. C. Thomson,
I negotiate Br» years loans on (arm
land* at loireit rate»t of interest. Oom-
miaeion charge, reasonable A small
abstract fee. consistent with the amount
of work and troobla.involved, will be
charged in eaclfoaae. Bringyonr^haln
of title with joo.
f lloaltrie.’Ga,
training. ’Ho recently stepped Sidney
Wilkes, a gften trotter by Guy Wilkes,
2:15%, dam Santa Itltii, 2:2-1%, a half
in 1:18. He, has a very promising Oily
by Earl Wilton, 2:18%,, ilnin Henrietta
0„ 2:18%, by Elyria. Henrietta G. is
the dam of the faat three-year-old Har
ry McKerrcn, In Fred ICeyea’ stable,
by John A. McKerron, 2:04%. F. M.
Camp of Homersville, O.. owns this fil
ly. Earl Wilton Is owned by H. IC.
Dcvereux, and Is In the stnd at Litch
field In Mr. Shank’a charge.
(torn December's
00 dav tiokets
15 day tickots 25.45.
Coach excursion tickets on sale 'each
Tuesday and Thursday during Jnne|l8.
15. Two traiiis daily. No. 67 carrios
through Pullman Oars ThomasTille to
St. Lonis witliont change; No. 80 car
ries day coaches to Montgomery,, con
necting with throngh sleeping cars (at
that point.for St. Louis via L. & N. or
M. &0.
A. N. Turnbull, Ticket Agent, Thom
asville, Ga. W, J. Craig, General Fas-
senger Agent, Wilmington, N. 0., W.
H. Leahy, Division Passenger Agent,
Savannah. Ga.
Commencing Sunday July loth, the
Atlantic Coast Line R. R. will sell
ronnd trip tickets TliomssviUe to Whiio
Springs for |2.00 limited to date of alibi
Tiokets good on train leaving Thomas
ville 8:15 a. m. Monday, The JO.
3. & F. wiil operate special train Vnl-
dosta to White'Springs -and return to
connect with these trains on A, C. L.
For fail information call on A. N. Torn*
ball, ticket agent, W. J. Craig G. P. A.
W. H. Leahy D. P.
Tan*. 3,11)1-4.
The California marc Tuna (3); 2:18%,
by James Madlaoa, is laying up at
Denver, from which place she will be
•hipped to Detroit and raced through
the grand circuit She la laid to have
<#fepped a workout In 2:08% before
leaving Pleasanton, Cal.
A Trstlllf Doe.
John North, a farmer reoldlng near
Tyoon, Vt„ la said to bavo a trotting
doe which be captured last summer
and which he is training for a record,
(tally, as the young deer is called, baa
been broken to harness and Is develop*
Ing amusing speed.
lam Lmvsi-i Asm.
There Is t feeling among the mm-
bin of the Pittsburg team that Ssm
Leever, the former great pitcher eg jta
team, will hardly list long* ttmM
season. If bis arm Is equal to MmM
of going that dtataoen. •—
an tlie good old summer time, when
bioycle throng thoroughfares, and farm
animals and roadsters are all kept busy,
accident! to man and beast are of fre
quent occnronce. Elliott's Emulsified
Oil Liniment is the most serviceable ac
cident and emergency liniment in nee.
It relieves quickly and heals speedily
cats, contagions braises, sprains, etc.
Yon get one-half pint for 25o„ and yon
get yonr money back if not satisfied.
For sale bv J. w. Peacook.
"I wish to say s few words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy,” says Mrs. Mattie Bntge
oi Martinsville. Va. "I suffered from
chronic diarrhoea for ten year* and dur
ing that time tried various medicines
without obtaining any permanent relief.
Last summer one of trty children was
taken with ohoiera morbus, and I pro
cured a bottle of this remedy. Only tiro
doses were required to give her entire re
lief I then decided to try tbe medicine
myself, and did not use all oi one bottle
before I was well and I have never sinee
been troubled with that complaint. One
cannot say too much in favor of that
wonderful medicine This remedy is
JW Peacock. t
Rubber neck or joints with EUioti'a
Emulsified Oil Liniment. It will re
move all atiifnesa and soreness. It la
much better than piasters for lame
back, or pain in the chest or side. El*,
liot’s Emulsified Oil Liniment onree
muscular Rheumatism. Foil 1-2 pint
bottles, 25 oents. J. W. Peacock.
We live only uy the food that it di
gested and assimilated, hence the stom
ach la the "centre ot life.” If the
Stomach is weak, the body will be pro
portionately weak. Strengthen the
'centre of life” by <uibg Rydale's
Stomach Tablet!. They digest the food
and rest the stomach. They act
tonic to the digestive organa and
nature restate them to health. These
Tablets are guaranteed to cure indiges
tion and dyspepsia. Trial stae. 25 cents.
family rise contains 21-2 tunes tha trial
siw. 50c. J. W Peacock.
Om Lady’s Rkommsodatloa Sold
Fifty Boxes of Chsmbtrisinrs
Stomack and Uvsr Tablets
I have, I believe, sold fifty bones of
Chamberlain s Stomach end Tiv
HHPMM ver Tab-
ets on the firstmntendation of one Udy
here, whobave bought a box of diem
about a >ear ago. She never tires of tel
ling her neighborsand friends s
ties of these T»
siSkre'tSm” lavotUe with ladle*
erywhere. For Sale by J W Peacock