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; -4
It you had a noiss that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t yop
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do
You Would do it knowing that your house.may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you have paid for. this insurance.
If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
il you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can. do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in.
Or tLat after a certain period,,•'f you are still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
maKing application for a policy of insurance to the
Oat tUU oat and m til dj.
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
' i
>■ C. M. & E. H. SMITH,
/ . • y » ' 1
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
O. M. &E. H. Smith, General Agents, The Prudea>
Iej. Co. of America. Thomasville, Ga.
Dear Sirs:
Without expense to me and without committing >•■
self to any action, will you send me further info; • to insurance policy on my life.
I wu born on the
My occupation in
Yours truly,
lllltMIIMMI (I
joy themselves.
| majority. The fights was exceedingly
hot and interesting. 8. A. Roddeubery
of Thomaavillc rendered valuable aid to
the dry people.
Elected at Prattsburg.
Prof. W. H. Searcy of Cairo, one of
Thofaas county’s best known teachers
has been elected principal of the school
at Prattsburg Ga. He will probably
accept, though he lias not definitely sta
ted his intention. His friends in Thomas
hope he will decide to remain here.
Sheriff Hight made a trip to Cairo and
returned yesterday afternoou.
One of the modern beatitudes says:—*
Blessed is the man who does not butt in
Just Arrived at
A new lot of 2 piece Homespun
Suits and Blue Serge suits that
ought to be sold at $13.50 and
We are letting them go for
$10.50 and $11.50. “■
A new line of Men's all wool
Summer :: Pants
Sold for $3.75 and $4.25 now at $3
The prettiest line < f neck-wear
brought to town for 25c.
T. B. Kemp, of Pavo, was a business
visitor on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Everett have
moved into the residence at Washing
ton and Stevens streets. -
Mr. Thuyerfc Orovatt came home Sun
day evening from Camilla where ho lias
been for several months.
Masters Melvin and Duvall Goodwin
left Saturday night for St. Louis to
spend two weeks with their uncle and
his family.
Dr. Searcy camo over from Cairo Tu
esday afternoon.
Mr. U, T. Hughes will bny cotton at
Mariana this season for S. W. Mays &
Injunction Dissolved and Sale May
Proceed to A & B.
Mt. Airy, Ga., Aug. 8 — (Special)—In
the case of Ensign-Oscamp Company
Brunswick and Birmingham Railroud
Company «t ah, bill to enjoin sale of
railroad properties of the Brunswick and
: Birmingham by commissioner appointed
by state court. Judge Speer today, after
argument, djssolved the temporary in
junction heretofore issued and discharg
ed the rule to show' cause why a receiver
should not be up])o>nted.
The effect of tUs is that the commiss
ioner cun now proceeed with the sale of
the rood under the order of the superior
court, although the bill will retuuin
pending in this court.
This moans that the legal tangle is
being straightened out and that the At
lantic and Birmingham will soou have
undisputed sway over the road.
Miss Mntsie Hopkins, Miss May Man-:
uiug and Miss Daisy Dokle arrived home |
Tuesday after a two weeks stay at the |
Ocean View hotel, Pablo Beach, Fla. j
The Jacksonville Times-Union says of
them. ” They leave for home to-morrow !
to the regret of many pleasant acquaint-'
Yourfger Boys Wontto^Play Baseball
Yesterday Afternoon.
A hnppv f irgVo^ntiou of the younger
Alices made while at the beach. They j luds went down to Moutioello Tnes-
were chaperoned by Miss Fielding. j day afternoon. They were Garner
j Stone, Sum Mitchell, Win. Brantley,
A Pleasant Sociable. j Kn , eflt Mallard, Remer MacIntyre, T.
Mrs. L. W. Rigsby entertained Tues-j c> Mitchell, F. O. Jones, Fleming and
night at her home on Broad street in j i i0 uis Houston, manager. They went
honor of Miss Emma Hearn of Bacon- j Nvith | liRjl |, op0H of victory.
ton. Refreshments were served and j — - '
the following ladies and gentlemen eu- j Macon County Dry.
joyed her hospitality until a late hour! Montezuma, Ga., Aug. t) 11XW.--The
Misses. Kobe Rigsby, Della Simmons, i official consolidation of the returns for
Annie Rage, Odis Alcorn, Emma Me-j the w et and dry election, under the local
Cray, Emma Hearn, and Messre £. A. j option law', was completed this after-
Cox, A. Hi Hancock, T. R, Page, B. F. noon. Reports in this morning’s paper
Butler, Sterling Sanford, G. W. Chest- said the county had'gone wet by a raaj-
nut and others. Mrs. Rigsby has a hos-1 ority of three but the official count
pitablc home and her guests always en- shows the prohibitionists won by 23
mmnimmnTnjmntmmnimmmmmmmnnnmi; i
; .Our Loss Your Crain.
Damaged by Water
A Leaking roof covered }f2oo oo wort h of desirable
merchandise which we will sacrifice almost
fora song. Your own price will get them
Stock consists of Ribbons, Laces, Braids, Belts, 1
Spools of thread, frames, Jewelry, straw !
hats, sweet soap, waist sett; hand- {*
kerchiefs, face powders, fancy
celluloid boxes, etc., etc.
Some of the goods are slightly damaged others
T you cannot tell the water had touched
, [ them, a dunce fer yon. Sale begins
and continues.until the entire lot is dis
posed of. The earlier you come the better.