Newspaper Page Text
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Masonic Annual picnic.
The Masons of Oairo will have'an an
nual picnic on Friday, Aug. 12tU,. The'
following Lodges, have been invited:
ThomasviUe, Ochlocknee, and 'Whig-
ham. Hon. Wm. :B. Smith, of Alta-
pulgus, will deliver, an address. All
Masons and their families are cordially
invited. This will be a basket picnic
and there will be plenty of lemonade.
The picnic will be held on the school
house grounds.—Cnrio Messenger.
The Franklin Life insurance Ce,
Springfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884.
Announcement has been made of the
marriage next week of Miss May Russell
and Mr. Gordon Bower, both of Bain*
bridge and both well-known inThomas.
ville. Miss Russell Is a daughter of
Hon. Beu Rassell and her fiance is a
member of the noted South Georgia
Bower family. 1
W. F- Outzs Brings In Produ<^ of His
Cotton Fields. .
ThomasviUe received its first bale of
1904 cotton yesterday. The bale was
raised by tor. W. F. Outzs on Ins place
three miles from town on the SUsiria
road. It weighed 402 pounds and was
received at the ware house of Williams
<& Mitchell. *•
Owing to the receipt very heavy rains,
this brie was in bad condition. It was
exceedingly dirty and could not class up
at all satisfactorily. It is expected t|iut
cotton wagons will very soon now be
the ordinary rather the extraordinary
sight in ThomasviUe. '
Below is given the rates for different forms of participating policies of=the several
companies deing business in this section.
Two Political Stories.
The Way cross!, Herald tells' two good
stories which are peculiarly appropriate
just now wnea the Georgia legislature
after a vagarious session, is tottering on
the briuk of adjournment. One is of a
shrewd bnsiuess man who had been elec
ted to the House in Tennessee .but who
could not read or write: *
On arriving at Nashville for the first
Mr. Williams happened to catch
Peculiar Clouds
Yesterday's usual rains were marked
by some uuusual features. Lost evening
about seven o’clock a ^narrow great
circle of black cloud, sharply defined by
a white streak at either side swept over
tlu; horizon. The atmosphere assumed
a pale blue tinge, and things looked
“skeery” for awhile, but not very much
wind or lain "either followed The
Franklin Life.
New York Life
Mutual Life
Massachusetts Mutual.
Penn Mutual
Illinois Life
Hartford Life
' Will Build Cane Mill.
Mr. J. L. Bcvoriy has under his con
trol 115 acres of flue sugar bane which
he will make up into syrup. He will
put up a cane mill at the old Dixon
place four miles from town to handle the
He says that he will have an
eight weeks sugar boiling and that cat
fish aud Georgia syrup are hard to beat.
right of several of his fellow representa
tives. whom lie had met at various times
during the political campaign,, sitting
around a table in what he thought was
the legislative hall, but which was real
ly a restaurant. He sat down witli them
and the waiter brought the bill of faro N
The del gentleman looked at it careful
ly. for several minutes, not wishing
the others to know that I10 couldn't
.read, and then slapped his hand on the
table aud shouted:
••I’ll never give my sanction to this
Sun Life, Panada.
Rates of our new 20 pay 40 ‘per cent. Guaranteed Dividend Policy—not written : a
this exact form by an other company.
Clinton GrifHu was hero from Valdosta
Mr. M. B. Wiugate will spend Sunday
with home folks near Camilla.
Y- M. C. A. Building Nearing Comple
tion and Opening Plans Made.
J. B. Wall and wife, of Maeofi.Jwore
registered at the Masury Sunday.
t*Tlw progress of the Young Men’s
Christniii Association building is a
source of gratification] to the directors.
The building has now reached the
stagu where growth is rapid. It 1ms
been floored and ceiled’ up stairs and
down and tuo roof has boon put on.
Plans are being made to hold the open
ing reception about September 15th.
The question of fnrnishiug the building
will be left to the ladies of the auxiliary
and they will call upon the ladies of the
city in the near futuie for such dona
tions of furnishings, pictures, and the
like as they cab give.
J. L, Morrill aud wife and O. P. Pon-
doxter, of Kefnsville, 6a., are guests at
the Stuart.
Aid, of a story we used to hear in Thom*
asrille \u the years loug passed. Old
man Ned Bryan had beeu oleeted to
Servo TAoimhh county-then in her in
fancy—in the legislature. Ui>ou resell-
ing the capitol at Milledge ville ho insist
ed upon going down in the cellar be
cause, as lie stated, fie had been elected
to the ‘Lower House.”
Major S. A. Koddouberry will return
today from a prohibition campaign trip
in Florida.
Dr. T. 8. Hopkins who has been con
fined to his room for the past week was
able to drivo out. Friday.
Tlibmasvilie, Ga.
Mr. J. F. Baxter, of Atlanta, a popn-
lar yoaug traveling man is iu Hie city.
He represents the General Supply Co.
Fraser-Smith _
Mrs. Susan Gozart Fraser of Atlanta
announces the engagement of her
daughter Ruth to Rev, Rembert G.
Smith of Oxford, Ga., the wedding to
take place early in September.
The announcement will be of inte.*est
to many in ThomasviUe. Mr Smith is
Free Samples
You Can Get One.
Mrs. W. D. Tucker lias returned to
Thomaaville after a visit tor her sister,
Mr,. E L. Stephens —Brnnswlok Nows
A New SduiHic Discovers
lor tie
Pienlo Committee Prepare
Fourteen Selleitora
Mr,. 8. W. Hayes andj family left
yesterday for Linvitle. N. 0. where they
will spend the remainder of the sum-
As illustrative of how thoroughly "the
Union picnic committee propoee to do
their work, the remark of a Broad itreet
merchant is significant. This merchant
lias just returned from an extencma no-
tears, end so was excniable for e oer-
It purifies the blood bjr eliminating the
waste matter and other fmpuritiee and by
destroying the germ, or microbe* that
Infeat the blood. It builds up the blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor.
puscles, making tho blood rich and red.
It reatorea and stimulates the nerves,
causing a full free flow of nerve force
throughout tho entire nerve ajratem. It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous,
‘ness, nervouspro»*»etlonaqd ail disease*
0< tho nervous system.
If you are the slave of
a weak stomach
will aet you free, i
Aik a friend who has tried if,
or buy a bottle sad prove it.
Sand "Cheer Upl” FEIJC
at Drug Store,.
A St. Louis Party.
Quite a party of ThomasviUe people
will leave this week for St Louis and
wiU enjoy the gloria* of the World’s
Fair in thst city. Mr. aud Mrs. W. H.
Rockwell will chaperone the party.
Mhwe, Dettle MerriU and Hartley Pat
ten will be among the nnmber and Mr.
D. O.' Barrow will net from insurance
labors loogenongh to take in the sights
Misses Mamie awgBessle MerriU WiU
jets the party which starts from here
Miss Sydney Harris a charming vonug
lady of Maoon, ia visiting her nncle
Mr. J. O. tuwls on Stephens street.
He wid to a Ttmea-Enterprise repre
sentative “How about that picnic, is it
going to be what the committee crack*
it up to be i* I had one member or the
committee come to see ms and aak for a
contribution. I told him we would
think the matter over and he ^replied to
the statement that our thinker had best
work fast or my ’onsser’ would get tired,
for there would bo Jost 14 other mem-
ben of iM committee to caU on me in
dividually before my name would be
dropped from the list.”
The Times-Enterpriw man gave him
a bunch of that good advice which
comes so freely, and loft him in prime
condition for solicitor nnmber a.
Mrs. Oosa Oasaeia and famtly, who
are now in Savannah, are expected
home next week.
Mr. J. Soott Hunter, Moratory of the
T. M. 0. A. returned to Thomaaville
ystterday evening. RHe has been spend
ing a three month, vacation at his old
home in Graham, N. 0.
RYDALES TONIC to a specific for ait
forms of Malaria, It acts on a new prin.
dpi*, It Mils tho microbe* that produce
Malaria. The cauab being removed the
disease quickly disappears. RYDALES
TONIC ia guaranteed to cure tho most
obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chilis
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To whom it may concern: G Ii!
Duron having made application to mo
in doe form to be appointed administra
tor upon the eatate of P. V, Daren, lato
of said county, notice to hereby given
that said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county, to be held on the
1st Monday in Sept. 1901.
Witness my hand and official- signa
ture tills 1st day of Angola, 1901.
Wm M. Joues,
BLACK WEED to sold by aU drug
gists at 11.00 a bottle, *r we srlll sand
prepaid upon reoelpt of prise.
Send Your Name:? 4 ^
ft trial sample of this great remedy,
which will be lent absolutely free, to
gether with our betok containing ralua-
ble information and endorsements.
Please mention this paper. Address,
Stack Weed Medicine Co.,
V ' Atlanta, Go.
D. R HU1, a prosperous colored citi
zen of the Duncanville district, brought
into town yesterday asayk of the larg
est pears put on the/ local market this
yoar. One of the pears measured 12 8-4
jncluM around and it*waa little mwu
than nn average.
snd Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize all
dealers handling our remedies to refund
the purchase price for every bottlo of
RYDALES TONIC that does not give
PastengerTrain Plunges Into Raging
Flood In Colorado i*
Mr. Wind Sole Owner.
Mr. F. J. Wind, of Cairo is in this
city. Mr. Wind was formerly a resident
of Thomaaville but for the lam tlireo
month* has been conducting the Cairo
Messenger, a bright weekly in oar neigh-
taring city, in partnership with] Mr.' E.
G. Koibie.
Mr. Wjad has parch tiled Mr. Kolbie’«
a Missouri Pacific flyer, crashed
through the bridge over Dry creek,
near Eden, on the Denver & Rio
Grande, eight miles from Pueblo, at
8 o'clock last night.
It is estimated that tliere were a lion,
drod and twenty-five passengers on board
of which only twenty-five were account
ed for.
Aielief train returned here at two
o’clock this
Messrs. H. J. MacIntyre and W. J.
Hammond came homo Sunday from a
of several days in yaldosta, They were
gne}.tB at a home'party given by Mr, D.
A. Denmark at Ocean Pond.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Luke came home
from Lumpkin Sunday eveuing and are
at home at the Mitchell House.
cjursc he will make a success, as ho is u
thorough newspaperman. Mr. Koibie
was here yesterdayfon Ins way to jCa
mllla. ‘ ^He*willjreturn"to that *oity and
make it his home in future.
morning brmgiug those
who escaped, numbering seventeen.
Dry Creek is 50 feet wide and thirteen
feet deep, with steep banks. Water
was flowing across the trestle as the
train started across. The engine got
almost over, but slipped back. The
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them,"the poisons are carried by the
circulation/ to every part of the body, deranging the' different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
Time Changed.
Train nnmber 40 from Montgomery
^o Waycrossnow arriveȣat 2:25 p. m.
instead of 2:15~as formerly, and de
parts at 2:85 as usual. This* makes its
«‘op in Tficmasville terminate* shorter.
The chancre was made ou occountjof the
fact that afailroad restaurant has been
established at Iron City and thef trains
stop there for dinner. '
It Ran Some
Thirteen days and eighteen hours
with one windingjis pretty good for an
eight day clock. This is how long the
clock in Oh arch well’s window ran.
They offered a prize to the customer
guessing nearest the time.^lln. Redden
A. Jones guessedJ14 days and 4 hours,
and secures the prize. This popular
firs has had ft number off entertaining
contests tor the benefit of its easterners
and this has proved one ofjthe^mostseo-
baggage, smoker and chair car were
carried far down the creek, but .the di
ner and sleeper lield the track.
Two hours after the wreck tliere was no
water in the creek.
The bodies of two women and a girl
wore first recovered. They were found
half a mile down the creek covered with
sand and mud.
The cliair car was found a mile down
the creek, half filled with shod under
which a number of the bodies were bur-
irrects Irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
cured of bright’s oisease. whole system, and the diseases that have
rJ’SSS- ’SSSiSiFSaSV SftR resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
had*toYrt^ipi?DBt # f,to*o tiunwMch n*i f h*t to**.* l”.!- a 'ra" b ] Sdjtr ■* * * "w*.^ Mik* because the cause has been removed. Com-
ElfeSaaSHSSiSs m e „c.takm g FOLEY'S KIDNEY CORE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
S2?S fahaving Bright’s Disease or Diabetes.
triad it in ftiiiij to too bwu&tud.
Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00.
mmmaemmmm* solo and beoomeioed by
U to now Relieved a imndrod par-
aoos lost thrlr live*.
■ -
►. <t>
28 10
30 25
30 05
30 60
30 00
30 27
30 55
30 00
3J 10
34 76
33 20
32 98
33 50
33 76
33 28
33 30
33 25
35 0O
88 84
86 87
86 62
36 95
37 25
36 93
48 50
51 67
47 77
47 57
49 71
50 03
48 4(5
50 29
47 60