Newspaper Page Text
• - -
Our grand
and original
will continue
8 Bays More 8
Many a well pleased customer
has'left our store since
this great sale started
with lots of great
during this great
■ t/».
You should ooitie and be a
sharei in our great “Leap
Year" Bargains. If you
haven’t been, you should lay
-everything aside and come at
once and be a sharer in some
of the greatest bargains even
been offered to you in Thom-
asville, or in any other place.
Special lot of
for this sale.
"We got a special shipment of
Tin and} Enameledware es
pecially for this sale, and we
ere certainly letting them go
for a lower price than the east
to other merchants.
More goods especially' re
ceived for [this sale at as big
You are invited to
come and see,
and buy if you
want to. We
won’t make you
-A chance that only
comes with the “keap
& Co.
New Train to St. Louis.
Stum the inauguration of the fast
Mobile unci Ohio Limited between
Montgomery and 8t. l-onis, World’s
Fair travel has received a stimulus and
the Montgomery route grows dally in
popularity. The M. & O. Limited
Ida res Montgomery at night after the
arrival of ite connecting trains from
tile Southeast and reaches St. Louie the
next afternoon.
' Atlantic & Birmingham.
St. Louisl Mo., Account Louisiana
Purchase Exposition, Slav t, No vent;
her 30, 1904,
Season Excursion Ticket* will be Bold
daily, beginnig April rSth, and continu
ing during the period of the Exposition
with final limit December 151904 Round
trip rate from Thomasvillc *37,35.
Sixty day excunfion tickets will be
sold daily, beginning April 15th, and
continuing during the period ot the Ex
position, with final date to leave St.
Louis, returning, sixty (60} days in addi
tion to date of sale. Final date in no
case to exceed December 15. 1904.
Round trip rate from Thomasville *31,20
Fifteen day excursion tickets will be
sold April 25th and continuing during
period ol Exposition with final date to
leave St. Louis returning fifteen (15) days
from date of sale, Round trip rate from
Thomasville *25,4.1,
For schedules and full information
apply to
A.'.L. Spicer Agent,
Thomasville, Ga„
Atlantic Coast Llneithe Great High
way to lb* World’* Fair.
Ronnd trio tickets on sale from Thom
asville’at follow!n|£rates:
Season tickets *37.85—limit
(tnrn December 15.
*81. so:
Ad Valorem Tax.
Constitutional Limit,
60 day ticket*
15 day ticket! 85 45. f
Coach excursion tickets on sale each
Tuesday and Thursday during June *16
15. Two trains daily. No. 67 oarrioe
through Pullman Cars ThomaaviUe to
St. Louis without change; No. 88 car
ries day coaches to Montgomery, eon-
necting withjthrongh sleeping ears at
that point forlSt.'Lonle via L. ,&.N. or
M. A 0.
A, N. Tnmbt 11, ticket Agent, Thom-
aeviUe, Ga, W, J. Craig, General Foa-
senger Agent, Wilmington, N. C„ W.
H. Leahy, Dlviaion Passenger ^Agent,
Savannah, Ga.
World’s Fair Special Rates to
St. Louis.
On each Tuesday in August, 1804
liokets at special low ronnd trip rates
will be sold via the Mobile ana Ohio
Railroad to 8t. Louis from Agency Sta-
tions south of the Ohio River. Apply
to Mr P. S. Huy, S. E. P. A., M. & 0
R, Montgomery, (Ala,, for particn
Hundreds of Thomasville Reader* Know
What It.Mean*.
The kidneys are overtaxed 1
Have too much to do.
They tell about it in many'aches and
Backache, sideache, headache,
Early symptoms ot kidney Ills.
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright’s
Disease follow.
A respected man tells here a certain
B. Sweat, Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public, residing at 68 Thomas
itreot,. Waycross, Ga, says: "lused
Doan’s Kidney Pills and can recom
mend them very highly. I took them
for backache and kidney trouble from
which I suffered for a number of years.
There was a severe pain across the
small of tuy back, constant, doll, bear
ing down pain, and the seorctious from
the kidnoys were dark and full of sedi
ment. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills
my back Is strouger and the pain has
loft me. I think Doan's Kidney Pills
are a very reliable and a vory effective
remedy. They proved to be so in iny
case after I had faUed to get any relief
from the use of several other remedies."
Empliatio endorsement can be bad
right here in Thomasville. Drop rot
Thomas Jr’s drag store aud ask what
his customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Foater-MU-
turn Co., Buffalo' N. Y., sole agents fot
the United States. Remember the
name—Doan's—and take no other.
Shorthand and Typewriting.
Stenographic Work Neatly Exe
cuted. ‘Plume 273.
Miaa Janie Alexander.
JHdw Nrxi door to Titm‘S>Knterpr>*c.
Dr. W. W. Jarrell.
Physician and Surgeon.
Tenders his professional services
Office, over Chisholm A.Dillon's
Phone 288—3 rings.
By His Excellency, Joseph M, Terrell
jGovernor'of the State of Georgia.
Executive Department, July 87th 4094
Whereas, the General Assembl*, at
its session in I903, proposed an amend
ment to the Constitution of this State, as
set forth in .Act approved August 171b
1903, to wit:
Section t. Re it enacted by the Gener
al Assembly of the State of Georgia,
That article 7. section t, of the Oonstitu.
lion of this State, be amended by ad
ding to said section the following para
graph, ns paragraph 2: the levy of
taxes on property for any one year by
the General Assembly for all purposes,
except to provide for repelling invasion,
suppressing insurrection, or defending
the State in time of war,shall not exceed
fire mills on each dollar of the value of
propety taxable in the State.
Section 8. Bo it further enacted, That
whenever the above proposed amend
ment to the Constitution shall be agreed
to by two-thirds of the members elected
to each of tbe two houses of the Gen
eral Assembly, and the same has been
entered on the Journal., with the yeas
and nays taken thereon, the Governor
shall, ahd he is hereby authorized and
instructed to cause said amendment to
be published in at least two newspapers
in each congressional district in this
State for at lean two months next pre
ceding tbe time for holding the next
general election.
Section 3. Be it further enacted, That
tbe above proposed amendment shall be
submitted for ratification or rejection to
theelectors ot this State at tbe nex
general election to be held, after publi
cation as provided for in tbe second sec
tion of this Act, in the several election
districts of this State, at which election
every person shall be qualified to vott
woo Is entitle'd to vote for members ol
the General Assembly. All persons
voting atsaia election m tavor ot adopt
ing the proposed amendment to tht
Constitution, shall have written of
printed on their ballots these words:
“For ratification of the amendment to
artjcle 7, sectlou 1, of the Constitution
of this State, so as to limit the levy of
taxes on property lor any one year ty
the General Assembly to five .mills on
each dollar of the value ol the property
taxable in tbe Stale, except for the pur
pose of repelling invasion, suppressing
insurrection, or defending the Sta: L.
time ot war"; andall prrsonsopposed to
the adoption of said amendment shall
have written or printed on their ballot
tbe words: "Against tbe ratification of
the amendment to article 7, section 1, of
the Constitution of this State, si as [to
limit the levy of taxes on property lor
any one year by the General Assembly
to five mills on each dollar of the value
of the property taxable in this State, ex-
oept for the purpose of repelling invas
ion, suppressing insurrection, or defend
ing the State in lime of war." And if a
majority of the electors qualified to vote
for members of the General Assembly
voting thereon shall vote for said
amendment, then shall said amendment
Now. therefore I loscph M. Terrell,
Governor of said State, do issue this my
proclamation hereby declaring that the
foregoing proposed amendment to tbe
Constitution is submitted lor ralihealton
or rejection to the voters of the State
qualified to vote lor members of tbe
General Assembly, at the general elec
tion to be held on Wednesday, October
5th, 1804.
By the Governor; Joseph M, Terrell,
Philip, Cook poveinor.
Secretary of State. S-j-td
GEORGIA—Thomas County. #
To whom it may concern: G. ^1*
Dureu having made application to me
iu duo form to bo appointed adminiatra*
tor upon tjhe estate of P. P. Dureu, late
o! said county, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard a
the regular term of tho Court of Ordi
naryjfor said county, to be held on the
l it Monday in Sept. 1904.
Witness my imud and official signa
ture this let day of August, 11)04.
- Win. M. Jones,
Yes this is it!
The Asbell Cane Striping knife
Pays for its self in one days use. For
sale by mil hardware dealers or the
Wertz MauofaeturingJCo.
Thomasville, G;,
In the matterof laying out and defin
ing the new Militla'District in Merrill
ville, iu accordance with petition by
citizens of that community, the Chair
man of this Borffd waa authorized to ap
point three commissioners, residents of
tlie district or district* from which thq
new one ia to be. formed, and that said
commissioners lie charged with that
duty. A. J. Way, Jr., of.Way* District,
D, W. Slurpliy, of ttooledge and J.
Owens, of.ThomaaviUe District.
Report of Commlaalonbra.
■We the commissioners appointed to
lay out and define the boundaries of a
new Militia District, to be known as the
Merrillville District, do make this as our
report accompanied the plat certi
fied to by the Connty Surveyor.
Beginning at the southeast corner of
lot No M>8, of Ifie'Tttth District and run
ning thence north to northeast, thence
ev*t to southeast corner ot ‘ No. 818,
thence i.orili to Air Line pnbUe road,
thence northeasterly along saidJpnbUc
road to where said road intersects the
east line of lot No. 281, tbenee north to
Big Creek, thence westerly along said
creek to. where, said creek enters the
Ocliiocknee river, thence southerly down
said nver to where said river crosses the
west liDe of lot No. 108, thence south to
the southwest corner of lot No. 100,
thence eaatfo starting point.
A. J. Owens,
D. W. Morphy,
A. Way, Jr.,;
’ Commissioners.
The report received andjthe foilowto,
resolutions adopted
Whereas Ad Way Jr., A. J. Owen*
and D. W. Morphy were appointed at
the July term of thta court, commission
ers to lay out and define the lines of the
new Militia District, known aa the
Merrillville Dlatriut and to be composed
of a portion of Ways, ThomaaviUe aud
Murphy Districts, having filed ' their re.
port. tujwhtoli the establishment of the
new District is recommended, said report
having been approved by the Board, it
fa therefore ordered that sold new Mill
tla District he established and a certified
transcript of the proceedingtin reference
there to bo at once transmitted to 4he
Governor of the State and that proceed
ings l>o published in .Thomasville Times
Enterprise for 80 days as required by
law. /
J S Montgomery Sect.
8-JM it. E. M Smith Clir.
A few applications will remove tan ot
eallowncss and restore the l>eauty ci
> outh.
S-l\ * i* anew discovery, guaraa
teed, and uicncy refunded it ii fail* to
remove Freckle*. Pimples, Liver Spots,
Blackheads, Discolorations and Erup
tions. Ordinary cases in 10 days,* tbe
worst in 20 days. After these defect*
are removed the skin will be soft, clear
and beautiful. Price J50 cents at drug
stores or by mail. Thousands of ladies
testify to the merits of Satinola.
The daughter of an eminent physician
Memphis. Trfnn, Jan. it, rqo*
Gentlemen:—1 have used Satinola and
Egyptian cream for a year or two, anc
unhesitatingly recommend them as the
jnest preparations I have ever used to
remove pirnpl is, freckles or any other
facial discolorations. They clear and
beautify the complexion as no other pre
parations will. /
Mrs. Evelyn Porter Ringwald,
National Toilet Co., Paris,?Tenn.
Sold in Thomasville by R. Thomas, Jr
and all druggists.
j Guardian's Sale.
By virtue of an order of tbe Court of
'Ordinary of said county, wiJl be solu at
nublic outcry at the court bouse door in
fhejcity of Thomasvilie, Georgia, on tbe
Writ Tuesday in September, 1904* be
tween tb^ usual hours of sale, a one half
($) interest in the following real estate,
situate in the town of Boston and countv
of Thomas, towit;-—One* Jot on [corner
of Main and Jefferson Sts., fronting on
Main St. 30X90 feet with one story' brick
store building thereon covering lot.
One lot fronting on Jefferson St., Bos
ton, <3a., contam’ng one acre more or
less, with a five (5) room dwelling house
thereon, bounded on the North by Jeffer
son St., on the East by E. R. Whaley.on
the South by Rev. D. H. Parker, on the
We«t by W. R. Forster.
One lot'fronting on Stephens St., Bos
ton, Ga., containing one acre more or
less, with a six (6) room dwelling bouse
thereon; with servants bouse, bounded
on the East by Stephens St„ on tbe
Smtta by H D Philips, on the West by
Baptist church lot, and on the North by
Jackson Street
One lot in Boston, Ga., fronting on
Green Street and A. O' L. R’y contain
ing one-half (J)acre more or less, bound
ed on the West |>v Green Street, on the
North by Levi Hgyes, on, the East by
Mr*, Missouri Horn, on tbe South by A.
0. L. right of way.
Also ten (K») acres of land, Lot No. —
fronting on the Tbomasvilie and Boston
public road four (4) miles west- of Bos
ton Ga, cleared but not under cultiva
The sale continue from day to day be
tween tht* same hours until all of said
property is sold. Terms CASH.
This 2nd day of August 1904.
J B Brooks
8-$-4t Guardian of W J Brooks.
Petition for Charter.
Application (or Administration.
GEORGIA—TuoKxq County:
W. W. Brooks, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
pjri antnt administrator upon the es
tate of Joseph Mallard, late of said coun
ty, notice is hereby given that said appli
cation \ ill be heard at th« regular term
oi the Court of Ordinarv for said county
to be held on the first Mon day in Sep
tember, I904.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 18tb day of'July, I904.
7.89-51 W. M Jo.vKS, Ordinary.
Rubber neck or joint* with Elliott's
Emulsified Oil Liniment It will re
move all stiffness and soreness. It is
much bettor than plotters for lame
back, or pain in the chest or side. El.
liot’sEmulsified Oil]Liniment 'enres
muscular Rheumatism. Full 1-8 pint
bottles, 25 cent*. J. W. Peacock.
St. Lout* Via Central of- Qeocgiu
Low rates, shortest route, quickest
time! Choice of th-ee route* via At
lanta, Montgomery or Birmingham.
Sleeping cars all the way. From Albany
season tickets $35.05. 60 day tickets
•*•*5 15, day ticket $2J 00. Coach
Excursion Tickets good only in coache
o 1 sale each Tuesday from all coupon
points, $17.15 limit ten,days. Propor
tionate low rates from other points.
For'full particulars, World * Fair Lit
erature maps, etc., call on pr write your
n-arest, ticket or 1. O. Brinson, comme
cial Agent, Albany, Ga.
For Infanta and flMiflmn-
Til Kind Yon Han Always Biogbf
Boars the
i of
The Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
ThomaaviUe, Ga.,—Ang. 85 M—
Eggs per doz. 34, to 88c. Beat butter
3ic. Medium bntter, 80c to—c. Chick
ens, fries, 26 to 27Jfic;hensS0 to 33)jc.
Sweet potatoes, tl.00 per bn. Fodder
per 100 lbs, 75 to 80c. Conntryhay,
per 100 lbs. 60c. to 80o; Old Syrup,
20 to S6c: country hams, 13 to 13c;
country lard, 8 to 9-5c.
ThomaaviUe, Ga, Ang. 33, 1804.—
Coffee, arbnckles 15c. Green coffee, fair
13 l-8o. choice 16c, White granulated
sugar Scents, Brown sugar 5 l-2c. Sue.
soda per lb. 6c;[crackers 10 to 20c, stick
candy 10c; Kerosene oil 20c—5 gals 80c.
Side meat per lb It to 121-2; Meal 80c per
bu. Flour *».00;to*7.C0perbbL Western
bams 18 l-2c. Lard, compound 8c.,
Leaf 10 1-2; bay, *1.25|per 100 lbs. bran
*1.50 per 100 lbs. Cotton seed meal *1.40
par 100lbs. cotton seedpialla 76c per 100
lbs sack. Seed |Rye'! *2.00. out, 60c.
Savannah—Spots at 11.10.
TbomasTiUe|LocalJmarket 10 7-8 to
January, 10.68; August, 10.80; Sep
tember, 10.85; October, 10.74; Decern'
her, 10 68,
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the Hou. the Superior Court of
said County.
The petition of S. Steyerman, Edward
Longserg and Harry Steyerman, all at
said State, respectfully shows.
> First. That,they desire (or tnem-
telves, their associates, successors and
assigns, to become incorporated upder
the name and style of “The Steyerman
Second. The term for which peti
tioners ask to be incorporated is twenty
years with the privUege of renewal at
the end of that time.
Third. The capital stock of the cor
poration is to be Fifteen Thousand Dol
lars, divided into shares of One Hundred
Dollars each. Petitioners, however,
ask the privilege of increasing said
capital stock to an amount not exceed
ing Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Fourth. The whole of said capital
stock has actuaUy been paid in.
Fifth. The object of tho proposed'
corporation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its stock holders. Petitioners pro
pose to carry on the bnsinesa of general
merchants, dealing by wholesale and
retail in dry goods, notions, farmers
supplies and provisions; baying and
selling all'snch goods aa may, be neces
sary for the proper conduct of said pro
posed business; to Dny and own real
estate; to borrow and loan money, to
receive and Hold and execute deeds and
mortgages as security; to sell and buy
live stock and other personal property;
to do all such things aa may oe neces
sary to cany on the business .as pro
Sixth. Thatjrhejprincipal office and
place of business of tbe proposed core
poration will be injtlie City of Thomaa-
YiUe, said State and Connty.
Wherefore, petitioners prey to be
made a body corporate under the name
and styli uforusaid,on titled to the righto,
privileges and immunities and subject
to the liabilities fixed by law.
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
J. W. Groover, Clerk Superior
Court, Thomas Connty, do certify that
the foregoing (is a true copy of tba
original on file in my offioe.
Witness my hand; and] official signs-
tore this 10th dav ofTAngnst, 1804.
8-12-lt. Clerk Superior Ooart.
Application for Quardfenship.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
To all whom it may concern:—Mra.
Emma J. Groover having made applica
tion for guardianship of the persona and ,
property of O. F., Edna, Margaret and
Katharine Groover, miner children of
C. D. Groover, late of Brooks country,
deceased, notice is hereby given that
said applic it ion will be heard at my of
fice at ten o'clock a. in., on the first
Monday in September, 19C4.
This .July 1.3, 1904. Wm. M. .Tones,
rt *41 Ordinary
Executor’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
By virture of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold at
public outcry, on the first Tuesday in
September, 1904, at the court house in
said county, between the legal hours of
sale, the following real estate situated
ia Thomas coon tv, to-wft: A certain
lot in city of ThomaaviUe, Ga., bving on
Wist side of Orawford street, between
S nith Are. and Fletcher street, lying
between lots of Mrs. Harrcekson south
aud Mrs. Massey cn north, said lot hav
ing a frontage on Crawford street of 19
f n*t, north side being 215 feet,south ride
174 feet and rear line 50 feet, according
to McSwain survey and known in said
survey aa lot No. 2, and having thereon
a 7 room dweUing. Terms caeh£
This 1st of August, 1904. ^
W. B. Webb,
Executory will of Helen B. Foote#
Propertyjpointed^out by E. M. Mai-
late, Agt. 8-5-4
Typewriter For Sale.
A good Densmore Typewriter, nearly
new; used but little, a genuine bargain.
Parties in need can get a first-class
machine at lialf regular price. Apply
to A. Vf. Logne.
8-5-Xm Och2ocknee,.Ga.
Attcrncy-at- Law,
Offioe lOi Upstairs Broad Street.
Thomasville. -
Money to loan on Thomas County
HTReal State at 7 per cent annum