Newspaper Page Text
News items i rom Susina.
Fhe Franklin Life Insurance Co
Springfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884. ' 1
Below is given the rates] lor different forms of participating policies of the several
■ ’ • companies doing'business in this section.
Now York Life
Mutual Lif.* ...
Massachu^tts Mutual.
Peun Mutual
Illinois Life ..... . „
Hartford Life
Sun Life, Panada.....
ew 20 pay 40 per cent. Guaranteed
an other company.'
21 — 27 15
22 — 27 8!)
28 — 28 23
24 — 28 78
25 -A 29 34
Dividend Policy—not written in
Figures Talk,
And Col. McLendon’* Connection With
It, Discussed by tho SavannshIProos
The editor of the Savannah Press.
Hon. Pleasant >. Stovall, always writes
with a sparkling i>en/ In his last issue
he has an article entitled, “Mr. McLen
don of Thomas,” as follows:
Hon. S. Gr McLendon has the knack
of creating a sensation Jevery time he
speaks. } If he were a newspaper m/m he
would he a great «ucce»*, for he has a
catchy, fetching way of saying groat
truths. Some time ago Mr. McLendon
wrote up an article about the state road
which attracted 11 great deal of atten
tion and which led to the belief that he
might enter the gubernatorial race.
Mr. ilcLendon has just delivered ji
speech before the fanners in Hawkins
ville on the •‘Commercial Value of Pop
ular Ignorance ”
We have not seen n connected l^pait
ot Mr. McLendon’s remarks, but he is
always original an: interesting ’ £He
has the courage to say new things wheth
or they are jx>pularor not. When quite
a young man ho got np in the Colquitt
convention in Atlnuta and had tho
boldness to. tell the majority of that
body that it had voted for Colquitt long
enough aud that it they were patriotic
they would withdraw their *caudula?e,
Mr. McLondbn "had the courage ii> 1 1X1
to. confront the Yree silver men and tell
thorn tljnt their platform was rubbish
• and their candidate was hopolesslv doom
ed. He repeated the same warning in
1D0>. Time lias vindicated Mr. Mc
Lendon’s position. The papers nave
commenced talking about Mr» McLen
don as a D0?sibli> caudidate^for govonor
He is a popular man aud an able one.
He is fearless and creative. Ho does
not hesitate to take the unpopular side
when he believes that ho is right.
Mr. McLendon were to go upon the
stump, cither for himself or auy one
else, in tho next gubernatorial race he
would have some lively things to say to
the pcopio. He is not a tune server or
space ftll«r. He is never prolix. When
lie talks ho says something aud when he
shoots he hits the mark.
By the way, the next race for gover
nor seems to be very lively. Already
we see Boykin Wright aud John W.
Akin on the stump before the people.
Unless we arc mistaken Joe Hall is
ttrainieg hi* eyo* in that direction and
Clark Howell is known to have aspira
tions on this line. Indeed, by many Jie
is thought to have started his campaign
already. Then Hon. Pope Brown, of
Pulaski, and Col. J. II. KstiK, of b’avan
na!i, have fnenils who w^nt to see them
in the race and Col. James M Smith,
ot Oglethorpe, “if he can sell hisjand,’
may be persuaded by Editor T. Law
rence Gantt to get into the game.
Whether Mr. McLendon is going to shy
his casto- into the ring or whether he
will enter the lists in behalf of some
other man is doubtful. At .the proper
timo lie will piobably give notice
which side of thisigreat controversy lie
yriU couch his lanfce or draw his blade.”
Slater of ThomasvfHo Man 1 Loses
Husband by Mtirdef.
Mondays / tlanta papers brought ac
counts of a tragic affair in that city in
which Mr. F. E. Betis formerly of Ma
con, lost his life. Mn\. Betts is a sister
of Mr. J. B. Jemison, oP this city. As
Miss Anna Jettison, she was married to
M-. Betts m Atlanta a few weeks ago.
He was a traveling salesman, aud a
noted athelete. He coached the base
bail team of Mercer University, lost
year. j
FoV several months Mr, /and Mrs.
Betts had been living at h hoarding
house on East Mitchel street in Atlanta.
Mr. Andrew A. Waiiue waA a boarder
at the same place. Certain objectiona
ble conduct on his part had caused Betts
to severely reprimand hi6i. This led to
a quarrel resulting in the shooting of
Mr Betts. He died immediatly.—His
young wife was kept in ignorance of his
death for some time, and wfcs prostra
ted when she learned of it.
At Tho Thompson Theater During the
Coming Season.
Manager G. L. Thompson, of. the
Thompson Opera, house, has completed
most of the bookings of the early
months of the coming season, and it is
alreedy guaranteed that Thotnasville
will have the finest lino of attractions
fOf 1001 aud 1005 ever on joyed by the
people here.
A glance at the list of bookings will
convince the average reader that there
will be no dearth of first-class amuse
ments after tho 27th of September,
September 27th seasen opens with
“On the Bridge at Midnight,” one of
tne most successful shows on tho road.
September 20—“A Boy Wautod,”
musical comedy.
October 11—Al, G. Fields, the, hit of
the season,
'October 15--The Village Parson.
October 20—“Happy Hooligan.” You
allkuowold Hooligan,
November 11.— ( ' Iris.” Tho name
sets this show off.
November 12—“For Her.Children's
Sake.” ,
November li—Barlow’s; Minstrels,
November 24—Mr, John Griffith, Jin
Macbeth. :■&**.•
tDecember 1—A Broozy Time.
December 7—Human I$eartrt.]j
December 27—Christy Bros.’ Min-
rcio. i*
January D.—Down ou^the Farm.
January 17 — Chinese “Honeymoon.
(Shubort’s.) With eighty people and
orchestra. The biggest success in years.
January 20—Gorton’s Minstrels.
January.80 and :J1 aud February 1—
Four Pickets.
February 18—Mr, Walker Whiteside
in “Heart and Sword.”
February 21 - -Thomas “Joliersou in
Rip Vair Wjnklo.
Febraary 24—A Friend of the Family.
March 4.—Tho Runaways. This is a
great New York success, and will come
South with pixty people in the cast.
March 11.—Hamlet, by Edward
The open time is being filled np os
rapidly as tho manager of the opera
Uoage eau arrange with attractions of a
desirable character.
President and Secretary of State Board
Here Thla Week.
(By8. M.,Beach.)
Mr. D. L. Williams, of Ne w Orleans,
La., and sister, Mrs. E. E. Rose, came
over from Metcklfe last Monday to visit
their sister, Mrs. A. O. Dickey. Mis.
A. C. Dickey returned to Metcalfe with
them the next day and went on tQ
Thomasvillo from that placed
Mr. Dave Gwaltoey, who lias erected
a ginuery near the old beaVer dam on
the Quincy road, fired up last Tuesday,
and ginned the first bale brought to the
Messrs. A. O. Dickey, W. J. Dickey
and S. M. Boach met last Thursday for
tho purpose of dividing the estate of tl 0
iito Mrs. Martiia Slater, consisting of
fourteen hundred und twenty-five acres.
There are ten heirs to the estate.
There is great joy at the’home of Mr.
aud Mrs. G. H. Brown . A iiffie girl
arrived their last Wednesday, ami w: U
majio it her permanent home.
Mrs. Mary IlaytH lost her large bam
arid contents by fire I apt Thursday night,
The property was insured in tho Far
mer’s Mutual Insurance Association of
Georgia, this being the first loss of any
of its members living hero sine
Very little interest was shown in tho
primary election held horo last Friday.
Of the forty-four Arsons whose names
were oa tho list of voters only twonty-
fyro entne to fhe polls Mo*srs. Henry
Mitchell, W. J. Dickey aud 6. ,\L Leach
wore tho managers. Joe Mitchell and J.
M. Blaokshear performed tho duties of
clerks. ‘ ,
air. Thomas Whitfield ginned the first
b do of cotton carried to his gin last
aiouday, Tills and the Gwaltnoy gin
will be great conveniences to our plan
Judge and MA. H. W. Hopkins came
down to Sherwood last Sunday and re
turned to TliomasviUe the following
day. The Jurigo contemplates niukiug
futher improvements at Sherwood.
Somebody has discovered that Judge
Dr. W. F. Westmoreland and Dr,
F. H.rris, the president and secretary
of the $tate board of hcaUh$will come
to Thomasvifie this week. Their* pur
pose in coming is to consult with the
county commissioners, the city conucil,
aud tho local health authorities. Cer
tain facts about health inThomasvile
and Thomas cou*n t y h a vJb
been brought to thoir attention. Thoy
intend that prompt measures shall be
taken to preserve the health'of the com
They stato that they have ample
authority|to enforce any measures that
they may desire. They will doubtless
meet with no difficulty or opposition
from the local authorities.
The Atlanta men will yisit other
counties while in South Georgia. The
particular cause of their making the
trip wss a report of condition-* over in
Derat nr comity.
Mrs. Paul McGee, of this city, is en
tertaining as her guests Mr. W. J. Mc
Gee, master mechanic ot tho Montgom
ery division A. O. L. and her sister, Mrs
C. B. James jod Mist Emma Lon Hi Us
man, of Albany.
--^V- / :§■
Big Gun ,Tournament Fla need For
"Next Month. *
Tho Cracker Gun Club has received
notification of a grand gun tournament
to be held in Bainbridge on September
loth, lCtb and 17th. Premiums'and priz
es amounting to f500 00 will bo award-
oil. $75.00 in gold will be given to the
toam making the best record. # The
crackers will send over a team to take
part, and to show Bainbridge the
gentle art of breaking clay pigeons.
The annual catalogue of No:man In
stitnte, at Norman Park Ga., hat just
been issued. It indicates prosperity and
progress for the school, which has 281
students. -Among the Thomas county
young people enrolled are Berta King
and W. H. King, ofjtostoo, and Bet to
Miller, of Coolig*.
A New selnlHIe Discovers
(or (lie
It purifies tho blood by eliminating tht
Porker-liaa.a coat of arms. His coat of j waste matter and other impurities and by
farms would mako a bettor campaign destroying tho germs or microbes that
0 ^ au . I Infest tho blood. It builds up tho blood
j by restoring and multiplying the red cor*
—- —~ • ) puaclca, making the blood rich and red.
The University of Wisconsin wants It restores and stimulates tho nerve*
to know abont the labor condition, in ; causing a full free'flow of nerve force
the south. Most Universities know throughout tho entire nerve system. It
, . .. > ... , j speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous*
bttl. about labor in thWl. or die. ^“ n ' rvou , p***,**, lnd , U dlewuM
whore. 1 of the nervous sysicin.
RYDALES TONIC is a specific for all
forms of Malaria. It acts on a new prin
ciple. It kills the microbes that produce
Malaria. Tho cauqp being removed the
disease quickly disRj pears. RYDALJuS
TONIC is guaranteed to cure tho most
abstinato cases'of Malarial Fever, Chills
ind Fever, Ague, etc. We autliorize all
The Cordolo News lays an Atlanta
drummer says “if Dick Gray runs for
govomor two years honco, he will wake
up the woods.” How about waking up
the votes.
The gratifying news is announced
that the Florida orange crop will be
1 arge this year. It is.stated that about
2,000,000 boxes will be harvested and
growers will no doubt experience an era
of praoperlty that will encourago them
to renewed Effort next season. The
state has recovered slowly from tl e
great freeze’* and California has de
veloped into a formidable rival bat the
oranges of Florida are doomed sweeter
by many epicures and tire peninsula
state will probable never lose its prestige
as a producer of tho golden fruit.
Free Samples
You Can Got One.
BLACK WEBB, the greet vegetable
Ninety for Kheumetiem, Ctarrh, end
Kidney end Bledder complainte, he. met
with elm oat inetentaneone anooeae be
came it bee made com. noteworthy
enree of very eevei. caeee.
Ur. John Poet, of the Atlanta PIN
Dept., write.:
“ For month! I Buffered with my kid-
neye. I made every effort to get relief,
bat failed until 1 accidentally oame in
poeeeseion of a bottle of Black Weed.
The relief obtained from lta nee waa ao
gnat before half the flnt bottle had
been need, that I put aeide all other
medicine, and am now eonnd and well,
liaving been cured completely by Blank
Weed. At the earn, time I had an ag
gravated cane of Catarrh of the howl
and throat. Black Weed haa completely
oared thie, end my head ia now aa alter
tea bell.”
BLACK WEED U aold by all drng-
gista at $1.00 a bottle, or wa will tend
prepaid upon receipt of price.
Send Your Name
For Southern Georgia,
— Thomasville, Ga.
dealers handling our remedies to refund . » trial sample of this great remedy,
Iho purchase price for every bottle ol ‘ ^ ‘
RYDALES TONIC that does not give
satisfaction. )
me Radical Bemefig Compaug,
Whioh will be aent abeolutely free, to
gether with onr book containing valua
ble ' Information and andoraemanta
Pleaee mention thla paper. Addreea,
Black Weed Medicine Co.,
/Manta, Go.
W. O. McCord, of Pelham, epent Fri
day in the city.
Mothers should always keej) in good
bodily health. They owe jt to their
children. Yet it is no unusual sight to
sepa mother, w ith a babe in arms,* cough*
ing violently and exhil^injpall the sym
ptoms of a consumptive tendency. And
wiiy should this dangerous condition ex~
ist, dangerous alike io mother and
child, when Dr. Roschce’s German Syr*
up would put a itop to it at once? No
mother should be without this old and
tried remedy in the house- for its time
ly use will promptly cure any lung
throat ox bronchial trouble in herself or
her children. The \yorst cough or cold
can be ipeeoily cured by German Svi*
up; so can hoarseness and congestion of
the bronchial tube's. It makes expecto
ration easy, and gives instant relief and.
refreshing reit to the cough-racked con
sumptive. New trial bottles, 25; largo
size, 75c. At ail druggists* w
GEORGIA—Tliomae County.
To whom it may concern: G. L.
Daren liaving mado application to m.
in due form to be appointed ndminietra-
tor npon the citato of P, F. Daren, tats
of fold connty, notice ie hereby given
that said application will be heard a
the regular term ot tho Oonrt of Ordi
nary.for told connty, to be held on thb
I Ht Monday in Sept. ltMMj
Witness my hand and official signs*
taro thie 1st day of Angnat, 1904.
Wm M. Jones,
When the Kidneys fail ta perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison*
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. Tfiis causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble^ sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
/ " cured of bright’s oisease. whole system, and the diseases that have |
tunity of teVtinc'wh.t m.gmficer.t results I h.j from tiling
because the cause has been removed.
; , C 1 fSi" , effig^0LBv!S , KiD?ISv resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, I
: 3waEm3ai5&wes£i
«ro«,hiroom.'rlctlSJiy^uXli“Jd.“Vn*'?mence taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY CU'
at the first sign of danger. Do not -
th. of the wond‘ rful medic,np that cured c i having BWght’s Disease or Diabetes.
kM triad it bu failed to b« bsnefitted. *
Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00.
j. w: P2 COCK.
•• v„.... -C-i±