Newspaper Page Text
t Tax on Win* Seller*, Hopklnt
Get* HI* Money, Eleotlon for Jue-
da* and Bailiff* In Merrillville Dir
trtet. Floyd Howoll Company Got*
$344, Many Other important Fro
eaedlng* by Commlaalonera.
Board met In regular meeting. All
t except Commlaaloner BorrojV.
Biota tee of l**t meeting rend and ap-
Ob'motion the claim for damage* of
lord Howell ft Oo , wu aettled for
Sk* following communication from
(pt. Smith, the chairman, waa read
td adopted:
P the Board pfOomminlona of Road*
Ej and Rerennea.
ILt thta meeting we meat decide the
i goeation of changing the system of road
working, and alaj lory the tax rote for
K mi, Tho qneetion waa mentioned at
aarlaat meeting, hot'waa not discerned
TFe must now com* to aome conclnalon
regarding it. While there 1» much in
WE favor of working the road* with onr ml*-
demeanor con riots, the time seem* limp
‘ ft certain that onr roada are in better
. nonditton now than they hare bean for
yam, and the matter of changing should
ho deferred for one year. On acconnt
ad the atom in September, 1903, whtoh
destroyed oerernl of our largeet bridges,
and damaged agrees many others in
the county, the expenee Incurred In re-
hmlding and repairing liaa been lmmeaac
and for the reaeon of haring to enlarge
our jail to aooommodate the large and
inoreaaing number of criminate at heavy
cost, to inaugurate tho new system of
working with oonrict labor woald
necessitate tho levying a greater tax
than should ho done at this time. The
building of the new Jail or annex, w«
And to he an absolute necessity which
Will be provided with seps rate cells for
lunatics, women ami ill" tdok. Not-
withstanding the increase in property
11 rnlnea over lass year. We w Ul he forced
; , to increase the tax rate slightly td
P meet the expenses incurred and to be in-
V cured for iho purpose* above stated. A
careful estimate shows that a rate of
, * *1.00 on the 41000, for this rear will be
sufficient for all purposes. The State
ratals*4.80 which to 40 cento on tlie
*1000 less than last year, and which will
make the net increase for the county
only 70 cento on the *1000. We received
from the hire of onr misdemeanor con
xiett for tho past year *4,000, which la
greater iy *1600 over any preceding
year. To work the convicts on the
mads, this fund wonld be eliminated
tram onr general receipts, aud the defic
it would hare to be raise Jby additional
Saxes. We will gel approximately from
the State *9100.00 for oar proportion of
' the funds arising from tho hire of felo
ny convicts, and these two fnnds will
probably suffioe for roads aud bridges
forth* next year. An aet wu passed
by the last legislature ot Georgia regu
luting the manufacture and sale of do
mestic wines in ths various counties of
iho State. It makes it oompnlsory on
' such manufacturers and sallera to take
oat licenie, and it leaves it discretionary
with the Ooanty Commissioners to say
whs* the price of such Uoenao shall be.
A copy of tha aet la hereto attached:;
Tkb property values for 1*04
amount to.. *1,(60,033.00
tUlmifl and florponftion
Itls ordered, that a rate of 40 cento on
the hundred bo levied for I90(. It is
farther ordered that the clerk of the
board shall enter this order pntho min
ute nook of this court, aad give the tax
collector a certified copy of this order,
and that tax collector shall not collect
taxes against any tax payor that will
exceed 40 cent* cu the hundred dollars
worth of property given In Or asses
against the ta* payor* of the county.
On motion the license for the role of
domestic wine in Thomas county was
fixed at two thousand dollars nnder the
On motion all the lots owned by the
county lying in the vicinity of the 01d| f ,
Compress site be sold. The chairman
of thfa board to hereby authorized to, . ■ , , -
, , ... I A. II. Much having applied (or Guar-
advertise them at public out ery atl ..
_ . ... ..... Idlansbipof the person and property* of
Court House, beginning with the lot r r ' •
| GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To alt who it may concern:
formerly occupied by Electric Light Co.
and to continue to advertise and sell un
til all are sold.
Sept, of Bridges instructed to make
necessary impairs to road near Jones
bridge at once.
Sapt. Btidgei instructed to begin at
once preparations to bnild bridge at
law approved August 18 19D4. To be- >Hedly’s ferry.
_ ■ , . , The following bills were ordered paid:
come effective Oct. 1st., 1904.
The contract with the Bell Lumber
Oo i for tha lease of misdemeanor coo-
Ticts was renewed. The chairman of
this Board and the county physician to
confer with the leasees aa to the disa
bility of any of the convicts.
The following report of commission
to change district, line, adopted and ci
tation ordered. , /
September, 6th 1904
To Honorable Board of Connty Com
missioners: .We.the undersigned com
mittee appointed to change the Favo
district line, submit the following re
port. Starting on Pavo and Oooltdge
road at lot No. 840. ronning west on said
road through the following lots 80S, 904
and there intersecting the Greenfield
road, tlienoe down said road until yon
hit the west line of lot No. 904 which is
the Merrillville district line, thenoe
north to Big Creek, thenoe up said creek
In a north oustera direction running
through Iota 90S, 006 to north lino thence
east on said line to Pavo district Hue,
Total 6,686,937.00
ft rate of (4.00 on the*1000 will produce
*Bk740 *4 to be apportioned as follows:
To pay legal Indebtedness andjenrrent
lawn at 8 cents) on the $100,
Fbr public property at 14 18 cents
■tothe *100 *9,443.83.
Fbr salaries at 71-3 cents on the
*100, *5,018.03.
*- JV>r Coroner at......cents onthr *100,
Ihr Bailiffs and Witnesses at 2 1-2
amt* on the *100, *1,671.30.
V nr Jurors at 4 1-9 ( cents on tin
v *3C0)*3/«6.80.
Sfcir .Support of tire Boor at 2 l-::
senisoD the *100, *1,671.80.
Fbr all other purposes at 8 . >
rents on tire *1001,923 06, \
The above is submitted for Inform:.-
•*». j
E.M. Smith, Chairman- •
thenoe down Pavo dlstriot lino sooth to
starting point. All of tho above to he
known aa Pavo dlstriot.
D O. Baker
D. W. Murphy.
D-s. Westmoreland and Harris of At
lanta and Dr. Taylor of Tliomaaville,
mi mbers of tho State Board of Health
appeared bofpre the' commissioners and
urged prompt action on tho part of tho
ooanty authorities in adopting mens-
tires to stomp out small pox. Dr. West
moreland outlined tha dnties of the au
thorities tu cities and ou.uites, and lie,
whs promised the cordial coo; oration of
this board and also a vote of thunks for
tha valuable suggestions made lu tho
For tho mouth ending Aug. 31,1091.
'*V '
From balance on hand aa per last
report 8,066.81
Ohae. P. Hansell, J. O. O.
Connty Court ooato 60.00
Lease of oonvlcto........ 832.00
Fines and forfeitures. ...,110.00 1020.00
For building and repairing court
house, jail, bridges, ferries,
and other pnblio Improve
ments .....’ 847.60
For sheriff's, jailer's, and other
offloers’ fee* 468.00
For ooroner’i Inquests 16.00
For bailiffs at oourt, non-resi
dent witnesses In criminal
cases, servant hire, stationery
and the like 00.00
Fbr jurors at court 119.00
For support ot the poor of tho
connty. 197.49
For Insolvent ooato 110.00
Fov other lawful charges.. 166.70
Cosh-Balance on hand 9,618.44
Respectfully anbmltted,
Connty Treasurer.
Hon. Obnnty Commission: rv:
Since my last repost I have turned
over the following amounts to the
ooanty treasurer.
Ang. 94, ’04, from fines and lot-
feitnrea 119.00
From ooato in county coart.... 30.00
From leneo of ooaviota, after de
ducting offioere costa 833.00
Sept- 3. 'Ot, From lease of con
victs, net 108.00
From costs 0.00
Total *1.297.00
Yours truly,
Jndge O. O. T. C.
monthly kepout to county commis
o usual weekly visits have been
■ to the jail and poor hooso. Ltd!i
« are In a healthy condition. No
lias been admitted, died or dis
ced from the latter.
L, B. BoueheUe, M. D. i
E. M. Smith..... 6 00
W. A. Pringle 6 00
H. O. Copeland. 5 00
J, C.Bryan 6 00
OvP. Harwell
L. B. Bomb-lie........... *0 00
J. 8. Montgomery.......... 10 00
Joe Callaway 16 00
E. Brown, pauper 6 00
Maiiau Blalock, pauper 7 00
Gordon Hattiway, pauper 6 00
E Carter panper 6 00
Redden Carter, panper 6 00
P. Hoskins, panper 3 00
Hard; Godwin, panper 6 0*
Mr-. Wright Warren 5 00
Ohas. Brooks, proper 1 . ... 6 00
W. A. Fuller, (annoy 06 00
Wm. Sanders, Incaov 6 00
Sherrod Bros., lumber OS 80
J. B.Grant - 8 00
O. R. Mugg'idg- ACo., lumber.. 17 80
Secretary of State 2 26
Obas Gandy, Coroner 16 00
EleotrtoLight Co.,.. ..410 70
J. W.P.acook, Drugs 7 86
Thoms vill, Variety Works 4 60
J. T. Pittman ft Sou, Pc or House. 28 16
James Wattft BrO.,,... 29 16
W. A. Pringle Supplies 10 77
Baker Morphy ft Way, new die t. 6 00
A. J, Oamba-t, Poor House IS 00
W. L. Davis, lumbar 0 03
L. Hooke, Hauling 13 00
3 pp Hardware Co., 1 06
D yson Lumber Oo 6 40
B kin/htsry, II. & B..,....
\V. A. Wilburs..., 1 60
W.M. Jones lunacy...» 83 00
Floyd H .well ft Co, dam)gee....244 78
J. T. Ereu-F S u,Se»er pipe. .. 46 10
'. J. Hi. ht, Shoril! 14 46
T. J Hght. Jailer..... IIS* 80
T, S. Singletary J.... 8 00
Times Enterprise J. 53 .0
T, V. Hlpkius, So'lcit.. r'ai ost......868 07
Ilarring & Ilorrtug, p n;ors... 0 00
J. K. Parker. (’ Him tsion 96 87
J. B bason, Lie bar 8 13
Bo rd sdjojrcad.
B. M. Smith, ChUmmn.
J 8. Montooheuy, Boc’t.
Ruble Tyson, minor child of, W. P.
Tyson, late of Berrlan connty, deceased.
Notice is given that said application will
be beard at my office, at io o'clock a. m.
on tbc first Monday in October next.
This ;th Sept. 1904.
^ Wm. M. Jones,
Ad yalorem Tax.
Constitutional Limit.
Application (or Quardiansbip.
GEORGIA—Thomas connty.
To all whom it may ooueem:—Mra.
Emma J. Groover having made applica
tion for guardianship of the persona and
property of O. F„ Edna, Margaret ana
Katharine Groover, minor ohildren of
O. D. Groover, late of Brooke country,
deooased, notice to hereby given that
said application will be heard at my of
floe at ten o’Olook a. m„ on the first
Monday in September, 1904.
This July 18, 1904. Wm. M, Jones,
6-41. Ordinary
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all who it may concern:
W. R. Forster having, In proper form,
applied to me for Permanent fetters of
Administration on the estate of E. S.
Bailey, late of said ooanty, tbit 1* to cite
aU and singular the creditors and next
of kin of said Bailer to be and appear
at my office on the first Monday In
October, at to o'clock a. m, and show
cause, if any they can, why permanent
administration shall not be granted to
W. R. Forster,on E. 8. Bailey's estate.
Witness my hand and ofHc'al signa
ture. this ]otb day of August 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
by Hi).Excellency, loscph M. Terrell
Governor of the Slate of Georgia.
Executi ve Department, July 27th 1094
Whereas the General Assemblt, at
its session in 1903, propo-ed an amend-
ment to the Constitution of this State, as
set forth in Art approved August 17th
1903, to will
Section I. Be it enacted by the Gene •
at Assembly of the State' of Georgia,
That article 7, section I, of ths Constitu
tion of this State, be amended by ad
ding to said section/the following para
graph, as paragraph 2: The levy of
taxes on property for any one year by
the General Assembly for all purposes,
except to provide for repelling invasion,
suppressing insurrection, or defending
the State in time of war.shall not exceed
five mills on each dollar of the value of
propery taxable in the State.
Section 2. Be it further enacted, Thai
whenever the above proposed amend
ment to the Constitution shall be Rgrecd
to by two-thirds of the membcia elected
to each of the two holies of the Gen
eral Assembly, and the same has been
entered on the journal., with the yeaa
and nays taken thereon, the Governor
shall, and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to cause said amendment to
be published in at least two newspapers
24| OO j. eac |i congressional district in this
Slate for at leas: two months next pre
ceding the'tinie lor holding the next
general election.
Section 3. Be it further enacted; That
the above propo-cd amendment shall be
submitted for canficntia:i or rejection to
the electors of this State at tbe nex
general election to be held, alter publi
cation as provided for in the second sec
tion of this Act. in the- several clectioh
districts of this State, at which election
every person shall be qualified to vote
woo ix entitled lo vote for members of
Hie General -Aseeumiy. Atl persi.ns
vo ing aisai.1 election in lavor ot adopt
ing the proposed amende cm to tbe
Constitution, shall have *written of
printed on their ballots these words:
“For ratification of the amendment to
article 7, sectiou 1, of. the Constitution
ol this State, so asto||jrnlt. the levy of
taxes on property Itr any one year by
the General five mill* en
each dollar of the value ol the property
taxable in the State, except for the pur
pose of repelling invasion, suppressing
insurrection, or defending the Stat in
time of war"; and all p-rrons opposed to
tha adoption of said amendment shall
hare written or printed on their ballot
the words: "Against the ratification of
the amendment tv article 7, section 1, of
the Oonstitulioaof this State, so at to
liihit the levy of taxes on property tor
any one year by the General Assembly,
to five mills on each dollar of the valoe
of the property taxable in thia State, ex-
oept for the purpose ot repelling invas
ion, suppressing insurrection, or defend
ing the State in time of war." And if a
majority of tbe electors qualified to vote
for members of the General Assembly
voting thereon shall vote for said
amendment, then shall said amendment
become a part «f the Constitution of this
- Now, therefore I Joseph M. Terrell,
Governor of said State, do issue this my
proclamation hereby declaring that the
foregoing proposed amendment to, the
Constitution is submitted tor ratiheatton
or rejection to the voters of the State
qualified to vote ior members of tho
General Assembly, at the general slno-
lion to be held on Wednesday, October
5th, 1904.
By the Governor: Joseph M. Terrell,
Philip, Cook
. liberal Way In Which -T. W. Peacock
Sells Mi-o-na, Nature's Core For Dys
“If Mi-o-oa fails to core yon of dys
pepsia, come back to hi* store and get
yonr money” is the broad and liberal
way in which J. W. Peacock is selling
Mi-o-na, nature's care for dyspepsia.
It Is seldom Indeed that any one avails
themselves of this offer, proving conclu
sively tbe almost invariable good results
that follow the nse of this scientific
treatment for stomach tronble. -
A 80c box of Mi-o-na contains two
weeks treatment and benefit will be seen
from almost the first dose. The guaran
tee means that If Mi-o-na does not give
complete satisfaction the full prioe paid
will be refnnded when the empty boxes
are retnrned, and cover* two boxes.
There is no other medicine that will
compare with Mi-o-na for relieving the
stomach* tronble. Pain aud dftnmfort
after eating, dlxxinoss, specks before the
qyci, gas and fermentation, lit fact, all
forms of indigestion arefqnfckly reliev
ed and permanently cored by Mi-o-na.
It increase* the vitality, soothes and
heals any internal inflammation and
gives tone and strength to tbe whole
•vstem. '
Begin the nse of Mi-o-na to-day and
see how easily and quickly stomachs
troubles may be cared, If the right
remedy Is used. (
AGENTS WANTED,--*10 00 per
week. Uosd opportnnity for advance
ment. Answer quick. Give fhrfiegood
fareiv-es Our new negro book "soils
like h t cakes." Jenkins, Hertelit Co"
Atlanta, Ga. 3P-2W"
Secretary ol State.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Seat: the
Signature of
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed has applied to the Ordinary cf
said county for leave to sell land be- (
bnging to estate of John B.‘J Dixon fer
I the pay ment of debts and for distribu-
-1 on. Said application will he teard at
I the regular term of the court ol ordinary
1 ior said count)'to be held on the first
! Monday io October 1904
This Sep!. 5th 1904-
JR. F. Dixon,
j Administrator on the estate ,of] John
B. Dixon.
Handrqds of ThomasviUe Readers Know
What It Means.
The kidneys are overtaxed!
Have too mnoh to do.
They tell about it in many achoe and
Backache, sldeache, headache,
Early symptoms of kidney il|ij
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright's
Disease follow.
A reopectodjman tells here a certain
8. Sweat, Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public, residing at 39 Thomaa
street, Waycross, Ga, says: “Ineed
Doan's Kidney Pills and can recom
mend them very highly. I took them
for backache and kidney tronble from
which I unfferod for a number of years.
There was a severe pain across tho
small cf my back, constant, doll, bear
ing down pain, and the secretions from
the kidneys were dark and fail of sedi
ment. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills
my bock Is stronger and the pein Its*
left me. I think Doan's Kidney Pills
are a very reliable and a very effective
remedy.. They proved to be so in my
cose after I hod failed to get any relief
from the nse of several other remedies.
Emplmtio endorsement enn ho hats
right here in 'llinuit,, title. Dibp nil
R. Thomas Jr’s dtng store andask'wluti
his customers report.
For sale by all dealors. Foster-Mil-
turn Go,,Buffalo’ N. Y., solo agents for
the United Slates. Remember the
name—Doan's—and take uo other.
Wtter* Tha Many Young Folka Will
go This Fall.
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may co’ cern:
Mrs. Mary Eubank, having, in proper
form, app ted pi me for Permanent Let-
ters of Administration on the estate of
J. O, Eubanks, late of said county, de
ceased. This is to cite all and singular
the creditots and next of kin of' J. O.
Eubanks, to be and appear at my office
on the first Monday in October 1904, at
in o'clock a. m.-and show cause, if any
they can, why pemaneut administration
should not be granted to Mrs. Maty
Eubanks on 3.0. Eubannk'a estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 5th day of Sept. 1904.
Wm. M, Jones,
Typewriter For Sale. *
A good Detumore Typewriter, nearly
new; need but little, a genuine bargain.
Parties in need can gat a first-close
machine at hslf regular price. Apply
to A. W. Logne. ,
8-5-lm - Ochlocknee, Go.
Attorn«y-at- lew.
Office 101 U pit airs Broad Street.
ThomasviUe. * * Georgia.
Money to loan on Thomas County
{STReal Eiate at ? percentacanm
Yes this is it!
ThomasviUe has alwavs felt an inter
est aud pride in it’s college stadeuts.
They have represented the town in all
of the state’s institutions of learning
and in many of those iu other states
also. They have always been a credit
to the city and it has become an axiom
tliat ThomasviUe students are leaders in
all lines of activity. This year thofe
who will try the pleasant paths of col-,
lege life for the first time form tho
goodly number of thirty. The career
of each will be watched with eager in
terest by the home folks.
Miss Martha Herreli will return to
Agnes Scott Institute to complete her
coarse, mid to graduate next Jane. Miss
Ada Barney will go hack to Andrew
Female college at Oathbert. Miss
Louise Hopkins who has been at the
Georgia Normal at MUledgaville, will
enter Young’s Female college here.
Brenan, Gainesville's college aid con
servatory will claim a trio consisting of
Misses Bessie Parker, Marian Balfour
and Grace Beverly. Misses Mary Jer-
ger and Marybob Hnsou wiM vow alle
giance to the Lucy Cobb Institnte at
Athene. Miss Bruce goes to Montoe
college at Forsyth and Miss Ethel Dekfe •
to Wesleyan at Maoon.
The big delegation of boys at the
Georgia school of Tticanology iu Atlan
ta will return. They are Messrs. Willie
Palin, Albert Pringle, Frank Lawson,
Milner Smith and Joe Jerger. The
number will be augmented by Re tier
MacIntyre, Fred Taylor, Henry Gribben
and T. O. Mitchell. Killis Sparks and
Louis Houston are, even now going
through the opening excercises at Gon- /
don Institute in Barnesville. Bob Bsl-
fonr ha* just entered Davidson college,
the Presbyterian school iu North Caro
lina, and Charlie Walt goes back there
for uuother year. ^ic grand old Uni
versity of Georgia will number among
it's new students, W. B. Humble ton dr.
in the law department and Rob. Burch
in the Academic. Joe Craigmiles re
turns after three years in the academic
deportment to take law* at Athens. Leb.
Dekle gets back to the Virginia Military
Institute at Lexington, for more soldier
Many good Lyes will be said to the
young folks daring the next few days
and many h s/h hopes will follow them.
The Timea-Enterprise predicts that
these will not be disappointed.
v Akrrltvilie Notes.
(liy J. V.JDtfia'dson.)
T>'« eoii of September wilt give vent
to to. olrili of» now militia district
amt Vecrillvil u will be the name.
Oar county rammissioners have order-
el an electin,. in be held oa the 24th
Init. ta elect a Justice ofjthe Peace and
two Bniliffs. The qnestion arises nat
urally, upon whom will the mantle af
these exalted honors fall.
|Mr. F. N. Carter, is having erected a
neat cottage on his farm out in east
Merrillville and when oompleted it wi^l
be ■ nobby structure.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnis Chastain took
advantage of the cheap rate to Atlanta
Tuesday to visit relatives and friends
In the Northern portion ot the state.
Mias Jennie Johnson retnrned to her
home in Upson aonnty after * two
months sojourn with her brother Mr.
4. 71. G. Johnson, Tuesday to the regret
of her many friends.
The weekly Tlmee-Enterprise failed
to pot In its appearance an til Monday
afternoon cauing quite a number of 4to
patrons to be disappointed.
W* regret to Isom of Mr. Arthur
Chastain's illness. He U confined to
hi* room with ferer.
Miss Fannie Reagan, after a few weeks
visiting fnends at Snnset remmod home
Hon. N. E. Turner and Dr. D. O.
Montgomery paid ThomasviUe a busi
ness call Tuesday.
Order for Election.
It is hereby ordered an election
bo held at the town of Merrillville
Thomas county for a Justice of the
Peace .and two Constables on Saturday
he Asbell Cane' Striping Knife.Iff ^ Slid electioa ,0 *
Pays fortto tell in one days use. For withm ,he h » ors P^bed by
sale by all hardware dealers or tlie
Wert/. Manufactnricg’Co.
ThomasviUe, Ga,
j law for opening and closing tlie polls.
E. M. Smith, Chairman.
‘9-3-3 Baa:d County Commissioners.