Newspaper Page Text
rorjuw/ Want* More — Thom**
County LandlNow.
8 "Montgomery Saturday
oompletod the transfer of two piece* of
ST- #«*«"•• the I ’ rolWrtT:of
the estate of the late Henry G : Toruer.
valuable iarct odjoin»3|th«S Morse and
Weight places, and is lost outside the
city limit*. Mr.T.L. IMxou who re
cently purchased the Cochran place add-
ed to hi* holding* in tliat neighborhood
by tho purchase of a fifty »<=re farm be-
longing to W. 1. McIntyre.
■ L . rtl gp®
An Explanation ofElt*'.Meaning by
Nurseries In Good Trim
' - - * -m(i
Mr B.1- Smith assistant state
otologist left Saturday afternoon
several day* epent at Tl.oma.riUe
Cairo. WliUe bore he visited tho nurs
eries of several dealers in fruit treos,
pecans, eto. Ho reports that the trees
awi !n gool condition, whiro any bus
iness Is transacted. Iujonty one place
vrst he unable to Issue a certificate. He
' siysthtt the peos.i industry will boa
great factor in the devolopmcut of tho
Official Proouedln9»°f Their Conven
tion in ThleCliy.
Thomasvllle, Oa, Sept. KWH.
the Peoples party met to day in con-
ventlon as requested. The meeting was
opened at 11.80 a. m. by Chairman J. B.
After the object was explained the
first business wa» the election of a new
county committee. PJ o'
This resulted as foUowr. , ■
I,. 0. Lunaford Chairman.
Ihomasvllle, Dls., Dr.M.A.Cassady.
Metcalfe, "
Boston, **
Ways, •«
Pavo, “
Ooolidge, “
MgrriUvlUu, "
a hlookonee,
8| '
Emory Stringer.
J. D. Cooper.
W. H. OuUin*.
Phillip McKinnon.
J; It. Gaudy.
D W. Murphy.
Torn B..nv;i*b sr.
. J, |*
, W. f. White,
ill!. Jeye
The mcel.’ig thou ratified the action
of the Spil-adeld Convention in tho
nomination of Thomas E. Watson of
Georgia for tl.o president of the U. S,
and Thomas H. Tibbies of Nebraska for
tio» president and eudoned them a* our
At the state meeting in Atlanta, Sept,
lit. J.S. Ward Jr. of Thomas qouuty
was ohoson elector for the Sooond Con-
gressioual Distilot.
The meeting Confirmed tl.« notion of
tho Atlanta meeting.
The meeting tlion organised a Wat-
■on Cinb wltl. 88 members.
J. B. Watkins, Clirmn.
' J..8. Ward Jr. Sooty.
Populist Matting.
A meeting of the Populist at the
oonrt house Saturday; was ationded by
some 80 people. A speech was
made by_ J. 0. Ward, Jr.', and
eouuty offioo.e elected. Mr. Luns
ford, of Thomason, was made chalruiun
There will be no county ticket out in
the fall election.
Tho now* return from Tallahassee
time, days are much more satisfactory
to pesos loviug people. During li.e
latter put of the week the whites and
blacks held a mam meetiug aud declared
tint "Before Day Clubs” Jdld not exist
than both reoe* pledged themselves to
tlm maintenance of law,“and order.
We trust that, the trouble Is ovor, set
tled by tlie good sense of our neighbors.
Mrs. Otis Bell has returned from tlie
west aud is tlie guest of Mrs. E. J.
young in Quitman.
V Miss Mary Eva Mallette went dewn
to Boftoi* to Sliced the time until tlo
. ppeuing of school there.
A Mr. J. D. Carroll came up from Pet-
Fla., where ho is now stationed
it Sunlay and Monday! villi
Who wore delighted to see li:m
1 speu
FiMk Harris, of Pavo, vislied
— -W Monday. He says 1 is
nttrely poaoifel and Iho
j* there were withett
Mr. J.^. Ward, Jr., of Ochlockonee
who takes a keen interest in public af
fairs has requested an osplanaitiofi of
the umendment to tlie state constitution
providing for local taxation for sohool
parposes. Tlie Times Enterprise takes
pleasure in presenting this morning a
fait explanation^! thejproposed amend
ment, writtcnjby J. V. Mltcholl, in or-
dtr tliat the people of the Tconuty nay
understand and vote intelligently on
this subject at the election on October
utii. Mr. Ward’sjthtee questions are:
(1) rglmtjs a school district?
(3) The rate; how and by whom
flxedroollectedjand disbursed?
18) Ooncralfiaformatlon on the sub
Mr. Mitchell writes aslfoUowa;
EilitorJJ Tlmos-Euterprise:—I .have
read the communication of Hon. J. S.
Ward. Jr., which you.lianled me today
with a request that X answer,, the ques
tions he asks in regard to the, constitu
tional amendment* providing for local
taxation for tho purpose of supporting
the stale school fund In Militia Districts
or Sohool Districts. Till* i* pi Mr.
Ward suggest* a very Important amend
ment to our constitution and one in
which all the peoplo should feet £a deep
Interest and should understand bofore
they vote upon It.
As onr constitution now stauds mu-
niclpalcorporation*have aright upon
recommendation of thoir oorporat* au
thorities to apply to tlie legislature for
the pavage Of an not allowing them the
right to tax themselves for school par-
poses. Counties have the same right
upon . recommendation of tlielr Jgraud
juries. There is no way provided by
our law whereby Sohool Districts or
Militia Districts can tax themselves for
tlie purpose of railing f nnda with which
to supplement the state school fund and
thereby liavo tlie benefit of belief
sell.sill. This umendment eeek* to
give re the illtloreui school districts ntid
ml.itludistricts tho same right aud put
them uponuu equal oducutiouai fooling
with tlie count) o: municipal corpora, j
•ion. ,
NuW' how tlie umendment qmi-
prws to do ibis: Let me answur the first
question Mr. Ward aaka; what is a
school district aud linw is it bounded
etc? in answer to Hie question I wisli
to say tlint our county Board of Educa
tion has uot uivnled the ojuuty iuto
school districts aud in this conuty there
are no aehool districts In the seme in
which the term is used in the proposed
amendment. If thts amendment is
ratified 1 am of the opinion that It a
community or poople in tho county
wish to be Incorporated a* a sohool dis
trict and lew this local tax for sohool
purpoees they osn have a bill prepared
fixing the boundary of the proposed
school district, Using the tax rate they
wiali and fixing such other, provisions
they think ueoessary toiAiporly cm-
duct their sohool uud have thoir bill
paired by the legislators and give tlie
people living in tlie dlstriot tlie right to
vote on ilw question after the bill is
passed by the legislature.
So much for the sohool district. If a
militia dlstriot desires to levy a local
tax to carry on the schools within its
borders, a bill can be prepared and sub
mitted to the legislature fixing tlie tax
rate that the people of that militia dis
trict think proper and providing ail
other thlnga ueoessary for tho conduct
of tlie schools in that district. This bill
to bo voted on by tlie poopiu of tho dis-
triot before it becomes a Iqw. The tax
rate is fixed by the bill providing for the
schools in tlie different districts aud tlie
people of Hie differeut districts in hav
ing tho bill prepared will say what rate
■hall bo fixed
Tlie tax la collected by the trustees of
tho school named in tho bill and It not
paid at tlie proper timo ia collected by
exeention issued by the school author
ities, This is tho usual way of collec.
ting tho tax but each district can pro-
vide for that in the bill providing for the
If this nmendmont is ratified at the
October election, thou thepeopleof each
district can by bill introduced in tire
loxislatnre provide.'in tho way I have
tried to show, for local taxation for their
alitco’s nml this bill before it famine*
1 ,W will have to be voted for by twi
lhrdsl'2-8) Of these voting in an elec
tion held in tlie district for the pur; oso
of ratifying the act. Tlie bill providing
tm the school! In tho difforcut districts,
wifi alio have to make pro\|»it u< for
submitting the questions to the people
of tli i different district* for tbeir ratifi
Very Respectfully
Fondren Mitchell.
Have been suffering from Impure Blood
for many years, having Boil* and otbe
Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. 8.1 de
cided to try it, and am glad to say that it
has done me a great deal of good. I Intend
to continue to use it, as I believe it to be
the beat Blood Medicine on the market.
Cleveland, Teun. W. K.;Dbthrs.
For over fifteen years I have suffered
more or leas from Impure Blood, About a
I had a boil appear on my leg
c knee, wHich was followed by
three more on my neck. I saw S. S. 8.
advertised and decided to try it. After
taking three bottles all Boils disappeared
and I nave not been troubled any since.
i Gxo. G. Tirana.
Ill W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky.
NewsrkTohio, il
From childhood I I had
with bad blood, akin eruptions and boils.
I had boils ranging from five to twenty in
number each season. The burning ac
companying the eruption was temble.
S. S. 8. seemed to be just tbe medicine
needed in my case. It drove out all impu
rities uud bad blond, giving me perma
nent relief from the akin eruption and
boils. Tbit baa been ten years ago, and I
have never had a return of the disease.
Mu. J. D. Atukrton.
Write for onr
book on blood and
ekin diseases. I
Medical advice
or any special in
formation about
yonr ease will coat
you nothing.
Tho Swift Spselfio Company, Atlanta, C*.
have never had a retur
Mas. J,
Wedding Rufnors.
Prophet* mat.imduial already hoar
the advance chimes of wedding bells.
They say their visions will become reali
ty this foil, wiied tho daughter of one of
Thomnavillo'* leading families will wed
a resident of a North Georgia city.
TUey farther predict that tlie bride
eleot will leave for the north this month
to purchase nn elaborate trossran.
Mr. Albert Grant, who has been liore
with Ids brotiior Mr. John Granl for
several weeks went to Macon Sun
For Sale. Newly Overhauled.
One 13 H. P. Tubular Boiler
” 2o " • " “
“ io '■ •• Vertical •'
" 8 “ ' Locomotive “ on
One io H. P. Vertical boiler and en
1 No. 1 DeLoach Saw Mill, Simples
I—4S inch Inserted tooth saw.
Smsli saws.
■ —Soule steam feed rope teed as good
as new.
I—15 H. P. center crank engine.
1-35 — «
good as new.
I—Button jaw mantle,
t—Set 36 stringer togging trucks new
a—Sots 36 pole ,. „ ,. ,
I—3J4 Duplex Steam pump, new.
1—11-3 Gardner governor. .,
1—2 t-a „ ., good as
1—2 1-2 King governor.
1—2 1-2 Monarch governor.
1—2 1-3 Pickering governor.
12—Sets 12 Pickering Carriage truck,
new, tbe best made.
Prompt intention upon work. We
will be prepared to furnish cane mills in
30 days.
Works near A. O. h. R. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephones 184 and 210.
Those who wish day board or pleas
ant rooms with board can be aooom
dated. Everything clean, comfortable-
aud homelike, good and prompt service
given to ell. phone 171.
Masu'.-y Hotel.
Our bargain days come six times a
week and our price* are low
enough to be within the
reach: of everybody:
For Light house keeping: nothing; takes the place-of an oil stove.
The 1.00 kindiwe soil at 79c.
The Thomasville Nathional Bank,
—AT— '
Thomasville. I*t rim Stale of G* -.v-'U, »t
the clow of Imamu.*, Tuesday Seplwn-
tier (till, 1601
Lotus and Discount* —'53 - .’i,30l 20
Overdrafts, men red end UI.M!
cared 67.588.6?1
U. 8. Bonds to securecireuiu-
tjuu 25,1210 1.0
Premium* onU. 8. Bonds. 875.87
Bunking housa fixtures and
furniture 1,882.83
Other real estate owned 3,631.36
Due fromNetlonalBankelnot
reserve egents) 3a,047.78
Due from 8tete Bank and
Bankers 0,144.33
Dnh from approved reserve
Oliecks aud other ca-h Items
Notes of otlierNatioual Banks
Frantloual paper onrrenoy,
nickels and cents
Lawful money Reserve in
bans, vis:
Specie. »8 876.80-
Legal-tender note* 8,600.00— $10,876.80
Redemption fund witli U. S
Treasurer (5 per ceut.
Capital stock paid in
Surplus faud
Undivided profits, less
ponses aud taxes paid...
Nntioual bank notes out
Dae to S nto Hunks uud bona
ers 17.804 »
Dne to Trust Companies and
Saving Banks 10,100.07
Due to approved reserve
agents 40.82U.C0
Dividends unpaid 327.60
Individual deposits subject to
check.. 111.404.04
Demand certifleatesof deposit 1,000 00
Timo certificates of deposit..
Certified checks
Notes and bills rediscounted.
Bills payable, including cer
tiorate* of deposit for uiou
oy b.rrowca
Total $832,263 OS
State of Georgia, County of Thomas, ss:
I, W. H. Rockwell, cashier of the
above-named btmL, do solemnly swear
tliat tho above statement is tree to the
best of my knowledge aud belief.-
\Y. H. Rockwell, Cashier.
Subscribed ami sworn to before. i
this 10th day of Sept. lOOi,
J. T. Culpepper, Notary Public
S. Cteverhian.
W. A. Pringle,
M. R Mallette.
Cow Hide;
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
j. ii. Watkins. • • • Manag
Office at Williams' Stable 328 W
season St.. Thomasville, Ga.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California, Cloorado,
Otah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
• Dist. Passenger Agent,
Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment has
made a remarkable record as a cure for
stiffness of muscle and jniut*. It mat
ters uot whether the trouble was caused
by a sprain or strain, rheumatism or
other causes. It will relieve the sore
ness and pain at once and soon reduces
the swelling and removes the stiffness.
Every bottle is guaranteed. Full half
pint bottle 35 cents at J. W. Peacock.
Sick headache, constipation bilious
ucss, melancholia, dimness, dullness
aud drowsiness, coated tongue slimy
teeth, bad breath. Rydalo’s Liver
Tablets .will relieve any of these syrap
toms in a few hours and speedily cor
rect the trooblo. Tlioy act upon the
liver, bile bladder and dn.-t, intestines
and bowels as a stimulant and tonic.
Tlioso who nse these tablets llml their
notion perfect and results satisfactoryr
Fifty chocolate coaled tablets in each
box." Price 25 cents. J. W. Peacock.
65c Cedirwood tubs, 49c, 75c. Cedarwood tubs 59c
$1.25 axes the very thing you need this time of the
year will go at 89c
25c garden hoes will find good many buyers at 18c.
Here is a lump of bargains for little money, sugar
and butterdishes, cream pitcher and spoon
holder worth 60c will sell at 38c.
25c rakes will he 18c.
Men's fleece lined undershirts worth 39c we will sell
them at only 25c.
Men’s Elastic Seam Drawers the 50e
kind only this week at 38c.
———— - i
Sick Headache.
For several years ray wife was troubl
ed witli wliat physicians called sick head
ache of a verv severe character. Slio
doctored with'several enimont physici
ans and at a great expense, only to groxv
worso until until she was unable to do
my kind of « ora About n y car ago sho
began taking Chamberlain's Stomach
aud Liver Tablets amt today weighs
more than she ever did before and is
real well." tays Mr. Geo E. Wright, of
New LauSoo. Now York. For sale by
J. W. Peacock. d. & w. i
113 Broad Street.
Alex S VeSger, Manager.