Newspaper Page Text
Franklin Life Insurance Co,
, Springfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884.
is given the rates for different forms of participating .policies of the several
companies doing business in this section.
Gatqaitt's t&x^rate is #5.20.
The*battle ship* Georgia will be
branched ou October 11th.
JL complete consolidation of the tax
4typst of'the state allows n net gain for
the state of $2 >,000.000
Columbus has let the contract fora
tft,000etone darn across the Chart. -
lioocbee river at that city.
Macon won the pennant$n the Sonlh
Atlantic League with Savannah second,
ud Charleston, Jacksonville. Columbia
wmt Augusta in the order named.
The wetn in Macon county recently
wacke a stiff fi jht to have the remits of
Cfcaelectionjmakmg tUaJcouutyJdry. set
aside. But their ‘motions] were over-
rated in court and tho JthlrstyJJouea will
after next.Friday.
Cobb conuty folks are holding mass
—infill jit to protect against a recent
m the conuty tax rate from $0 to
Iteosts half as much in Thomas
and (here is room for all g->od Noitli
Hownan will hold] an election ou
Kaweruber 29, to vote] for ]or against a
boad issue of $20,0(0 to establish or
puchaso a system of electric lights,
The city council of Thomasville is now
warding with the problem of whether
or uot to pro«entCsach£an” issue to the
—fffj.ri of Thomasville.
J. M.Odom, a well known railroad
baildcr, has beta engaged «o build a
voanecting link of railroad between
Tximor and Willingham, and it is stat
ed that connection will be mado with
the J. S Betts road, after which a link
will oe filled in between Ashburn and
Worth, giving a line of road from Haw-
„ kiigsviilo to Pelham. All tlie roads will
otgunized under one management.
Saiubridge was cxeitediiast week over
—>rs of a mob said to be headed that
wwr to lynch Whitley Wiliifcrd an out
law who killed Mr. Harmon West, in
Mitchell comity, about a year ago. The
Militia was called out hat the mob did
mot materialize.
Williford was taken to Tallahassee/cr
•afe keeping and will be tried tills wet k
mt Camilla.
Oct. 1 marks the close of tho year for
the sale of fertilizer tags by the Georgia
Department of Agriculture, and this
year the statement will show that over
930,000 worth of tugs have been sold, a
wlear gain of $10,000 over the sales for
19,IX Speaking of this remarkable gain
Commissioner of Agriculture O. P.
Stevens said: "This increased sales,
amounting to over $10,000, already show
plainly that the farmer? of Georgia are
planting less acreage, and what they do
plant ili<jy cultivate more highly and
g«t the same result at a great deal less
\ expense.”
jQaitman had a disastrous fire on Sun
day morning, destroying three buildings
threatening the entire town, and cansing
m of $20,000 with $10,000 insurance.
a tM fire was discovered in the upper
«tory of Lazarus Brothers store and it
^■fckly spread to the adjoining building
weeapied by C. O. Joyrer, J. B. Finch
A Co., and W. T. Thompson. The first
dnee stores were completely destroyed
a«xt considerable damage done to the
Jfaxmit. Tlje contents that were saved
were ruined by fire and water. The
Wes is nearly $20,000, with less than $10*
$00 insurance
The origin of the fire is unknow n, but
It was either the work of rats or an in
cendiary. The buildings will be re
placed immediately.
Surveyed For Gates.
The members of the surveying corps
«i£ the A. C. L. were at work Saturday
marking out lines for the erection of
tho gates at the Jackson and the Kletch
«r street crossings. They will be put in
ytooe next weex before the opening of
nebool and may prevent a repetition of
Che recent sad tragic y.
Official Proceeding Ladle* Basket
Committee for Big September
Picnic and Barbecue.
The meeting of the ladies called by
Mrs. R* E. Lester met at the library at
4 p. m. Monday, with a good attendance
and much enthusiasm. Mr J. D. Mc
Cartney was eleoted secretary, Mr. W.
W. Linton explained the purpose of the
meeting. After discussion the follow-
iug ladles were appointed to canvass the.
four sections of town for baskets. The
first committee Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mrs.
Chas. Griffin, Mrs. J. G. Tlmrp.
Fletcherville, Fairview and East end
Second rnm*ni!t<*p; Mrs J. W. Groover
Mrs. 8. Sampson, Mrs. Henry Arnold,
Mrs J. B. Everett, and Miss Lillie Sta-
art, all territory between Broad street
aud the railroad. Third committee,
Mrs. J. S. Clifton, Mrs H. W. Hopkins,
Mrs. J. T. Culpepper, Mrs. Mollie
Brown, Mrs. S. u. McLendon, Mrs.
Kate Cochran, Mrs. 8. A. Roddenbery,
Mrs. O. M. Smith, Mrs. T. J. McCartney,
Mrs. W. W. Linton, South of Jackson
east of Broad, Fourth committee, Mrs
A. W. Bealer, Miss Mary Jones, Mrs.
J. L Stardivau*,Mrs. John B. Grant,
Miss Jennie Winn Dillon, Mrs. E. M.
Smith, Mrs. a. Bennett, Mrs. W. A.
Pringle. East of Broad aud West cf
Jack sou.
E.uluf th- above committees will
appoint snch assistants os they
may reqnire. It is expected that these
committees will begin at once a house
to house canvass for baskets and report
progress to the basket committee on
uext Tuesday at 4 p. m. t at the library.
Mrs. S. G. McLendon and Mrs. H. W
Hopkins will appoint. 25 yonng ladles to
assist the arrangement 00mmitteo attlin
tables on the day of the picnic. All
baskets should have uamo of sender and
bunch of cut flowers attached. The ar
rangement committee will vend for all
baskets too heavy to be brongflt by
hand. It is expected that a regular
picnic basket will be furnished. It will
not be necessary to send tablo cloths.
There being no further business the
committee adjourned to meet Tuesday
Sept. 20th, at 4 p. m., at library.
Mrs. R. E. Lester, Chairman.
J*. D. McCartney, Secretary.
Have you Registered.
The state election occurs on Ootober
fifth. While there is no opposition for
the state house officials, there ore a num
ber of important amendments to bo vo
ted on. It is important that every cit
izen of Thomasville should register and
lie ready to vote on these matters.' The
registration books^Ha+i <$u next Thurs
day Sept. 15th, twentydays before the
electi 11. The lists will be open at Tax
Collector Heath's office in the court
house until that date.
Dr W. M. Searey of Cairo was here
Sunday ou his way to Albany
new pair
Comfort *nd Service. No rust or leather
to toil the shirt. y> cents and $1 af
VILI.K shoe CO., aed other store*.
Made and Guaranteed by
The C. A. EDGARTjON Mfg. C<.
Wood’s Seeds.
Winter Oats.
Sow Early For Best Results.
Our Trade Mark Brand is the
best end cleanest quality that
it is possible to procure.
Hairy, or Winter Vetch, -
Sown with Winter Oats, makes
the largest possible yield of the
best and most nutritions hay.
Write for prices. *
WOOD'S descriptive fall catalog
Tells all about seeds for fall
sowing. It is the most valua
ble and helpful publication of
the kind issued in America.
Mailed free on request.
T. W. WotID & SONS,
Sudsasn, - Bidimod, Vt.
• " . . '
\ - .. ; * ..
Franklin Life
28 10
81 10
31 82
34 70
Mutual Life
110 25
33 30
Maaaachubetts Mutual
80 05
32 98
80 0G
33 50
Penn Mutual
30 90
33 70
Illinois Life *
30 27
:t:i 28
Hartford Life
30 55
33 39
Sun Life. Canada
30 00
33 25
A lew applications will remove tan or
callowness ana restorq the beauty ot
Satinola is a new discovery, guaran
teed, and mcney refunded it it tails to
remove Freckles, Pimples. Liver Spots,
B'ackbeads Discolorations and Erup
tions. Ordinary cases in 10 da; s, t e
worst in 20 days. After these defect-
are removed the skin will be soft, dear
and beautiful. Price 50 cents at drug
stores or by mail. Thousands of ladies
testify to the merits of Satinola.
The daughter of an eminent physician
Memphis. l*enn, Jan. n, iqo4
Gentlemen:—1 have used Satinola and
Egyptian cream ior a >>ar or two, ano
unhesitatingly recommend them as the
finest preparations I have ever used to
remove pimpl is, freckles or any other
facial discolorations. They clear and
beautify the complexion as no other pre
parations will.
Mrs. Evelyn Porter Ringwald.
National Toilet Co., Paris,?Tenn.
Sold in Thomasville bv R. Thomas, Jr
and all druggists.
J. S. Clifton Sells Hla House to Mrs.
Ansley and vylll Build.
Mrs. F. M. Ansley has purchased tn in
Mr. J. S. Clifton his cpttage on Reming
ton avenuo, where he now resides. Mrs,
Ansley has boon living iu one of Mr.
John F. Parker’s houses on Warren av
enue, bat will move iuto hor new prop
erty on October first, and make her |.er-
maneut home there.
Mr. Clifton owns the vacant lot on
Remington avenue betwoen his present
uowu aud Mrs. U. A. Lloyd’s dwelling.
He will build a modern cottage ou tliat
property and will occupy it as soon as it
ia completed. Mr. OUfton says all of
Thomasville’s contractors are bnsy with
the building boom, bat he hopes to nave
one of them at w. rk witliiu thirty days.
This will cause one of the few remain
ing vacant spots ou Remiugton to be oc
cupied, and both parties to the transac
tion are to be congratulated.
Rates of our new 20 pay 40 percent. Guaranteed .DividendJjPolicy—not written :s
this exact form by ( an other company.
Age. Premiums.
21 — 27 15
22 — 27 t9
- , 28 — 28 28
24 — 28 78
' 25 — 29 84
27 — 80 58
30 — 82 71 *
82 — 34 42
‘ 8S — 87 25
Figures Talk.
In all that constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN LIFE leads. A careful
selection of risks enables us to enjoy the Most Favorable rate of mortality—the locatic*-. of
the company in the middle west enables it to earn a higher rate of interest than would he
possible in the eastern money centers. .
he rate of interest earned by the Franklip is a little over 5 1-2 percent, against an
average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low as 3 1-2 while others
are as much as 4 .r-a per cent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk.
(Agents Wanted—Best Contract. DAVID C. BARROW, General Agent
For Southern Georgia,
Thomasville. Ga.
J. W. Hoyd and wifu of Pelham were
Imre Santlay.
Mr. Floyd Adams of Pavo spent Mon
day in town.
Miss Meble Pittman returned Monday
front it visit lo Cairo.
Liberal Way in Which J. W. Peacock,
Sells Mi-o-na, Nature's Cure For Dys
•‘A Mt-o na fails to cure you of dys
pepsia, como bock to J. W. Peacocks
store and'get your money" is the broad
aud liberal way in which J. W. Peacock
is soiling Mi o-ua, Natnre's euro for dys
It is seldom indeed that any one avails
thentsolves of Ills offer, proving conclu
sively the almost invarlble good results
that follow tiie nse of this scientific
treatment for the stomach tronble.
A 50c box ot Ml-o-na contains two
weeks treatment and benefit will be
seen from almost tbe first doso, The
guarantee means that if Mi-o-na docs
not give complete satisfaction the fall
price paid will be refunded when the
empty boxes are returned, and coven
to boxes.
There is no other medicine that will
compare with Mi-o-na for relieving all
stomach trouMos. Pain and discomfort
after eating, dizziness, specks before
tho eyes, gas and fermentation, in fact,
alt forms of indigestion are qniokly re
lieved and permanently eared by Ml-o-
na, It luoreaaes the vitality, soothes
and heals any internal lnflamation and
gives tone and strength to the whole
Begin the nse of Mi-o-na to-oayand
see how easily and qniokly stomach
troubles may be oared, if tbe right rente-
dy is ased.
Free Samples
You Can Got Oho.
BLACK WEED, ft* gnat, vag-tabl,
remedy for Rhramatism, Catarrh, and
Kidney end Bladder ociaplalnte, bee net
with almost instantaneous mosses De
mme it has made-some moHworthy
oores of very severe emsee.
Ur. John Fust, of the Atlanta Bin
Dept., writes:
•• For moo the I suffered with my kid-
■eye. I made every effort to got relief,
bat failed until I accidentally seme to
possession of a bottle of Bieok Wood.
This relief obtained from its ore wee so
greet before half the first bottle had
been need, that I pat aside all ether
mediolnes and am now eoasd end well,
having been cored completely by Blaok
Weed. At the earn, time I bad at ag
gravated oaee of Catarrh of the head
and threat. Black Weed lias completely
cored this, and my bead la now as else,
BLACK WEED Is sold by all drug
gists at $1.00 a bottle, or wo will lead
prepaid upon reoeipt of prloo.
Send Your Name
-a trial sample of this greet remedy,
which will be sent absolutely free, to
gether with ear book oootaining valua
ble information and eodursemeata
Please mention this paper. - Address,
Black Weed Medicine Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
A. B. Fielding, of Oohlocknee, was
among the prominent visitors ig town
on Monday.
Hyomel Goes to the Root of the Diseaie
and Makes Astonishing Cares.
Catarrh cannot bo cared by the am of
pills, liquid mouioines and so-called
system tonio. Under inch treatment
the germs of the disease will still live
inthonir passages and. Increase, and
Hyomei is the' only scientific and
thorough way to tnro catarrh. Killing
thu germs in the air passages, it enters
the blood with tho oxygen, destroy^ the
microbes in tlie blood and effectually
drives from the system all traces of ca
tarrhal poison.
Thonsands of testimonials have been
given as to tbe astonishing onrfis made
by thMromedy. J. 8. Nngent, treasur
er of tho American Union Life Insur
ance Co. of Now York city, write*:
"Hyomei lias completely eared my
daughter of catarrh from which sho
hod been suffering for years.”
Probably the strongest evidence that
can be offered os to the powers pfHy-
omet to cure catarrh is the fact that J.
W. Peacock will agree to refund the
money if yon say Hyomei has not cur
The complete Hyomei -outfit costs bat
gl.00 and consists of an inhaler that
can be oarried in the vest pocket, a med
icine dropper and a bottle of Hyomei.
The inhaler huts a lifetime, and if one
bottle does not care, an extra bottle of
Hyomei can be obtainod for fifty cento.
Now to a good time to core your ca
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away,” are f|
drifting towards Bright’s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. ||
stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perforin their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence faking FOLEY'S
If you have any signs ,
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
G. B. Burftano Testifies After Four Years.
G. B. Burbons of Carlitts Canter, N. Y-, writes:
“About four years ago 1 wrote you stating that I had bean entirely
cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of '
Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirety stopped the brick'dust sediment and
r tin and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. 1 am glad to say thit
hava nev-tr had a return cf any of those symptoms during the four
years that havt elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and
heartily recommend Foley’a Kidney Cura to any oua suffering from
kidney or bladder trouble.”
How to Find Cut.
You can easily determine if ycur kidneys are
out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has
a brick-dust sediment or small particles float
about in it, vour kidneys are diseased, and
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should bt taken
at once. '
Two Sizes, SO Cants and $1.00.
J.'\V PE'-OCK.