Newspaper Page Text
A m ■Ual
Our Stock,
1. We carry the largest and moat complete stock In everything to wear
for man or woman.
9. We boy in large quantities we get the lowest possible price. Onr
buying cheap maker it pouible to tell yon cheaper than anyone.
8. We carry reliable goods.—tho kidd that wears well and is up-to-date,
fits well and makes yon look stylish.
4. If yon are a lnoky gnesser yon will get more back than yon spend as
we, with others are going to give (800.00 to onr patrons between now and
Onr stock consists of:— For the LvIIim: Dress Goods, Silks, Flanneletts.
all kinds of Cotton Goods, Corsets, Gloyes, Hosiery, Trimmings, Underwear,
Shoes, Cloaks, Capes, Millinery; For Men: Clothing—the largest stock in
town,—Hats, Shoes, Fnrnishlngs of all kinds. Boys Clothing and everything
for little men. t
For the Honse: Carpets, Bogs, Art Squares, Matting, Tranks, Window
Shades, lace Curtains, Porteires. Table linen, Beady-Made Sheets and
Pillow Cases and anything else yon want.
Ice Cream Soda
is a treat indeed. Don’t pa
us by if you’re thirsty;
aiitee tl
Attorney-at- Lew,
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street. •
Thomasvilie, • - Georgia.
Money to loan on Thomas County
HTReal Eiato at ? per cent acunm
: Striping Knife.
ono days use. For
are dealers or the
1 :•••
- ' ( ■ ■■>
imi.sE, TH0MASVIL1.E, GEORGIA. vyPTK" HICK :6 ii)01
Meet us here on September 23rd and let's all have a good time together at the picnic. We are going to do all in our power
to make it an enjoyable day to you. The Stores will close from twelve until two but all the rest of the day we will be glad to have
you make our store headquarters. We want to prove to you that it wilfpay you to trade with us-
Some Reasons.
Some Prices.
Here are just a few samp’es of valaes that yon can have any time you
call for them:
Kid Glove., regular (1.00 kind, for 6»c.
Counterpanes " (1.80 *•' .(1.00-
No. .1 Quality Genaino Slater Bine Flannel Clothing for men regular
(10.00 suit for (7.00.
Hey wood Shoe., at good a. any (8.00 .hoe fof .".(3. SO."
Men'a Heavy Fleece Lined Shirta and Drawers, worth (1 00 at 76c suit
Beet quality silk in Cotton Socke, at 49o ;
Yours j Sincerely
Broad Street.
Near Monument.
To ail who itmsyjconcern:
W. R. Forster having, in proper form,
applied to me (or Permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate of E. S.
Bailey, late of said county, tbia i< to cite
•11 and singular the creditors and next
of kin of said Bailey to be and "appear
at my office (on the first Monday in
October, at to o'clock a. m', and show
cans., If aoy they can, why permanent
administration shall not be granted to
W. R, Forster, on E. 8. Bailey’s estate.
Witncsa my hand and official signa.
tore, this 30th day of August 1904.
Wst. M. Jonss,
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas } County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. Mary Eubanks hating, in proper
form, applied to me for Permanent Let*
ten of Administration on the estate of
J. O. Eubanks, late of said county, de
ceased. This is to cite all and singular
the creditors and next of kin of J.' O.
Eubanks, to be and appear at my office
on the first Monday in October 1904, at
10 o'clock a. m„ and show cause, if any
they can, why peuunent administration
should not be granted to Mrs. Maty
Eubanks on J. O. Eubannk's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 5th day of Sept. I904,
Wm. M. Jones.
| Ordinary.
In the matterof laying ont and delta,
ng tho new Militia District in Merrill,
ville, in accordance with petition by
oltixeniofthat oammnnity, .the Chair
man of thia Board wai authorized to ap
point throe oommisalonen, realdentaof
he district or diatrieta from which the
new one ia to be formed, and that eaid
missioners be charged with that
duty. A. J. Way. Jr., of Woya District,
D, W. Sturphy, of Cooledge and A. J.
Owens, of Thomasvilie District.
Report of Commissioner*.
Wo tlie commissioners appointed to
layout and define the boundaries of a
new Militia Distriot, to be known as the
MarrillvUle Dtatriot, do make this as our
report accompanied with the plat oertl
Hod to by the County Surveyor.
Beginning at the southeast corner of
lot No. 188, of the 18th Distriot and run
ning tUlnoe north to northeast, thince
east to southeast corner of No. 816,
tbenoe-north to Air Line pnbllo rood#
thenoe northeasterly aloog laid pnbllo
road to where said road Intersects the
east line of lot No, 861, thence north to
Big Orcok, thence wosterly along said
creek to when sold creek enters the
Oohlooknee river, thenco sootherly down
•aid river to where said river crosses the
west line of lot No. 108, thence south to
the southwest corner of lot No. 106,
thonoe east to storting point.
A. J. Owens,
D. W. Murphy,
A. Way. Jr.,
, Commissioners.
Thu report received and the following
resolutions adopted
Whereas Ad Way Jr. A. J. Owens
and D. W. Murphy were appointed at
tlie July term of this coart, commission
ers to lay ont and define tlie lines of the
new. Militia District, known ns tlie
' For Sale
' By order of the Board of Commlssioi -
en of Roads and Revenues, will be sold
at pablio ontcry, on the first Tuesday
in Ootober 1901 at the court house in
Thomasvilie Ga. within the legal hoars
of sole, one lot in tho city of Thomss-
villo, fronting about 200 feet on the
spur track of tlie A. O. L. railroad on
Washington street, running thence
out to intersection of Pino and Joffer
son streets about 800 feet thenoe along
Pino street to Washington street about
840 feet. Said lot being in a triangular
shape. Terms cash.
E. M. Smith,
Chairman Com.
GEORGIA—Thomas Oountv.
To all who it may concern:
A. B. Finch having applied for Guar
dianship of the person and property of
Ruble Tyson, [minor child of W. I'.
Tyson, late of Uerrian county, deceased.
Notice is given that said application will
be heard at my office, at lo o’clock a.
on the first Monday in October next
This sth Sept. iqo4.
Wm. M. Jones,
What's in a Name.
“Intestinal Indigestion’' ia the new
name for a multitude of stomacli trou
bles. It is Hm recognized canse of heart
disease, ktdnoy troubles, constipation,
flstalenoy, Inflammation of the bladder,
neuralgia, headaches, dizziness, appen
dicitis, and rhenmatish. Green's An
gnst Flower goes right after intestinal
iudigesiinn and quickly clears it ont of
tlie intestinal tract, speedily caring any
or all of the ailments mentioned. Trial
bottle, 2uo. Big bottle, 78c. At all
GEORGIA—Tiiomas Countv.
Notice is herein given that the under
signed has applied to die Ordinary ut
. said county lor leave to sell land be
tanging to estate of John !!.: Dixon kr.
the payment of del ts ami for thstribit-; Merrillville District anil to lie posed
tran. Said application will he heard at of it portion of Way;, Thomasvilie and
the regular termol the court o( ordinary f Murphy Districts, having filed their
for said county to be held on the first [xrrt, in which tire establishment of the
Monday iu October loo;. ; new District is recommended, said report
This Sept 1904. i having been approved by the
R. F. Dixon, : «therefore ordered that said new Mill-
Administrator on the estate of John da District be established and a certified
B. Dixon. | transcript of tlie proceedings in reference
———j" — ‘ there to bo at once transmitted to the
Typewriter l or Sale, Governor Of the share and that proceed*
A good Densmoro Ty pewriter. nearly >nge bo published in .Thumasrillo Times
new; used but little, a genuine bargain. Enterprise for 80 davs as required bv
Parties in need can go. a firet-clues’ J
machino at half regular price. Apply
to A. W. Logos. - J. S. Montgomery Sect.
8-I-lm Ochlocknec, Go. j s lS-tt E. MStthChnn.
Order for Election.
It to hereby ordered that an eection
be held at the towu of M«ni\:e
in Thomas county for a Justice of the
Peace and two Constables on Saturday
Sept. 24th. ( next. Said ele^tioii to bo
held within ’tho nours prescribed by
li*w for opening and closing tho pos.
E. M. Smith, Chairman.
9*9-8 Board County Commissioners
Yes this
Sr-TT'W*'*"* v..
and pure is our Soda Water.
We use fresh fruit syrups, and
can assure you that our Soda
is entirely pure and whole
some. On a hot afternoon a
glass of
Thia old adage applies to disease as
well os dress. One dose of Rydole’s
Elixir will arrest a cold or an attack of
Phueamoala or LaGrippe and prevent
their dovelopemcnt. Keep a bottle of
Kydsls’s JjSlixir iu the honse, so th
“stitch” can be taken in “time.” For
sale by J. W. Peacock.
I negotiate five' years (loans on fsrm
ends at lowest rarest of interest. Com
mission charges reasonable A small
abstract fee, consistent with tin, amount
of work and trouble involved, will be
charged in each cose. Bring yonr chain
title with yon.
Moultrie, Ga.
Hundreds of Thomasvilie Readc n Know
What’It Means.
Tlie kidueys are overtaxed:
Havo too much to do.
They tell about it in many'aclioa **1
Backacf e, sidcoche, headache,
Early symptoms of kidney ills.
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Blight’s •
Disease follow,
A respected matt tells here a certain
The Asbell Cane
Pays for its self in
sale by ail hartluvan
Wertz MaiiiifacInnng Uo,
, Thomasvilie, Ga,
About what you will give
that friend who is going to
get married. Simply come
down here and tell us how
you want to spend,
do the rest—and guar*
that the present will be
You don’t have to
spend a fortune to” obtain ele
B. Sweat, Justice of the Peace at.d
Notary Public, residing at 53 Tiiomas
street, Waycross, Ga., says: “Insed
Doan’s Kidney I’ills and can recom
mend them yery highly. I took them,
for backache and kidney trouble from
which I suffered for a number of yean.
There was a severe pain across the
smalt of my back, constant, doll, bear
ing down pain, and the secretions from
the kidneys were dork and fntl of sedi
ment. Since nsing Doan’s Kidney Pills
my bock is stronger and tlie has
left me. I think Doan’s Kidney Pills
are a very reliable and a very effective,
remedy. They proved to be so in my
case after I had failed to get any relief"
from the nso of several oilier remedies."
Emphatio endorsement can be [had
right here in ThomasviUe. Drop rat
B. Thomas Jr’s drag store and ask what
his customers report. ’
For sale by all dealers. Foster-Mil-
turn Co., Buffalo’ N. Y., sole agents for
the United States. Remember ths
name—Doan’s—and take no other.
We live only oy tlie food that is di
gested and assimilated, hence the stom
ach is the “centre ot life." If the
stomacli is weak, tlie body will ha pro-
portrenately weak. Strengthen the
centre of life” by nsing Rydale’e
Stomacli Tablets. They digest the food
and rest the stomach. They act as a
tonic to the digestive organs and help
nature restore them to health. These
Tablets are guaranteed to care indi"ca
tion and dyspepsia. Trial size S6cen3L>
family size contains 2 1-2 times the triMfltf
1 size. 60c. J. W-Peacock,