Newspaper Page Text
* 'iMWMWMWWBWMWJW" nr : ■ -"mmvm&m
Take an
It Is Free!
Get a Piano and an Organ Free!
gA^ERfel I-
Will Give Them Away!
Accept a
As a Gift!
Guess the Number of Sales of Pianos and Organs In 1904 and the Gifts are Yours.
Buy an Instrument and if you are
LucKy it May Cost you Nothing
There’s ro Music Like That From a
Piano or Organ you get for Nothing
Carter & Dorough Will Allow Each Customer to Guess. Buy a Piano or an Organ, Guess, and Maybe Get Your Instrument Free
Since Carter & Dorough »ell the Best Instruments at lo west prices, why not buy one with a chance ot getting it
as a'presen ? We always guarantee the best values for the price; and your money goes to a firm that b?lie v es in
doing things f:r the good of its patrons %
Carter & Dorough have been established in Valdosta many years, and expect to remain permanently. This assures purchasers that a guarantee issued by
Ijv this house on an instrument is an asset within itself. This should not be underestimated, as experience has frequently shown fhat it is a dangerous thing
to rely upon the guarantee of a non-resident or transient house.
E-srh customer of Carter & Dorough purchasing a Piano or Organ from any of their representatives will be allowed a guess at the total number of sales of
PJannTor Organs made by this* progressive house during 1904. Below is given a list of sales for lastMay, which may serve as a basis for estimating those of
the entire year. Contest open also to any one who has bought a Piano or Organ from us on which payment has not yet been made in full if on January 1,1904*
they are not behind in th^r payments onsatne^ " « « «< ‘ "
I1U ilcto UUUgill A X lcUJLU U1 11U1UUO UU Wiuwi uwwiiiiawwm iuu u v
Pay up ana probably you get all your money refunded if you should make the lucky guess.
J J Bell,
•A Cspps . r
W I Wheeler"
Mr* N Cui>iper
,WJ B V.A-
Adam Ihilluigswjrin
J R C.ibb.
J H Gibbs
I B Chapman.
B L Chapman
ABrfC-r Bvlni
W M Lop«r
A E Ivins
T J W*ll
] T I.ovett
E E Edwards
W G Tinidile
f H Tisdale
•E Horn
F H Harris
J M Gar
.J H Henderson
0 Haugh
N H Craig
J II Too ..p on
Mike Vaughn
GeoT U.iin k
W E Wiggiim
T 1 Evcett
G W Jack'on
C ANainb.y
j'W bi hop
A Holm s
H C Faulkner
Jno B Smith
S B L-ti
C J Wiot ail
j M Viekrr.
Lawrence. Miss
J H Winstead
N H McLendon
E W Nay
W N Harrell
W 8 Mallory
V' B Sh'ver
Abiam Kelicy
W A Miller
Mrs Anne Story
Ft Game*, Ga
Valdoata "
Statcnville "
Black. Ala
x Valoi sta Ga
Obnen Fla
W W Coleman Coleman Springs, Miss
Ho utwood
Bun s
I’o'kv llo
Glennev Stevens
Liiiie Smith
J ck Franklin
Beta Bryant
Baptist S S
Jno Williams
| W Lasseter
Josephine Davis
C U Mills
C M Tennille
S J Cheshire
L Adams
Mrs P S Coggins
M C Lewis
J E Anderson
v M Mill.
A I. Harrison
J K ingrain
It A Hankins
C A Langlord
Jerry Keaton
J F S-avy
A N Wiggins
j R Laws m
Matib-w Arcnder
A A H”lea .
A Bradshaw
Mills, Fla
Valdosta, Ga
Boston, Fla
Howell, Fla
Valdosta, Ga
Cat Creek Ga
Slocomb. Ala
Eady Ga
Edison Ga
Thomasville "
Madison. Fla
Edison Ga
Hinso' Fla
Dicke-' Ga
Lingle Miss
Trenton •'
Pulaski Miss
A M Walters
K L Ross
W C Trawick
W H Gray
D L Pock
F M O'osby
S J B.lley
SP Putvis
L M Calhonne
W O lrb,
Dallas Watts
Z T Sims
P L Pace
D L Myers
W J Purvis
J 0 Hu ttr
W B Bradihaw
A W Phillips
A J Easterling
J N Thorn
P M Huffman
R H Latham
W B Measles
F | Faulkner
R !> Moon
C w Alford
J L Ellis
S O Wallace
G M Wallace
F M Major
W H H Simmons
J W Bosun
W R Ilustin
O F Tucker
S M Hunt /
T II Bryant
/ Puckett
F rreney
Mo. ion
J O Ward
Jos Oapps
Mrs Alice Grice
G W Griffin
W B Coleman
J L Hardy
L rchwartbaum
M-s Julia Cohen
E Courtney
R W Williams
W F Nichobon
M W Langnam
C A Brantley
G W-Thornton
W H Claveland
Mrs Lon Pearcy
ID Smith
T W Hiatt
R B Cole
P Collins
Dr E B Vaughn
Mrs J S Phillips
W R Houston
T. Potter
B Hunter
K S Atkinson
1 IlShcaly
Miss Ida Wiggins
J F Townsend
K R Ormond
W O Harris
K G Mimms
B F Dukes
E K Richardson
S A Rasbury
0 W Lowery
W J Fortenberry
Ga Mrs W A Edwtrd*
..WE Orotnartee
.. U Whitfield
ii J J Sbaw
.. • J L Sbaw
■■ A Wllden
•• W B Johnson
Crystal River Fla £AWatkins
Dunnellon “ yC'i?
Carters “ J ™d*eld
Union Miss \ 3 Cburehwell
Hocha •• IE Dykes
Newton •• |^Jones
Decatur •* W B Davis
ii R M Davn
Nenton » ^A Jou.s
ii H 0 B Weeks
Hickory " *'JI Snowden
•i ii G G Rainer
Lawrence " *
Colquitt Ga J, 1 Williams
Edison '■ Mrs F A Thrower
Colquitt " k J„Mosely
Colquitt *'
R B Former
Geo Aultman
Conahaita Miss HW Simmons
Cooksey " JH Johnson
Deca'ur “ B Vaiigh
Campville Fla JO Baskin
.. n M I Hams
Hawthorn " JH Hector
Willlord." E C Caro.ina
Dunnellon “ J ^Bailey
•• •* W A Hridcnbccker
Polkvillc Mis, A D Bostick
Walters " ? £ Cecil
' E Theiman
Polkville <•
Mdridian “
Gainesville Fla
Cairo Ga
Willingham Ga
Putnam Hall Fla
Broxton Ga
Oordele Ga
Cordele Ga
Sklpperville Ala
Ozark "
Charlton “
Waldo FIs
Obunkey Miss
Lakeland Fla
Nocatee “
• Parrish
Torvy "
B >wling Green "
• 'rlando "
Ellenton '•
Manatee “
Dunnellon “
Manatee "
Lakeland “
, Manatee"
Sarasota “
Dunnellin "
Braid.ntown “
Jacksonville '*
F H Caldwell
M Craft
H F Lambert
John Smith.
Isabella Wilson
Emma Harvel '
W C Baugh
M K Grant
MJ Platt
las Hill
PC Bethel
I Roberts '
Miss Fannie ibayer
C B Brantley
JJ Miller
F R McIntyre
Z Williams
Geo Williams
G W McClellan
L White
MJ Holt
I P Powell
J J peoples
Convent Holy Names
W R Langford
B H Sowell
H 0 Sapp
D L Hunt
Rus'in & Parrish
R B Colley
Mover Rosser
J A Hewitt
Mrs fessie Flowers
C M Jones
W E Fauch
A 8 Douglas
E G Glenn ’
J. B. Colton
Tampa “
Carters “
Lakeland “
River View
Fruit'and Park"
8t Petersburg "
St Petersburg ‘
Lakeland "
« M
Tiger Bav “
Manatee '*
Ellenton "
Bowling Green “
Mcwbury “
Bethune S C
Girth Ga
Millen ••
Brooklet Ga
Brunswick “
Mt Pleasant “
Rlich "
Waycross “
Guysie "
Brunsu iok “
Guysm •*
Waycifoss ■’
Bowling Green FIs.
unsatisfactory.'^but' that we tnavgivc 0 u ^ r 'j’',5° * “j cc’hksl
fnqrder tbatthis '’Vlie’fou'v^ ngipaniesSive couKnVed” oaetTn'this'ca pacity a tth'e branch ktorts set opposite ihcir^respcctive names: John M. Hpgan, Cashier Germania'Bank, Savannub, Oa/vt'wl Banta*
&«M«aV!i e O* A X; President First National Bank, Valdosta, Ga. .
The oricc has been cut iust half in two. All persons taking the beiicfu of thh, sp cml sale uill bo allowed a guess .an though they had boijKht at the regiiUr price.
1 be conducted wiih fairness to all parties concerned, arrangements have been made for disin'orested pames to examine the fccoks atbr mch stores of the company, and certify as to the correctre*sof
Valdosta, Ga.
Tifton, Ga.
§avannah, Ga (Ludden & Bates )
Tampa, Fla. (Ludden & Bates.),
Everything Musical From The Cheapest That’s Good to Best That’s Made.
A $350.00 Ludden and Bates Piano Will be Given Away by the Times-Enterprise in their “AND” Contest.,