Newspaper Page Text
Our Stock
Onr stock constats ofFor the La<iii>s: Dress (inode. Silks, Flannelette,
all kinds of Cotton Goods, Comets, Glove*, Hosiery, trimmings, Underwear,
Shoes, Clcx*e, Capes, Millinery; -For Men: Clothing—the largest stock in
town,—Hot* Shoes, Furnishings of all kinds. Boys Clothing audotTefytning
fo? little men. --sir.- <
For the Mouse: Carpets, Bogs, Art Squares, Matting, Tranks, Window
Shades, lace Cnrtalns, Porteires, Table Linen, Ready-Made Sheets and
Pillow Cases and anything else yon want.
-■-'Tv .
MtmS'UMCM 59 i#H
Meet us here on September 23rd and let's aU have a good time together at the picnic- We are going to do all in our power to
make it an enjoyable day to you* The Stores will close froth twelve until two but all the rest of the day we will be glad to have you make
our store headquarters. We want to prove to you that it will pay you to trade-with us.
Some Reasons.
j. We carry the largest and most complete stock In every thing tef wear
' c or man or woman, 1
* 2 . We buy in lerga quantities w# get. the lowpst posslblo price. Onr
buying cheap mako# it possible to sell you cheaper than anyone,
8. We carry reliable goods,- the kidd that wear, well and is np-tthdate,
fit* well and makes yon look stylish, i. *
4 a M y 0U ar0 a lucky guesser you mil get more back than you spend a*
we, with others are going to give #500.00 to onr patrone between now and
Some Prices.
H»ro art jus-a few svu;> 0) of values that yan eau havo nay time you
catl for them:
Kid Gloves, regular 81.00 kind, for 08c.
Counterpanes 1‘ #1.50 •• *• #1.00-
No. 1 Quality Genuine Slater Bine Flannel Clothing for men regular
#10,00 snit for '#7.00
Hey wood Shoes, ns good as any (5.00 shoe for .. #8.60'
Men'. Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, worth #1 00 at ... ,t 7So suit'
Best quality silk in Cotton Socks, it 49a'
Yours Sincerely
Broad Street.
Thomasville Ga.
Near Monument.
W.J. Dopton Buy* McCartney Prop
erty on Street
Ur. W. J. Dopson has purohaeed
f ram Mr. T. J. McCartney his warehouse
at Stevens street and the A. C. L. rail
road. Ur. Dopeon will ran a lumber
yard and wood yard at thla place. He
ha recent addition to ThomaaviUe'a
list of resident! and baa purchased a
home and will onto*.business here, Mr.
Dopson evidently has fslth In Thomas-
Tille's future.
Mrs. Oreytr’s Funeral#
(From the Savannah Praia)
The funeral aorvloea of the late Mrs.
b. A. Dreyer of Dublin, wlio dlod at
'that plaoe Monday afternoon, took place
from ilia residence of her son, Mr. Jos
eph U. Dreyer, at 511 Haberaham street
Tuesday aftoruoon at 4 o’clock. The
remains arrived from Dublin at noon.
Hra. Dreyer was a unlive of Bulgaria.
She had lived In this country tlio mokt
of her useful life of 68 yean and was
survived bv n husband and two sons,
Mean Kmanucl Dreyer of Dublin and
Joseph M. Dreyer of Savannah.
She was In HI health for somu time
previous to her death. A low years
ago the suffered greatly, with her eyes
and her sight was 'much impaired. .She
had a number of friends in this city
aid Thomasville, having resided in the
laat'named city until three years ago.
Bov.'George Solomon of the Temple
Mtkva Israel conducted the funeral
services. The interment was in Laurel
Grave cemetery and the following gen
tlemen acted a«|)ell bearers: Messrs. L.
la Kayton, I. M. Frank. Jacob Gardner
A Ehrlich, Jerome Ecka'cln -and Anton
r display
Stands Dlssppsar.
Them >as a disappearance of fruit
stands, goods-raeki and otlior
affairs yesterday like unto the
of the children of Israel from Egypt
This was in accordance with the coun
cil's sot in ordoriog the sidewalkiclean.
ed. AUthe morning the slap of the
hammer and the silt of the saw were
hesra, and by noon the sidewalks were
a* clear of obstructions as a south Geor
gia sky on a bright day. Many vigor-
oos kloka were heard but the majority
of the merchants took it in good part.
Cant. Waltsra has .Returned With
Stolen Hares and Buggy
Oapt. Walters drove iu from Naylor
Tuesday with the horse and buggy
stolon a few days ago from him and Mr.
Young Wlnte. The thief was evidently
a negro. He drove eostwnitf until Nay.
lor was ranched. There ho made a raid
oil a barn, and helped himself to a eon-
kiderablo amount of com which ho fed
to the animal. It was discovered liy
Mr. Cary.Sontorfeit of Naylor, whoso
barn had Iwen entered.' Ho informed
the oDicers and tlio property was iden
tified ss belonging to tlio Captain and
Mr. White. Tlio foiqnor were very glad
to ninke tlio trip to regain their poses-
siolts. The thief skipped out after eu
tcripg the barn and no traeo of him
lias been found.
WhatShall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom(ittmay concern: -
Mrs. Mary Eubanks having, 1 'in preoer
form, applied to me for Permanent Let
ters of Administration on the estate of
J. O. Eubanks, late of said county, de
ceased. This is to cite all and singnlar
the creditora and next of kin of J. O.
Eubanks, to be shd appear at my office
on the first Monday in October 1904, at
tn o'clock a. ni.. and show cause, if any
they can, why pemsnent administration
should not be grunted to Mrs. Maty
Eubanks on J. O. Eubannk's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this Jth day of Sept. 1904,
- Wsi. M. Jones,
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to the Ordinary ol
said county lor^cave to sell land be
longing to estate of John B. Dixon fer
the payment of de*>ts and for distribu
tion. Said application wiirbe beard at
the regular term of the court of ordinary
for said county to be held on tho first
Monday iu October 1904.
This Sept. 5th 1904.
|R.F. Dixon,
Administrator on the estate of John
B. Dixon.
a delicious and healthful dessert,
pared in two minutes. No boiling! no
Dak in e;! add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors:—Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry end Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. xo cto.
Typewriter I : or Sale.
A good Do ns more Typewriter, nearly
new; used but little, a geuuino bargain.
Parties iu need can get a firs^claas
machine at half regular price. Apply
to A. W.* Loguo. i
8-5-lm Oehlocknee, Ga -
Wm. Forester is back iu his old
waving signals on the Albany
To all who it may concern:
W. R. Forster having, in proper form,
applied to me for Permanent LctteV* of
Administration on the estate of Hr. S.
Bailey, late of said county, this i« to cite
oil and singular the creditors and next
of kin of said Bailev to be and appear
at my office ' k on the first Monday in
October, at 10o’clock a. m, and show
caus*. if any ttuy can * permanent
administration Uiall not be granted to
W. R. Forsterion E. S. Bailey’s estate.
Witness my hand ^nd offic'al signa
ture, this*3oth day of August 1904. -
.• Wu.Mi Jones,
»Ojr dii*prv.~
V "" F *
Order for Election.
’ hereby ordered that an eection
bo held at ^he town of Merrillville
in Thomas county for a Justice of the
Peace and two Cpnstables on Saturday
Sept. 94th., next. Said election to be
held within the hours prescribed by
law for opening and closing the polls.
j E. M. Smith, Chairman.
9-9-3 Board County Commissioners.
Hundreds of Thomasville Readers Knhw Moans.
The kidneys are overtaxed!
Have too much to do.
They tell about it in many aches and
pains— %
Backset 0, sidcache, headache,
Early symptoms of kidney ills.
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright’s
Disease follow.
A respeetod tnan tells here a certain
B, SwMf, Justice of the peace tuui
Notary Public, residing at 62 Thomas
street, Waycross, Ga., says: "Iused
Doan’s Kidney Pills and can recom
mend them very highly. 1 took them
for backache and kidney trouble from
which I suffered for a number of years.
There was a revere pain across the
small of my back, coustaut, dull, bear
ing down pain, and the secretions from
\he kidneys were dark and full of sedi
ment. Since using Doan’s Kidney Pills
my back is stronger and the pain has
left me. I think Doan’s Kidney Pills
are a very reliable and a very effective
remedy. They proved to be so in my
care after I had failed to get any relief
from the use of several other remedies.”
Emphatic endorsement can be [had
right here iu Thomasville. Drop mt
R. Thomas Jr’s drug store and ask what
his customers report.
For sale by all dealere. Foster-Mil-
turn Co., Buffalo'N. Y., sole agents for
the United States. Remember the
name—Doan’s—and take no other.
I negotiate flv*} jears [loans on farm
ands at lowest retest of interest. Com
mission charset reasonable A small
abstract res, consistent with the amonnt
of work and tronble involved, will be
charged in each cose. Bring yodKh'afn
of title with yon.
Artornev-at Law.
8l-'v Moultrie, Ga
For Sale
By order of the Board of Communion
en of Roads and Revenues, will be sold
at public outcry, on tho first Tnesdity
in Ootober 11)04 at the court housa iu
Thomasville Ga. within the legal hours
of sale, one lot iu the city of Thomas-
vllle, fronting about 200 feet on the
spur track of tire A. O. L. railroad on
Washington atreet. running thence
eaat to intersection of Pine and Jeffer
son streets about 800 feet thence along
Pino street to Washington street about
210 feet, Paid lot being in a trinngnlar
Terms cash. #
E. M. Smith.
Chairman Com. Roads and Revenue?.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all who it may concern:
A. B. Finch having applied for Guar
dianship of the person and property of
Rubie Tyson,- minor child of W. P.
Tyson, late of Berrian county, deceased.
Notice is given that raid application will
be heard at my office, a't to o’clock a. m.
on the .first Monday in October next.
This 5th Sept. igo4.
Wm. M. Jones,
Yes this is it!
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for its self in one days use. For
sale by all hardware dealers or the
Wertz Manufacturing^).
Thomasville, Ga,
Citation. \
In the matterof laying out nfyl defin
ing the new Militia District in Nh&priR
vile, in' accordance with petition by
citizens of that community,* 'the'Cliair-
man of this Board was authorised to ap
point three commissioners, residents of
ne distr tefc or districts from which the
new one is to be formed, and that said
comrahsiouers be charged with that
duty. 'A. ,1. Way. Jr., of Ways District.
D, W. Murphy, of Coo’edge and A. J.
Owens, of Tliomasvilie District.
Report of Commissioners.
Wo the commissioners appointed to
Lay oat Aiuldefiue the boundaries of a
now Militia District, to bo kfiowu as the
Merrillville District, do make tills as oar
report accompanied the ulat certi
fied to by the County Surveyor.
Beginning at tho southeast corner of
lot No. 108, of the lUtli District and run
ning thence north to northeast, tlnnce
erst to southeast corner of No. 210,
tnence north to Air Line public road,
theuce northeasterly along said public
road to whore said road intersects the
east lino of lot No. 201, thence north to
Big Creek, thence westerly along said
crock to v\h«*ra s».icl creek the
Oehlocknee river, tln uco southerly down
said nver to whefe said river crosses the
west liilo of lot No. 109, thence south to
the southwest corner of lot No. 100,
thence east to starting point.
, A. J. Owens,
D. \V. Murphy,
A. Way. .Tr.,
\‘ * . Commissioners.
The report "received Jmd ,t ho following
resolutions adopted S; l -.
Whereas Ad Waj' Jr.', A, . J.Shwens
and D. W. Murphy were appointed at
the July term of this court, commission
ers to lay’out aud define the liues of tho
new 'Militia District, known as the
Merrillville District and to bo composed
of a portion of Ways, Thomasville and
Murphy Districts, having filed their re
port, in which the establishment of th
new District is recommended, *ai(} report
having been approved by the Board, it
* therefore ordered that said new Mili
tia District bo established aud a certiied
transcript of the proceedings in reference
there to be at once trausmittetf to the
Governor of the State and that proceed
ings be published in Thomafiville Times
EnterprisdTor 30 days as required by