Newspaper Page Text
Valdosta, Georgia. 1
Tifton, Georgia.
Makes the Startling Offer
SAVANNAH, GA., (Ludden 4 Bates.)
TAMPA, FLA., (Ludden 4 Bates.)
This famous house has but one price. That is fixed and stable. When an offer is made to cut if down $25.00 it
much. The Carter & Dorough guarantee backs the offer and the piano, which makes both good as minted gold. Thi
one who wants a Pianb. Not until Dec. 1st will it be withdrawn.
Tills la Good for |05.OOjon the
Purchase of a Piano.
Valdosta, Ga.; Tifton, Ga.; lavannah,
Ga.. (Ludden & Bates): Tamoa, Fla ,
(Lndden & Bates), or deliver it to oae
of onr representatives, (Ulug in the fol-
This does not mean that Carter & Dorough withdraw their proposition
That propo.
Now is the time to buy.
You have a choice of the famous OHIOE-
)onld yon get snoh famous makes for suoh low prices.
to give away a Piano and au organ on Janaary let, 1005.
sit ton stands, bnt yon are to hare $25.00 given yon on the purcluue
price of a piano and get a chanoo t-» secure your; instrument free by
guessing at$he number of sales of Pianos and .Organs ni.v.'Jo by Carter
& Doroogh daring 10&4! r ^ f .
Nowhoro else
The offer is Good up to December 1,
The above coupon tells the story. Cat it out, for it is worth its face value to you if you want a piano and buy it from us before December 1st.
Marshal Chapman, of Barwick, was
.Summer is making a hot finish.
in town Tuesday.
Sultry Soptomber should bo its
Mr. Clias. Newton from Valdosta was
in town Tnosday.
Bids us go ahead and tell the men and boys just what
preparatious we’ve made for their comfort. Our shelves
and counters are fairly teeming with stocks that are rich in
'■quality, extra in style and
Would fall under any other name be
ns h ot „ '
Miss Rena Bonoliello lias returned
home from Valdosta.
A. B. Kirshbaum
Mr. J. H. Bulloch and wife of Cord ole
were in the city Tuesday.
Let ns hope that that Wost-brook trial
won’t go on forever.
Mr. W. J. Taylor made a brief basi
ness visit to Boston Tuesday.
Hart Schaffner
The first of the month with its mani
fold miseries will be hero Saturday.
We’ve spared no time ndV expense in our endeavors to
get together the newest and best everything in the line of
Clothing, Furnishings and Hats designed by fashion for the
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Abrams aro the
guests of relatives in the city.
The optimist consoles himself witli
tlie reflection that the nights aro cool.
Judge \V. M. Jones
B. Kuppenhrimer
cauie hack Toes-
day from a short stay at Boston.
The weather forecasters' are qnarelling
among themselves. Tiiere is inaccuracy
enough for all.
Mr. Homor Williams and mother
turned Tuesday'from
visit to'Boutou.
Judge Purkor's letter of acceptance
was almost as much of a success' as
Taomssviile’s picnic.
Miss Gassie Carroll went down to
visit relatives in Boston Tuesday af
They insure
Mr. L. Fleetwood pnsaCd through the
city Tuesday bn his way to Montgom
ery, Ala.
H.indersville lias a cifcyjhigliway known
a “Silk Stocking stroet.” Afwap
m iddy wo supposo.
Mr. Donald Fudge, formerly of this
city, is now a student at the [Georgia
Toch in Atlanta.
The returning summer tourists'^and
; ie oncoming winter residents aro meet-
ig in Thmnasvlllo now days.
Dr. and Mrs T. .T, Taylor went to
Boston to visit relatives ^Tuesday af
ternoon . •„
Four boys ran away from] Valdosta
t e other day. Everybody could forgive
t iOni if they bad run to Thomasrillcr.
Prof. W. Ii. Hudson, of Ochlcoknec,
one of the b?st known teachers in the
county, was in town Tu^fday.
Tho National Democratic Committee
will havo a sub station at French Lick
Springs. That ought to capture the,
German vote.
Among the prominent visitors to tovvi
Tnesday were J. J.
Parramore of Bcs
ton, and Dr. J. B, Palmer, of Ochiock-
nee. f
We extend a most cordial invitation to all whether
chasers or not. We guarantee in advance that our j
will be found right in every instance. Quality and
Tiie pure^food congress is meeting in
St. Loois. How we envy people *who
have cnooght food to worry 'abont it
being pare.
Mr. T. C. Holmes, whose auburn head
makes a perecnnial appearanco in Thom-
asrilie, is hero selling Oliver typewrit]
Tho Whitaker Candy Company of
Columbus has been placed in the hands
of a receiver. Mr. John A. Frazer for
mer vice president of the company was
well known fn ThomasviUe, bnt lias not
been connected with tho concern for,
several months.
Tax Collector P. 8. Heath went np to
Meigo yesterday. Ho says the people
are paying tip unusually well for a
"first round."
Outfitters for all Man-kind