Newspaper Page Text
. Swam far Pood.
In this country swans are but little
seen, except In public parks, but they
are comine Into Increasing favor on
private estates, as they giro tho finish
ing touch to as ornamental shoot ot
Watef. In England aarana hava boon
raised oter sines tbs time of Richard
tho Lion Hearted for eating purposes,
the largest swannery was maintained
by Lord Ilcbester, In DorMt, when)
• fffta a. 4 *nn WlaJa war. Vnnf In
Buffered At<iuU* Prom Kldnr*j Uliorderi
L'tttU Cured by lltMiiV Kidney l’llla;
tJeorKP W. lt^nofT, of 11)33 Nortlt
fcloveutb street, Philadelphia, Pa., a
I 'lug. writes: “FIto
I i' ' yenrs ago 1 was
I fj suffering so with
fc/k my ba.k and kld-
■MWwsTlfeftf " eJS ,ll * t 11 0,ten
Hfljf ’ nui kldno.v secre-
Fellne Is OnS of tho Most Fastidious
Animals About Hlo Toilet..
"Third baa been all much talk about
eatsln tbs newspapers and In pseudo*
sclontlflb circles uf’lato and about the
way In-which they spread all* kinds of
disastrous and deadly contagions,**
said the oafs friend In the flew Or
leans Times-Democrat, "that It Is real
ly refreshing to find In print anything
that la at all good about the feline.
Recently the cat was put on the out
lawed list In Washington. Doctors
and scientists bars been urging for
some time the claim that the cat was
an unclean thing and the acatterer of
"It is a bit cheering In this WSstd
bf pessimism to turn to the following
and lasting euro la all
cater ofgPBOIHO
from 700 to 1,300 birds were kept. In
the early days, say«\ Country Lit# In
America. All awana were raised at
one place and brands laswd to num
bers of the nobility.
Cross stitch has Invaded eren the
new bathing shoes, and some very at
tractive sandals keen at the shore are
finished In tble way. The canvaa shoe
Is, of coarse, the besttrabjeet for the
work, and stltcbery must be in fast
color*. Whit* canvas tan baVe decora-
tlon In black yt fed or blot; bine. In
white or rad, etc, j.jj,., .
Her father lived in Rhode Island,
near Providence, till tie birth of Mrs.
Coston, and then moved to New York,
whsre ehe waa married. She crossed
the plains to The Dalles, Ore., In 1852.
At h. meeting held In Portland last year
It was found that Mrs. Coatod wa* the
only living person who crossed the
plains In 1852, Ur* cotton's dnugiifc,
Ur* Mattie Smith, aged flfty-twd
years, lives In Seattle.
Boudoir chat.
A clever woman traveler monded a
rent In her gown by using a hair from
bar head as a thread for the' needle she
always carries In her purse.
It la easy enough to go around an ob
stinate man, aa every woman knows.
All you have to do Is to fool him Into,
the belief that he Is having bla own
When society girls set to work to
thlnkup a new fad, why- don’t they
Invent a useful one-running the lawn
mower, for Instance?
Of course, there are fewyr marriage's
thn usual, thla year. The girls don’t
want everybody to think that they
Old the proposing. - .
When o girl klaset another girl In
public the generally thinks nil the
young men who are looking on Ore cm
vlohs, but sometimes sh*** mistaken. *'
Qirle should know how to make good
bread; to cook all kinds of meats, vege
tables and fruits; to make the nicest
buckwheat cake* in the world, and to
cut and make their own dress.
When a man comet to you sad waul*
to .barrow fs, you can't win tala grati
tude by giving him good ndvlc* about
omriMn* Inatnarl '
Atlanta who treat their oases themsolvee.
Writs U you cannot call and describe
IT I lie your troubles and receive by re
turn mall, tree of charge, oar diagnosis
Sea ribfcSS tl0E8
Sans KCS&i nntural, my legs
BlW^. mid stomach were
swollen, and I
had no appetite. When doctors failed
to help me I began using Doan's Kld-
hiy. Pills sbd improved until my Duck
Was strong and my appetite returned,
bhrlog the four.jreaf* sine* 1 stopped
using them 1 hare enjoyed excellent
health. The core was permanent"
A TRIAL FREE—Addreaa Foster-
MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For tale
by all dealers. Price, GO cent*
r cured. No fitsornervons.
’§ use of Dr. Kline’s Orest
Mm XICT* BmT9 uau ui aauup ■ \
[errelteatorer,82triftlbottle andtrtatlMfr*« • 1
)r. B.H, KloXx, Ltd,, MlArehBt., Phils.,?*
Sanitary crusaders an now after owner. (
In the London Mall, In dotenao of tho
Cat: ‘tho moat faatidloua mammal*
In matter* of the tfillet are to be
found among the members of thn cat
H, H, Gmixs’* Bo**, ot Atlanta, <»*., *»
the only successful Dropsy Bpoctaflits to the
world. Bee their liberal offer In, advertise
ment in anothar column of this paper.
The Sultan ef Turkey alms to outllre all
family, as til muat hav* noticed In
domestlo tabbies. 'The qough tongue
makes an oxcollent brush, while the
. sharp claws are on occasion employed
by way of eombs, all these Invaluable
aids to eleantlness and smartass* pos
sessing the further advantage ot al-
wiys being at hand when required. A
healthy oat la not only clean, but
finical, not to say vain, about her (or
bla) personal appearance. And moral
degeneration in pussy It accompanied
by neglafit of personal grooming. That
the dog II ai dirty as a boy must re
luctantly bo confsassd. He wa* the
matrimonial broken, and the business
Is quite a regular hutitutiont In their
flfflpOl thorn arh tiAAtra mill, tka
Ua predecessors.
lamsuraPisoJsCnrs forOonsumptlsasavtd
my Ills three ytsrs tgs.—Mas. Taoius Ros-
rut; Maple 8t„ Norwich, N.Y., Fab. IT, 1900
The first Ostholic church ever built in
offices there are books with'the name
and particular* ot all tho marriageable
Measuring Sunshine.
Sunshlno la to rtra In England tbti
tbs government takes great cars to
measure It The official summing up
for 1992 u regards sunshine shows
that all districts, lo the British Isle*
With on* exception, feu short of the
average. Thai exception was England
horthwest/lncludlug Manchester, that
Curiously had an excess of fifty-wren
sunny hours. In Scotland north, west
and east the deficit was elghty-ono
hours, forty-sight hour* and 199
hours. England northwest .and east
were abort 107 boura and 139 hours,
while In England south and southwest
the deficit was sixty-eight boura and
115 hour* The Midlands were behind
by ninety-eight hours. In Ireland
north and south the shortage wat
elghty-one hours and 113 hours, Com
monly the Islands In tho English
Channel have a large share of sun
shine, hut last year they went abort
by 13S aunny heurs.
Chicago, 111., coat 9300.
"'•■V mmutv ***/ mm tuc/ nuuiu UU
ordinary trading bufines* It depends
entirely upon their success whether
they receive any payment for their
Bl-SS south Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga
I ’Shawls are aeon in rather unusual
number* There art enough of them
to suggest a revival ot the 1830 and
1860 fashion. Tho allk shawls are
specially attractive, embroidered in self
or a contrasting color. Pale salmon
pink la embroidered In white; dull rich
magenta baa a pattern worked In red
of a depeer tone. Ot court* all the
usual pink* pale bine* and creams are
also strongly In evidence. Pongee color,
with stltchery In white or- yellow, It
pretty and more ufiuauaL
haps had to do with hit carelessness
In tho matter.’ •
"If this view la correct all thl* talk
about cats being such dangerous mem.
here muat be a little wrong. My own
view ot tho matter Is that fit* cat Is
not the bad and dangerous member he
It supposed to be. Ho la cleaner than
Reliable Frick Engines. Boiler* all
Size* Wheat Separator*
I Green gingham make* one of the
coolest ot gown* Whit* wastubl*
braid or pipings of whit* Uneu trim
S ch a gown attractively, and a whits
ither belt adds a drossy touch. A
economy Instead, '
It doesn’t make any difference what
good poetry a woman can Write, her
home Isn't going to be happy If she
probably not to be accepted literally;
Still—but I waa speaking ot cats.’’.
'The letter of Miss Merkley,®
whose pic!ure is printed above,
proves beyond question that
thousands of cases of inflamma*
tion of the ovaries and womb
are annually cured by the use of
Lydia I;. Pinkham’s Vegetable
" Dm. Mas, Pjkxiiak i—Gradual
loss of strength and ntrv* force told
ipa something was radically wrong
with me. I had severe shooting paint
through tho polrlo organs, cramps and
extreme Irritation compelled me to
seek medical advice. The doctor said
that I lied ovarian trouble and ukora-
tlon, and advised an operation. I
strongly objected to thla and decided
to try Lydia E. I’inltlinm’* Vege
table Compound, I soon found that
f y judgment was correct, nnd that all
io gpod things said about this medl-
no were true, and day by day 1 felt
less pain and Increased appetite. Tho
ulceration toon healed, and tha other
complications disappeared, and In
eleven weeks I was ones more strong
and vigorous and perfectly well.
" My heartiest thanks are sent to
yon for the great good you have done
ms.”— Sincerely yours, Miss Mauoarxt
Mr.aai.EY, 975 Third 8L, Milwaukee,
Wit,—tIOOO firfilt If trlflMl if BbetH mill
inSuf<o/,o,UM„it *egNSeMfi
can’t mak* good bread and Johnny-
To be anccctsfol In the aoclcty swim,
Naw York’s Antlqultlo*
Naxt to the horae can, which aro
still conspicuous In tome of tho most
travelled cross streets In New York,
the most surprising antlguIUeo of the
town arc tho little, old Long Island
ferry boat* They carry paiaaogera
from Tfflrty-fourth street and from
James Blip to Long Island City—a
lot of passengers ovary day, for tho
ferry It one of tho most Important
*—• ‘—•— and that
more elaborate gown of green ging
ham bad a fall skirt, with a tucked
Bonne* and three crosswise “tucks for a
beading. Tha waist bad a yoke ot all-
It Is necessary to have a large bank
account for a Ufa preserver., -r'-’Ji 'i
A diamond shoulder strap Is tbo last
addition to tbe fashionable woman’s
Jewel case. It 1* made In tome elegant
scroll design, and finishes at tho back,
where It fastens to tho top of tbe
corsage with a couple of slfiglo stono
drop* In front It bangs several Inches
lower, and coda In o tassel stmjded and
Mngad wife gam*
Don’t worry the children. Don’t
Large Engines and Boilers supplied
promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mill*
Circular 8awe,8aw Teeth,Patent Dog*
8team Governors. Full line Engine* A
Mill 8uppllei. send for free Cata’ogue.
over embroidery, to wblch tho ging
ham was sowed In • pointed design.
Deep cuff* of tb* embroidery finished
tho full sleeve* A whit* kid belt wos
[ isyill
evening fa atom
In one respect tho women ot to-day
an approaching the angelic otanfiarJ
-namely, In stator*. Angels, as shown
In plctnre* an always tall. Tha nuro-
that touches Naw York,
means one ol tha most Important In
tb* world. It Is so Important that
some time or other It Is to bo super
seded by a bridge or a tunnel, or both,
still exist, aven in the twentieth cen
tury. Don’t lose your temper with tlm
children, and don’t give Way when you
and plana to that Intent are under
stood to b* In prooeot of ex*cutlon.
But It will be years before they are
•lone, and meanwhile these Util* old
antiquities attempt to carry back and
forth the swarms of people who muat
go. Forty or fifty yean ago When
the'boats wore young they wera fair
ly up to thalr business, but Now York
has gained millions of population
since than, and Its passenger traffic
irtth Long Island City has Increased
enormously. To ste the gam* little
veterans walk up to their loadi la
on* of tho sight* of tb* town, and
traveller* stopping at tha near-by As
toria often go down to tb* terry hous*
olfc and wing* it la feared, ar* beyond
reach. Another peculiarity ot the heav
enly messengers, which earthy young
ladles era not IlkMy to lmltat* I* that
they never waat shoe*—not aven san
dal* So far as thalr fair hair la con
cerned, it may b* coulterfeltod with
tb* help of peroxide, but, It Professor
Mason’s theory, be correct, tbe time 1*
hot far distant whan a ml blonde
will be snch a rarity that artists who
paint aggala will bars' trouble to ob
tain a satisfactory modal.
hav* decided on any plan for tbtm.
High hat crowns are approved oy
tbe elect. EMHKnptjj
Amethyst* and topaics ar* the favor
ite day Jtwd*-- ? ■ *>:
Crochet belt* have not "taken" well.
Garlands of chiffon flowers arc used
to trim some muslin gowna.
Where but one parasol la possible,
dark green la a safe choice.
You can now get russet allk gloves
exactly matching your shoe*
Broad bands of lace entro deux dec
orate most of the linen gowns.
Some very smart separate skirts ar*
of pongee, exquisitely tailored.
There la a vogue of paradise plumes
lu brilliant green, orange and red.
. Envelope purse* of suede, closing
with a flap, or* tbe approved kind.
More foulards lu gold browns and
ash grays mak* soma charming little
For tbs long-necked woman those
high turnover embroidered collar* are
a boon.
A gown of yellow linen, embroidered
with great black flower* Inrltas a sec
ond Joob. -
On* sees tbe narrowest of Dresden
ribbons crossed over tb* crowns of
flower hat* I
With a brown taffeta a whit* sued* |
girdle worked with little brown silk ]
stars was affective' ~
A Unions of Utah allk crepe la em- ’
brolderad all over wlth tlny black and
.hl». .life araaltAM
\muviMiancnnn S—'
pl„ ■. O. Ortfhlon. Bookkeeping
Tbe Industrial view of marriage
loriZ;ti. Harry 0&. low* City* la.,* Mr*
Wakes It at least a busloasa partnar-
ihlp In which tb* woman la entitled
to her share of the profits and *o sat
isfies the Instinct for fair play, A
well-known writer on femtntn* social
economics considers that a high stand
ard of marriage la best maintained
by husband and wife alike earning
money outside of tha home, eras If tbe
Woman earns no mor* than aha might
savo by doing ber own work at homo.
Bat if'a wife's contribution In houra
ef labor insld* of bar bom*, can b*
reckoned ot equal pecuniary value to
that dona for some on* olio’s home,
housework can no longer be considered
Pesitive, Comparative, Superlative
to look cn.—Harper's Weekly.
*•1 hnvt u«ed on* of your Pith Brand
eilcktm for flvo y*«ro «nd now wont
« now on*, alto ono for a frltnd. I
wauld not ba without on* for twlco
tha eatt. Thtyar* Just at far ahead
of a common coat aa a common ono
la ahaad of nothing. 0
Da aura you don’t get on* of tha com*
' mon kind—thla la th* -^-aarirjw
mark ef excellence.
£ In time. f*old bjrdruffjrlate. *• a
iW.L, Douglas
However it may be, the view
of marriage' ai an Industry la not nega
tived by a wife’s Working at bom*
Instead of being - employed elsewhere,
■nd If marriage la really an Industry,
tho feminine conscience may b* so
stimulated thereby, that frivolity,
aelfltbnes* laxlncss and nervous pros
tration nay ceasa under the strenuous-
rtess of-honest doing.—Boston Trans
cript. ~ \y, ,
"Grandma” Rncb Coston, who has
entered her 100th year, out at the
Deaconess’ Home, In Rochester
Heights, Wash., la on* of th* oldest
aa Well as one of the most Interesting
person* In tb* Northwest Although
xo weak that aba baa not been moved
from tb* bed for a year, and Is almost
blind, she take* a lively interest In tbe
white allk swallow*
If It Isn't a fluffy gown It must be a
snug tailored affair with tight aleerea
and button* up tb* front ,
Tb* Mg eern straw adorned, with a
wreath of crush pink rose* seems to
b* a favorite bsadplece.
W* hare bean spared the tattnea and
potato hat, ao yet, although crinkly,
shaded lettuce would be aa pretty as
some of tbe trimmings In use.
There will be choice of the Merle
Antlonette sleeve*, tight to tb* elbow
and then spreading toAt ruffle, or tha
leg-o'-mqtton sleeve,/ \ great ahoul-
th/SkAy;” -■.‘v
Th* Cxar Play* Cricket
Out of th* Cxar’s first acta after
hi* return from his recant tour In
tbe country wa* to hav* orlokot-
pitch laid out la the park at Taakkp*
Solo. At first moat ot those who
wars privileged to play ertekat with
the Emperor were extremely narvous
at th* Idea of his being bit by tha
ball, and Intentionally bowled wld*
to avoid striking his majesty.
Three Strikes.
Tho old adago that "llgntnlng never
strikes twice In th* same place” hat
often boon dhprorod. Her* Is an In
stance Jo point: In tha anmmnr of
1(84 tb* farmhouse of Ranry Axtell
in Chemung County, N. Y., was struck
by lightning three tlm** in on* day.
First It split tbe chimney from top
to bottom, ruined stove and pipe and
bond several bote* In tb* floor. An
hour later a "bolt” struck th* ram*
house and tore a milk beach, upon
■which several cans of milk wars sot
ting,-all to plecu* The same eroalag
a third flash entered tho roof end
tore tho legs from a bcdBtead.—Mid
dletown Times. y, 'r- *•
events of the day. Bar memory for
tho moat part la good.
“Grandma," aa tvorybody calls ber,
eats welt oujoyo ber nml* like* to
talk, redtas poetry and Sing* at tiroes.
When asked bow sh* felt and bow
long she thought she would five, Mr*
Coston said: *T am ready to die when
tbe Lord sees fit to t»k* m«. MMave
lived a good Ufa and M not afraid.
Merry knows how'long God will keep
Churches on Bridges.
Th* custom of building churches on
bridges wa* dopunon a hundred year*
and more ago. Several of these quaint
old buildings are still left In Europe.
The Chapel of Ofcr Lady still stands
on till Bridge which spans tbe Don
at Rotterdam. The little chapel was
built In the fifteenth century and waa
restored about a hundred year* ago.
For several year* however. It has
been used as a tobacco shop.
me. I don’t know whether He will
lake me In an boor, a week or month,
or when, bnt He haa been awfnlly.
good to me ao far. Sometimes I ean
remember well and sometime* not.
Cbme and see me again and I will
probably remember farther back.”
Mrs. Coston tell* an httareaUng story
jf how ber grandfather entertained
Roger William* when th* latter was
ordered to leave tbe Puritans In 1G35.
rhi first meal be bad offer being -
WWn from his Puritan home was
To cure, or money refun''ded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c.
UK. tflra a. 3iunn . ,
BIS ALBANY ST».Bn5T0ft.MfliiS,