Newspaper Page Text
— — 1 *
T. P. Dyson , V
General HardW&Ve,
*- • — Maiin.fftcturerK or——
. -JA- .—?»»»«£: i^gggageeta
“l or what is worlli in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.”~Buffer.
Wo desire to coll attention ot our customers this week to a large
line of - - .
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements,
We handlo the
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and!
Surries. . '
• Colored Infant Discovered In
Off! Well.
Friday morning a colored boy
playing about the Atkinson ’lot on
Stephen* street found the body of a
ired infant In an old dry well. He
immediately reported Ids discovery to
S. B. Kerr pastor of tho colored Epis
copal church. Kerr Informed Officer
Lambert who went with Coroner Chas.
Gandy to the scene.
The coroner Impaneled a Jury conn
posed of R E. Lester, foreman, C. C,
Atkinson, George Howard, Clarence
Copeland, A. _W. Staart and O. H.
Young. These gentlemen investigated
the mattercarefuUy and adjourned again
to meet next Friday when they hope to
have some additional evidence bearing
on the case. Tho officers have several
clues to work on
The body was that of a male child,
and decomposition was so far advanced
that it was evident that it bad been in
We have combination corn and cotton planters, and combina
tion guano and corn drills. •
We havr tho best line of Fertilizer Distributors* wo over saw. Yon
can put out with thorn front one hundred to two thousand pounds
* of f.-rliliK’-r.a per Here.
Wo also carry u full line of two horse rirlittgjvml walking (cultivators
and woeders. i
We ore still offering bargains in t
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yot some select North Carolina Seed Finders,’
- Romnmbor that we give with each 26o cash pure base a ticket otc
titling you ton chance at the beautiful Amos stiok seat run about cu
display iu our window, whioh will be giveu away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. Yon may he'the
lucky one. COME to see us. ‘
the old well for several days. It was
diflouit to tell the Juste oftheiinfiiut
Some supposing It' to be ns mooli as c
month old. Murks of violence were
visible about the head, and the basket
nour which it was found was blood
stained. This is the second time that si
similar revolting dlsoovcry has been
mode at,tho same place. Tho other oc
currence was about tlirco years ago.
Comfort Trading Co.,
To Meigs
With Your Cotton
The J. N. Carter Compny desire to say to
their friends and patrons that their modem
gin plant is now in operation and that
Cotton intrusted to them will be handled
to the satisfaction of the grower.
We have eliminated every feature of- middleman’s profit’ and
aud are in position to pay the highest possible prices
for all cotton coming to us. It shall be'our
policy to protect fully the interest of our
patrons, therefore we do not hesitate
to solicit their business.
We a re well up in all lines and von can make no mistake if
you buy of us suen goods as you may need. Our
prices are always in line.
Every transaction with us—At the office or over the counter-
will ot brought to a satisfactory conclusion
Dealers in Everything,
eicis, Hi -IGa,
Mr. Adam Crosby Dead.
On Inst Sunday p. m. thirty-five m'u
utes after twelve o’clock Mr. Adam
Crotby paired away at liia home in Col
quitt Co. He had beon siok some five
or six years. His death was not nnex-
peoted bat atilt it was a ilioek to his
many friends. He was a man of seven
ty-seven yean of age. He was a quiet an-
assuming nature bnt will bo-missed by
his circle of friends. He leaves Ids de
voted with and reven children to mount
his death. Thefuneral took place Mon
day p. m at one o'clock, at Weiley
Chapel cemetery. The services were
oondnetedby Rev. E. Redfeam.
Negro Caught.
John Roe, a negro whom the Thorn-
asvillo authorities have boon wanting
for some time has been arrested in
Albany. Hewlllbo brought to Thom-
asvillo to answer to a misdemeanor
oharge, that of larceny from the More
of Mr. B. S. Heeth.
Honor For Hambleton. *"*
Mr. W. B. Hambleton Jr. who left
hero* few week sago to [enter tho law
school at the University ot Georgia, has
already taken a prominent stand among
the students of that institution. He
was eleeted president of thc-jonior Law
Class, the highest gift bestowed by the
members of the class.
Printer Killed in Valdoata.
R. 0. Claiborne, a journeyman printer
who once worked in the office of the
Thomaivilln Times Enterprise was kill-
ed in Valdosta ou Tlmrtday night. Ho
was under the Influence of whiskey and
was caught in the machinery ot the
Valdosta Ice plant and Instantly killed
by one of the large fly wheels. Clai
borne was addicted to drink. Wl.en in
his cops he would tell wonderful stories
of his war record and claimed relation
ship with ex-Uovcrnor Copeland, of
Synth Carolina,. General Claiborne and
other noted people.
UnelaJIeuben Tells Why he Had the
BestTimeon Picnic Day.
Card from Baptist Committee.
The Mercer Baptist Association will
meat with the Pint] Baptist church of
Thomasville on Tuesday Got. l ltli, and
will be in session three or four days. A
large number of delegates'and visitors
are expected. We will thank members
of other denominations desiring to as-
slat in entertaining them to report to
one ot the following committee.
R. E. Lester, ’’
J. S Montgomery,
B. W. Stone.
J. M. Massey,
W. B. Cochran,
Mrs. T. A. White,
“ H. C. Ramsey,
Joe Beverly,
•• C. A: Cochran,
The apartments at the new Y. >C.
0. A, bnildiug *wIH he very popular
with the young men of the city, and a
number of them will make their home
there. Those who moved in Saturday
were Moure Will Hopkins, E. 0. Aver,
C. B. Atttway, Frank Driver aud E. B.
Hamilton. Secretary J. B. Hunter
will also reside there.
The following letter is self explanato
ry: ’’Ur ’
Mr. Roscoe I.itko
Thomasville, Ga.
Dear Mr, Luke:—I am claiming yoor
oiler of two dollars aud a half for the
man that had the best time at the pie-
nic. My claim is bused oa the follow
ing facts.
In order to be sure And get in town ip
time for all fhd good things I came in
on the S o’clock morning train from
Cairo. I heard tho first blow of the
band and was with the band all day and
enjoyed tlio pieces they playod. I
murchefl over the street with riiem,
leading them a while and following them
the remainder of the day.' Now Mr.
Lake I ought to have, this money for
this reason, because any nun Who can
end that Band and then follow thorn as
I did and appreciate the music from it
and shoot at the top of JiU voice when
they give the p.-ople tho poorest rendi-
tlon of Dixie I ever heard, (not Oven as
good as the scared "Johnie Robs'’ done
with a few bogles aud a drummer.';
siio" was a having a good time.
Myeoconl claim is because I chewed
beef, light bread, chicken' aud floor
bread aud the beat cako I ever Saw until
my jaw wa* so tired I could not open
my mouth wide enough to fay good bye
to the bahd at midnight.
My third claim is because I listened
to the speeches of tho spellbinders of the
occasion and cheered every time tiiov
raised their voices, jnst like they were
saying somethin good. I . laughed at
what they had to say every time they
said anything and smiled themselves,
whioh was very often Ur, Griggs sore
did tell seme goad jokee. Mr. Bacon
done well for himself. Mr. Olay tickled
me and I am hereafter for him, and Mr.
Ooviugtr u, the tall man from Moultrie,
was good and made -me laugh against
my wish; and of . oourso 1 was very
tickled at the speeches from our own
Mw-dnst-dlstrict-raising. A man most
be I laving a good timo to do thi*,-
My fourth claim la beoanso I stood by
and saw those boys trying to ride those
yearling on Brood street when I con Id
have stepped in there and. rode those
cows right off np tho street, and I
thought I wonld boat when tint steer
floug that little candy headed fellow,
Johnnie Dutton or some such name.
Now, Lake, if yon did not see this you
missed a whole lot of the fun.
My next claim is ou the water flght
between tho niggers which was flue, and
I got about, os wot as they did, tiyiug
not to mbs seeing any of the good
My last claim is doing without any.
thing to drink, except an occasional
lemonade from the barrels out at the
park, whioh was good.
Floosesend me the money over to
Cairo through Mr Dick Davis' bank or
yon can bring it ’ yourself, I will be
hero to meet the mouoy, or yon and the
Reuben Pyles
P.S. Ift am not at Cairo when you
come with the mouoy for me, I will be
With my Flying Jennies in Florida
where I have got en Organ that can boat
that band blowing.
Love to all,
Reuben P.
Carlo, Georgia,
We can save von money on your Furniture Porelmses because we
nroEXCLUSlVE FURNITURE-DEALERS. _ We epu famish yonr .
horn* front parlor to kitchen and have an immense stock of cheap -
medium apd fine goods to select from. We hafe the BEST STOVE
’ and the BEST SEWING MACHINE on earth; for tho money.’ We
guaransce evory one to give satisfaction or money refunded. Wo arc
offering a Rocker for »l lo-that will cost you *3.00 anywhere olso.
We bought a lot of them at a SACRIFICE] PRICE and. while they
last our customers will reap the saving. Yon should see our large
stock of Rvgs,. Art Squares, lace Curtains and Window shades. We
bny direct from tho manufacturers aud savo the jobber's profit. We
take COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds iu exchange for merclian-
disejind pay highest market price for some. ^
Cg,rio Jurniture Company.
Cairo, Georgia.
Linked Sweetness
is about to be long drawn out. Don't wait till the t
frost rests on your sugar cine to prepare to grind it; a f
delay might occur then that would prove costly.
i BuyyourQgjJg ^iH To ^y
We are sole agents in Thomasville for
Goldin’s New Model Cane Hill
. Those manufacturers have had 19 years experience, add this
mill is tho product of thoir highest genius.
Goods are tlie.Best—Prices the lowest,
Coleman & Adams,
Jackson, St. riiomasville, Ga.
Carter & Borough
Valdosta, Georgia,
Largest Organ Dealers in TT. S.
Sell the reliable E3TK Y, ORO WN, and Lndden and Bates Organs at lowor
prices than the same grade of Organs can bo sold elsewhere. Every one of them
fully guaranteed by os, and oar guarantee is made good in yonr home without
expense to the purchaser.
-Wo are also State Agents for tho LESTER. MATHUSHEK, IVERS &
Catalogues and prices furnished ou yoor inqniry. ift
Represent id in Southwest Georgia by
* W. F. LEE, of Cairo, Oa.
and others.
CARTER & DOROUGH, Valdosta and Tifton, Ga.
Chic, Tasty, Stylish.
I have just returne 1 from the eastern markets, and wi
to present a most beautiful fine of
Our facilities for trimming are the best.
Naw Society at Young'*
As evidence of the growth and pros
perity of Young's Female CoUege, comes
news of the formation of a now literary
society with a large membership. The
young ladies composing it have not yet
selected a name for it. The officers are
Miss Alice Map Ausley, president; Miss
Susie May Watt, Vice president; Miss
Dorothy Mitchell, treasurer and Miss
Tempo Casindy, secretary.
Business Change
Mr. Charles Phillips 1ms disposed of
his interest in the Southern Saw MiU
Co. and turn severed his connection wiUi
that concern to take offset on October
first. Mr. Phillips will go from here to
his old home in Oolnmbns for a short
vacation and afterwards will re-enter
the lumber business in other fields. Mr
Phillips daring his residence in Thom,
mi villa has made many staunoh friends
who wUl learn with regret of his up-
preaching departure.
Prof. A. L. O. Stevenson of the Bold
.Springneighborhood was in townThnm-
.1 i
the best
Saw Mill .
on the
Grist Mills,
Shingle Mills,
Mallary Bros., Machinery Co.
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORQIA.
Time Table Effective July 24th.
Trains Arrive,
12:10 p. m. 7:35 p. m
Trains Leave
:-lo a. m., 4:15 p. m
H. C. McFadden,
General Passenger
Quickest and Best Line to Macon
Atlanta, St. Lonisand all point! West.
Finest equipments in the South, Coaches
electric lighted,'with fans in summer
end steam heat in winter, making travel
comfortable and easy.
Tickets on sale to aU points in the
United States.
If yoa are contemplating a (rip,"ask
our Agent for information—we tnayjhe
able to save yon money and time.
A. L. Spicer,
Thomas vtHc*