Newspaper Page Text
Are The Prices That
Promised Last Wee k
In Mei^
$1.00 Kid Glove*,..:..... ‘ -*- <®°
3flo Black Hosiery at. - • > }&*
'C-hj Il-avy Rlblicd BtgH Horn at.......
78u with How- Snpporu rj Attached
|1.25 Fine broadcloth, yard and a half wide
Nobby SnirsUcrth$8.60
Up-to-date Suits worth $7.50
CnMmere BnlM worth 810.00
$1 50 Full size Cotmterpnue (we buy them in lols of 100).
‘ 26 Best Creamery Cheese
'Whole Grain Rice.
Ifc« Graoalalcd Sngor
Bh-korj Tobacco pcrplnp
70c Heavy Undershirts and Drawers.
50c Flax Carpet, very strong, special , . 35c
$10.00 Slater's Blue Flannel* .... T.$7 (X>
4 OS
4 50
(X tugon Soap ner bar.
M) Per sent off on all ladies Shoes over $2.00
■ , ^ S
Your money may all come back to you if you area good guesser. Somebody is going to get the $500.00. Try a guess at ihe corn.
/ ‘ -
Jroad Street.
! at rw%lL>• .<* rrrstnn
Yours Sincerely .. ,
Thomasvills Qa. ' - Near Monument
- • SJierifl’s Sole.
la and by v Irtne of *-niortngn (If* i«-
rned from the Sopenor Coart of Thom*
ms ooaatv. Os-1 will nil at pahlio uile
baforo the mart hon«o dnnv in tlio city
•I nioauTillc, TIioniM coanlv, Oil.,
within Ihe I-unt hoan of .ale on the
find Tamil” In November. lit.M. tliu
'owing doM-rlbci! pniporty to wit;
Mm of land lu the non It who cor. No 8*7. In |t<» Ifili
iriet of Tllo.o >■ county Gt it lioii.R
I tact of tan I Souvoyed by lb l*m-
aeiRMt to A I'. Prevatt on Mm Will
J day of Del. .nni reeonlud fin book
Y V. taW* <10, Record, of <l«id« i>T
Ttioniiecouutv. Go. till, N:1'\ '7.1th,
1904. uo'.meil iu writicK,
* T. J, HiKht.
Siicrilf, Co.. G.i.
Ttmnisvil!: Business College.
If yna arc |l,' ores fed In a
Rdara'.ioo, you will do well to inventi-
Kite rite method, of tl.o ntovemiimed
Invitation. For full ii.foiination, ad-
diemureiU on.
New Train to St. Louis.
6inr» the inauguration of the fsfct
Mobile K«ut Ohio Limited between
Montgomery and St. Louis, eWorld's
Fair travel baa received a stimulus and
the MoutgiHMery route crows daily in
popularity. The M. & O. Limited
loaves Mout*.imorr at night after the
arrival of iu connecting train, from
the Southeast and. reaches St. Louis the
Mxt afternoon.
j Application Leave to Sell.
“ ' OBOBGIA—Thomas County.
T. W. Lewis administrator of tl e
•■late of W.laoti N. Lyons deceawd
having nude application to me toael
’-.j tha natty belonging to said estate.
ThininifO die all pe-aona to allow
can-0 before me on the 1st Monday in
November,-IIKM, why said npplicatitn
. AonMnrfbe*™"*' * 1
s . KU. M. .TONES!
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA—-Thomas Oouiur, .
By virtue of uu order of the Court of
Ordinary of mid county will bo void at.
public outcry on the first Tueidny it»
November, 1004, at the court honae in
said county during usual hour* of sale,
the following real estate situated iu
Thomaa county in town of Pave, towit:
Residence lo‘ in black. "Y n fronting
Sycamore * trout one hundred seventy-
four foot and Adder non street ninety
foot, (living a five room dwelling house
on it, Residence lot in block “W”
fronting Anderson street sixty-five
yards and Wilson xtr.*ot *txty-flvo ynr<K
Keaidt-ucu lot in block “A” fronting
Harris street two hundred mul ten feet,
running Imek of uniform width two
hundred and ten feet. Storehouse and
lot in block u D t " now occupied ivr mill
liery store, fronting Main at»out l wont v-
ftvo feet, rnnuing buck one hundred
feet. Terms cash.
L. W. Humphreys,
9 8C-4. Atmr. Estate cf Stifle L'tle
Application for Ouardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomis County.
To all whom it may concern, T. P.
Dyson haying applied for guardianship
of tho person and property of Madonna
J. Dyson minor child of Faunio M. Dy
son, lato of said county deceased. No
tice is given that said application will
1)0 heard at my oliice at 10:00 a. as. on
the'firat Monday in November next.
Thin 3rd <lvy of Oct. ltOi
/Villinm M. Jones 9
10- ft - 41 Ordinary
I negotiate five yean loans on farm'
aida nt lowest ratest of iuteroat. Com
mission charges reasonable. A small
abstract too, consiatent with the amonnt
of work and trouble involved, will be
oharged in each oase. Briugyonr chain
of title with yon. -
Atforney-ai Law.
81- '.v Moultrie, Ga
Application for Support.
deceased, having made application to
thin court through their next friend
Klin* Cochran for a twelve month* sup
port out of the estute of the demeaned,
and apprabers duly. Appointed, to Fet
name aaldo having nitre their report, all
persons concerned ar» requited to show
cause before the conn of ordinary- of
•ail conntv on lIih first Monday iu No
vetnbf*r tool, why ttmapplication should
not be giioitod and ihe reix»ri of the-up*
praisers confirmed.
W M. JONE8. -
Administrators Safe.
GKOdGIThomas County
To nil thoffl it »na> concern:
Mrs. Mary Eubankrhaving, in"prc r »(r
fortn, applied to me for Permanent Let*
tors of Administration oo the estate of
,T. O. Eubanks, lute of said county, de
ceased. This is to cite all nnd singular
•he creditots and next of km of J. O.
Eubanks, to be rnd appear at my office
on ihe first Monday in October igot.Jat
m o'clock a. m.. and show cause, if any
they can, why pemanent administration
should not be granted to Mrs.^Maty
Eubanks on J. O. Eubannk's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 5th day of Sept. 1964.
Wm. M. Jones,
, Ordinary.
Application For Administration
GEORGIA—Thou.vs Cocxty
M. A. Fleetwood,Jlinving'made appli
cation to ino in duo form to be appoint -
od permanent administrator upon ti e
eetato'of Mrs. M. F. Bouton, Lite of
tiaid county. Notice is .hereby given
that utid application will be heard at
the regular term of the oonrt of ordina
ry for eaid county, to he held on the
first Monday in November 190i.
Witness my bund and official signa
ture thl, 4th day{of October 1604.; .
Wm. M. Jones.
A VIicfition far \dmiuislration
ai'OntH.V—I’lmmta Comity.
M. A Fleetwood having ninth* appli
cation to uie to be artpoiufcd ppriuvucnr
:i.linini«tnitor upon the estate of Cbnrlio
'I'iu^i** to cite nil petgon- that- gaid ap-
plication will be heard oil the 1st Mon
day In N'.ivemlnr, 1904.
Application for Administration.
OKOIUJt A - Thomas Comity.
•L I. Langley having made application
to me ro bu nppoiutei! permanent iwl
mi.ii.stm.or upon tho x estato of Levi
Langtes Into of s>id County, uoce.iKcd.
Ting is io cifo all pngoug that g;»ul up
plication will be heard on the first Mon*
day iu November, 10iH
% ' ’ Ordinary.
The Asbsll Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for UYself in one dayanse. Fpr
sale by all hardware dealers or the
Worts Mannfastnria ) ■
Tliomasvtlie, Ga.
No one wlio is acquainted with its
good qualities can be surprised at the
great popularity of Chamherlain'b
Cough Remedy. It not only eures coida
and grip eifeotually and permanently,
bat prevents these diseases from result
ing in pnenmoni*. It is also a certai
cure for croup. Whooping congh is no
dangerous when this remedy is given.
It contains no opinrn or other harmfnl
substance and may be given as confi
dently to n baby at to on adult, it
alio pleasant to take. When all of
them facts are taken iuto corsidorati-n
it is not surprising that people in for
eign lands, as well as at home, esteem
this remedy very highly and very few
sre willing to take any other after hav
ing once used it. For sale by J. W.
dcioock. . * w
Application leava to Sell. -
GE'JHULV—'Themis County.
Mrg. s*. A. Peare«, Aiujiuistratrix of
Umj t-stato r»f J. W. Pearce, df(-eo«ed,
having made .application before mo lor
tho purpose of gelling realty belonging
to-the osmto. Tho s%iil application will
be heard ou tho first Monday in Novem
ber 19Q4. I^et all idmo**a »l»ow caoae
before me on that dare vriiv said appll-
cation ghoulri-not He granted.
Administrators Sale.
By virtue of an order of the court of
ordinary ot said county: Will bo Fold
at public outcry, on the first Tpefday
in November 1904 at the court house
In said coonfy between the UFual hoots
of sale, the following real estate'ait*
uated in Th'imsa county fo*wit: -One
acre iu lot No. 381, five aeiya in lot
ninety acres iu lot 18, 18 1*5 acres in Tot
SSI, 35 acres iu lot 33S, 125 acres iu lot
337, 2 acres in lot 29,15 1 2 acres in lota
381 and 382, 10 acres iu lot 383, 20 acres
in lot 344, 50 acres in lot 882. 60 seres
irf lot 19, 75 acres in lot 382, 15 acres in
lot 379, all in the 18th land district of
Thomas county Georgia.
The saleViU coutiuue from day to
day between tho same hours, until all
said property is sola. Terms cash.
This 4th day of Oct • 1994.
Robert F. Dixon
AdmY. Estate of John b. Dixon.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA - Thomas County.
Mrs. Sallie L. Hayes, administratrix
with the will annexed of the estate of
S. L Hayes, late of said county, deceas
ed, having filed her petition for dis
charge, this is to cite all per-ons con
cerned to show cause against ' the grant,
ing of this discharge, at the regulsr term
of the Court of Ordinary for gala coun
ty to b) held on the first Monday in
November, 1994.
Wm. M. Jones,
J Don't Mistake th» Cause of Ycur
J. U. Smyth, » lork in the office of
the Duraut Lmnlmr Co., of Valdosta,
living iu the outskirts of the city,,
s»ys: **M.v wife used Doaii'* Kidney
-Pills for kiduH. troubles and backache
and found great relief after having triod
a gieat number of other remedies with
uoapparent result, she had suffered
for some six or seven years wiih kidney
and bladder trouble. I linl spout hun
dreds of do lars for medicino and tha
li*t of those which we used includes
nearly everything said to bo good for
kidney tro ibles. I also sunt her to the
mineral epriugs and s bought mineral
water and did everything I could buk
nothing Relieved het until I g>5 Doan's'
Ktduey pills, Since using thorn she has
uopam whatever in Iter b.v?k and the
A 9ir.i» of tho Kidneys'tins ln*en regain*
ted until normal iu coediriou. We
think tho world of Doan's Knluey Pills
and rocomf*ud them to all our friend*.
Just- such emphatic ondrivciuent can
bo hud right here in Thomisvilte. Cull
at R. Thomas'.drag groro and ask Ids
customers rejiort.
For sale by Ail dealers. PrW so cents.
Foster- Milburn Co., Buffalo, New
York, solo agents for the United States.
Remember the name—Do.iu's—and
take no other.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all who it may concern:
A. B. Finch having applied for Guar
dianship of the person and property of
Rubie Tyson, minor chi d of W. P.
Tyson, late of Berriun county, deceased.
Notice is given th itsaid application tyill
be heard artny office, at io o’clock a. m.
on the fir it MbnJay in October next.
This 5tli Sept. 190!.''
Wm. SI. Jones,
Dr. W. W. Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
Tenders his professional services
' to the public.
Office, over Chisholm Jb^DiUon's
Phone 222—3 ringr.
Two-horse wagon and harness, in
I -dqonli ion, bog^y and barnes t
four milch cows, all will bd soli
1 acre cane. Address Frank
at Thomasville Shoe Co. 14 3t-wd