Newspaper Page Text
L'i GEOt.GlV. OCTOBER 14. 1904,
The electoral ticket tor Demoarsta of
the tecoiul oorigroiriohal district Is
printed below. The lUt is furnisliefi
bjr fiinlimsn Yeosnsns of the stole
dodging from » basket of the largest
pairs, of the Keifer variety, I ever saw
siot to me by J. J. Roberts living near
tasn, the crop it extra fine this year.
Lost or Stolen
Nine head of lto^s. One sow, block
and yeilow spots and 8 shoots shoot six
months old; two aie bloox mid rest biaok
and spotted. Marks, crop and nnflerbit
io riglit ear. Swallow in fork in left
ear. Ixftniy premises on Ang. H. Any Roy. D. H. Parker,
one furnishing information will ba re- j Mn) _ br. Everiit 1
warded to the valoe of the hogs. A.!- who has been visitii
dress Jeff Davis, Meigs, Ga. 10-'J44t and Mrs. J. W. laj
im for Thp!r Convention at Sa
lam Church This Month.:
Grammar. Crops, Eog IFam'ne and
Other Topics.
Souih Georgia
(B/H. O. Jordan.)
Pabiisbed every Friday by tiio
iiis-Enlerprise Publishing Co. J
-(Cy J. 8. Searey.)
Rb'mer Braswell, one of the model
boys of oar town, went to Thoinatville
Tuesday afternoon. ^
anl 30th of October.
- - ■<! For Vice-President, ^ u
zzr.: henry.g. davis. k • __
i"Fnr Presidential Electors, ZZZ2
—— *•; From’tlie State at Gorge, TZ
First District—W. G. Warnell.
Second District—J. D. Rambo.
Third District- Norman O. Miller.
Foortli District—J. J. Bull.
Fifth District-S. O. Tapp. *
SIxtthfMitrlct—George Collier.
Seventh District—Loyd ThbmAs.
Eighth Dtstrirt— M. G. Michael.
Ninth District —Samnel C. Danlao.
Tenth District-P. B.'Jolinson.
Eleventh District—O. M. Smith.
For Representative In'tlieFIfty-nirlh
Cottgrcrs from the Second District,
It Is the doty of every Democrat to
give this ticket his attention and to vr la
ltnttli»pollsonNov*mber8th There is
every resson why the psrty should rally
on that day as nlver before. It is time
for Georgians to awnken from their
apathy. Paste the ticket in yoor hat
and the dato in your memory and vote
right ou elootlon day.
Miss SosieSingletary of Qchlocknee.
spent several days with family. of he
brother, W. >!. Singletary, -
Sntored at the postofiloe at. Tliomas-
vUle, Ga., -as second class mall-,
Tliere is a lady living hear here, who
it is said, picks oh an average of 300
pounds of cotton a day. Resides this
she does tier own bonso work and take*
her husband’* dinner to him two mile*
MUierof Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Miller
came to Tliomaaville two years ago in
poor health but was much benefltted by
the climatd and pino breexes. He made
tlie mistake of returning to his northern
hotpp and waa again attacked by diseate.
Cicero Tl.ompsonof Thomseville, was
here a few days since, advertising AI.
G. Field. . He Is a hostler.
Official Paper ol Thomas County
Mrs. Holzondort of Coffee county
mother of Mr>. J. N. liter, ha visitor
The'tlires ff-tc-n of Mrs, Hall, Mr*
Steele, Mrs. P.irhiyi r-nl Mr*. Bowls
returned to their • h<wi««' in Mitchell
qounty Saturday, after spending a week
withjthetr aged elster' near town. Thoy
are nil quite old, Mrs. Hull the eldest
being 81, LastJFrldsy their numcrone
relatives hod a reunioiTat Hint delight-
fnl spot, MidwayfSpringe.
Vorgil-Heyof aenr~ Ocliioeknte, was
the guest of Huy wood; .Singletary last
Mr. Haggard Davis and wife of Bar-
wick have lioen hero for the ,asr few
•y Quaranteed Circulation 3,400.
of agreeable address he made the ac
quaintance of many of our people who
will regret to learn of his demise.
The world may owe”yon *' living but
It I* harder to collect^tlian a delinquent
•Ascription account.
Fond mothers all over Georgia sro
noticing that their small sous “feol bad''
•host (he time the ecliool bell ringi.
Will Return The Twenty Finn.
Mr. T. J. Bottoms who is now in
Prescott Arizona will return to Thom-
nsville on October twenty fifth and re
sume his work as traveling paaeenger
agent for the Atlentio Coast Line. Mr,
Bottoms' health has greatly improved
daring ills stay in the West. Tlie news
of lila improvement and proposedrotoru
to Tliomusvitle will rejoice the hcarte
of hie many fneud*.
When you go to Soeton—any of ycu
ladles from Thomae county or any
Valdosta has voted bonds to the
•mount of 183,000 to build a modern
gahool hoove. Tlmt t« just.llko Valdosta.
The vhh of narcotics i* bprendiiig
idly m»d i« onejef tho dtvgern oS
, anlern life. A good d'gestloii nnd s
(fair coiifcloncw sro tho host sleep-pre-
tltoere and tronble.[Bhields. Whiskey
is leas harmful thain{dopo. •
This coupon is as good as 10 cents in hard coin to
readers of the Times-Enterprise. It will be
on evtry Tollar’s woith traded at
Complete Hue of
Gents (Drubbing*,
Shoes, Hosiery,
Hats slid C-ips,
Blilrts and Ties
Collars and Cuffs
Benators Bocon and ;Clay hove tern
op, iking in Thumisvllle, and llie Savan
na', Trisa soys "south Geerghi wssa
fevalstieii to rhem.-nud rut nil of their
elrioeme on tap ” litlmt a 1 that we*
umtnp Ic Veinor?—Dnwsi ii Now*. All six barrels oijeiiimmde.;
From the morning of Oct. IS to (he night of Oct. 33. Cut out tlivse
conpors aad you got (1.00 worth for 90c, |3.00 worili
Th* ries<|>aji:^ Tbcinst
jDnnty farmers, wliito and black, an
vying new wsgou* and' buggies, tor,
« doubt. Thero Will be automobile* in
ghfoonntry If this koepu up. Tie
farmer* aro feeling their oal<av well rs
For the Ladies
Wool Clrcniar Shan;!., s Latest Style Belts,
Wool Sweaters, Handbags,
Jacket*, Top Skirts,
Dressing Hacks, Fascinators,
Since the »iw rennty amnidnien time to recuperate
lias presumably carried n number of its •
adhereuts will bo interestod in rinding 1 r 0 n 1111101
the following from tho Atlanta Journal ’ \ J novn ‘ ^ ti
"Now thaCtlie'constitutional .mend- j luc * U - T tnr " u
meut for 143 counties instead of 187 bus : r nih’meuts, lookln
been ruttlied liy the peoplo of Georgia, 4*1* fssmilyr.
Appear Before Refsreo Msrriil
Bankruptcy Gass.
A brilliant array of legal toleut ap
peared before Bankruptcy Ueferee Mer*
rill yesterday. TI»o cane wan that of
Bvi’. Grace of Qnmuan and Argyll*, a
big lumberman. IIU liabilities wore
found to bo about tn.000, with tuwetH of
one third that Hmouut. M. O. Putewas
tfppoiutod Ills trjHtoc in banWrnp!oy.
Among the out of town lawyers fcho
were ptesout were Loon A. Wilson,
Jno TV Miles and Judge J. O. Ueyuoidt
of WsycroHn, Uuitod States cotmuh sio-
uer J M. vTuIuikou and J. R. Walker of
Vauloata, auJ Warren Grice of Haw-
11m North. Georgia citizens are aoln
a”y boasting bemuse that section bar a.
lot of fairs scheduled for this fa'I. Sou <
pe ople hare rerrorted tastes.
Wilson M. Ha/dy, Prsaldont.
r. > Mteh" D. MoCartney, uao.4 trua.
At the Time-Enterprise Building.
- rrhommsville. Gs.
Weakly, One Year * 100
Six Monllis....
Thrco Mouths,,
Dally, On* Year...*.
*• Six Months....
•• Tlifeo Months.
•* One Month....
In Martiole recently on townbullc-
ag a western paper gives this bird
> which might, with udraotsge, tn
I to TliomMvUle. “If you wait
y«ur town to grow and prosper, waki
vp, rtib your eyos, roll up your sieevrv
wad go to work for It. It takes u grist
daal of hustling to stir up some oom-
multles in thts work, but ouro the
town betterment movement Is undei
way almost every out-will join in. If
yon want butluoss tooome t<^ your town,
encourage thorn who coma. If you want
• prosperous town where people can
eonto who are disposed to make tinmrr,
then do away with aud bury from light
all Jealousy and splto mid work more
for common ptolperiiy ami mutual
benefit. Wake up, rub your eyee, rnl>
up your sleeve* aud go io work,
not work with fear ,'iid i remMtug, but
take it for granted that blood will lell
Leave retail, to themselves, borrow no
ttoaMes, bat all unite io m.vka it the
biggest Lin,I n town. Gc to work!"
llo y is n clipped society item that
we intend to use later ou fur some of
the full wbilJIngs;
“At the outset of ll is paragraph ti e
pen falter, at Ilia tn<L at describing to
much sweetness. Imagine, if yon ran,
^ V bride of stntuo. quii p.ise, gowned in
dreamy white cliff, n through the filmy
myatery of whoso veil gtowoJ a muss ol
pale gold hair lito u sun.kisn.-il cloud at
morning. It was no wonder that the
■ gucsta crowded each uriior aud craned
their nocks to see.
Eveiy week too uew indcvtifal enter
prises oiganizod o i n solid basis in I ere i» h -1 weeks list.
Cutlibcrl—Gas mnchlno plant,
(■nraiiuali—toe factory; 480,000rotten
Odumhus—?fi0,000 veneer and wad
Working plant.
Hart w ell-Kit etilo light plant.
Ocrdc.’c—Engraving plant.
Bwoinso.iro—1101,000 cotton mill p:c-
The annual Salem Workora’ Conic,
ence will be hold tills year at Salem
Bapyist-church, near Favo, oil the ir11
This m-eting is tlie conference of tlm
three churches under the pastorate of
Rev. A. J. Taylor. They arc Sal, m
church and the Baptist churches of l J a-
•vo aud Barwick. /The program of tl.u
Noitli Boston for several days, retained uncti-n; follows:
. Mr. Ralph Miller Deso. . to lier home lest Friday. j Saturday Get. 2i», ot 9 a. m.
News lias readied tl)« city of the ie-1 yi enn a, Geor|pa was represented in I Grayer meeting.,
cent death hi Atlanta of Mr. Ralph ^ouroity last weekday the pressnoe of. Organization; Uommttlees from carl,
Judge D. L. Kenderoon, o »e of her most ■ 0 f tho olmrclies raiiort ou church
estimable citizens aiul leading ntlor- ^ jj, e p^t a^sociational year;
Miss 8ue Lane, of Noshvillo, Teuo., is
at home Tiflitiug her mother, sister and
Last Friday MHw On a Neel visited
He returned last winter but even south, relatjveg sllll fri(mdg i n ,i 10 co uuty rapi-
Georgia 0O0W not help him, and be lo j
puaed away. While liere he lived at
the Masurr Hotel. Being a young man
County Surveyor A J. Staualwnd
down la«t Saturday to oar city aud ou
returning took with him his neice, Misn
Florrie fitanaland, one of Ed^ewood’s
most attractive youn» ladies. Mta*
Florrie will be the guest of her uncle
and family some weeks ere she returutt
“ Wliat are the Ba[ tists Doing to De
velop this Field?” discussed by Rev. T.
sV. White.
Recete. Din.wr ou grooud 1:30 p.
“Go<l has Plautod tho Raiubow: w l.o
are the Laborers?*’ Discusfed by E. I.
Bryan and C. T. Begg’.
(1.) “Tlie Doty of ^cwg C.liiMirn
to ihe Church,” by Prof. Frank T. Long
and Percy Kendrick. (2). “The Duty
of the Church io Young Christians,”
b; J. L. Burns and Walter Steven-
whsrsslit, be sure to make Mre. Me*
Queen*# Millinery store your head*
Mrs. Dr. II. A Shine, of Tallahassee,
after a very pleasant visit of some ten
d*yi to her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W.
M. Brooks, lefc last Monday for home
accompanied by her husband.
Cols. W H. Hammond nnd Hugh J.
Complete line of Rug*:, all prices.
Window Shades,
Sin ill Notion-*,
Tinware, Steel Euiiraeiware,
Table Liiihii,
Towels. Cotton and Linen,
(hi Cloth,
Embr«v.d*‘rios, Unb’U Sails,
Black Sailor Hats, Puttiuuig
Everything at Lowest Possible Prices.
increase our sales and get new customers we will allow Ifc on every $l.t) you trade with us If you cut out tin
coupon aniLbring it with you. You get $1.00 worth for 9k, $5.)) worth for $1.5), $11.1) worth for $9.0S.
N Cut out the Coupon. It wiP not appear Ag^in.
D. A. DIXON & SONS, 123 Broad Street," - - Thomasv 11\
it U understood that North Georgia wiM
make a demaud for its sh ire of the
eight new counties which are. to be
created. And this demand will no
doubt bring on the liveliest kiudof tight
before the commission which will bo
designated to lo*/k after tho creation of
tho now counties.
When tlie law allowing eight addit
ional counties was potted it was \uih
the idoa that tho'moasure wii* in the
iutorett of South Georgia, find dnlega
tion* from that section of thes’nt* were
constantly in Ailauta urging tho mem
bers of tho legislature to vote for tie
Nobody hod any id»a that '»!»• North
Georgia people wohted any ihvi-ion but
now it is understood that a vigorous
effort will bo to g»'t four of the
eight now counties located in the north
eru section of the state.
This announcement commg from the
North Uoorgiaus will come likf u bolt
from tho blue to the South Georgia pee
pie who were under tho apprehend-*
that no otJ»or section of tlio state want
ed any riivUiou e.^opt tho ouo wher
fho roar tics coverol such an area c
ground, and which hns^rewnto in pop
aiaiion during the past le^ years.
IiU family.
Tlie church at Midway near town is
conducting a sorio? of protracted meet
ings this weok. U iv. 4 B. AUigood,
tlie ixutor, ia bc-itig ,assisted It Rev. R.
G. Jnckvou,
To test the practical knowledge cf
some pupils in grammar in Pino Grow
school %»here this deponent hears les
sons, fho (lucstion ns to whether or uot
the nse of an apostrophe aud *V* iu
writing “Young’s” Feqiale Colhge is
oorroct, precipitated a (liscu^iou that
did nut end in school. Now, the town
folks arc bringing out,their old gram
mars and aro refreshing their memories
Oil the rub**. The question ia: “la it
correct to write “Young,” or “Young’s”
Female College? >Vhat do you say?
Mr. Hutphiuga, the young man who
has boon geliiu;; Lofton** “Clmnctor
Sketchcb” for J several moutlis, is quite
sick of fever at the Miller House,
Hutchins is from ue tr ‘Macon, and ia u
mtuof fine demeanor, having nn.ny
fr onds in this place
Egy* ami chickens aro very scarce iu
hi» roarkot. I do not see why umo
cuterpridng farmer docs uot nndertuke
ci supply the market. J.t would prare
Banker William was here Tuesday ou
'his periodical rounds to his various
banks. Of coarse he found tho bank of
Meigs O.K.
Messrs. Yaulandingham and Edfoutl
Hurst went down to T’iomasville Tucr-
| Mflutyir, tuoof Tlioaia<*Yi:U’ N Icsrliiiy
I i a min ories, were lev la*: T.i-«di> »f-
1 inn (dig to some logoi bns ic •.
Judge. M. Baum, of (j m u t?t. was
•kVUifOr )•) IblSMU t *H' I'.i s' «y,
•ailed here to l.»»k after i a.»--»..nt lias
The Bostonians, while a t<*nq)er.ti ct-
folk, would be pieosc-1 to have a vadt
from Jupiter Plnviu* mi l iIm town gi.
wet awhile. We‘are mighty dry in tin*,
bailiwick and uhIc.-k we c« t eopiim •
showers within the*next wetU or ten,
days long sweatouiag won’s average up
to former years.
W. W. Prather, of Qnitm n»," rrpre-
seutiug the Johnsou Ma.b’e works of
said city, was here this we*-k in the in
terest of his house.'
P. S. Uenth, Tax Oolf»tctor, was iu
Boston last Tues lair collecting State
and County taxes. /
THE LADIES favor pamth;g their
churches, and therefore we argo overy |
Minister to roueuibcr wo give a liberal I
quantify of the Ijongman J- Martinez
Paint toward tho painting.
WcanLuml vuvers like gold.
Don’t pay .?! oO ,n gallrm for Linseed
Oil (worth M coni-.) which you do when
you bey other p«in:a in a can with a
label ou it
8 & 0 makes 14, therefore w hen you
want l-4 gallons of paint, buy only eight
of L. & M., and six gallons pure idu-
seed Oil with it, nad thus get paiut at
less than #1.20 per gallon.
Many houses nro well paiuted with
four gallons of. L. & M. and three gal
lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
O. W. Cochnm, Thomasville, Ga.
G. L. Daren, Meigs, Ga.,
• »-® fm
G 1*1 ci t f cl l i O; )y;£i
Cane M'ils sr.d KahcaSiij-f
For Sals
Vi", Limit y
osten, Ga.
Sunday, Oct. 30, at On. in.
U:00 o’clock n. in., Salem Suiiduy
The Relation of tho Home to tie
Church,” by J. 1. Haucock, Kdmni.d
Redfotru nnd J. \V. MiUr,
Sermon, R b ev. T. A. While.
2:30 p. in., Son lay. School M> a* Me cl
ing. Subjects:—
) “Have the Sunday School* Been
Pro !tu? o to tht O miylntf the Post As-
viaiioti.d Ytvr?”
(2) *T.i - lew of th# K4mu’*m of the
San lay s !i.»u During the Year,
Wlwr Hi »ohLls> the Afifnde of the
Memin; s of the Churches Toward the
Sail'd Schools?’ .ohj llo.Till, B T,
Sells at Sight.
VV« wnat n**ri« s in town and oouu'y
to sell a Self Wringing Floor Mop re*
pently piteiinid. l a m.^ritasell U :t
night. Men or women with teams moke
$.’» 0) fo'?30C a ,? jt.v in the country,Would
g:veexel«iM»v»» *■•)'»• of cm *rv io right
party. Wnte T. G. Johnson, Atlanta,
Ga.. Temple Court Building, 10-14 21
A- r>i ai: •-> rirepairers of
- Class Jiwelry. Our
mark is i;<.ilini)v less thau
yi-tlr -ti-factic:i. Tty ns.
% JKWBf.E 1 .
M/vJsUUU R R- Fare Pali. Notes
* takmn tUltiCH. BEST
taken i
ind cheapen on earth. Don’t delay. Write to-day.