Newspaper Page Text
■ - .
The straggle between the city of At
lanta and the railroads is nssom ug Ti
Utile propositions. Tl»e Capital Ciry (
wants equable freight rates and makes
known it* wants iu the lusty way it lin^
of tearing up the earth, surf j
tlie ambient atmosphere. Several oth-j
er cities in Georgia ate with the rail-]
roads, * tying that the rate Atlanta
wonts, <1 incriminate* against them. The
fight will be yvatched with interest
through the state, /aligned with the
anti railroad crowd
area number of
gentlemen who have heretofore always
been as thick as molasses in the wiuter
time with the raiirpad magnates The
Atlanta papers say it is a fight to the
finish . As Tom Lane * picture^ae
Thomas county character said once,
“the parties propose to fight until lied
freeze* over, and then lock horn and
skeet around upon the ice.
ALw iuiuresting example brings to
mind the usual relations existing be 1
tWetn rail roads, cirifa and citizens. The
railroad is generally a sort of IsUma-
e'ite. Every man's lmul is against
it. It is soaked for the right
f way, suotl for damages nt every tun;
oaatcu without conscience mid is th:
ro n of other delicate attention-of
tike ha net t. Yet wi'tial the radroid
i* not the inky ui.<pring of Erebus and
Xox that might bo fuppoiod. It is site
gient commertial%vaugelis>, deseit pop-
*r of modern rimes.
oUfor and town mal
do long us the railroad behave < it i« all
ri/liC. hut it is geMing to bu u'hold I ad
Th* people ought to keep tlm railroads
strictly watuu bouinds. Let llio man
agers of the big comjiauies knew that
they are public servants not publia mu-
ters. Thomavillo has a complaint of
its own about freight nres «ud we hope
Atlanta will win.
A Remedy That No One Is
Afraid To Take,
Dr. Thacher’a Liver and Blood Syrup
ha been used in thousands of homt* for
fifty-two ytitt with perfect confidence
end the most remarkable result,.
■ The great eneceu of thle remedy is due
to the fact that ite formula (which eon-
alata of Bnch'u, Hydrangea, Mandrake,
Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sanaparilla,
Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potautum)
ha been freely published. •
Doctor, end Druggists everywhere do
not hesitate to recommend a preparation
which they know contain# the heat-
known remedtea for correcting all Irreg
ularities of the three, Kidney, or Blood,
and the disease, caused by the foflure of
these functions to perform their proper
Pruv tip your la't wn'or'. suit and
. thankfulyoo h. veoue.
A't ezchauge inggesta that adrorti*.
big i> like an umbrella. It must be
. apt up to do any good.
Judgo Henry Sheffield Of the i'.taula
..resit who it well known In Thomas-
rule afJd)h political circled ihrooghoal
be stste will fctlre from the bench at
the expiration of hid promt term.
A Georgian who liae hnd much tat
sooal knowledge of malarial fever ay*
chat it!. not contracted from the nt-
mrepher, nor from mosguito infect too,
hat from impure water or ooataaiaat-
somethin* to relievo me. v
AS he seat me a packer* of Dr. Thacker's
Liver aad Blood Syrup 1 concluded to try It,
tad now X aaa deeply gratefal to my druggist
is well es to yea.
I had beta a sufferer from these things aad
1 general run-down condition for tea jreare,
rad had oaly received temporary relief frem
>ther medicines. Bnt after using not quite two
Meksges of yoer Liver aad Blood Syrup I feel
is moot aad hearty as I ever did iq ray life, and
: am sattsfled that I am entirety cured. I fret
to symptoms whatever of kidney trouble, and
ny digestion is as good ns any living man’s,
cqn now sat whatever I choose.
X never had any remedy give me such quick
i®4 permanent relief, and 1 can not put a cor-
ect cattraste on the value your medicine has
•eea to me. X would not take any amount of
aoney for it. Very gratefully yours
If wax sad n mWirin* trriftt to-do y for m
how. S.-.I. 1 ••Or, Thacker**
limit h Hook
Gliv aymvtom* /hr ml rice.
Me timplu nek »nm to tru « nt our am-
ffNW, We know ir/mf it trill do.
For sale by nil ifrugglata-tuo alter ~H0
siaia,aw>./Bf AA
-Stronjtrsf in ».n E.irh. in n Si'nsHtinnal Feat of* SiYt-ugih
bkitl H ib on ms SMm.Ut-r* :»t\c!e (>4«hr Wd.lim/
J*ounds wnil« .» i’r-«,pc o* Ihodo Riders lVrlorm Shilling
9angetoits Kc.i»- Riding ;it Top Speed. Hcid ot i
remand Gilded fit
Sold h>j good dm agists
50 DC3ES
Mao--/actu»e4 oaly by
Lawnr, Taylor A Riley
Urag Company
Use it often and pre
vent Malaria.
And cannot get what you want write us and you will get it or.
your money back. We keep goods just a little better than you find
in the average town. ‘?7c show this week
The New Style Hat
hat fie country is wild ov.-r. AHco|ra $ 3 oo each. We don’t’lce.-p nny thing, cheaj .
7Jyo:i are looking for cheap stuff we know of Us of places W»*« you can get it. We dont
\yxint that kind, we want to deal with _
Catyturl •v’in thevgetit. If you are that kind!, uy y -ur ."a >-* nnr. H.ts funv
b. .. j o i -oril get satisfaction it will be your fault.
ThomasvilleShoe Co.
Tbs Only Show to Visit This Section
Thomasville Monday Oot.3l3t
*• lO'BIG
s? ::hl o w s
ffcscmiifg tliHdeal 1 Show of the Whole World
IT frodigiotis and Phenomenal performers 300
Thowmsrfcrof th* .go ip hit sensational, awe-inspiring, death defyinK
a« of
itunv: Kl-'pb* Million.«iro \lt n.u»«*
i.oi H«r>- ! 5 i India-in! iooSh*fard l*oi«ie«!
^Performances Daily, Rain or5»iine
leserved Seats can he secure i by ei pit .i: counjcted with ticket
wagon daily. Low ra ecjcurs ns o i all railroads.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, nndwhlcU hswbem -
to nse for over 30 years, has borne the ***■»«
’ jo - and has been made under .his per-
s ZlS/?-*-#- sonal supervision sinco Its tnfttocf*
jviiow no one to dgcei vo yon In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Jusfrm»-good”«r« »
Experiments that trille with and endanger the health oT
Inlants and Children—Experience against tsperimen*.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IC
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcot!»
substance. Its ngo is Its guarantee. It <,estr ° 5S '\"7“?
and allays Feverishness. It cur-s Diarrhea mid Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troobles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea-Tho Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tf»« bo>r tafcgui irl rpaimt no. ,m
n» usu good luout in (lirei-n.* p !
ol T NC, s bUj Hicideut* wnl uOiu 1
t;ur iiiHpi'o of overt- effort to firevi nt
i he boft Mifegnard apain-r in* i
jury r, Bultinp from orridiiu> i.s L.’lfc ti’b
Kuiulsificd on Liuiuipm. It m tlio
most rervletablo nrvidant Emeli I
geucy Uuimant iv mu, ,.i„ . ei e j
most nitisfm-torj linimoir f (lr u>« i n !
the familv mid on uiiitu.-u,
l aige bottle 25cts. i. \v. p a
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
II BMmf that Thoou*viUa t* little lew
i nt*routed In the project to obtain deep
w 'ter at the port of Oarrabelle, than
Biinbridg*) aoi ©flier point* on the G
F. & A. Railwar. In a reeeut imme of
Iho Tlionumville Times Enterprise they
predict great thing* ikk o ilv for B Uu
bridge hot for the vho»e ot »hi4 soot ion,
ttpon the openiug wp of deep wafer ar
thin port. What thm action i* after is
competing freight rate* from the west
and the connect in jApr Carrabelle and
Pentasola by a line of shipi and preani
ors, wonld give these rates. The iden
C[f the ThoinnsriUe paper is that a rail
road would be projeorci from Thomas
ville to Carraladlt'B ihibridgo Search
Carries a complete line of Drugs,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta
tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps
Comb?, Brushes .....
The only up to-dato Soda fount
in town, scrying all kinds of cold
and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream,
A fine line of Tobacco and Clgara,
Fancy and Family Groceries,
j Thanking you for past patronage
P| ! rnd soliciting same in future.
. Ockiockonee. Georgia.
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
Price f i.oo per Setting 15 eggs.
Thortiasville, da
Lamar’s Lemon
- Laxative
The geeal family
for Constipation
for Disordered Live?
for Indigestion
for Headaclio
for nilionsnes3
for Dizziness
lion with th« mooting of
I •« mliercoJonis oonnnis.«ion in Mao
I hero is sothv <1 bous»>iou tbrougbont the
citr a* Hio ret-ulr of the icea Migg* k 8tod
by Dr. Hilnnmti.of Albany, of osrah-
liffihiug a malaria ootuini.siiion. Dr. Ilth-
mau tbinks an much good can l>e ac-
iior»»rl. i com *lnhod by fighting malaria its by
joiuiiiir urras ngaiuRt tho (ubercnloste
germ. ^
Iu disontsittg tho 1 jue>tion of a mahi-
ria commission. Dr. Hilsman stated
malaria i« cauhod by a gorm and nor bt
bad air, as was oiu-o rommotdy tliongbt
Ho says tho gorm of malaria is convey
ed on the body of u certain geuas of the.
mosquito, the circulation of the germ
l>eing broukdit about by a hyjxxiornii
cal injection of the insect. He also
gives au illustration to show tint tin
di*c»Fe of malaria is transmitted not
only by mosquitoes, but that the gern
float* through the air. In view of the
good which the tuberculosis commission
it expect* tod accomplish the idea which
Dr. Hilsman suggests in regard to a
malaria commissi ju it attracting some
\ teatloB.
The municipal campaign iv opening!
eariy. Reveisl gentlemen evidently be I
lieve that the eariy candidate rntches j
the v# te.
The dronifht seem* ro have arrived
The record)! g angel is kept busy at
present jotting down cm*.words caused
by MtublsHl tee* and hirkod sl ins.duiing
miduiulii nhiuo i.'s ft*r extra biunkots.
Rockefeller didn't be^'in to accumu
late wealth nn il lie was 35. That’s
probably the reason ho doesn't own .To.
piter, 8»*-cru, Venn-*, Mn-.a and tho
The Moultrie Obserrer can always be
counted ui»u to do its parr in nny move
ment for l he good of its community. It
is urging attendance upon the Farmers
lustitute to be held here November
I an«r to have brought its trank for a long
stay. That being the c**e all of ur
might as well nmfco up oar mind* to
bear with such cheerfulness as we can
muster, the misfortunes of th© dust and
divr Rur. wncan «l-o plan reasonable
. alleviation-.
1 lie city onght to tend the sprinkling
o-irt across the A. G. L trucks on Jack-
■ son street. The cart no a- go^s almost
I '* u *- v HU, i stops. As a result everybody
| that goes to '<r comes from the depot bns
1 ro strimgled bv dust from whirling
w hi i-l.s or plod ankle deep tjirough the
I sand. Then too the trains, roll in sur- •
rounded b\
the pill a
Tin’ cun* mil 1 nrd »hc 7
are both grinding now days.
We f*‘»l iK'tte*
how Herrick i* ri
Tl»e University of Georgia has organ
ized a press club. Newspaper, uot girl
of cloud Hint, guided the an-
tc itFs <m their daily march,
taut evo that iiopes to sc*o
e ove.'i f.»nn of a returned wanderer
tltnded i lie rosy lip* that are pursed
r H osculiitioii are baptised
ti grime rim nnricipativc nostril
■»t ongs to snuff the balmy fragrance
oar lauded piuey breezes is
n, ‘ il ' v:tl ' molecular real estate. The
■u.ti tuurist. or tho jhtroii mnking his
t to Thou
* present
Inson-nia ivo.1 In ( I, P a hart„ to
tha Domocrats lo oeqaire. They on^ht
to work niglas until ilia flection is over
A burgUr stole *40) from me bnnio o
a Sooth Georgia former. That wouldn't
have been done in-3 cent cotton days.
PiUtam had five marriage t last week.
Q life a maritime port.
conditions would he justified in draw-
tug the conclusion tha* all thednsE motes
m G'.iristenrtom h*ve .heir headquarters
here and that a s]iet;ial delegation lias
been sent to welcome hirii.
The very .imple remedy of having the
water cart go a block further will do
away with all t»;is discomfort and all
these bad first impressions.
Uncle Henry Davis and bin money I
both talking.