Newspaper Page Text
For Sal**. N-**lv Overhauled.
One 33 H. P. Tubular .Lkiito
S, W. Baker. A W. Xrey.
A. M. Wstwu, J.F.Lsmb.
0. .P. McRae, J.'F. Forrester,
J. O. Adorns, O. Welker,
W. Wf. Dekits Robt. Dekle,
J, W. Hell. Jt L. Cooke,
W. M. Brooke. J F. Pittman.
Ordered published as shore recom
mended tide diet day Of October 1901.
Bobf.G. Mitchell,
Judge 8, C. 8. O.
exas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok
alifornia Cfooratio
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
DiM.' Passenger Agent,
Thoee udm wieb 6aff board orpleM-
ant monte with board cau bo aooom
dated. EreryUiing clean, contfortable-
end homelike, good and prompt eerrioe
(deep to all. Phone lit.
Tim criminal docket for the Oetober
term of coart wee taken op Monday
morning at ten o’clock. Four pant leaf
juror* were enmmonod for the work in
hand. The gantlombn wtio'are doing
duty ore:
W. B. Cochran, 0, H. Rice, O. Vf.
1 Howard, W. P. Cot, J. L. Baldy, J.C
Prosser, T. S. Barrow, W B. single-
tary.G. W. Barrow, W. H. Boewetl,
1 Wm. Senttera, R. k. Pierce, W. C.
- Matboerai H. D. Phillips, J. D. Piuman,
W. Vf. Benton, Harry Singletary,"J. A.
Mitchell, J. A. Odom, W. A. Sorrell, J.
’ A. Redfeani, W. 0. Lewis, V, Scoggins,
L B. Singletary, H. C. Mize. &. J.
1 Joiner, J. G. Taylor, W. A. Fuller, J. S.
1 Rachels, J. W. Aabell. J T. Itedfearn,
1 Henry Mitchell, W, W. Williams, J J.
Cone, B. C, Johnson, J O Bererly, T.
3. Copcjeu, B. N. Apple white j J. S.
Montgomery, O. M. Robinson, A. G.
Robinson, W. A. Daren, W. F. Cox. E.
G. Harrell, M. G. MoMauns, W. D
Barber, J. B. Abridge, C. II. Yosug.
Tne first case taken npwts ihatof
the State against Sliadrack Wilson, a 1
negro of the Ways district charged with
rape. He was defended by Roaeoo a
Luke, and after a few minutes deliber
ation the Jury acquitted him.
ilhroontot camp wejl kept
naemns sreil oared for. We
xnt Itonsoin good condition.
Boston wm considerably .exercised
Friday ewer a eery bold bnrglary.
Sometime Thursday night (he bud
wake storo of John G. Barney was en
tered sndjfonr ofjtlie most Taluble pls-
tolt in the lionso stolen, Z~
Mr. Burney’s store abott sn alley In
the rear, and|the burglars effected an
eatiauce by removing two inn ben
from a window, opening on the alley.
So far as could be determined, no other
articles than the four pistols were slo-
Every effort is being made to capture
the miscreants, and the fact that the
numbers on the pistols ure known will
aid msterially in the chase.
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
S On Tuesday afternoon at half post
ro o’olook. Bar. Alex W. Beal»r unit
ed in matrimony the lives of two young
people well and favorably known
throughout this town and county. The
bride was Miss May Folsom and the
groom was Mr. Gardnar Cone, a pros-
pirtus citizen of the Ohaitaln neighbor
hood. The marriage took place at the
residence of G. H. Joamcke whore llie
charming bride male her home. After
the.ceremony the happy' brido and
groom drove through till country to
10,000 ~*\
I -
Free Samples
You Can Gat Ona.
ZZZ~ (Married at Boston. AM ZZZ
1 |Mlss Eva C. Stacey and Mr. G. M
Lovdl, representatives of two of Thom
as oounties most highly respected fami
lies were married on last Thursday night
at Boston, Rev. D. B. Parker Baptist
medldnsa and am now ssoad and wslL
having been eared eomplutely by Black
Weed. At the same time I had usi ag
gravated ease of Catarrh iff the head
and throat. Black Weed has completely
mrad^hiu, aadtayhawtls agw as clear
BLACK WEED Is sold by afl draw
gists at $1.00 a bottle, or ws wtil send
prepaid upon receipt of pries.
Send Your Warners
A trial sample of this great remedy,
Which will be seal absolutely fret, to
gether with oar book nonttlning value,
bla Inform tion and andorsemanta
Plsass mans! tn this paper. Address,
Black LLecd Medicine Co.,
JUIamto, Cm.
A Good Chaus
Tito early dawn Friday morning
foand » party of enthusiastic »jk>ru
men at tiie Chapin place ready to chase
a spriglitly fox. Reynard made a dash
through the fields and waa puracod by
Will Hopkins, Einmlt Mitchell, Eugene
Smith, Do peon, Will Davis, Arch
Davenport and James Long. The last
named gentleman was in at the death
and ia the proud poaasaor of the. brash.
Urn rail on the stairway
1 the jail in aa good condition
the present circa in-
Lf There is being aovoral rooms
aridad tolhe prison deportment which
needed for a long time.
the coll now joining
snu bs made so it can be ated
room, which wlU give one
to Ihp dwelling apartment
i-lshndly needed, alto slAk pat lr
Wa also ask that a
pedis front of the jail. We
vHaorndt that iron cots be.piacedin tie
- MMwsBaHke tin ones to be oaed in il e
-MW nella. These little impioreraeuls
ritsNMmot coat much and will add a grei t
••nbndkoUw comfort of the boom.
Weffted tbs poor honse In good con-
iirfl'ersrjtliliig kept neat ntd
" 'Ctfnsm. Wo -find throo inmates, all wMtn Inmates, at present,
■vieSiMh spooks*weU for our county.
aphamdsand bridges are all roporltd
- ik>%e intstitv good condition. Intone
thooonnty we think tlioroad
to lenient with
recommend that they
! diligent in tho'fatnro.
Rwpoctftdly submitted
, O. .Walker,
W. W. Dekle,
Robt. Dekle.
Wo -the nndoiElgned mombers of tl.w
.: itxik committee have examlord sscare-
Tsify aa out time would admit, the Ml-
ZlsntBg JasMo* of Hie peace frocks. W.
’ . JELlUb, J. WT H. Mitchell and J. E.
Husk aid fold them perfectly kept,
.xiamlagcaaaa tried, oosts etc.
‘ at being customary to examine these
Mata at the spring term no other jus-
- u-tlBBBeart rcoonh were submitted tons.
We alto made a careful examinatitn
ffitt teoksof the rooelver of tax re
nmagSL J. W. Howard, and find his books
and in the increase
oaa amount of returns,
i .that 1»; haa diligent
kyaa^faithfully discharged his duty.
Wa also examined tho rocords being
waiatatha delta office of Superior
—si. alih the Elliot Book Typewriter
-amMWlthen fata saving of one-half in
igla spare required to record any paper
1 with the cid way of tusk-
aby penand iuk. This saving
together with the improved
jstanasasTOt a type written record on r
aenttttnrecord being more legible and
kaa assy of alteration, induce us to
Ithat Hit couuty cmnmis-
• parohaM a machine for use in
r Court clerk’s office.
Respectfully anbmitted
Henry Wlglit.
J. F. Pittman,
Horal J. Miller,
’Book Committee.
Wa recmmend the appointment of
V. H. Bibb for the office of Notary
Justice of the Peao© in and
ifBH Militia District, also rncomt
IX J. Tamer Notary Public aud
Bfffe Justice of tlie Teuco for Mer-
»•Uatrict, Thomas county.
t that funds arising from hire
paid from tlio State to this
given to theOommiKMnucrs
M*. K. T. Macloarv
Capt. K. T. Macloau, who announces
for the office of city clerk in auother
column, has by his long residence in
Thomasville and his admirable conduct
in public life, made any introduction to
the people of Thomasville unnecessary.
He lias for several terms fillod the office
of city ctyrk with great satisfaction to
all. Heretofore ho has been appointed
by the city oonucil aud the office is now
for the first time elective. His caudi-
dacy will call for the strongest of sup
.< lo .. m Vcrrrcal *
8 '* * Locomotive “ on
One io H. P. Vertical boiler and en
f No. 3 DrLoach Saw Mill, Situ plea
I—in^h Inenfd fco< tb saw.
Srasll saws.
l—Soule steam fe»d rope ieecf as good
t—15H P. center crank engine.
1-35 ™ - - . .. ’«*
good as new.
»—Button saw mantle.
1—Set 36 stringer logging trucks neir
a—Set* 36 pole „ „ „
1—Duplex Steam pump,\new.
1—2 1-3 Gardner governor.
1—21-2 ,, ,, good a»
OhamtortafoT ,-J ’- 2 Kl " ff gav ? rnor '
1—2 1-2 Monarch governor.
I—J 1-2 Pickering governor.
Xs—Sets 12 Pickerii g Carriage truck,.
NnoDowliO la acquainted with its
good qualitie. am b« aurpriaad ft (he
great popularity at
Cough Remedy. It notonly unraa colds
and grip effootoallv and permanently,
bat proventa-theae disease, from naolt
1 lug in pneumonia. It is also a certai
j core /or croup. Whooping cough ia no
' dangerous when this remedy ia given.
I It oontains no opium or other harmful
substance and may he given aa confl
dently to a baby aa to an adnlt. It
aim pleasant to taka. When .ail of
these facta are taken Into coraiderari-D
it ia not surprising that people in for-<
elgn lands, aa well as at home, esteem ’■ If troubled with a weak digestion try
this remerly very highly and very lew j Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tab-
are willing to take any other after hav-! leU thef wiU do you good ; ror s;l i 0 by
fogoncensed it. For »le by J. W-lj w !Wjcli dvr .
new, the best made.
Prompt attention upon work. We
Will be prepared to furnish car.c mills it.
30 days.
Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot.
P. O. 103; Telephones 184 and 210.
Guess how many grains in
one gallon of Shelled Corn?
J. W. H. Mitchell.
Well and favorably kuown to tho
citizens of Thomasville U Mr. John W,
H. Mitchell who makes aunouucenunt
this moruiuK of his candidacy for tUo
office of city treasurer. He has already
begun active canvass for the office aid
his friends aro predicting his election.
He has heretofore held public office and
those who know him have every confi
fo I * act *“ hu bnslIU ' s ‘ ,lbUity nnd ' t^lc,
oconnt. in, " l!ri,y '
to express oar thanks to j
G. Mitchell fur Ilia able Dr J.' W. Moody, Boston's dentist
«o this jury, and forlus faithful j s P =ut tiuturdny in town.
of duty. We also thank | — .
J. A. Mniisfiold and R. H. Kelley ot
lVlham were iu toVvn on Saturday.
r W. B. Thomas for Ms efforts
a the discharge of our duty
tot tho court fot courte-
uhody, 3 ■ .
I jtbega presentments
1 ia on, conntypoiiers.
Vf H. Bibb, 8r„ Foreman.
JLI.Bqhnu. B. AzAldcamau,
K Ata-tse, T. G. Holloway,
y Wight. A. B. Cone’
B. Thomas. Jr.,
New Train to S. Louis.
8inoe the inauguration of the fast
Mobile aud Ohio Limited between
Montgomery and St. Louis, World’s
Fair travel has received a A <iraulus abd
the Montgomery-route grows daily iu
popularity. The M. & O. Limited
leaves Montgomcrv at night after the
arrival of its connecting trains from
the Southeast and reaches St. Louis the
next afternoon.
Iu Ten Days, Uso
ii npwr dtucovery, Run
..III bn rvAiudcil If It Fhi
mow Freckle-*, l'lNiplea,
* “ *'* olnnitld
irv crthct ...
m*Uer lu‘W long rtandlnx. In 15
Xftcr» Iwmj de^pctii nre removed tli _
1, cl*nr, hefclihy and bmuttrul.
lU uruwtlhi or b,
ed the okiii will
1 oefie
luftll. ThmiNAudh of
be sod, eli
ee-its at o _
IttdlOH Umtliy
Mis* Kiln . _
Junes*. IWM, ”1 have been u*tinr your Hstl-
nol»,Kvyi-tt .*n cnum, soap and Nad me Fur*
Fowler tmd like them all >erv much. Thu l
tho first mm
been wttho
have a beth
National Toilet Co , lMri*,Tomi
itid In Thornn*ville by U. Thom;
all druggist*--.
I ?
We are going to give to our customers, $500.00
in Gold on December 1st, 1904. Here is the Plan:
We have had placed in 4 quart jars, one gallon of corn, and
sealed by Judge S. A. Roddenbcry, mayor of Thomasville. One of
these jars is placed at Evans & Sou’s Warehouse; one at Neel Bros.
Store; oue at A. F. Churchwcll & Co’s; and one at the Thomasville
Shoe Co's
With every dollar Cash spent with any of the merchants signed
below, between September tst, igoq and Dec. ist, you will lie entitled
to one guess at the total number of grains in the four jars. With
every bale of cotton ginned at the Farmers Oin Company von will also
have a guess, and another guess with every bale of cotton weighed at
Evans & Son's Warehouse. The following gentlemen have consented
to act as judges in the contest: W. H. Godwin, E. P. Clay, J. S.
Ward, Jr., J. Q. Bft-an, Geo. M. Dekle, Ad. Way, Jr., T. J. Bran
don and T. W. Lewis.
7 he person guessing nearest ’ to the number of
grains in the four jars will get $ 100.00 in Gold.
- 50.00 in Gold.
25.00 each.
10.00 each.
5.00 each.
2.50 each.
1.00 each.
Next nearest will get
2 next nearest will get
5 next nearest will get
20 next nearest will get
40 next nearest will get
50 next nearest will get
In case of a tie for one prize, it will be divided among the peo
ple guessing the same. (To explain—Should two people tie for first
prize, they will receive $50.00 each. Should two (or more) guess next
nearest the prize will be divided equally among them, and so on. ,
MORAL—Bring your cotton to Thomasville; soend our money with us;
MANY mothers OF a like opiN; get the bst goods for our money (or you needn't by them); get into this
'contest and mabe you will get one of these prizes.
Mw Pilmer, of Cordovor, Iowa, .says:
••One of my children waa subject. to
croup of a never© typo, and the giving of
Chamberlain’*-Cough remedy promptly
always brought relief. Many mothers
in this neighborhood think J he same as
Ido about this remedy and want no
other\iud Tor their children. For sale
«jby J. W. Peicock dw
njeel brothers, '
t > i r . ; -U oeco