Newspaper Page Text
Southern people should buy their musical instruments from a house that is entirely under
Southern management and in,which Southern capital is invested. Such isr
Til" tb Ilf mir h'l-infsss dn» to tbnenergy with which w« bsi«e pushed it, to the worth of tbo ln«truu>nis and mnsiosl g>od«we handle, to tbe terms we oITtr ourcostomers, to tii.C r er & Dorongb gnatait «
that onrgnixii uiiU to the special iwlno-mnuts'tbai \ve I10M fo-th loanv p-Tibaiser—iiidnc-uii’n s such as the pnbU.caii find i o where els •.
Fo'one wssfe.'tte ine anybody win may buy* Piano or Organ before .tannery 1, 14)03. or who may here bought daring 1901 or who may have bought, prior to this year and wliosi amount's [aid tgsVo
da’, on December 1, a chance to'gel the instrument absolutely free ofcort. All that i* i ecferiiry is for the [anchase r 'o make the near'at guess to the number of Pianos or Orgies*«M ly onr h, u*« du-iiig 1904, Duc-
iug Ml( , th ; r , oop to |g i Thjg „„„ garve as a basis for gnaeaer.- Buy stance ail! make your Kites. If yon ! sr« already bought writ* Garter & Dor.mgb anil ask for BOir* on which to r-io-d yo ir tMb
might 111 an tour Piano ur for nothing. Wo bare a most aaliVaa o y reusoli for doing en. One is, tSa’Ia no one’s bnsiifas if we aee Ht to divide profits with btif'cus'omers. Another is. that we are t ot bumlj—
flipped by tie .»«.»«! expends that ore fooid in a syrtua using red tape ineil„ ds for celling pjiion-. Adv.nis ug Jodioioucly planed pats handsem-ly, and we fully realise this. W« ».e making etc. ngeOhM*
to hare our piam r in every u t section ot the Southern e alee, and lottotl i< »0 know that we mart jfsv*be t’er pricesoo similar guide? of pianos than other music houses can afford. What i<»r< ng with giri:g one
patrons a decided . dv ir s e m lie pilots £f all pianos and let them doeomo advertising for ns? Wo believe that ita’weyi reaulis in ibis, as a well pleased customer is a good advert’snientftr ai vconcern, aud you*
ftieodr w .aid .’o ibt e-e a .«:i is uto c udder a' im t 1 a great exeat i'. peiec'ing their piano*. For this kind of adrenal g we are willing to pay handsem ly and our castomcrs profit by such a decitioo oar part
And we car. please the most .rtist'C buyer, ns our hue includes some cf the finest art instruments manufactured in medium grades of pianos. The low prices prevailing will* us
demonstrate our ability to UNDERSELL ALL COMPE fffiON ALL THE TIME. ' f
Our special sale offer gives you a chance to get a
Piano at exactly one-half price. We have shaved off
ftfty per cent We do it because they are sample pi
anos Perfectly new, you understand. 1 hey aid
sample goods thouglv,' and that is tlic only’ reason we
can part with the pride of their makers for such a
price We want to devote fur undivided time to push
ing the famous makes th it we have named so that is
why we are willing to part with the sample goods for
so little.
• Ai. Ai. A A A A A AAZ. AA * A.i * t>
Tint* i« Good for 00 oil tin?
Purchase “f a Piano.
VaWlofittt, G.v; Tiften, Ga : Sariwmali,
Ga.. (Luddeo & Ban*): Tannia, H» .
(Lmldcn & Bate*), or deliver It to onr
of our icpiesftitaiivw, tiling ill the fol
* owing blanks:
Marne ? •
Address t
The offer ia Good np to December 1.
**2 ►
* ? >
5’ b t
o o
Take $25 from us as a gift. It is yours if you will
only accept it. It will be allowed*you on any piano-
*e sell, save those on which we have already cutthe .
price exactly in half. We sell the famons Chickst
ing, Mathusbek, Lndden & Bates, Ivers & Pond,. Les
ter and Kohler& Campbell Pianos. The coupon ap
posite tells the story . f our offer.
Valdosta, Ga.,
Tifton, Ga.,
Savannah, Ga., (Ludden & Bates).
- . •
Tampa, Fla, (Ludden & Bates
tUemlaea tlio countenance of »h* avenge man who h»pt*M tifdrop
mi-OOC Store llieee rogiwmtve f«Jl ototkiog day*. Aud no ?nu<KM
Wit nhouJd't [Ml.. nine! If ba if a man who lus au «ye for wliat k
k nowu to the trade aa Urielty
Ultra-Fashionable Apparel
■Jf Jot can approchite the diffsience between ttaoae and the ordinary
•diiaud ,’no-dowu” kind, there i« no other alternativn for Urn l,nt to
imi'r, he l'le«ied beyond myaipje,
‘Ihn good* handle! Ly Q ; i •
Sttt&ijLso Bros.
t f U.iifWWre and New York.
‘^High-Art GlotMsrs”
nr* 1 Tim very n-mc of clothing elegance, pof, oiling *11 Mioee point* ro
dear to the heart of tl<e fuMiilioie drawer.
<&% §trouse 5 Brothers.
i»K M
Commencing next Sunday October
81, (here Will be k change in tho Sun
day hoars at the poet office. People
can in future get their mail at the win
dow or from careen, only from S to 8
p. m. Hcrttofoj* tt>* general deUrery
window lias been 6pett kid the Carrieni
on baud to dUh out mall at three time*
during the day—via from 1) to 10 a. m.
2;30 to 3, p mv audO to 6{80 p. ra,
People who Call for their faiail Oil
Sundays shonld reihember that this
cbatltftlJ(0MIntooffucton the thirtieth
and tlmt frost 2 to 8$). m. in their only
o^an.'o to obtain mail. Thin will canse
om^iiiurablo iueoiAeuienee totheciti-
/.e j8 bnt they will piobably room iiccur-
tiin tlipmselvefl to it The i l/auge is
imde for the benefit of tho olerks and
aud carriers, who desire a dny cf rent
crinniou with other people* The
mails will liedistrihated proni|<tly ntiti
thoKe who have boxes cap of pet
r mail nt any time
Mr. tianfer-’s Annou
)iie of ThomaHVille's i
\ Mr, 8. );. ranford mu
morning his candidacy lor
Mr. Hanfo-d in woHJiimwi
ville people and
dutus of tlio office to w
to give lii> enti c tiimi
if elected. He will reo- ivo strong sup-
l»ort at tho |KilIs on primary day.
Rain. FUIn, S 'H«lp. Rain. Rain.
Strango thlugt haptwMfi in Thornia-
Till* Tocuday afternoon. UttlaehU.
dron were frightened and running to
their mothers elntehed ibt prelecting'
fold* of bar garment and laltff aboat
it like thia: *‘0h, Mama, tanma. some
thing it happening one of "doora. The
ground ia all wet and little dropa of wa
ter an falling through the air, What
does it mean, mama?” Then came the
reaaenring answer, "Hash mycheo-ild.
Tie nmaght byf r»ln,” “Baiu, mam^
What te fliaiP
fifat (lie liette dears should UOllt
hlarahd for forgetting, childhood**
memory ldihort, and all the babies who
hare he hit horn in Thomasville since
Sopt.a 1st had never seenra In before yes
terday. The proceedings began at half
post one o'clock widt a gentle drittzlo.
i’oople watclied with bated breath. Mr.
Bain was coy and shy. Ife was oncer*
tain, aud dKlident.. He crijnctted Jike
n lover trying to reinstate himself in
tlio good graces of his sweetheart aftor
n loug ana uncalled for desertion. Fi
ll.illy a steady fall began and continued
well into tho evening. The Si days
dmnglit was broken
Is daily expected, and you must prepare for it. «■- da
yju in this preparation we have placed upon otur hmmjjt
counter our majuificent gnd ?ar?fu11jr selected stadfc
Ladies Outing fidvras, Skirts arid Klmonis, Childrens
flg Gowns, Walking Skirts and Cloaks.
tie! Ill I onr Hiving wiil le easy enough.
Boys knee Pants Mtiis frem $1.75 toS6.50 Men’s suits $4.59 :o S25.CO
Won’t You Favor Us with a Call?
Colored -Society In Session.
The Fourth annual kcpmom of a eolorer 1
KOuiety. the Ht. Joseph AM-8oeiery*i
Grand Lodge for West Genrftia an *
Tennessee opened a N'ssion her** yr*s
terd.iv morning. Every train broogli!
rtolf^ut^K. Mayor Hoddenb ry. wel
comed the lodge in a speech at thr
African Baptist church !a t nignt. Tlio
circulars state that “Ht. H-v. (/. H.
Ticketa Eoihg Frlntcd.
The official tickets fsr the election on
own to 1.1* mas- j „ exf Tuesday week are now in the
»l fi'tiul for tho, imnrlM of the printer. They 441*0 not
lie irjy bo long oh the two-foot blanket
jjerpotrnated on the people at the Octo
ber State election. They contain only
tlio names of the thirteen Democratic
presidential electors and of Congress
man M. Griggs.
Ladies Long Outing Kimona’s,
“ Short ' “
6 c
Mr. Duron to Marr •
Mr. VV. E. Daren left Tuesday afier-
tuxiu at two rhiity-five for FTomerville,
Ga., on 11 most plosaniit misdo:i. He is
to he married them to Miss A vie Bnrk-
halter, daughter of one of Clinch c<
• y’s most proinii eht families.
Embroidered ,Outing Skirts
, “ Striped Briersti tilled Ruffle Skirts
Outing Skirts, trimmed in Cotton Torchon.
Soffd Colored Gowns, Pink and Blue
Fancy Stripe-4 Gowns
Children’s Outing Gowns from 49c to Sjl
Ladies Walking,Skirts, all sizes and colors made
in the latest Vogues from $3 44 to $7^y
All our lan Colored $7 50. Jackets at $5.50
And not to wail yourself of it would mMf>
loss to you later on. ,
Ou fitters i'or all Mar.-kin/’.
Payne, Bishop and Grand chief and After a short wedding tour the yont g
most excellent Potentat •” is presidin' P’^ple will bo at Ik main this city,
over the icwiou. I T, ‘° Wends of this popular yor gf
merchant will congratulate himln.niii-j
Miss Irma James has returned to ‘ ly and will I avo a warm welcome ff« r|
Cordele after a viiit to relAtivan Here. | his charging brfde, > j
Louis Steyermah
Broad and Jackson SIrcets*\