Newspaper Page Text
We Can Fit You Out in Everything to Wear
For Women and Girls.
Clothing, That fit and wear.
Overcoats, Heavy and warm
Underwear, Wo ■' and cotton
Ho'iery, All sorts.
Shirts, Dress and negligee.
F* ncv Vest s, Swell line.
Shoes can't b8 beat.
Eats, best yet.
Tador ma'Je jackets.
Cloaks, Shirts,
Mualin Underwear,
Fl^nelette Underwear,
Sweaters, Erin Coats,
Hosiery, Gloves,
Thomasville Ga.
„ x -.irhA ftA *r\ Near Monument
somebody is going to get $5Q0.,00 on Dec. 1st free. It may be you if you guess at the Com*
Application for Administration.
GKORGIA—ThnipAK (Polity,
J. I. Langley having iutulu application
tome lu be appointed permanent ad-
raiuisttaKir upon the estate of Levi
Langley, late of Mid Oonnty, deceased.
. Tliia ia Jo rite all jteiaon* that »id sp-
pilcation will be heard on the flint Mon
day In November, IU04.
, ~ WM. M. JONES,
- Application for Support.
, Tile iptuor children of Aleck Cochran,
doceasod,.. having made application to
-Milw court tlirongli. ttiei r neat friend
Elias Cochran for a twelve months asp
port on t of th<\ estate of the deceased,
and appraiser duly appointed, to set
same asido having marie their report, aU
persons couceroed nr» retinired tirahow
cense.bofore tint court of ordinary of
suid conutv otf the flrst Monday in No-
Application Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Mrs. 8. A. Pe irce, Administratrix 'of
the estate of J. W. Pearce, deceased,
having made application before inu lor
Application for Support,
Administrator’s Sola.
the purpose of selling realty belonging
to the estate. Tl e tvld application wlU
be lionrd on the lint Monday in Novem-
ber lHOt Let .all peraora shdw cause
before mo on that date why said appli
cation'should not he granted.
fyr Oriliuary.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To ull who t; it ay concern.
A. H. Kinyh Inning applied for Guar
dianship ot the person and property 0
Ruble Tvhon. nm.or child of W I*.
Tyson, late of Itarrian county, deceased.
Notice i» given that raid application will
dc heard at my cilice, at to o'clock a. m.
on the first Monday in October next.
This $lh Sept. 1904.
Wm.;M. Jones, ^
GEORGIA—Thomas Conuty.
' By virtue of an order of the Court'of
OhHnaxr of said county will be sold at
public outcry on the flrat Tuesday In
BovCfnber, 1004, til tlie court lionae in
t mfA county during usual hoars of sale,
itio following real estate situated m
/Thoms. county in town of Pavo, towit:
lot in block "V" fronting
i street one hundred seventy-
Hour feet and Anderson street uinety
feet,Staving a live room dwelling houso
unit. Residence lot in block “W"
(ranting Anderson street slxty-flve
yards and Wilson street sixty-live yards.
Bealdeoce lot in block "A" fronting
Mania street two hundred and ten feet,
running back of uniform wtdlli two
hundred and ten feet. Store-boose and
let In block "D," now oconpied as milt
nary store, fronting Main atieet Pkentr-
-Era feet, running back one hundred
feat. Terms cash.;
L. W. Humphreya,
V-30-4. Adntr. Estate of Sallie Dale
Application Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thorna* County.
T. W. Lewi*, administrator of the
•st&to of Wilxou X. Lyonit doconnd
haring mado application to me} to tell
ttw realty belonging to sahl extnte.
Thin i» to cito all po^oii* to shew
aaaae beforo inn on the lat Monday in
Hovetnbcr, 1964, why *aid application
rbonld not bo granted.
X nagutiate live years loans on farm
at lowest ratest of interest. Com-
charges reaioimble. A unall
(be, consistent with the amount
and tronblo involved, wilt be
in eaphtase. Bring your chain
with yon f
LDWlNYllU Y \s\
AttCiniV-al Law
Mtmi.i. Ga
~ Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Iu and by \ trtne of a mortago flfa is-
lined from the Sn]ierior Coart of Thorn
comity. Gu. I will soli at public sale
before the court houso door iu the city
of Thofnasville, Thomas conuty, Ga.
within the legal hoars of sale on \Ut
first Tuesday in Novomber, 1004, the
'.owing described property to w!t;
acres of land iu the north west cor
of lot of Isnd No. 3d?, iu the l?tlt
:rlct of Thomas county Ga. it being
tract of laud conveyed by 1*. Tin
uvrgnst to A. F. Prevatt on the 10th
day of Dc?. 1886 auri recorded in book
page 710, Records of deeds ot
IhouiuM county, Ga. this Sept, 28th
1904. Defendant notified in writing,
T. J. Hight,
Slteritf Thomas Co., Ga
^^Application fof Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Mrs Annie Daren, having made ap
plication for twelve mouths support out
ot the estate of P. F. Dureu and ap
praisers duly ap|X)inted to set apart the
same having fttod their return, all per
sons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Ordi
nary of said conuty ou the first Monday
iu November, 1964, why said application
should not be granted.
This 4th day of October, tVKH.
Win. M. Jot ee,
Ordinay. ■
Application For Administration
GEORGIA—Thomas Countv
M. A. Fleetwood, having mado appli
cation to mu in due form to bo appoint
ed permanent administrator upon the
estate of Mrs. M. F. Bouton, lato of
said county. Notice ia hereby given
that said application will bo heard a'
the rcgnlnr term of the court of ordina
ry for said conuty, to be held on tbs
first Moiuluy iu November 1904.
Witness my baud and official signa
ture tliis 4th day of October 1004.
Wm M Jones.
GEORGIA—Tiiomas County.
Mrs. Maryland Butler, having' piade
application for twelve month’s support
out of the estate of F M. Batter, and
appraiser* dul> appointed to set apart
the same having tl lied their return, ul
persons concerned are’ hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi
nary of raid conuty ou the first Monday*
in November, 1064, why said Application
•honld not bo granted. This*17th day
of September, 1064.
J Wm. M. Jones, .
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County
By virtue of &u order of the court oi
ordinary os said county. Will to sold
at public outcry, on the first Tuesday
in November 1904 at the court house
In said conuty between the usual hocW
of sale, the following real estate mu
uated in Thomas county to-wit: ^Onc
a?re in lot No. 883, five acres in lot'302,
ninety acres in iot 18, 18 1-5 aert-s fib lot
381,33 acre* in. lot 338, 125 acres ia lot
33?, 2 acres in lot 20, 15 12 acres in lots
381 and 382, 10 acres in lot 3S3, 20 acre.*-
in lot 344, 50 acres iu lot SS2. 00 seres
in lot 19, <5 acres in lot 882, 15 acres in
lot 3il), all in the 18th laud district ol
Thomas oonnty Georgia.
The sale will contiuue from dav to
day between tho same hours, until all
said property is sold. Terms cash.
TUia 4 th day of Oat ■ 190-1.
Robert F. Dixon
Adm'r. ■state of John B. Di on.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA - Thomas Conutv.
Mrs. Sallie L. Haves, udmiuistratrix
with tlie will annexed of the estate of
S. L Hayes, lato of said county, dec
ud, liAViug filed her petition for dis
charge, this is to cite ull persons con
cerned to show cfcuxe against the graut.
iug of this dtscharge, at tho regular term
of tho Court of Ordinary for said coun
ty to be held tn the first Monday iu
November, 1904.
Wm M. Jones,
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
pays for its sell iu ou« day* me. For
sale by allfhardware dealers or the
Wertz Mnnufactnriu .
Thomasville, Ga,
Ladies of Thomasville.
I am iutrodociog in your pretty city
BRACE and combination 3kirt Suppor
ter, a twentieth centnry ? substitute fof
the Corset. It not only gives a lithe
and graceful figure but it forces deep
breaming which Is so essential for bright
eyes, a clear complexion and a long
It given mon tho training of a
For City Marshal.
I harvby nnuoann- myself ns a candi
date lor ru election to rim office oi City
Marnlial, ,object to tlm action of the
whito iirimary. It l atn re-olectad, I
will iu til** fnturo an I have done in the
past, givo my best ntivution to the
Juries of live o'flb c
For City Treasurer/
military school. It prevents the
smothering of tho lungs In boys and
girls. Yoo havo only one life to life.
Why not prolong it? 10-31-1 W.&W.
Mrs. E. L. Trigr.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Tiiosiak County.
To all whom it may concern, T. F,
Dyson having applied for guardianship
of tho person and property of Madonna
.T. Dyson minor child of Fannie M. Dy-
Foil, late of said county deceased. No
tice is given that- snid application will
be heard at my office at 10:00a. m. on
the first Monday iu November next.
This 3rd day of Oct. 1&04.
William M, Jones
10-0 4t Ordinary
I horebv tumnuMo mrseif as a candi
date for the office of my ticasurer, sub
ject to the ue.riou of the
whito primary, and solicit the support
of (lift voters «»r tho city. Ir elected l
will give the duties of tho office my
best personal attf iion.
Waiter W. Williams.
For City Clerk.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for ra-eloetlou to the office of
City Clerk, subject ro tl e action of tlio
white primary. If I nin re-elected I
will iu the future as i have done iu the
past- give my b?st attention to the duties
of the otftci
spcct fully,
1C. T. Maeleau.
For City Treasurer.
iv announce tnvacl!
ficeyfi ny Tren.s
Lien futile wulto
I hereby announce inywlf a candidate,
for the I'ffice lY Csfy Treasurer, subject
to the action «,r t h«: wuuo privnary and
solicit the hut.p«»rt of the voters. Should
I be elected i will give mv tiuio and bc*t
faithful discharge-of
attention to
the duties of th«* otfic.p,
For City Sexton.
I herebv announce myself rs a can-
didate for tlm office ot cjtj' sexton
Application for Administration j 3!S^h?tol^^JS5?l»u«to5J
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
M. A. Fleetwood having made appli
cation to me to be appointed jtermauent
Thomasville Business College. | adminl,tr " orD P onth< ’ e,tMeo,Ch “ li *
If yon are interest!'tl in a UntiueM: C * rter ' "
Eilnvation, yon will do well to invest!■ j Thil ia to cito aU persona that said ap-
gate tho methods of tl.e above-named plication will be heard on the 1st Mon-
Institution. For fall information, ad- j jay j n November, 11)04.
dress or call on ' ANS . OK w | !AL L. i S* wh - M - JONHS,
President | Ordicary.
I will give ray
to the duties c
entire time aud attention
film office!
s. b. sanford.
Cows tor Sa*r,
invent; -five
head flue registered
Jtr.-ey cattle
and one good mute for
•ale by D. J.
Brew too, IhomawilU,
G. ,