Newspaper Page Text
. . .
:oVeono»»ol«onoaoko4«oyovio>to»>o*>.o3*ono»to»>oro>ioJ(oRoroijo j
Ourjlielve^ireseni,a beautiful. sight, laden as
they arej with tjie heautiful r spft finished, Gold Medal .
Dres^ Goods. (
Yan this week with a few choice bargains, and at •/.-
such prices you pan not afford to let pass. Every f
yard guarawttjw’to be fast colors, arict'as to wear, '-f
none.wear’longer, f ’'•!>
^ 44
X 54
V 54
0 4*
40 i^ch niileci Suitings. 49c
Cheviots 53c
Wild Chevots 57c
Pravenette - Suitings.. .......:.:.. v $1.19
: 3E2mt
Covert" Suitings.,
Scotch Suiting. ...
Crick e. Suiting’s.!
Manisli Suitings..
Black Melrose.. ..
Black. Linicra....
Blacsk Panama 96c
illaok Bread C?etk 97c
Black Ujiii wished Worsted, : .v $R39
Black XabPaitrfiiitf... ....’ Sr.b?
y ; These prices sre only good for one week ^
We do not claim them to be Better, ^
but we do claim them to be just as ff:
good as round anywhere else« ; •.$$$??.• tiiwht^^iiiil
rl,yJ0 : ''$ssz$' 4s■!?!!?“ ®§y!!S3$ lh - -dS
V .1 .1 .1 ...-Hit .. — 1. 'ituo .. , l.‘2i
o»o-*cao*owo.4o,« O - C icoigcm c *<*?o jjc 9»^»*oi5 tf itoHo fcofcoifo* o*» c
Hr. B. H. Griffin who mysterously
dii«i ptartju in Savannah several weeks
Uf0 has turned up at his homo iu Cami’-
lai II# explains his absence on the
Populist Candidate Entertained Audi
enee at Court House.
yon, Thomas' E. Watson, the candi
date of the People’s Party for president
arrived in the city Tuesday morning
::t one o’clock from Statesboro, where
ne spoke on Mouday. Ho was accom
panied by bis friend Hon. C. E. Mc
Gregor of Thomson. He spent the night
at U10 ^litprliel^-house rand spout the
early nlormnj.Ju conversation with the
leaders of his parfcy’at the hotel.
They liadjplanued to have him ad-
<ire$s thb'vejfcerircif the conrijey from a
^pepkeljjs stind i t j Paradise Park erected
for thaf pur'poso' Mr. Watson's throat
iyjis suffevinK from-. tl.o.- straiu^f cot>
tinned speeches and ho refused to speak
in the opeu air; Tho place of m^etrfug
was transferred,to tho obuxt ;hpusn and
tie spoke to an audience »f £00. Tho
majority of ‘these_>yero Democrats who
accorded hlm blcao attentfcili. and j.nufcd
in tbelanghtdr and applauso^cansed by
his keen thrusts at the old parties
He was iutroduewl by*"Ills''{persodiiT
friend, Hon. S. li. MoLeudou. in a few
welbpboson words. Mr. Watson if n
um» pTmagiffetio presence, with’ii kindly,
humorouscountenance, a pleasant smile
and a melodious voices that are at van*
a ace with the sting of his words.. He
was slightly hoarse, l^st spoke fer mere
iksa a* l»p»r, n bsieg r iq*enujeted,by *
ipsBirt ekeere lti by tke leader* of I Is
party who irro.uped: ereu*d^lie < «4Hli,rt^»ii
end lent jtiieir emp'ia^endorsomcist to! Tyv* atMpoita^tiidesj'tpftk^i
,w He began by a vigorous attack on ll o
tin is well known in ThoaiatyiUo and
often comes here, A story in the
fsvssnah News ssys:
“It is recalled that ene E. H. Griffin
registered at a hotel in Thoraasviile
but disappeared from tiicre ts, mjpteu*
onsly a* lie did from Savannah. His
wife loam 3d of J)is hating're^lRtered
tliore and matje iiiquiriefi, but'.no one
seemed to know anything about him.”
The’Mory of liis having been in Thom-
mvillo is uvideutly a ! ,ini«tak^ rb! he has
not been at any. ol'. the loci/it tbLtels- in
some time. There is subther drummer
ii’iined Oiifflu wbfr'~ihrtk : e.v tiris prut
frequently and tho siuuljt’rity'iu namcn
probably Caos'id ropfnsietV ih identity.
*Hopoit4say that Gri'fdiiis now semi-
sano and,Cells of bavin*’ walked ii)l over
Georgia-r-rhc last stdge. of ihis journey
being- from Co'deie to CairnT)e> His
wife, who 1ms been at Quitman
’ liiwo-. ',1) Camilla yesterday,
she says that siuce_ u recent in
jury to his head, he has not been iu his
right- nknd bat that she now hopes he
cmi bo cured. Other nud more Simple
explanations aro. given of Ills erratic
R.'pnblicait-party. He gayy -it credit
Wco this to hoy. “tho Rtpu'biio iu nov er
Sirs to change cars,” But ho said ti e
-oiittistenoy was that of haildingiapa
ntouied urUtaaraoy, of^elassjlegislatioo,
$Ik ’fiAilMildjttflri.-
the rich '.and ^ruyiin^^ffW^p^io/.jf Hi
formed the 000‘J National BaultB *>,(.00
It, «s a rule, r»c iv-d tv hi. lellowmen. A dumond in th: Vougli maj- bn o( ur..
told value, but in order to be fully appreciated it most be cut'and well /
set. Ti e same applies to M,an, to appear to lb; best advantage, his
clothes shrub! bci - kicpirgttiih the tiroes, not nccissarily expensive
r but U|i lo cate. A'"* ih s is < xactl) the point we h.te in mind when
we ibfer to our suit' 'torn
The very top n tch of fa-hio.i enters into every angle of their make up, .y d t»-e
price, everything con-ie'ered, is rridiculously low. Bear in mind we
can fit >ou out in m head to foot. Everything. Shoes excepted.
•Jritld irtHdcnffvUy reffinrkoi ‘tfidV
' hmifahof Ueorgia .wwa-cftjpitaliwd how*
•Htly^at T minun-, W r flter< (l by‘: Ipd Cal-
iitiuflaud rd^gau^'Td 1 HI ini Hi oils, and"
l iter by Morgan and Bclmout- , to 5C
uiljion. This was a highdinhyed-iob-
li*:r^ uudor tlw gidijo cf lnw.”: I
lie said that ito honored and rcKpicf-
d Prerl-ieut Roosevelt as no honest and
•incure man .with the courage of, ids
eonvictiom*, but that he would crush
In political life ont of him with a tear
'mg if he coaid.
T" ~'Tfe’^iSuT aRaoTeT^ulJ^e ^Far{t«r iin’d
h D^uiochitid party. J Hb.kairl<iUib!lj<i
.miquestion hud, been injected by the
. jeipocmta iuto ttiys cump -ign but
iot a real issue. “Ju thu hou'.Ii
iold tlie uegro in (lie hollow cf our
oud, nud wo will keep him ,therf. The
o dy reason lie lmi not bseii ditfran*
c \scA in Georgia .ii^bepausq^he lathe
•sugar in the Demojcratic cpjff; e. .lliey
need, him at eiecti^fi timo. Give me m
irtir.ejection and can I cun whip Hauq.
McWliortcr uud his-gang ont of their
iioots.” v %
He accnted Judge Pari er of heiiig a
rust candidate aiul called the Sr. Louis
'invention it base surremttr <-,f tl c
democratic party. He discns»od .11
-ridf ihe Phillipiues and Panama qu^-
(On/, referred to his Noathtrn hirih am:
lead for aap|>ort on that: giound.' lb
aid iluit the fight • aloag thefcu . liner
.vouhl be continued after tho election
iid a “Jeffemouiuu De»uocr*tic purty
voaid be formed. ,
Mr. Waxson was interviewed by r
i’itnf s Enterprise reporter as wgs a'si-
id- friend Col. MeGreg .r.. In sc geujtle-
a ni view their campaign rather in kite
U ;ht of a tour 6f education, than fr^m
rli i votes tliey expect to get. They do
n »t expect to carry a state Or secure any
.‘1 ? ;toral voter Tsoy are building great
iO. es on the campaign of iffbl. Mr.
vV itson did not suppose that an alliam a
wit t liearstand Bryan would be formed,
bn; hoped that all weald work along
the same liues
A; 1:4o31r.. Watson left for Albany
residence lots uiid a Htoro rqoai In the
city of I^V.q njjare FoUt'by ^LL W/Hnm^)
pliries administratcr of the estate pf
tki’lie Dukes The property as pur-
oliased by J. W. Duke*vJ. M. Gandy,
a-.ul Dr. J. Prank Harris. Tlie aggre-
KiVss-iitifcdrod auii mnetf
Ou' fitters for all Man-kind.
vaanjux’pyyfiy Among
we"0 Mia J. B\Dixon, Mis Sellers and
M •.-eis.pplimli. T'^jkMpriTnUd jTcKoV if?
-A h‘»“l Vi’l(^A.Ali«trlct^&dV
vertised to bo «old finder a mortgage
$i-ii-iiynujitjAPiieVatt, war not sold,
.jviug to the filing of a*laim Loud.
Last Sad Rites.
Tha service^ over the lumuins
ft Mt.*«Tohii Dafllil wfete conducted ni
4; 15 Taosd.iy afternoon from tho iosW
denco in Fairviow. Many porr«*ing
driwiida uUo*de4 by*44wii* * fuwencp^ntMF
-iloral^fFeHugsThe cpyem in whjcli they
held the departed. liev.'fC. Read offi-
ciutod at tiro lust satj rite?, mid
TimClilitholm, Milt Ball, Henry lister,
I/ce Nco!, Clyde Neel and Charles C.
Smith wore the pall hturera, who bore
tlie remains to their lust resting place at
Lanrol Hill.
(By J W. Donalison.)
Merrillville, Ga. Nov. 2, 1904.
What’s the matter of th? new militia
Again and th<* justice elect hadn't recci
ed his commission for the Merrillville
district, so as to allow t' osc who wish
to vote in this vicinity an opportunity to
do 5u.
Should the droith contiaue much
lonjfor cane crops and tho/T 11 jjfyMknf
^ill4c cukoll coiiriideraUIy. . . .
( .\tUses M»*niio «nd Lottie .32yans’ < f
Codfidye A r d Miss Clara Belle’Wind of
Thofnasvqlle spent the -day here l^ist
Sundjiy. gyests of Mr. and Mr<*. J. N.
’ Mrs. N* E.’ T.rner left last Sunday
to spend a few Mays with her son Mr.
W. B. Turecrbf near Thoniasvillc.
Mrs - . 3, J. BrAdley- and Miss Li!a
’Ftontbf Sav^nah, arc visiting their sis
ter, Mrs. J. R. Morston, on -Evans st.
Mr./und- Airs. J. II: G, johrison aiid
family, Messrs, N E. arid J. j: Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mathis and a great
many others Went to the circus Monday
Mr. I* S'. Hcetu, Thomas county’s
clever tax collector was here Tubsday,
giving the people an opportunity to pay
taxes.---*. - • - y *' .1.
Messrs, JjAI. ami J.^R. DykrvT. p
mi^ksheir, asd'J. R. Lun f«i«l Wfnt to
Thftaasviije Tuesday .t«^be/r^/W*n.
Tsowis E. Watsnn spank.
Vi i ?.-e glad t« chromic!* fke csnval-
• :o«iae of tkvwifo of Rev. A. C. Stepk-
ciion^whOj hai beet\ »offeri»g wijli f^
tea. <$w, asm
rj News Items Prom Susina.
Ml, S, M, Beach.)
Saturday night nt 8 o’clock Mr. A*
Parker, of the firm of'-Parker *r?ft
badly hart. Ho was at the : cor nee qC
Fletcher and Broad streets and. %■*
struck from behind-by-ii hft
knows by stglifi,;
win fclied-lo fh®'gi6iniii* VooTiin
cut open by•i't-.tetffe Xj&ffiliSSBk sharp,
instrument prcjwbly a pii^R of pefcnfe*
Hng. ■ 1 • . •;
Niir.withstandln/rfthe jKovero bj^W Ur.
Pa rber got;’ up; - seCtrred it’ plsrol, and
followed his assailant to Paradise
Ho fired at him but missed, nnf$U»>
man is still at large,. Mr. ParlferMi
hurt ispaiaful but not dangerouiL * Hft
hopes to locate the thng, wIioyo mo.GTfis
hecaunof. fathom a .d Imve him behindt
the bars today. /
f y: 1— . ^
A fcvotecofil or attack o' la grip^fe fc-
likc n fire, the sooner y* u comb it ^;th^
betier Noyr Chance to ovejpbvcjft.-' if%
But few mothers in this age are wdjiog:
to do the necess iry work rcquiy t f>4 fo»
yive the^^reHube trea'Oljin.k
such as ;ttlmin|stered .br’i^e
grand ihotU'Crs, - backed by Bos chige-s
ffernii n S\tup. which Was alwnyk
errtl.jy used n eonnectiow with the
treatment of colds and i« still
kMselvald favar tk^n any koowftii
•dy. but evea y witha»t tneapi
of the old fa*kiarve«) aids, Germ-ttt
wtH c*rc a aavarc c-afd in q«itk
will in children o* grf
peepi"^ it ff'JeVeTthc cong Bled
aBay^piieiffltaiiou, and effectually
the cough. , Any child will take il
is invaluable in n household cf c
Trial size I otfl?s 25c: rp^ular s;ze (
In life prcsenco of Arrowing rel«*tivr s For sale by*. J. W. Peacock
1! friends, all tliaT wa< mortal of ?• . — —
J.B«niou, was 1-ud in its list resting. 'Reward,
at the new Ochlocknec Bapthtj Liberal rewir*l will b • giv«n f,
rtfchburi ;d ground, last hnnd.iy after- formation concern.ti v ' the wherctl
Mr. ond r ilr/. O. If. Keep’of New
York ba»e f rrivod iu Tkoais'tvilfo for
he winter and are- al their beautiful
.oiue on Broad street. They ore among
the oldest of Thomasrillo's winter resi-
dents, and tlieir friends are always glad
o see them in th dr southern home. 1
j Old papers by the thousands,’fo
• sate at Tim js-entorpiIs?.
. T. J. Ball Writes Communication
on Ike Llvo Topic.
-»er :r*'T
Editors Times-Enterprise:
iu view of the agitation on the subject
1 wonM say that I ItaVe had k' varied
xjKtHoudo with .lights. Ui-iNg hard to
pleAso have tr.ed ttiem all.! Wo first
n ed gas which we found quite ex|»n-
0, our bills-Tonulug as high as $15.(0
#111.00 at tines as I now remember.
We afterwards put in (lie best oil Uaips
ihat we conld buy When our extents
was very much le»s but light not yet
itisfactory; afterward we, put in an
acetylene plant at a cou»iderable ex-
p •iiw, which uiuriu a good light but yet
a higher monthly expense than the
kerosene lamps. It was ulso very tedi
um to charge daily and very dangerour,
We abaudofled thi:. to put in the eleotric
light* now used Id the City, width l re-
g*rd as good or., hotter it an any light
I have even liml, reasonable than
any iih they cost only'$d.50 jx.-r mouth
and less «:roqb!e, and'altogether mote
-.itisfactory than any of tho above meu-
cioned. I think it best to let well
bnoogh alone,” , j
T. J. BALL.'
Capt. W. H. Mercer cf the A. O. L.
who came, very near losing wu arm while
swinging from a train yes'orday is at
Musory. The Captain hap a badly
sprained arm hut getting into -<t*k>d
hhnpe again.' •, ;
:I ho ii bcenin
l- h 4i’d m
m - ao-
^Jswk 8 '* 0
J&*kj& Bcntjtn of Th|m-*isvjlU.'akd»AU|^
‘'ewi^’Tfwfxon oi tuis^d-ics^^
Mr. licHoy i)ickcy U*h l.i't Sunday
fo - ThomaMiilc where he b is accepted
»-f£*tion yri h ^ ;: E
: ’ 5 ■
M r . and Mrs. lL-nry^Qua»tehhan oi
TdoUIUSffc; jL'uii.Vfotvn,. ,lrAltr*iliiy to
visit relative?.
Mr. and Mrs. E M. Andrew A o'
('homasvillc, came cipwn last Sunday
w» nittn i thc ’burial ViTtheir ’'SrnlEieM?'-
iaw, Mr. 11 BfintOij. ' j:' • .\\{4
A pretty .w dding tpuk p.Lec. Ja ; t
1'hiirbday nt the home of.the bruJo.'whm
VIr,. Walter B^wnnnd Miss EmiityiCLn-
null >vcre . joined together as bgsbat,d
uni wile. ..The bride {1 the, t c’pat;
laughter ol .Mr.^U pry Connell of D.
i.atcr county. X b 9, g/oopr i^ opeol opr
ino.d-1 young tnen, asm of the latp Mr.
W. H h Brown, and rfeplupv of l^r, Csrii
Brown of Tbwn«pjllc» i\Ys wish the pi
^uch hapI>ines3„ .Rov. Ceo. Brown of
i.itnonia performea the ceremony.
The ueytr ^ridgcaScoll
ecting Thomas and Decdtur coiiiitics'"is
OlPP)et?d^ ttfid -jqpyied,
• W lirsvatgkt the bridge ».oems to he full
\iw, but ihe work is substantial and well
one. As a business investment for the
vuaiythe, bridge yfii). ip a lew years
jay for itself and muintenaoe,/ by doing
1 Way with ihet-xpcncn :cof a fern mar.
There was a general outpouring of our
aitzeju to Thomasyllle last Mop..ay 10
take in the circus. .
Mr. y7. E. SUnaland, the new ovei-
ver at “nusina” has mado mauy in.
jrovem nts.:un tbe platiutLn and is a
r stler. • . •
Judge H. W» Hopkins has not *.nly
1 tine hunting grotiud at “Sheiwojit”
>ut a splendid range ‘tor the purpose of
nig vatsmg which he ha. t kemadvan*
age of. He has a large bunch of pork-
•rri fat enough to kill.
W. D. Ricks .,f Mtiy, Gii.
Ad Ircss E. A, SmltJ
Now Lun
JfeMK Lnni>
t'jsr Company,
nlld ( furies
^lieuMforuirtdj'.u new lunifor comp
Wlfiw-eidqQ srterr. l ore • Tho latfji
well ml favorablv known
xlics^, N^.ernijSif wt^, liui lierctpi
iiu-.ln lls he ulii Tfrlr.-rn. c^lcfigo.
••■.net Mr*. Phillips luye rented the!
If fJj. Gcyjygu^i Cifigtind will
it about the middle o^ tlie month. $|
cowiomj’ftuv lius offices in 1 urn her
wh-uu iheeAlert LnudiorCe. was. ^
Long Potato.
Mr. Josepli Williams, a tiptop farmer
wlto lives ten miles from town on 'tl o
Coffee road, lias hrcuwlit in a peculiar
looklug sweet potato. It measures al
most two feet iu length and looks roorp
like a casbaya root than a^potato. Mr.
WilliauiiPirHh" has m*iuy mre like
tli h, tmt hardly knows how to sell them
whether by tlie foot or by the ^coffin
fulU ' *
: 'gsm&sm
J ' E? ‘ --'ll ' ’>•! .>V-XK.
q There is no spccijfe,Tot
consumption. Fresh air, ex
ercise, nourishing, fooi^imd,~ e
Scott’s Emulsion, will, .coin#.,,
pretty near curint-if, if r t* ~
is anything to „
lions of people throughout
world-are. liviqg apd jn.gj
health oi» one long- , w
From 1 time immeqibria) the
doctors -prescribed ’ cod heer-.i
■ oil for. consumptifttjyr . pt/ ,
course .the patient coulj not
take it in its old form', heoce
it did Very little good. W ;
can take ”
and tolerate it for a loos
S ’ te. There is no oil, nil
cepting butter, so easily
digested and absorbed by tbe
system as cod Ever oil in.tbe 4
form of Scott’s . Emulsion, ,
and that is t)ie reason it M M.,,
helpful in consumption where ^
its use must be’ continuous. ’ '
a . 9f|
Q We will send you
sample free.
€J Be lure that eh!*
picture in the form of
a label « on the wrap
per pf every bottle of
Kmubion you buy.