Newspaper Page Text
Cold Weather is Coming. Had you
thought of that?
Your need^ for Winter will foe apparent.
’ have everything to keep you warm.
■■Ml'Mi !■■■■■ 1 I 1 i 1
wg keep the Most Complete Stock of Dry Goods in Thomas County.
Core where You Can Get a Selelection,
-YOTjnFiss TmrrjL-sr
Broad Street. * Thomasville Ga. ’ t Near Monument
P. S—Remember somebody is going to get $500.00 on Dec. 1st free. It m a y* be you if you guess at the Com.
S-ecielSale in all Departments oaSaturday November 12. in Cotton S eks on that oay 39c
5 Shoriff Sale.
GEORGIA, ThomM County:
WiU be (Old on the First Toesday lu
3b(eember 1901 between thehraal lege
boar, of win, before the ootfrt Loose
-floor In Thomas Oonmy, Ga., 1° 1,10
.bn, bidder for cash, the following
d property, to-wltl *1 that traot or
met of tend, situate, lying end heiug
tbo 18th, district of Thomas county,
. and being that pert of lot of lend
r thirty eeron (37) In «nid district
tor-"*- 1 M follow, i Commencing at
ibo county Hue rood et the corner of
achat wee formerly Barnett's lend end
I, penning thenoe »long the Booth line of
the eeJdBernett’. lend forty one'obelus
to the AibuuT b ranch of the Atlautlo
Ooaet Une Beil Roed, thence elong the
line of Bnnyen Vonng't leud to the
Wttirnerof theBdienoellend4S:80chetn.
to the County Line Roed thence elong
iheOoeflty Line Roed U;4l clinius back
tothe starting point, coutuiuing thirty
•m eorna more or igss.
.Leyled on end sold as the pronerty of
JLQ. Qrent and Mrs. J. S. Hoffman to
tobefy two 0. fas. IbsuciI frc'j> the Super-
jor court of Fulton county, Ga, to satisfy
*t» principal, interest and cost duo on
wmaeidfi. fas. NotlccT given to dafon.
dents in writing of this levy.
This Nov. 8 1901.
T. J. Hlglit,
334-tt Sheriff.
Applicatipn Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—TliomaB ConnVy.
Mrs. S. A. Peerce, Administratrix of
the e.teto of J. W. Peerce, deceased,
having mado eppltcatlon before me lor
the purpose of eelllng realty belonging
to the estate. The .rid application will
be heard eu the first Mouday in Novem
ber 11)01. Let-all pereo'-s show oause
before mo on that date whv .aid appli
cation should not be granted.
AdeUne Mitchell V4. John Mitchell.
To John Mitchell;
*y w are 1 hereby cued to be end ap-
-nwrai the next term ot Themis Superi-
„ Court. (April term Utoj, in the case
abeee (hltd and show cause, if any you
toe why livorce should not be granted.
Ik default thereof the courtjqril proceed
ma justice may appear.
rCiran under »y bend end srel.
J. W. Groover. J
Clerk superior Court.
•rtd-i 1-9-16-
lb the lOiatrjet Court of the Unite
States, forthe Southtrn Dletrletof.
ll( , . j |( ■ | \ ii ti Division.
In tbo Matter of 1
Wm. E. Sannders r In Bankruptcy
Bankrupt. J
To'tlio creditors of .Via. E. Sauudeis
of Cairo in tlto county of Thomas aUO
district aforoseid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby; Riven that ou tl u
3rd day of Nov. 1904, the said Wm. K
Sanmlcrs was duly adjudicated ImsuI-
rupt; and tlie first meeting of hit credit
ors will bo bold ot tbo ollico cf the un
dorslgr.od, J. H. MERRILL, Roforte, ii.
Thomasvlllo. Oa , on tits 19th day o:
November A. D , 1904, at ten o clock in
the foreman, at which limo tbo said
creditors may attend, prove their claims,
appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt
and transact such other business as may
properly come before said meeting.
November fird, 1904.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Application for Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Thu minor children of Aleck .Cocluvtn,
deceased, having mado application to
this coart through their next friend
Elias Cochran for a twelve months sup
port out of the estate of the deceased,
and appraisers duly appoint'd, to set
same aside having mar e their report, all
persons concerned art required to show,
cause before the court of ordinary of
said countv on the first Monday In No
vember 1901, why tho application shoold
not bo granted and the report of the ap
praisers couflrmed.
Application For Administration
GEORGIA—Thom. ^County
M. A. Fleetwood, having made appli
cation to me in due form to Le appoint
ed permanent administrator upon the
estate of Mrs. M. F. Benton, late of
said county. Notico is hereby given
that said application will be hoard at
tbo regular term of tho court of ordina
ry for said county, to be hold on the
first Monday in November 1904.
Witness my bund and official signa
ture thisyth day of October/!904,
Wm. M. Jones.
s Ujdiuary
LOST—Ou Wednesday Oct. 90th, it.
tho post office at Tbomasyille, Ga„ or
in goiue from post office to office ot
James Gribbeu, and front there to At
lantia Coast Line depot. A black leathei
foldtng pocket book, ccntaining a sum
of monee, some receipts, due bills auo
otlior {tapers of value to tho owueronly
A rewsnl of five* dollars will bo paid
for its return to Johu B. Grant, Jack-
so i Slreet, Thomaaville, Ga.
0.30-fit Jolm F. Traycc'.
Application Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
T. W. Lewis, administrator of tlie
estate of Wilsou N. Lions deceased
having inado application to me*, to sell
fie realty belonging to said estate.
This is, to cite all persona to show
cause before me on tho 1st Mouday In
November, 1004, why said application
should uot be granted.
Ox dinary,
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for its!,self in one days use. For
sale by allfhardware dealers or the
Wertz FarrficttiiLCo
Thomasville. Ga,
Application for Administration.
GEORG I A—Thomas County.
J. I. Langley having made application
to me to bt* appointod permanent ad-
mMstrator upon tlio estate of Levi
Langley, late of said County, deceased.
This is to cite all person* that said ap
plication will be heard ou the first Mot>
day in November, 1904.
GKOKGIA—Thomas Countv.*
To Mi who i roav concern,
A. H. Finch having Applied for Guar-
Jiam-btp of the person and property cf
Rubie Tyson, minor chi.d of W. 1*.
Tvson, hue ol He trim county, deceased.
Notice is given*aid application will
be hetml at my office, .at to o’clock a. in.
on t**' Hr-t Monday iu October next.
This 5»h Sept. igo4.
\Vai.,M. Jones,
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA - Thomas County.
Mrs. Satlio L. Haves, mliniuisftatrix
wi*b the will annexed of tlie .state of
S. L Hnjm, late of siitt county, decoas
ed, hsvlug filed iter petition for dis
charge, this is to cito all persous con
cerned to show cause against the grunt,
ing or this discharge, at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for said coun
ty to be held cn the first Monday iu
November, 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
Application fof Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Mrs. Annie Duren, having made ap
plication for twelve moutlu support out
of the estate ot P. F. Dureu and ap
praisers duly apiiointed to set apart the
shine having filed their return, all per
sons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before tho Court of Ordi
nary of said county ou the first Mondhy
in November, J904, why said application
shoold not be granted.
This[4lh day of October, 1904.
, Wm. M. Jones,
Application for Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Mr*. Maryland Butler, having made
applicatiou for twelve mouth's support
out of tho estate of F H. Butler, and
appraisers duly appointed to set apart
the same haviug filled their return, al
persons Concerned are* hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi
nary of said county on the first Mouday
iu November, 190k why said application
should not bo granted. Thi*£l?th day
of September, 1904.
Wm. M. Jonas, ^
For City Marshal..
I hereby anuouuce myself «« « candi
date for re election to the office of City
Marshal, subject to tho action of the *
white primary. If 1 am re-elected, I
will in tli>* future as I have done in tho
past, give my best attention to tho
duties of the office
Respect full v,
I negutiate fir* years loam bh farm
finds at lowest fate si of interest., Com
mission charges reasonable A small
abstract ree/ consistent with tlie amount
of work and trouble involved, will te
ohargod in each case. Bring your chain
of title with you.
Aitoraay-al Law.
Moultrie, G*
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern, T. F.
Dyson having applied for guardianship
of the person and property of Madonna
J. Dyson minor child of Fannie M. Dy
son, late of said county deceased. No
tice is given that said applicatipn will
bft heard at my office at 10:00 a. m. on
the'first Monday in November naxt.
This 3rd day of Oct. J1904.
William M. Jones
10-fi-4t Ordinary
Application for Administration
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
M. A. Fleetwood having made appli
cation to me to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of Charlie
Carter. -
This Is to cite all persons that said ap
plication will be heard on th« 1st Mou
day in-November, 1904.
For City Clerk
I hereby ftiinoauce myself as a candi
date for re emotion to the offi ce of City
Clerk, subject to the action of the white
primary. If I am re-electod I will in
the future as I have done in thepa*; give
mv best attention to the duties of the
K T. Maclean.
For City Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the rffice of City Treasurer, subject
to the action of the whito primarv and
solicit the support of the voters. Should
I bo olected I will give my time and best
attention to tire faithful discharge of
the duties of the office.
For City Sexton.
I hereby anuouuce myself as a can
didate for the office of city sexton
subject to the white primary. If I
should be fortunate enough to ho sleeted
I will give my entire time and attention
to the duties cf the office!
For City Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of city treasi rer, sub
ject to the action of the
white primary, and solicit tire support
of the voters of tlie city. It eiteted I
will give the duties of tho of. ee my
best personal attention.
Walter W. Williams.
For City Sexton
I hereby announce myself a ca didato
fof the office cf city sexton. If I am
elected I will give the duties < f the
office my entire time and.uumvid* d at •
tention. I respectfully solicit the sup
port of the voters in the white primary
A. J. Hogan