Newspaper Page Text
Carlo, Georgia,
Christiana. Two paths present them-
selves. One is ol opportunity and leads
to wider, better, falter life; the other is
of neglect and leads to anarchy, Christ-
iessueas, and rain. We mast lead along
one of theso lines. We cannot stand
still. The greatness of the danger is
equally by tliegreatnhss of the oppor
tunity. Each of these always mea tares
tin other, ■ .
General Hardware,
■u^njli FARMWA™l"DN3? r °TIMBEB, OABTb, BTJC8IE3,
lOOsete Pore White China Caps and Saucers. Goad size, and sensible
shape: 75o eet.
Nice assortment of the be«t Heating Stores on the market 91.76 to $7.00.
A big lot of glassware and lamps, at attractive prices.
J-S gsllon glass pitcher ISc. Large covered glass batter dish.
A big assortment of Glassware your clioico of the tot 10c.
Oar line of Bed Room Sajis. Odd Beds, Dresser,. Chairs, Bookers,
Ac., is oomplete and our prices very low.
Don’t forget that we make Picture Frames and Mirrors and re-silver
Old Mirrors. Window glass.'all sizes, always in stock.
’ Thomosvilie people are interested In
anything pertaining to the subject of
municipal light plants. A few months
ago Bainbrldgs purchased a plaAt from
the Nuasbanm brothers and the city is
now operating it. The Search Light
tells of the city's progress as follows;
It is a matter of congratulation to our
council that they have begun in earnest
to improve oar lighting system. They
have already purchased an entire'y
new dynamo of larger dimensions, aid
new transformers bare been ordered
and other necessary material including
a large boiler has been bought. It is
tho parpoes of the Electric Light Com
mittee to pasb the work right ahead,
nod to have in the new system within a
very short timo. At present the oity
an his father’s business. At the age of
fourteen a native OhTittlan pastor pot a
New Testament in bis hands. He read
Ihe tozt, "Seek ye first the kingdom of
God and Isis righteousness, and all these
things shall be added unto yon;" and
after prayer he dt terroined to make this
his first object. His father, a Buddhist,
ref used to give consent for him to be a
Christian, and again prayo. 4 prevailed.
Then he most needs have his consent to
give np his basiuess and go into a
Christian school if be should know “the
way” folly, and teach it to others and
once more a prayer-hearing God opened
the way. A yc anger brothor consented
to lake his place in the business, and Ids
father let him enter oar mission school
at Yokohoma. More than a tear ago
he was sent by Mr. Nishskawa to work
iu the Japanese schools in California,
where he nss acted as Interpreter. From
there Dr. Reid, sfter consulting with
Miss Bennett, sent him to the London
school, wanting him. especially to be
under the deeply spiritual iuflnence of
Prof. Lewis and ids wife. In his first
loiter front the school Mr. Shinuuizn
etprcMCd his graiiindo and joy for tire
Christian weloome Ire had received, and
asks that prayers may be made for him
and his family, who, I hough not yet
converted, are attending a Cliristiad
church and Sunday school.
Come to See us We can do you good.
Cairo Furniture Company,
Cairo, Georgia.
R. L., VanLAKDINGHAM, Manager.
"Por what Is worth in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.
We desire t» call attention of our customers this week to a largo
flpksl V ‘
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
Wo handle the-—
Water Wagsn and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford uggies
aaul the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
Carter & Dorough
Valdosta, G-orgia,
Largest Organ Dealers in U. S.
Sell the reliable E3TKY, CRO WN, sn 1 l.utldeu and lure. Ogam- at .ower
prices tiian tl»e same grade of Organs can 1-e ► id clsewln re- ty mis id them
fully guaranteed by us. and our guarantee, i» made good In ycur home without
expense to the parol-user.
Wo ore alM> St it. Agents for Ihe LESTER. MAT HL'SHLK. 1VERS &
Catalogues and prim- furnished oo your inquiry.
Hepie-eired iu Southwest Georgia IT
. W. F. LEE, ot Cairo, Ga.
9 and others.
CARTER & DOROUGH, Valdosta and Ttfton, Ga.
co-uAinstiou corn and eotton planters and combina
tion guana and corn drills.
needs become apparent. Ihe candle
I lour or wUl be increased, and iu fact the
new system will be one of the most
complete anywhere in the south. Only
the poles and old wires from the Noss-
banm system will be used.
A new engine lionae will be construct
ed, tlie contract having already been
authorized by council. A very impor
tant cliznge will be the removal of the
plant from its present location on the
river, to the site occupied by the water
works. Tills will combine the two
plants, and wlU lessen the expense ac
cordingly, 4 Council has pnrohased from
Mrs. F. W. Krause an additional atrip
of laud adjoining the present - water
works, which will furnish ample room
to aooommodate the new equipments.
buys the *W line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon
us psl eat with them from one hundred to two thousand pouudi
of ftrliltiers per .tore. '
Grist Mills, .
Shingle Mills,
We a be essay it fell lint of two horse riding wild walking oultivstors
and wvedera.
We are (till offering bargains in
Mist Will Um Hall, a little girl of
Thomas county is the latest sddltion
to the fsmily at the Vasbtl Home. AU
the affairs of the home are progressing
Mallary Bros., Machinery Co.
ition this paper. MACON, GEORGIA.
and have ea heed yet some select North «arolina teed Pindars
Remember that w# give with oath Mo task pare base a ticket an.,
titling yea ta a thaaee at the beautiful Ame* etiek seat run about on
rfhyley la ear wiadow, which will be given away ea May 28th. ne
•I sax easterners will get this beautiful run About. You may be the
MhJtr «0US to see us.
Mrs. E. 0, Burdette Is now incliarge
of the Oity Mission work in Jackton-
villa, Fla. The work opens snreessf ally
nnder her admintsiratlon.
Mrs. Kiser, a deaconess under Ihe M.
E; Church Board.list bren secured for
tho Augasta Beard of City Missions.
She is a graduate of the Chicago Train
ing School and comes highly recom
mended by the principal. Dr. Myer.
Mrs. J. T. Damns, a consecrated
oliriatlan, of Mobile, Ala., lias made a
gift ol 95,000 for the purpose of estab-
llililng a Settlement Home iu that city.
A mission Sunday school in St, Loots
has grown in numbers from eighty to
two hundred and fifty since the deacon
ess, Miss Varley, began to work iu the
district last fall.
Ella Holmes, class of 'Ol, has famish
ed a room in the Chicago Training
School Miss Holme*'
- Mu* Minnie William! who earn*
tcoond in the Timaa-Euterprise contest
was yesterday presented with a
beautiful ring, set with 6 handsome
pearls and sixteen diamonds surround
One can understand Miss Williams,
popularity by reading her graceful note
ofthanka. She says in pent;
••I wish to express my very sincere
appreciation of the beautiful ring I re
ceived this .morning. 1 shall wear the
ting with the greatest of pleasure and
shall always look back to tha voting
ouutest with happy thoughts. I again
thank you for this and equally aa much
for your kind words and good wishes.”
E.T. McLean,
Thomasville, Ga.
“■Life, Health"
Accident Fire Insurance
To Meigs
With Your Cotton
The J. N. Carter Company desire to say
thdrfrinds and patrons that their modem
gin plant is now in operation and that
Cotton intrusted to them will be handled
to the satisfaction q! the grower.
generosity lx
greatly appreciated, especially by the
one who now occupies the cosy ro m.
Game Warden at MleeosuWs.
Hunters returning Lorn Lake Micro-
sukie wear a some*hat disgruntled air.
The Florid* law imposes a 910 gun tax
upon banters from other states. Tins
law hat heretofore been politely ignored
but not so now. A game warden has
stationed Himself at the lake to collect
the tax Ituui each hauler.
i Carries a comolete line of Drugs,
j Medicines, oilet Articles, Sta-
I tionary. Fine Perfumery, Soaps
| Combs, Brushes . .
i The only up-to-date Soda fount
I in town, serving all kinds cf cold
i and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream,
j A fine line of obacco and Cigars,
j fancy and Family [.Groceries,
j ha nking you for past patronage
i and soliciting same in future.
A Home Mission Problem—Immigra
tion. Foreign immigration has long
been a serious problem at tiio north, bat
it is only of 1st-- years that nut-id,* of
iIih city of New Oilemn uuy large num
ber ot foreigners could be found In tiro
TIi* oliange is a rapid and a growing
one. Thousands ot Hungarians and
Italians, ignorant alike otour ianflnage,
our laws and our religion, are employed
in the West Virginia coal fields.
Ill Tampa Fla. side by side with onr
in a few
Nleh Hangaa No Longer Hangs
Nicks In Thomssvillo
W« have eliminated ever feature ef middleman’s profit and
aud are in position to pa the highest possible prices
fur til cotton coming to us. It shall be our
Nick Hanges left the oity yesterday
for parts untold. Hanges was a grocer
and baker. He conducted, a shop on
lower Jackson street and bad bean a
retide pt of Tbomaeville for nearly a
year. ^
Several small accounts have been dis
covered outstanding against Mr.Ranges.
When Investigation was made yester
day afternoon by the interested parties
aato what their creditor had left be
hind, they discovered that tlielr heri
tage lay chiefly in a number of very
deceiving tobacco boxes stacked arttsti-
oalyontbe shelves. The boxes were
empty, as were the hope* ot the credi
tors. Mr. Harg«e was one of these re
cently fined for selling intoxicating
for til cotton coming to us.
polie to protect full the interest of our
fdtrona, therefore not hesitate
to solicit their business.
large population has spiung
months, colony of 7000 Italians, la
Texas, Bohemians and Hungarians now
occupy two eutira counties, have built
up a colony alien to onr speech, onr in
stitutions, aud our protestant creed.
Three thing* ere just the beginnings.
With tbe opening up of the South's
coal, iron, oU, marble, and gold fields,
with the great expansion of the South
ern lumber trade and agriculture, with
the near opening of the Panama Oanal,
thf South Is at the outer edge of inch
an tnfinx of new people, new life, new
customs, as we hare scarcely imagined.
The union* of our Home Mission So
ciety are vitally eonoaraed with three
things as Americans, a* mothers, aa
Ocklockonee. Georgia.
1VAI Dll I Q They -Terrorne Wok
J I HI. lILLOlS"- increase vigor
-They arc "LIFE
[ans and body. No known remedy equals
a pleasure. 91-00 PER BOX BY MAIL.
re well up in all lines and vou can make no mistake if
you buy of us sueft goods as yon may need. t j
prices an always in line.
taction with its—At the office or over the counter-
ill m brought to a satisfaetor conclusion.
afers in Everything;,
ps. - - G^,
Service is clean, neat, prompt. Underthe i
Air. and Mrs. Louis Ward, Thonusville, (la.
management of
Broad Street.