Newspaper Page Text
Giving; Prices of the
Begins Welnesd‘3- November 23rd
Lasts t-n days, up to Dec 3»d;
.Some of the lowest prices ever.offered
' in Georgia
»«re <©0 0©me.
—; r '■
To this Big Sa'* it >ou ever will
need anything- else in the Dry
0 cd~\ Clothirg, Shoes or^ .T in
to are line
163 Broad St. Thomasville, Oa.
- Maney Ravers to Mankind.
Williams A Mitcbe'l, Prps.,
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Cotion Seed.
We buy all kinds Country produce and pay the highet mark
et price atall times When you have something to sell, see us
Regular Use of Hyomei Cure* Mott
Stubborn Case of Cstarrb.
No other medicine gives encli prompt
relief as Hycntel lathe treatment of
The flrat breath of lliia remedy toofhea
and lieala tlie Irritated and smarting sir
passages, and tbs regular oae for a few
da,a or weeks will care the moat stub
born .base. Some of the npnrU of thoae
wbo have been cored ofoatarriib, Hyo-
mot read Ube miracle*.
John 8. Gray of Redmond Bill*. Pa.,
writ**: “I am 88 yean old and .hare
been a sufferer with catarrh in the head
for 25 or 80 year*. I bare doctored with
many specialists and they aU told me
that the diaeaae was ioonrable ouao-
connt of mv agfe. After ttalngHyomei
• short {lore I was greatly benefited and
oao now my that I am entirely cored.
It baa been six montha ainoe I stopped
using the remady and I still remain
The complete Byooel outfit eoets
fil.OD, coasiatiug of an inbalar, dropper
and sufficient Hyomei to Let Severn
weeks This will effect a cure In ordi
nary case*, but for chronlo and d
seated cases of catarrh longer use may
be necessary, and. then extra bottles of
Hyomei can be obtained for SOo.
Probably the strongeei evidence that
can be to the powers of
Hyomei to core catarrh la the fact that
J. W. peacock will agree to refund the
money if you eay that Hyomei baa not
helped you.
Howrjrd N. Stantnn
. Builder.
Plana and Specifications famish*.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Personal attention given to aU wo
Office; Parker Building, next doer t
Timea-Enterprias office.
Fits, then
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nerv
ine has been so successful in
curing these brain-wrecking
diseases that there is every
, reason to believe that eyen the
most hopeless cases can be
benefited, if not fully restored.-
We will be pleased to refer
any one thus afflicted to many
who now enjoy the blessing of
of hopeless
(By J. 8. Satire,.)
j S:*arc? or troy Fulford, lor tern*.
( My. R. J. "Laster corrects ns to His
cmps\/in last weVki iwrao. He made
• elnveu bales of cbtton ou ele>en acres of
*’• Tom Pilcher,, Ala., la ^ infa . tt1 o( tlu , nombef ou , 6 ven-
on a visit .to relatives here. tacres. Alt <U**4bdine right hare'
n tnwn, too;
Mi a JIggnin Daren, after nn al-senee
of several week., is again at home, 10
the delight of her maay friends.
Hr. J. D. Goldina had a painful fatl a
few da,a since, breaking two riba and
otherwise suakiiu him up. Weareglad
to see him out again.
Ur. Riley Martin living tyro mile)
north of this "place, died a few daya
ainoe and war burled st Harmony
Married.—On yeeterday. Wedmadey
afternoon. Mine Autiie Wilkea daughter
of tlio fate M. Wilkea of tills place, wi a
married to Mr. Samuel A. Miller of title
place. The reretnouy was per font ed I y
Rev. T A. While. Mias Wilkea ia a
genera) favorite, white Mr. Miller by
his frugality and indnsl Motts habits,
lias gaiued the respect of the peojMe oi
thia place. He may congratulate liin •
self that lie has won a valuable prise in
tho ina'riinoiiial Inter,.
Misses Berteu Reagan and Joaie and
alary Lou Rooks, of Willlatne, who
have beeu attending school at Piue
Uron-, left for their homeB Wvduesda,
afte. noon. T hey are all fine pupils, and
are much liked by tlietr young friends
In tills community,
Mr. W. T. Rapes* of Bornesville'lisa
beeu Ik-re fur several da) a. He lias late
Iy purchased Clio hardware business of
Mr. T. V. D) sun. Hu states that it ia
possible that lie will become a resident
of thia plaoe.
Mra. Ann'e Daren of Merrillville,
was the gueat of the family of Mr, G,
L. Daren a few days tills week.
Mn. DeWltt Dasher, and Miss Clare
Culpepper of Camilla were here Sunday,
the gusts of relatives.
Miss Buitha Bayard pf Columbus,
came Sunday to be the guest of her ait-
tar Mra Robert Com,.
Mr. L. Powell of.Pelham, was a visit
or here last Sabbath.
A large orowd greeted Rev. T. A.
White at the Baptist church last Sab
bath. Iahia discourse the pastor did
some plsiu talking, and drove some
mighty big nails, aad cinched them in
his on d way. The people who did n't
get their Huger* mashed, liked it.
Xi , a'*iJ2 v Sd ,l i2?
two very llzht spells since last August.
1901. and then he was. not well other
ways. We pronounce him cured, aa he
can wovlc and go anywhere. If any on#
wishes to tsk any quc*tlon* concerning
wftt refund your money.
Miles Medical Co* Elkhart, Ind
Mr. Henry Aljigood afijr a stay of
several weeks in Alabama has returned
LOST.—A cow, about six years ott\
of s yellowish tan color; swallow fork
and hole,in right, and swallow folk in
left ear. Last sseii noith of towr, near
J. H. Sapp’s. A suitable reward for
her recovery. J. J. Boswell.
Mr. Howard Sasser who lives tear
town will move his family to’Monti,
oelto, Fla.^ week. He Is agoed
o tizen and we regret to lose him.
tar J. 8. Barnes, of Montloellp, Fir.,
lias been here several daya on a visit to
ilie family of Mr. Howard Sasser.
Mi-a Rate Powell, of Camilla, will I e
tho guest of Mias E-.ther“Wilkea tit’s
Mrs. J K. Mimms, of Ochlpckoncr,
1< quite siok at tho home of Mra. Hsu-
niok reir town.
Mi.aFannie Ruagati and Mr and Mr,.
E L. Harrell, were received -by lettiV
i'i’o tl>e Baptist cliorcIfSnuduy.
Matahal Arline is having the streets of
thia town literally swept. Tlict p eaeit
a beaujitnl appearame.
Mr. T. T. Roland of thePelliam Joni-
iiil office waa a visitor 1 ere Holiday.
Now, if tl.e heallh officer of thlf
p'aeo u ill have all the tweet smelling
pig nud cow pens removed from nest
tlieatdowplka he will confer a favor to
tlie walking pobllc. It la peculiarly
•trango that people will tuslat on placing
such unsightly menaces to health within
tlx Inches of the sidewalk.
t The Wilkes family wllf toon ereot a
telephone line, connecting tlieir various
f*rme, extending st far as Pelham
' Mr. W. G. Thompson will this week
move with his family to Albany, to
engage with the Albsny Northern rs
car inspector.
Mr. ami Mrs. Frearaan Cardin, Mm.
Speuoe, Misses Sane Singletary, Eva
Cardin and AlUe Montgomery of Ocli
lockonee, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bod Singletary Sunday.
Mr. Bob MoMiUen of Merrillville, waa
here Sunday looking after affairs of
great interest to himself.
Mr. O. Stubtaa and family and Mr. T.
O. Battle, of Pelham, were tho guests
of tlie family of Mr. A. R. Brundage
The next meeting of the Tucker Asso
ciation will aaeet with the Baptist
church at this plaoo daring tka month
of October 190.V
There vVlUbeaaongservtoe on Thanks
giving day at the Baptist church and a
sermon at tight by Rev. O. R. Jenkins,
at tlie Methodist church. Everybody
ia invited to atteod both services.
Tlie cooperage of the Gannon Go, op
erated by Mr. Ckm Robinson, waa ou
tiroly destroyed by fire at this place
Saturday morning. Loss in stock, rew
and finished, about 81,200. Insurance
*1,000. Juit st this lias this was an
important indoatry to this section. No
one can acooont for tba origin of the
fire as h started ia tho upper part of the
building st day break. Mr. Robinson
Informs ns, however, that his barrels
may be bad right along at the residence
of Mr. O. B. Bsaaer. near town.
There was s’.very ejoynble soiree st the
residence of Mr. W._Jf. Boswell, a few
evenings since.
Mils Blanch Carroll of Tliomasvllle,
•u tho pleasant guest of Mist Emms
Boswell, two days this week.
Mr. 8. K. Jleigs sod daogbtsr, Mias
Edna, name down .from Lelsnd, Bun-
The school at Hoe Grove, near town,
taught by this deponent during tho post
six months, closed Wednesday with s
chawing” end winter picnic.
(Jolts u number of children from this
have attended this school and have
themselves valuable acquisitions.
Several classes were reviewed, a few re
citations, ball playing and rope jump-
log, were indoded in Ihe day's program-
Chamber ain't Fain Balm ia oonaU-
end the best linimeqt on the market,"
Write Fort * Bliss, of Georgia, Vr.
No other liniment will heal a eat oe
bruise so promptly. No other affords
such quick relief from rheumutio pains.
No other is so valuable foe deep seated
pains like lame back and pains In the
chest Give tbs linimentn trial andyon
wt't never wish to be without it. Bold
by J. SV. Peacock. A. & W,
Public Sale, of Farm 6ooda.
I will sell at public auction at mj ret-
1 leave, two miles wot of Pavo, know n
a* lbs Jeff Simmons place, ou uaturdny
Deo. 17th. i»M at 10 o'clock sharp, tlie
follow lug described property to wit:
One Appleton f riel Ion. drag saw, one
foar hoarse power engine, the two go
togetfier, having the capacity of sawing
from twenty five to forty corns of wood
per day. One span of lorfe blaek hone
moles, eight and nine years old, will
work any wbererone buggy, one milk
cow, will bo fiesli this wiuter, unejSar-
Uugheffrr, one Oantou stalk cotter of
the latest patent, two. two boras walk
ing turning plows, one ooru and long
cotton dropper, several plow stalks,
three sets of plow gear, a quantity of
oorn, tyo and sheaf oats, 100 quart bot
tles of syrnp, 100 plot bottles of syrnp,
one sixteen Inch rollor Morgan bane
mill, one eighty gallon kettle, one two
lions wagon, one one herso wagon,
five bushels of pose, all of my house
hold goods, ono organ one Davis tawing
maohlne two rockets, good bod steads,
one cook stove. About twenty head of
hogs on plnders, other things too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of sale. AU snips of ten dol
lars and under cash In hand, over that
amount a credit of tea months will be
gtren, the purchaser giving n bankable
note. AH parties must comply with
the terms of the sale, before property
can be removed. ,
It—25—It A. H. Scntmrr.
An arithmetic class will be taught at
no Grove, beginning Monday, Nov.,
88th Inst., as stated last week. Thiels
a splendid opportunity to prepare for »
Ligher grade in. yoor cliaser, entering
college, or to “catch up, if you are be
hind in mathemstlcs. 'Instructions Id
lbs theory of penmanship, and gram
mar. points, of eommarefal law, will al
so be given ip a most prsettoal manner.
Terse, twenty days. Apply to J. 8.
Application for Dismission.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To mil whom it may concern:
M. A: Fleetwood, administrator of
the estate of Gore Ziegler having made
application M me in due form to bedit
mhoed, this is to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause before ure at the
regular term of the court of ordinary
for said oounty to be held on the first
Monday In/an. 1006, why said dismis
sal should not be granted.
Witness my band and official Cigna
tun this 5th day of Dee. 1904.
U-8-4 Ordinary.
Dr. Harry Ainsworth who returned
recently from Baltimore, states that be
met Mr. Arthur Uttls a former Thom-
asrlUe boy, there and found him well
and happy.
At Merrillville; Other News Notes
-> from, that Saellen.
(By J, N,„fl-hildaon.)
Merrillville, G*'. Nqy. 22u l JliOi.
Houses to tent are tery srarco hen*
-'■’Vera! parties were here .Monday look,
ug for residences suitable to Jiv.i in.
Only one hoiue v.caut which wool 1 fi
ll * demand. Why do not tome cf oi l
enlcstnte owners, go to work- and ha\i
neat cottages oreoted on thoae vao.rt
lots? Perhaps the investment would
prove more p.- fitable than lei ting U tm
be. oooniied with woods.
Mr. W. H. Bareli was here this morn
ing attending to bus niaa, connected
with hla wood yard in Thomasville.
Mr. E. O. Jarrett attended to business
in Tlioma-ville Tuesday.
Mrs. MT O. Shifiield, after'several days
ape it iu Moultrie, returned home Mon
day evening.
Mr James Williams of Patton, paid
our uwj asoriul visit Sunday.
The gathering at tlie epot was of nn-
nsnal Interest last Snndav afternoon
waning fur the arrival of the 4:41 train.
A large crowd hail gathered to welcome
J. J. Turner and hie lovely tprull
Miss L ily Clarke of JJontlceli. They
were ranrr ed Sou-lay afternoon at tin
residence ol Ml. J. S. Mo dgomory it,
.rliouiasville. and returned to Merrill
ville whore they will reside In t c fc-
Mr. nud Mra. W. E. Daren of Thom-
asville, apeuc tlie day last Sunday gneaie
of Ur. and Mra Wm. McMillan.
Shoriff T. J. Higlit waa liere Friday
afternoon, and kn-rsted Phill Strickland
(colored) for high way robbery, and one
arrest resulted iu tlie conviction uf six
other* for gnuibliug.
Mr. W. K. Haddock' while out biro
hunting last Saturday, caught tight ui
two wild turkeys, aud when at'a con
veniont distauou ho killed one of ihvm.
and invited a few of Ids friends over ti
dine with him 8uuday. Is waa ro; orted
that the turkey weighed eighteen lia.
We have anotlier new uelglilionu our
portion of the town, Mr. T. P. Block-
shear of West Merrillville, lie Is
hustler and we are glad to welcome him
Mr. W. B. Luraford entertained quite
a orowd of voaug fol is at hla home last
Friday night. After listening to the
mnalo furnished br Messrs. Jos. Megahee
and Pariah of Ooolidge, and indulging
la other amusements ilia gay crowd
waa Invited into tlie dining room where
dainty refreshments were served It
goes wlthor.t saying that tlie entertain
meut was a success in every respect,
and all idjoyed tho occasion immensely.
Prof. W. J Matthew s, lias rt-tormc
irom Upson Go. Where lie has been on
au extended visit among fiiouds and r 1
aiivea. He is in Coulidgo looking after
s hot 1 interests.
Mrs. A. II. Lamar of. Birmingham
Ala. is in town, guest of tier brotlio,
Prof. A. F.’ Hill of West Merrillville.
Mr. T, J. Grow of Ooolidge was here
Friday, traneaothig basinets.
Mrs. O. F. Mathis left last Sunday
morning for Oohlcoknee where she goes
to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Ochiifcki'Ucc jiKtns
. (By J. F. Sin victory )
J. W Wilson of Mo rillv,:lo, was in
toUEtjum. business '' eduvaduy. -
*1 H. A mil! ,iii 1 went lo I hour a itfo
’ ii bii.iui-se Wi'dr, da.-
.1li<* Olive Qv*1 rVhrrm'nf f r- *i*rcl--
ngla-i v.esMu Ai gnih , c lit,idh- me
Mr*. D. U Wr I r uf A InM'y, waa
he gueii cf Mi* .J it. Ain!, r-ou ,ov-
fitl days this week.
Mr- J iu Hughes u vibimis In Cans
la this week.
' Mi»* Jessie Emit n returned to Alba
ny Tuesday after spending last week
W. .. Neisl’ivea heie. ,
Mrs E. II. Siitgieiary, after? spend
ing some time with lie- |«rrma Mr. and
Mra. T. T. Thompson, returned to her
h > ae in Meigs, Tuesdur.
Mr.'.n d Mr*. D. Pf Wilder, lefk
W id- o-day for Now Orleans, by way of
Kev. O. ,P, J-nkins will fill I is regu
lar uppoliun.e it at the- M. E. Ohmch,
n if Suln-dsy nud Sunday.
Mias Olivia Lindsey is visiting rwl -
tlvkt near Pine-park, fids week.
MUa Quntrlebmin spent, Wcdnetd y
In Tlion-aavilic.
Mr. End Singletary of Miijta ia
shaking hands with meat me i i.y
thia week.
See .Mallein-’a rd
tf fmnfafiid to-1
Death of Mrs. Bllilnaalx
Mrs. Mary O. BUlingsly, tho widow of
the late Joaepb Bllllngdy, died at the
home of her son Mr, Wm. I
near Sonny Hill, FIs., Monday night
Nov. 92, 1904 after lingering, scarcely
alive, for more than a week. For a year
more alio has bven in declining health
and realized that the end waa near, bot
she met death without a tremor know
ing Him in whom is the bops of life and
death. For many years she bad been a
consistent member of the Methodist
church st Spring Hill.
She was born Dee. 9, 1824, hence
naked only a few weeks being 80 year*
Several children survive her, among
whom an Mr. W. H BUlingsly and
Mrs. 8. E. Avers of Sonny dill, and
Mm Joe Hanoock of Ibomaavillo. The
remains were laid to reel Tuesday after
noon in the Hall burying ground near
her old home, many .witnessing the sad
Tlie Korerster Brothers of whrnr
"cap” W. T, of Thrptasville is one, re
torted fait rdav from a hunting trip to
Piuhook, Florida. Their trip was the
nmat successful that lias beeu reported
for a long tine.
TI o higteet prrdnrt of the lmnt, •
850 pound black bearaud a three prongi d
bnck were l agged by Mr. W. T. Fon «»•
«r They stayed six daya and the tales
they tell about squirrel and fish would
fill an oldsnaid's scrapbook. Ordinarily
such buck nud bear stories would bo
oredi'ed up t > profit and loss bnt tho
evidence iliey sn'imit, having bten
thoroughly inveitigated by the Timfs-
Euterpiise man, are pronounced indis
"Gap” si? s'he *at still and let tho
boar come np to within twenty feet of
him before shooting and that ha didn't
even have the book egna from it. There
were no corroborating.witnefre*. to.thia
nervo however.
Bio klyn Woman Telia of Simple Flesh
Forming Food that ia also a Cute for all
Stomach Trouble*.
Thinness la one of tlie maiiy symptoms
caused by diso.deied digestlou.
Thia la well illustrated by au expert-
enoa told by Mrs E. J. Bell, 918 Wal
worth itreet, Rrooklyn. who sayst “My
daughter hsB gained over a pound a
week since she ;begun taking Mi-o-na.
Her appetite is good and she enjoys her
food very mnob. Her face and litabn
aik filling oat, and she ha* a good oolor.
She has also regained her spirits, while
site need to be so melanohoiy that I
thought at times she would loss lar
mind, Fora long while she wasqaite
weak and her nerves so. chattered that
she had eonvnlsioni and oonld not sleep
st night. Now since taking Mi-o-tut
tho sleeps right throogh the night until
morning and has gained greatly in
strength. Few medicines bavo ts many
friends in ThomaavUle as Mi-o-na J.
W. Peacock lias the looai agency far thin
preparation. A box ;of these tablets
costa bnt SOo. and this smont vrill cure
the average dysp
wasted form. &
at once, knowin-
will absolutely -
Among the winter guests at tire Hit-
li-11 House are Mr, and Mrs, O. P. Hep
born of Minneapolis.Mian. Mr. Hep-
boro Is a- son of the preeldent of the careful a
Ch i*o National Bank of New York and
is making his first visit to Thomasville.