Newspaper Page Text
-Hnb South Georgia Ifrrogress.,
New Series, Vol X\'—No. 8.
Some interesting facta were revealed
bribe report of the vaocination com
mission to the city council, ThU com-
misdou wm appointed by the board of
health to cany out the compulsory
vaccination ordinance of the city coun
cil. .ft consisted of Dr*. Jenkins, Jar
rell and BooobeUa. They were in
atractad to taka the namee and addresses
of alt citizens and Mate whether or not
each was vaccinated, immnncs or ex
Tha doctors (pent considerable time
and did their work earefally. They
were paid a dollar an hour to their ser
vice*. Ittook them aomething over 1*6
boon to vaccinate 488 people, Dr. Jar-
reli 6Ui was HO, Dr. Jenkiua <80. Dr,
BoocbeUe, the city physician Who get*
a regular salary ot |S0 a month charged
855 extra for his aerTioea in the matter.
The doctors were paid 1188 for vaccina'
ting the people and taking the census,
while the vaonine points cost 825 more,
*" , * w **iT the total covt about 8190, not
quire 40 cents to eaob one vaccinated.
The centos taken by the doctors
while necessarily incomplete allows an
increased population of several hundred
for Thotnasville since the national oen
ana in i900. The physicians’ fig ores are
as follows
Vaccinated by them..... 488
Exjuscd ......... *3
Immune .9987
Total coloreed ...- 8448
Vaccinated by them.-
Excused ...1001
Imwnne .............1174
>' Total whije...........22C4
~Total popnlatlon 6850.
Those pat in a ct-ss as Immnne have
been previously vaccinated or have had'
emslt-pox. Marshal Stephens, a man
who ought to know says that there are
atleast 1000 more people than the 6880
foand by the doctors. It would be vary
difficult to find all the colored pnpnlr-
lion, and the marshal saya the doctors
da not know where the city limits are.
Several ot those In tbo council chamber
stated that the doctors did not call on
tkem. So there can be no donbt of a
large Increase in ThomasvUlo'i popula
The Mayor states that the work done
has put the matter In hotter ehspe than
it has ever been before. It appears on
the report that the entire odored popu
lation save 33, hare either been vacd-
si vtod or are immune.
The consul book, will give valnable
In in cpidfixuio should
one break out, salt is atleast a partial
report of the towns citizenship. The
doctors took the census in pencil, and
City Clark Maclean will transfer so
much of it aa is legible to the book pre
pared for the purpose. At present there
are no cases of small-pox in Thomas
A Tragic Death.
Mr. B F. Lewis, of Ocbiockonce, was
in ThomasvUlo Toeaday, accompany
ing the remains of hia wife to that town,
where her funeral took place Tneeday
afternoon. The. circomstances sur-
■ rounding her death were peculiarly sad.
A tew days ago Mr. and Mis. Lewis
with their/ family of little children
drove through the country to Shell
Point, Fie. on a fishing trip Mrs.
.Lewis accidentally shot henrelf in the
arm and had to drive a day and a half
before the services of a physician could
bo secured. She was placed in'tbs. hos
pital at Tallahassee and lingered until
Monday afternoon when alio' pass'd
away. Mr. Lewis desires to express
hia heartfelt thantt to the good people
of .Tallahassee for theh Mndnessfo him
in his trouble^-'Masympethie* of the
.entirecounty-are with him.
Merrillville Mention.
(ByJ. N. Donaldson.)
Tho MerrillTiUe district Is having a
hard lime to be established. The num
ber has been given, it la 1814, but the
eleotloain September was premature,
a t wilt have to be hold again. The
election will oome off on the first Satur
day in December. Now let everybody
torn ont and vote for a justice of the
peace and get through with establish-
the new district.
The farmers in this vicinity are very
buy aowlog oats preparing their land
to another year, the purchasing of the
latest improved implements to tuhsoil-
ing‘their lends, which is evidence ot
their Intentions to keep pace with the
march of progress.
Thanksgiving day was Very generally
observed by our citizens in this locality,
and so to no casualty is reported,
Messre, F N. Oerter, J. J. Turner
and Dr. D. O. Montgomery attended
the Gun Club shoot over at PatteD
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Annie Bradley and Miss 8. V.
Trent who have been the guests of their
sister, Mrs. J. R. Menton,' for several
weeks, returned to their home in Savan
nah last Friday accompanied by their
i lece, Miss Mattie Man ton. -Mn. Brad
ley and Miss Treat gained many warm
friends daring their visit hare who an.
xlonaly await their return next year.
' Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough, of [Thom,
esvllle, .spent last Sunday with than
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Green.
Misses Saunie and Frankie Oerter,
Tela Sheffield and little- sister, who
hare been attending Norman Park In-
atitute, returned luma lut Monday ,to
spend their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tumor spent
Thanksgiving with their parents; Oi
ti.eir return home they were aceom
panted by Mr. and Mrs. N. E Turner.
Five Hundred Dollars Will be Divided
by Judges.
The corn contest of Messrs Neol
Brea. Uhnrchwell & Go. Thomasrille
Shoe Co. and J. F. Eyans & Sou dosed
W«dn a lay The ja/gn moot here this
morning to cuUUt >he corn and’declare
As sn incentive to trade end an in
duoement to tha people of the county to
bring tWr cotton hare and do basinets
with ThomasviUe, the firms named
above offered $MX>, divided into 119
prizes,,to those who should estimate the
number of grains in a gallon of com.
The contest was a success, many thou-
sanda of estimates being submitted.
The judge* are Messrs. Ad Way, Jr.,
J. Q. Bryan, T, W. Lewis, Geo. M.
Detip, E. P. Clay, W. H. Goodwin, T.
J Brandon, and J. 8: Ward, Jr. These
gentlemen are thoroughly fair and com
petent and their decision Will be on-
* Surgeon Jarrell.
Dr. W. W. Jarrell of this city waa
yesterday, appointed assistant surgeon
of the Fourth Regiment, G. 8. T. with
the rank of First Lieutenant to succeed
Dr. Coleman of Ooiombns, who resigned
on account of a'.change of residence to
Dr. Jarrell is an experienced military
man as well aifa splendid pbyridanand
his recognition in military circlet Is
vary gratifying to his score* of friend*
Mr- Nourae goes to Macon.
Mr. F. O. Noarae, who for the past
year has been manager of the Western
Union Telegraph Go. here has been pro
moted to the managership oi the Macon
office, and leave# today for that city
with his family. The office will in
fature be in charge ct Manager Cooper,
formerly of Atlanta. Mr. Nource la a
most efficient operator and aooommodat-
tng gentleman. Hie numerous friends
here rejoice that these quail lira have
won him A deserved-promotion but re
gret Ms departure from ThomasvUle.
' Tho two new rural rentes numbers 8
and 4 will be put into scrvico today,
aud Ute carriers leave the ThomasvUle
post office for their firtUrip this morn
ing at half past ssvun.
Mr. W.M; Singletary, former chief
of the fire department is carrier on
number 8, and Mr. Curtis Brown is his
substitute. J. O. Walton a colored man
is carrier on number 4. The two now
routes will serve a populous territory to
the east and north-east of town, and
will bo highly appreciated by the Intel,
llgont residents of that section, Two
other rural rentes are projected and will
be realities la the near future.
There is a probabUlty that Hon. Wll
tiam 'Jennings Bryan will lecture in
ThomasvUle during the early p^vt of
the coming year. He it oomlng sorith
on a lectors tour In January, and the
Alkahest Lyrnram system is endeavor
ing to arrange a date for him here. Mr.
Bryan is one of the most famous men
in Amerios, and he has recently been
brought into greater prominence than
before by the defeat of the Democratic
party lu tlw last eleotlon, the conserva
tive wing being in control. , / |
A good many people are talking of
tho twioo defeated candidate as the
proper standard bearer again in 1908
If Mr. Bryan dot* coma to TbomasvUlo
ha wUl be greeted by a hngFandiencc.
Mr. Z. B. Norton, tho man who keeps
Pelham straight,'was In town TSegday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Hare.
Mr. and Mrs. Btamett Mitolieil, who
were mat tied in Boston, Mars, on Sat
urday arrived in TliuutatvUle at 19:3.
Tuesday morning, and were war.olv
weloomad and congratulated by their
lriends. The following announcements
of ibeir marriage have been sent ont.
Ms. and Mrs Joseph Henry lathrop,
announce the marriage ot their dangh
ter,'Aagotta Bowen to Mr. Emmett
Mitchell. on Saturday November the
twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and
tour. Boston, Massachusetts. At Home
after January tin first, Remington
Avenue, ThomasviUe, Georgia.
One Count
Every Dollar.
cosrs you
A Magnificent LUDDEN & BATES PIANO will be Given away.
:by the:
This is the season when you want to pay your subscription any
way. This prize is only a reward for promptness.
The person who sends in the first correct es
timate of the number of times jhe word “and"
Will appear in the weekly Times Enterprise of
Friday Dec. 80th will get the Piano. If no esti
mate is correct then tho one most noarly correct
will get the piano.
Yon are entitled to one estimate w'th each
81.00 paid on subscription to either the Weekly
or Daily Times Enterprise. It makes no differ-
enee whether your subscription is behind or not.
The Contest doses at 6 o'clock p. m. on Wed
nesday, Dec. 88thstwo days before the lssne ap
pear! Nobody con know how many “aida’t
than are, but by ooonting the "and*" in several
previous issues you can form a close estimate.
-i,The Piano is now exhibition at the store of
Neel Brea, in ThomasvUle.
1. No person connected withithe Times
prise shall enter the "aud" contest.
2. That nobody can possibly know befarehna*
how many "ends" there wlU be in the Weeklydf
That the Weekly Timos-Entcrprias tkPeoi
80th shall consist 13 pages, last aa renal.
4. That every "and." or abbreviation to
"and” either in reading matter or
shall be counted
6 That a edmmlttee of thoroughly
ed eitlrcns shall do the onuntingand makeup tlw
That the Plano given away shall he thy hrav
of the Lnddon & Bate* make.
b) That the regnlar price of it is 8850.00
(o) That it shall be new and thoroughly guar-
anteerl by the f among firm. Carter & Doroxrh ot
Vald i
Every cent you pay is applied to your subscription, whether "you
count the “ands" or not Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers.
Costs you nothing.
Here’s the Coupon,'Use It.
(By 8. M. Beach.
Busina, Ga„ Nov. 80 1904.
Min Mattie Hopkins of Thomasrille,
and May Manning of Mannington had a
tort ana to escape from serious Injury last
Sunday afternoon. These young ladle#
were returning to ThomasviUe from
Mannington, when Mia Manning's
horse, which is a well bred and aplrited
animal, became exoited by acme stray
hone* which were running in the road
near >ho Wyche place, and took it into
hia head to bolt. The ladies bravely
stuck to their seats, and made every
effort to stop the hone’s mad flight,
Tbi%Btuk Mu«t be Used In
Thonusville, Ge.r
BocloeedlSad #
. to *pply on’roy wb#crip«ioD to ?nn...
My Guess at the “ands”
for the-Piano is
4 - ——
One kucm allowed for cock dollar
paid. No one peraon to have over
dye gaeaacs.
(State whether Dally or Weekly.)
Which you will please send until ordered discontinued.
Name of Person Counting.. .v. ...' _
- P. O.... -
Are you taking the paper now?
Tam (mmu
Mr. O. H. Brown and Mr. B. E. Slater sawmiUand irrigation plant for Mr. Lon Walton of Meigs spent Saadaywiriir:
went to ThamsivUIe lut Saturday.
Mr. J. R. Jones has accepted spoil
thus with Mr. A. Alford ot TeUahac
Tax Man Hare.
Commendcg this morning, Tax Col
lector P. 8, Heath will be in hia office
in the coart boom every day, from now
till Deo. fOtb, when the books does.
TMs give# tax payers onalaatobanooto
gat cyan with ths world.
Judge H. W. Hopkins, and Mr. B. F.
Schurmcier, returned to- ThomatvUle
last Saturday.
Mr. Henry (Juarterman and eon Her-
-which eras suddenly brought to an end ' bert, came down last Friday to attend
by one of the buggy wheels colliding J ths Daria aale.
with a tree. Both ladies ware thrown | Mr. Mathew Modesty, gardener to
violently to eh# ground, but fortunately Mr. A. H. Mason, arrived with Mrs. Me-
received no aerious in j ary. Another Oleary M Snsina last Saturday night.
team was procured and. tho ladies con
tinued <m ibeir journey to Tltomm-
rille. - v
Means. W. E. Stan aland an l 8.M.
Beach paid TltomasvUl* a visit last lifon-
Mrs. Mary Hayes and Mr. W. W.
Wright, went to Thomavville last Fri
Mr. Chariton Jones, of Birmingham,
Ala.,» as her* last Sanday risiting rela
Mrs. Y. R. Blackibear and little
dangbter, who have been risiting Mr.
and lbs. J. M. Blockshoar. left for
Thomasrille last Taseday.
Mr. and Mrs. I 8 Speuoo.
Ochlockouee Items
(By J. F, Singlotary)
Mr. Joel Perry and fatnUv of Qnttman
spent several days with Mr, and Mrs. R.
A. Persy hut week,
Mr. Marvin Hondiy of Spark* was
tbo guest of relatives last week. .
Mrs. Mary Cardin after spending
• Mrs. A W, Loruo after sp r-.i-.u*
oral days with relatives htre trtar.»d
to her home in Nashvillo Saturday.
Mr. J. W. Sanders Bjx.-tit wverol viwjs
with relatives near Pelham lost wst.
Mr. and Mi*; 9. B dkrt, ef Thgmiks.
aarille, spent Saturday spd Sawhi
with Mrs. Dora Clark.
Miss Clara Broadaway, otCasmUa, *>
the guest of Mrs. Jim Hughes.
Miss Motllo Thompson la vivisiu* M t..
anl Mrs. E. E. Clark in Ibars mr ffiT
this week.
Mrs. Barney, aid son. Henry of Bos- j rente time with relative* here ha* n -
ton, came down Lit Tuesday on a visit »““>• near Akridge.
to Dr. Aadrsws, who I* a brother of' Rev. H. P. Stobb* left Monday for
Mrs. Bornsy. j McRae where ha go** to attend the
Mr. Hansel f-onv —** down lost, South Georgia Cunferenoa.
Tuesday with several teams hiding a j Miss N.Ule Singlatary and Mist Etta
Mr-. V. A. liurrocLa it! Ctoveloml.
Ohio, arrived in the dry yeswr*@-
Mrs. Hqrrocts is a wull known wuifcr
visitor to- Thomasrille and a pmtucty
owner here.