Newspaper Page Text
rerliapa yon lure never thought of
it bnt the fact mtu) bo apparent to every
one that constipation is caused by a lack
of water in the system, and the nee of
drastic cathartics .ike the. Id fashioned
pills only makes a had matter worse.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets are much more mild and gentle in
Jheir effect, and when the proper dose
is taken their action it so natural that
one can realize it is the effeot of a med-
tcie. Try a SS cent bottle of them.
Far sal* by J. W Peacock D. A W
Woman’H Home
Mission Column,
For City Marsha.
I hereby announce rayse f ns a candi-
date for re e'e uiou to ti,» nfti*-e of City
ceutly 'assembled nt Gibraltar, is the
most distinguished officer® his majes
ty’s navpl establishment, in which he
holds the rank of vice admiral, and
one of the meet popular men in the
United Kingdom.
He has attained distinction as a
statesman ns wail as a warrior. At
Alexandria be made a name as a fight
er of the traditional type of the British
navy, and again In the ad ranee of Lord
Wolseley op the Nile In the frnltlese ef
fort to rescue Chinese Cordon from
Khartum in 1885.
(By Mrs. Jss. F. Eraus)
•This work of my liands.establifli Thon
How often with thoughtless Ups we
Bnt He who sits in the heavens
shall say,
‘T< the work of vonr hands so fair and
Interview Concerning Governor*
■hiniSeya Nothing Definite*
Marshal, snbje t to the action of tin-
white primary. If 1 mu re-elected, I
will in th- future aa I have done in tin*
r*nst, give mv best at rent ion to the
Holly Springs, Miss., March 34,190s
While building railroads in Tennessee
some twelve years ego a number of hands
contracted fever and various forms ol
blood and skin diseases. I carried S. S. 8.
in my Commissary and gave It tomy hands
with most gratifyingresults. Icanrecom-
mend 8 8. h su the finest preparation for
Malaria, chills and fever, as well as all
blood and skin diseases. W. I. McGowan
post, giv* mv oe
dU'ies of the office
Congressman W. G. Brantley of
Brunswick was lit the city Monday,
tlie guest of Ills relative, Mrs. F.einluir,
on Remlngtoa aveitne.
Mr Brantley is one of the stryngnt
at Georgia’s delegation at Washington.
Ho is a member cf Important oommit-
Secs and Ills counsel is frcquoutlyiought
by tuetutmt* of the Semite as well as by
fit* colleague* tn tils Lower House*
Mr. Hrautley's ability lias shown so
firilllautly in Congress that his name is
being frequently meutimed ju couueo
*ion with the governorship of his own
state. While here yesterday, the con-
Kromman was interviewed by a l'imes-
Eulerptito man as to the poe.tble Jnsii-
fleatioa for the gnbernatorial minors
coin * 1 niug him.
Tlie htatoflinati was exceedingly guard
ed iu hbi rcojtrls holding tli.t as y.t
there was nothing to be said. **I do
think, though," said lie, “that the an-
J. J. S * EPHEN8.
For City Clerk
r hereby announce rnVaelf as a candi.
That ye dare time pray?”
Safely we answer, "Lord, make it fit,
Tills work of oar liauds- that so w o
, may’*
Li t op yonr eyes and dare to pray,
'This work of vonr hands, establish
Thou it.”’
That this “work of our hands,” the
Vasliti Home is on the hearts and con-
ioiem es of many of our people was
■'town by the offering! that were tent
to the Home on Thanksgiving Day.
A bountiful basket of fruits, cakes
and grooeries were sent oat by the
Benorolent Association from the dona-
thins of the South Georgia pupils.
These weie mneh pnjoyed unit appre
ciated by tjie Vasliti g rls. There were
offerings of winter wraps and mruer
also made
The Home MtssionAunexofWriglits-
ville, tent a box ccnta.niiig cloth to be
made into garments, alio articles of
ready made clothing
Two coops of I'hlcksns have been r-
ceivec in ti e last few d»js.
1 lie Jauior League of tills cits has
taut in a winter onlflt for one ol the
11 tie girls.
The W. H, M. Annox of Spukiacd 1
Fitzgerald has eaelt taken a gi|i lo
clothe. -* ' , '
Mrs. S. W. Hitch ol Weycrosa has *
organised a "Thread and Ntedio club” '
to make garments for die Homo
The Cairo Annex scuds in n monthly (
0 jutribntlou of fS.od.
But oud cf tlio sweettst donations .
was little Maud Bealy, ags 10 years,
from Ole r Water, Fla. Thus the work <
goes on with n dally luiroaie of exp*u.
dltnrot and opportunities. Bnt our
kiud loving riotvenly Father stands
burbot it raying to ,nr^ "go strong anil
I suffered greatly from Boils, which
would break —* — 1 —*- *’ —
body. I sat
data for rs election 'o the ofli e of Oitv
Clerk, subject to th* action of the white
primary If I am rc-olectod I will In
the fotnre ns I haTe dons in thepss* give
mv Best attention to the duties or the
XT T o’ a.t n
Bora in 1846, the son of the fifth Mar-
body. I saw S. S. 8. advertised and after
using about three bottles I was cured,
and for the last three years have had no
trouble whatever. A. W. ZBSBa.
317 Read St., Evansville, Ind.
I began using yonr 8. S. S. probably ten
yean ago for Malaria and blood troubles,
and it proved so good that I have con-
quia of Waterford, an Irish peer. Lord
Have Your Collars Launderied
. And them to the ThomaaviUe Steam
laundry. We have an agent in almost
every town in Thomas oounty. See
Mm about the goods.
For City Treasurer.-
I bsrebv announce myaolf a candidate
for the 1 fflre of City Treasurer, subject
to the action of the whit* primary and
solicit the support of the voters. Shonld
I be sleoted I trill give my time and best
attention to the faitlifnl discharge of
the dntlss of the office. „•
Sonth Florida Fair and Mid-Winter
Exposition, Tamps, Fla, Nov.
14—26, 1904.
The Atlantic Coast Line will sell on
Nov. 15th tickets to Tampa at one fan
plus fifty cents with final limit fifteen
days addition to date of sale. See.
ticket agent,
T. J, Bottoms, T. P. A.,
ThomssvUle, Ga.
W, H. Leahy, D.P. A.,
Savannah, Ga.
W. J. Craig, G. P. A,
Wilmington, N, O.
U a A entire system. It is
nt VJ& guaranteed apurc-
wh wit wet ly vegetable remc-
K ■ M dy* Write formed-
L El HI ■ leal advice or any
fffjg bjV Bkj® special informs-
WBW tlon about case.
The Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Ga
For Justice of the Peace.
I hereby announce myself ** a candi
date for Jastioe of 1 lie peace of the 637
th. district, G. M. If I am honored by
rite people for the second te.-m I will
give the duties of the 0 're mv meet
careful attention, its I have done daring
the tssm nbna' to clu-o.
noun beeeafobd.
Chnrlca became n lieutenant In the
toj'al tinvy in 18118, reaching the grade
of trice admiral In 1902. From 1874 to
Catering To The Inner Man.
Ho knows nothin* else end In never so •ti
pi timely hnppy aa when pursuing
tins, his lire work. His
CTilns stnrlcd In n whirl nr ] o n 1 irlty.Aside
IV in dellclmiw Oy-ters, served
In ftery Style, ..
Quick Lunches Can be Had on
Ever) thing P»r.ent aa a pin aud decid
ed'v liomo Htd.
S SRMPSON. ’ftSthtf-
- For Infant* and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
J.F. Pittman, B. H. Wright,
J. O. J. Lewi*, D-. M. R Mallette,
?. W., J W Dl lop,
W B. Hsmbletou, \\\ II. Brandon.
188!} he ant in the house of commons
for Waterford and again In 1885 for
East Miirylcbonu. A year later he be
came lord of the admiralty, but resign
ed bis position In J888 and bis seat the
fallowing year to take command of the
Undaunted. In 1902 he was elected to
represent Woolwich, but resigned the
following year to toko command of tbs
channel squadron. ’ *
Berlin, Nov. 28.—A special of yoster-
dUj’sdaefrom Mukden says itlsbe-
lievtd about headquarters that tho Ja*
p uese will mike extraordinary efferix
to win aland vl lory Were ilit arr vul
«f tho Kasdan second Pacific squadron.
The movements of the fleet aro reported
an each iwuo of tho Army Gazette, a
l>»iwr o iculstcd through the army and
tho ouly medium of news from tho out*
aide world 10 tho soldiers, who devour
Alio contents. They beiievo that the
mrrlvalof the second J’acifta sqnndron
WSSitfvcA that tho
For City Treasurer.
I herobv annennee mt self *s a candi*
late fur the office of city treisorer, sub-
j *ct to tho action of tin
•shit* primary, and solicit the rapport
For Sal*. Newly Overhauled.
One 33 H. P. Tubular Hoii.f
Sir Charles Beresford married the
dowager Ducheas of Marlborough, an
American girl. He la her third hus
band. She was Lily Warren Price,
daughter of a commodore In the United
State* navy.
” lo “ •• Vertical •’
" 8 ” ‘ Locomotive ’■ on
One to H. P. Vertical boiler and’sn-
I No, 2 DeLoachSaw Mill, Simples
•f tin voters of ilia city If* elected 1
will give th* dories of the office mj
heat personal attention.
oHluroUIN. phvnw
Ijy.lrrs In niiy t)imnHiy f,*r hinny U«*_
Negleeted Waltvnonk Advice.
John Sharp Williams, the Mississippi
congressman. Is trying to overcome bis
babit of saying funny things, having
.realized that to ho.rcgxrdsd.aa a ho*
For City Sexton-
ha^m ? H es ad»i|V’
white primary. If I am eieoted I will
give mv satire time out attention tc
the dalles of the offlio, to which I have
had experience.
’ Respectfully,
will oud tho war.
JapancM will be bshiiatKR&bwd aud sea he'd
•na will seek peace. is v
Wiiiirti)!] itejr C|o NntikP&iifris
avoid th* pitfall indicated. “WllUams,’’
said tho Kentucky editor, “yon may
haro * carqsr before yon, bat if you
*—*5 H* F* center crank engine.
1-35 ... . .. as
good as new.
i—Button saw mantle.
'—Sot 36 stringer 'ogging tracks new
a—Sets 36 pole ....
1—Sj{ Duplex Steam pump, new,
1—* 1-2 -Gardner governor. .
1“* iri « .. good a*
asked a child.
nothing lx ever lost, whore do nil our
thoughts go?" "To 'God” answered
the mother, * who remembers tlwm fir-
nerer let K fall off. Bo eolemn. Never
aay anything humorous and novtr tell
a fanny etory." Then, after an tm-
prssslve pause, "Bat If yon amt do U,'
Williams, speak with a slight nasal
twang, so that yoo may bo suspected
of New England ancestry." The Mis-
slsatpptan says be. neglected this ad-
Far Jli3tic8 of the Peace
I hereby announce my self a eandi-
ate for tit oil is’ of Jnstico’of the
Peace for the «7 district G. M.
8t. TWumiSuvji^Nov, 28 —Rossis lias
•oceptadrthe invitation of the United
States to oonolade arlitrellon on the
same lines os the American-French
“ForeverI" said the child. He bent
his head and dr* whig closer to life
mother murmured, “lam afraid,”
Which of n* have not felt the same?
1—3 1-2 King governor.
1—3 1-3 Monarch governor,
i—l 1-2 Pickering g-vernor.
12—Sets 12 Pickcrirg Carriage truck.
new, tbebest made.
Prompt attention upon work. We
will be prepared to famish cane mills la
30 days. * - .
Works near A. O. L. R. B. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephone* 134 and 210.
Now bo lx cultivating an appearance of
When a person buys Dia
monds, be wants nothing bnt
the best. They are one of the
things that don’t permit of
shoddiness. Diamonds are
emblems of purity and sincer
ity. ■> You can’t afford to nave
the emblem faulty onr Dia
monds are beautiful. Come
and see.
Justice of tho Peace. *
I hereby anhoonoa myself a candidate
for the office of Jostlne of tho Bvm ol
tho 637th district G. M., subject «o the
eleotioo on Deo. 3rd. If elected, I will
sudeavor to Justify the confidence of my
One more solemn thought. How old
1 are yon? Have yon raokoned tho nnm-
berof urinates that haro elapsed since
r vonr birth? Each of these minutes has
flown to God. God has examined them
aud weighed them and for them yon
must give account.
Each minute boars its own Impression
> and only those marked with the Image
of God will avail you In etornlty.
Is not this thought one to make yon
To Appoint* Naval Offloorto Court of
Inquiry for North.Sss Incident
Waikiugton, Nov. 38,-Oonnt Ousl-
oL the RqhUq ambfifigador, Mid Morti*
suer Durand today celled separately at
the state department to present on bs-
1 liatf otxiielr respootlrs goremmonti an
laritsMou to the United States to ap.
< ptant a high yanking natal offioer as a
. ms tuber of tho oourl of Inquiry for. tbs
North Sea incident.
Masury Hotel Cafe,
OPEN FROM « A. M. T • 9 P. M.
Orders tervod prompt and sent uni
when desired.
PHONE 171.
This Oafs is uow supplied with all nt
the delicacies that cun be procured
at this season, including Oysters
served in nny style. Fish,
Lamb, Veal, Tomatoes,
Celery,. Kansas City
Meats a specialty.
From the subscription list we . find
that "Onr Homes” goes into more than
10000 homos, carrying mooh informa
tion as to the work of tbo H. M. Society
at well si cheer and oomfort to many
hearts that need love and sympathy.
It is said of Miss Helm onr first
editress “that she went to her desk as
to an altar." Her prayer concerning
her paper was, "Help me, O Father to
make Onr Homes a voice that shall be
hhard throughout the chnreh in defense
of the weak and helpless and of tn-
treaty for the outer Et and sinner.
Her prayers have been answered over
and over, as the tehools, homes and hos
pitals have b,H*u founded by the vvornt n
of the II. M. Society.
For City Sexton. 1
I herebv announce myself as a can
didate for the office of city sexton
subject to the white primary. If 1
shon’d be fottnoate enough to he eieoted
I will give my ontire time and attention
to the duties t f the office!
Doan’s Kidney Pills. My back was
causing me almost continual misery.
The pain was right across the small of
it—a heavy, dull, bearing-down p»tw
and a weakness, f used many differ
ent medicines, without apparent result,
and also tiled liniments, but the pain
still re am hied. I saw Doan's Kidney
Pit's advertised and got a box and gave
them a thorough trial, lam very much
pleased with the remits. The pain has
left ire and I feet very much better In
every way. Von are welcome to use my
name as a reference." ' '.
Emphatic- endorsement can be bad
right here in Thomasville. Drop into
R. Thomas Jr.’s drqg store and ask
what his custdhiers report.
Sold for SOs per box by nil droggists.
Foaier-Milboru Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United State*
Remember tho name—Doan’u—end
take no rabethote.
Mukden, Nov. 28,-The viceroy of
the Chinese provlnot of Henan is the
first to carry out the instruction! of the
dowager empress by clothing bis soldiers
tn Bnropeu dress and cutting eff their
qoes. ", j
i/I- Buy* Norihamar’e Land
:,ZSr S. Steyormsu has purchased 010
■ares on the Mouticello road, six miles
Erou town that until teceutly belonged
to Mr. J. S. Bailey of Boston, Maas,
Toe property is kuown >s the old Juq.
Dalle place ami-is ro^ardid as a valua
ble tract. It looks as if there were*
•tight turning Of the tablis and that
borne people are gaining more confidence
in real estate
Why not get that Cooking Range
at Ball’s?
Served in Any
Style and any
New Way of .Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arther Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal. South Africa, says:
“Asa proof that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a cure suitable for old aud
youug, I pen tho following: A neighbor
of rnluoa child jut over two mouths, old.
It had a very bad cough and rim parents
did not know what to give it. I sug
gested that if thev wpuld get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and pat
some upon a dummy test the baby was
sacking it would no doubt cure tho
ehild. Tills they did and brought about
a quick relief and cured tho baby." This
remedy is for sale by J. W. Pea bock.
D. * W.
Franco entente cordbiic. the most im
portant diplomatic feat of the twei*
tleth century.
M. Delcaasc began his career ns a
political Journalist and was fdraw#Uo
attached to the staff ofTb» Republiquc
Franchise under Gnmbetta. lie then
became secretary to a deputy and on
his employer's death married the wid
ow and succeeded to the representa
tion of the constituency. Since that
date bis advancement bos been rapid.
In politics M. Dehasse has been de
scribed as on “enlightened opportun
ist” Since entering the French cham
ber In 1889 he has made his power felt
in that body. M. Deles sat is In bis fif
ty-third year. '
pinion book to “Under Onr Flag."
“City Missions" will be the .object of
the hew book. It will doubUea prove
“Problems of the Prceont South," by
Edward Gardiner Murphey, is recom
mended as a valuable addition to tho
library of Home Mission worker*.
Public Hanging Every ay.
! mean public banging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Orders by ’phone or mail given pn mpl
attention. Phone 15-2 rings.
Samples shown at your homes.
John Hinson, 3U Campbell
Mr. Georgs A. Wight came over from
rwif, Monday--to penetrate the mys-
te ri - of Eik'dom. The local lodge en-
dos-cd him with an arlistio nt of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets ate becoming a favorite for
stomach troubles and^constipotion. For
^ by J. W. Peacock. D. A Wj