Newspaper Page Text
Egr^i ??* ..e.-;.*; >
Course and fine, best quality, in
white cotton sacks. They go as
long as they last at
39 Cents
107 sacks sold Saturday. Better come
Before they are all gone. Other good
things in every department.
Yours to Save Your Money,
Bre ad Street. • Thomasville Ga.
Best Goods at Lowest Prices. Only 5 more days until Dec. 1st
. ... «- . Near Monument
Get in in y"u'r com count before it is too late.
Remember that somebody gets the $500.00 on Dec. 1st. Better take a guess quick.
. »“
Jjh riffs ale.
GKOtUHA -Tliumas Coauty:
lead by vlrtoo of a mortgage fifa I
win«3liat pobllo sale before the court
hmualtaor, in the city of Thomas vlllo,
Ota, «ritldn tho legal hears of alooathe
ft mt ttreedsy to Dec. 1901, foe following
dn.- iib»djirqpertj|<Owft» All that tract
oT l mA lying and bolng la tho County
of Th.m.ui. State of Georgia, bettor
fcmni a* follows: Commencing at tiio
■MlirKt corner of the tract of land
deeded by Ellen Coleman to Ella Cole*
mix, naming thence west 16 ohatna
■ad ** links, thouoo south 7 chains and
U Ua thenoa east iO olialns and 26
but thence north T chains and 20
Oita. Said tract of land being In the
aluiieof «, rectangular parallelogram
ooririalng It 14 acres more or
Bafogpmtoflotet land. No. Ill, In the
IS district O. M. of taid county. Notice
•they given In writing to thedefea
•nt Louisa Ooston tills Nor. 7th, 1901.
Slieriff ThomasOonnty, Ga.
Admial8tratriz Sale.
rand hr virtue of gn order pass-
1 Hon, Wm. M. Jones, ordinarT
■Mlsseold on the first Tuesday In De-
aria not I etween legal boors of sale
tarmac the court house door In Thomas
OaMT Georgia following described
Dwaperty, to wit:
One Hundred acres of land' mere or
In* ot lot number 262 in the IS district
•fiThomas county Georgia as shown by
dead from J. A. Hurst, 8heriff to J. W.
Buns. Terms of tale cash.
lira. 8. A. Pearce, Administratrix,
Bet. J, W."Paaroe, deceased
t urgutiste fire yean loans on farm
and. «t I..west rates* of interest. Opm.
charges reasonable. A small
I tee, consistent with the amount
and trouble involved, will bo
1 each case. Bring your chain
• srich yon.
Sheriff’s Sale
GEORGIA, rhomas Oonnty:
Will be sold on the First Tuesday In
December 1204 between the ureal legs
hours of sale, before the oonrt boose
door In Thomas Oonnty, Ga, to tiio
highest bidder for cash, the following
real proporty, to-wlt; All that tractor
panel of land, aitnate, lying and heing
In the 16th. district ot Thomas oonnty,
Ga and bring that part of lot of land
numbor thirty seren (67) In said district
bonndod as follows; Commencing at
the county lino road at tho corner of
what was formerly Barnett’s land and
running thence along the South line < f
the said Barnett's land forty one chain*
to the Albany btanah of the Atlantia
Ooast line Ball Road, thence along the
Ins of Banyan Young's land to the
corner of tho Emannel land23:80
to the Oonnty Line Road thonce
the Ooonty Line Road 9:41 chains back
to the starting point, containing thirty
ono acres more or less.
Levied no end sold as the property of
A. G. Grant and Mrs. J, 8. Hoffman to
satisfy two fi. fas. tamed boa the Soper •
lor oonrt of Fulton oonnty, Ga to satisfy
the prl»dpal, Interest and east due an
on said A. tea. Notion given to defen
dants In writing of this levy.
This Not. 6 1901.
T. J. Hight,
11-4-41 Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia Tbomai County:
Under and by Tlrtno ot an order pass*
ed by the Hon. Wm. U. June*, ordinary
I of Thomas Oonnty Georgia between the
legal hour* of tale before the court
honee door In the city ot TJtomaerille
Trill be told the following described
proporty to wit:
All that tract or panel of land bring
the north half of lot of land No, 147 ot
tho 14th district of Thomas Oonnty
Georgia containing 210 acre* more or
lees, about 160 acres of the tame being
in tho Oonnty ot Jefferson State ot
Florida. Torn.* of sale cash.
T. W. Lewis, Administrator Bet. of
Wilson N. Lyons,
Trustees Sale.
By rlrtot of an order ot the Superior
Oonrt of Tbomai Ooaniy, Ga mad* at
the October term, igo». I will tell at
public outcry at the court boom do
Thomssvllle, on the first Tuesday In
Dec, neat, for cash,, the abater mill situ
atedon Little Tired Or «^i&.i*id conn
ty, together with thirtee- aeresdf lrn 1
constituting the mill site and folly dee-
eribed In a deed, /row W. G. Baggett
and wife to Mr. J. O. Ragan' Nnbid
leas than $400.00 will be reosivtd
Nor. 1st, 1904. 11-4-41
Bottle O. Trull.
Application for Administration.
\rtorney-st- Lew.
Moultrie. Ga
GEORGIA—Thomae County.
'To all * liom It may concop:
M A. Fleetwood, county administra
tor, having made applioathu to me la
due form’ to be appointed permanent ad-
mlnistrator upon the eetate ot 8teph
on Mingo, late of said oountr. Notice Is
hereby given that mid application will
be heard at thejregnlar term ottbe oonrt
of ordinary, lor said oonnty, to be held
on the Oiat Monday of December. 1904
Witaem my bend and official rigaa-
tnre, thla 6d day ol November, 1904.
Wm. M- Jones, ordinary.
Application for Dismission.
GEORGIA—Thomas Ooonty.
To all whom It may concern:
U. A. Fleetwood, administrator ot
the totals of Oore Ziegler baring made
application to me in doe form to bodia
mimed, this is to rite all persona eon
earned to show earns before me at foe
regular teem ot foe oonrt of ordinary
for mid ooonty to be bold on foe first
Monday In Jan. 1906, why said dismis
sal fooold not be granted. " .
tare this 6th day of Dee. 1904.
18 WM. M. JONES,
1144 Ordinary.
Petition for Charter.
OEOBOIA—Thomas County.
To the 8aperior Oonrt of said Ooonty.
The petition of J M. Simpoon, O. L.
Dnron, T. J. WlEs,* N. Carter end B.
E. Wilkes, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselvos,
their associates, successors and assigns,
to become Incorporated under the name
and etyle of "THE PLANTER’S
W lREHOUSE CO.” with a capital
•took of 9*400 00, divided into shares of
$100.00 eaoh, with the privilege of in
creasing said capital to a sum not ex-
needing 910,000.00 upon two third* vote
of the stockholders
I Pe.ittonera propose, and ask au
thority for, to conduct a general ware
house business, to bny and sell, lease
and mortgago real or persona! property,
to buy and sell cotton, cotton iced, oorn,
fertilizers and any and all farm pro
ducts, and to stare and receive compen
sation for commodities of every kind.
8. Petitioners desire to bo Inooipor-
atad for the term of 80 yean, with foe
privilege ef renewal at foe end ot that
4. The object at mid Inoorporetioo
Is pecuniary gain and profit to It* a
6. Petitioners show that more than
10 per eent. ef the said capital stock las
actually been paid hi.
6. The principal office and place of
bariMmaf mid proposed oorporiion is
to bo in Meigs, Ga , with the privilege
of establishing, branch offices
Wherefore, petitioners way that they
nay be Inoorporeted under foanams
style es aforesaid, entitled to all foe
rights and privileges ot foe law.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
L J. W. Groover do hereby dirtily '
"lmfc flm ahriffA it n fmn iwm a# 0km m' i
thatlhe aborc i» a true oopi of tbft p»-
tition foie d«y filed in m> office fob
day of November 1904.
O. 8. O.
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for its self in one days use. For
sale by all hardware dealers or the
Wert* MannfactnrinCo
Thomasville, Ga,
AdellneJMl'chell yj. John Mitchell.
To John Mitchell; - •
You are hereby cited to be and ap
pear at tht next term oi Tnomas Superi
or Court, April term 1905, In foe cate
above stated and show cause, if any yon
have, why divorce should not be grsated.
In default thereof the courtJwlil proceed
as Justice may appear.
Given under my hand and s*al,
J. W. Groover.
'< t- Clerk superior Court.
1- 4-l!d-11-2-16.
Application for Administrator.
Georgia, Thomas Oonnty:
To whom It may concern:
Mrs. F. P. Dekle, having mads ap
plication to me in doe form to be ap-
pointed permanent administratrix npou
foe estate of A. W. Dekle, late of said
county, notice Is hereby given that
said appUcatioiT will be liesrd at the
regnlar term ol foe .Court of Ordinary
for aaid Ooonty, to bo held on the first
Monday in January 1906.
Witness my bandied official signa
ture, this Nor. 94th, 1904
,' Sln •- v: Wm.M. Joom,
18 844 Ordinary,
Letters Dismission,
GEORGIA Thomas Ooonty; M. A.
Fleetwood Administrator upon foe estate
at James Wheeler late at arid county
deceased, haring filed hit
discharge, this Is to rite all
cornedtoahow cause foe granting of
discharge, at the regular term of
oiurt of ordinary for said
on foe first Monday in
Wm. M. Jon*.
When yon want a pleasant purgative
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets They are easy to take and pro
duce no nausea, griping or other dis-
sgremhls affect. Far sals by J. W
Letters ol Administration.'
GEORGIA—Thomas Ooonty. "
M. A Fleetwood.- oonnty sdminUtr*.
tor. haring made application to mein
dne form to be appoioted permanent
administrator upon foe estate of W. A.
Barrow, late of said oonnty, notice It
hereby given that mid application will
be heard at foe regnlar term of the
Oonrt at Ordinary for Said county, to
be held on the first Monday in January,
Witness my hand and official itgna- -
tore folt Mth day of Nov. 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
114t ■. Ordinary.
Georgia, Thomas Oonnty:
To all whom It may concern:
Mrs. Amanda Carroll haring In proper
form, applied to me for permanent Let
ters of Administration on foe eetate of
J. W. Carroll, late at add Oonnty, fob
la to dt# all and singular the creditor*
and next oi kin of J, W. Carroll to be
and apprarat my office within foe time
allowed by law, and show cause, if any
they can. why permanent adminbtn.
tiou should not be granted to Mrs.
Amanda Oarrall an J.W. Oarrell'a es-
Witnsm my hand and official signa
ture, this 91st day ofNovember. 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
1*4 4t Ordinary.
Georgia, Thumas Ooonty:
J. M. Bushin, administrator upon the
estate of Fannie If. Groover, Ute of
•mid oonnty, dsoaassd, haring filed his
for discharge, fob b to cite all
pewons eoncemed to arowosnae against
foe gtanting of fob dlantiarge, at the
regular term of foe oonrt of ordinary
for mid ooonty to be held on the first
Monday In January 1906.
Wm. M. Jones,
!2-2-4t Ordinary.
M there Be Oarfal
olfoe hmtfo ofyonr ehildren. Look
out for Oongh^ Golds, OroapanlHoop-
Btapfoem In time. One
nteOoogh Oore b foe beet nmsdy,
■jemmadgie^it. Sold STS-