Newspaper Page Text
South Georgia Progress.
Gomreltteem j.n Gives Ii
ling Views on Various
Many Candidates for Justice and C
stable. Other News-
j Editor Times-Enterprise: there Is so*
3 The tmoke of tile presidential cam- (Jin to pabli
paign lies cleared a way and the discna- them is la tl
i Sion.’if uot Hie coiling. has about qSas-; controls liei
f nd and the stale campaign two rears - would, and
, hence has opened with three in th$ring know she is
, and more to te heard from,
, 14 a great age.
WUsot M. Hardy, Prer*dant,.
ana. O. McCartney, s-c. & treee
At the Time-Knterx'nse Building.
Tliomasriile, Ga.
' On account of cnr attendance at the
Georgia BapthJ Stale CotiTcntioo we
failed to get in onr obatteriogs. .
The contention was prnrfouDced aa
the greatest gathering in tlieannaals of
iu history. The presence of God being
so forcefully felt as to cause the fol
lowers or Christ to gire their money
and their Urea to the great cease of
mission work for the Matter. -Truly it
was good to te there, and many a tool
returned homo resolved to do more for
the glory of Ohrist.
Mr. and Mrs. VV. W. Dokle, of Chat-
tain, paused through the first of this
week edronte to rlaft Mrs. Kate Ma*s*j>
titter of Mrs, Dekle who ,is critically ill
at her daughter's home there.
Mr. Joe Benton who baa been residing
in tbs country has moved to town and
lioccnpjing the residence of W. A.
Trulythie or "Women of the Far o” d virement
in the Atlanta Journal,tud altltongh she
I guess that l«fore many years candi- swears'alJeganoe to the insroca.l* gold
dates will be ajuoonced for a quarter standard orowd I think the still retains
of a cedtnry ahead, under the theory j a large degree of reverenoe fur her for-
of the esrly bird getting cits worm. The ruer IS to 1 ideas, at site mites shout
pirnnm sopters, Kimball and Waldorf j lirteen articles on politico toons ou the
caucuses may slsts the boys tor the
governing of the state nun nation even
to i ho third and fourth generation of
those that are faithful, e f c.
And then we haTuthelight fortpeaker
country home.
Bat I guets she will swear off now for
awhile and maybe her distinguished
husband will ran again on the Inde-
pendent or Populist ticket, ,as I hare
f of the house and iwssident of the senate Inerer heard a word froid him since be
I in the next legi-Iatnre. I notice that
youru and other south Georgia. papers
have raised tbs cry that tbs railroads
will endeavor to defeat Col. West of
| Lowndes for president of tbs senate.
Will some one please rite in hit glace
ami Cell why it is that the railroads are
! so'determined to detest a south.Georg la
' nun tor speaker of the lower or presi
dent of the upper bonne of the Georgia
, legislators'/ We liars roads iu south
Georgia. Why the railroads in north
| Georgia can exercise a grekter influence
over the legislators of that section than
they can in this is a mystery to me on-
less the Belmont Morgan s> items take a
. greater Interest in state affairs than the
' one* of this section.
How Mr. Editor I am not fighting
railroads. Their officials are men of
like passions with the rest of the race.
Wo want to get all wo can ont of any
Imsiaess we engage iu.
This continual warfare between the
people and tho railroad corporations
only serves to strengthen my belief In
government ownership as the final and
only solution of this mooted question.
Other nations are said to be owning and
oporating their roads to the satisfaction
of the general publlo and I belisvothe
tlmo is hastening wbeq this nation will
do the same. That great southern
statesman Robert Toombs, it it alleged,
once said that the people wtnld have to
own tho railroads or the railroads would
own the people.
Bnt one sign of hope 1 see in the ohaos
of the foot rate and rout of the late
election and that Is, it may lead to the
independence of the south. Why. even
the politicians and newspapers are try
ing to throw off Ills sack doth and
crawl .from tho ashes of hnmUiatlon-
They affirm that ttior won’t furnish ail
the electors and none of the candidates
any more. But I am mighty afraid
they will fall fro n grace before the
next campaign opens, unless someone
strikes wltils the iron is liot.
Ws are potting oat men for governor
two years ahead; why not for president
4 years ahead? Why not change the
Campaign slogan of, "Tarn the rsscals
out," to that of Jos. W. Folk, "and
turn tho rascals into the penitentiary.”
As city attorney of St. Lonis ho did
title regardless of puny tines, and the
Biggest bargains
ever offered by
a Retail
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 2477-
If you want to buy -goods at a
sacrificed p ric9 don t fail 13 see .us by
Saturday, Dec. 3 -d.
4fcticoi onrially and morally to thoir
-i«" abode. #
ISaUjH, (or the first time in the his*
tonr el tbia town the stores in this
TjjMr.0 wore not opeued at all on Thanks*
gpring day. Everybody enjoyoi him*
•wlf to the utmost. There was a song
•irrk** at the Baptist oliarch In the
■a isun and a ringing sermon fall of
sis mi tog thoughts, by Rot. 0. R. Jenk •
•tav, at the Methodist church at night.
Mr. T. la. Rooks and wifo and Mrs
WL &. B—saa and little daughter at*
the dosing exercises of the Pino
£ran> school last Wednesday. They
ftaud sent three most excellent [pnpils to
1k> school and came to tako them
Thomasville, Ga.
l.'isr Sat it r day. Mr. Smith and wife urn
the parents of Mrs. .Tas. W. Evans, who
died there last spring from tho alleged
improper surgical operation pet formed
by two of Tampa's surgeons. The
matter has beon taken np In the su-
pei lor court of Tampa, and they have
gono there as wltnesees before said
conrt. The trial, however, having boon
postponed nntU the first- Monday in
December, Mr. Smith retarned home
wlilie Mrs. Smith' and the chUdren re-
TW arithmetio and writing class be
at! taught at Fine Grovo school house
* frsgreofing finely. Quite a number
Dm this plaoo Is attending. Those
mkm antar next Monday will liavo full
advantage, exoeptpractice.
Mr. M. M Bennett, son of Mr. A.
ffkmneM, of Thomasville, Is now occupy-
■Sast a position In tho wholesale house of
SDr. T. J. Willies.
Maaare. A. J. Bond Haywood Slngio-
Sony and othera wont down to Thomas-
vrltts Bvtarday to staid the applicant’s
saaainslion a* mail carrier on ronto
■waaihur a, about to be established at
Well, onr district politics are warm
ing np. We now have as candidates
for the office of Justioe of the Pjede, the
present incumbent, Judge Smith and
W. W. Qekle, of the Chastain oom-
mnnity, and W. W. Story, W. H. Mon-
orief and J. J. Jones for Constable AH
these gentlemen are weU known and
ns. Corns and out jour baUot for the
^8inch Scotch Suitings, four colors 50c value..
5a in Panama Cloth, all wool Bfcck and Blue,.
Mi. William Willi* anti wife, of.
wax Pelham, and Mrs. Mary Wilkes, of
aMs place, left Tuesday morning for a
"adril to points on ibe coast. They will
"Segvaae several days V ’• "
Mr.M B.‘ Banders will tills wock
:mmve his family from Cairo .to this
.'glass They will oooopy the residence
Msefv vacated by Mr. W. a Thompson.
Sir. smd Mrs. L. K. Boswell wore tho
VaMs of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Monoriel
J. B. Wight, of Cairo, ns here Tues
day oh his way to the Methodist con.
ferenoe at MoRsie. ; * , *~
Rev. G. P. Riviere, of iCturo, war.In
town Tuesday morning on his way to
mingle with the Methodists at confer-
Von will pay 25c for this kind eisewhere. Next
week only
Hiss Luna Monoriet will leave thll
■ visit to OooUdge and otuor
-getets to visit relatives. .
At last the old land mark, tho rickety,
asdnty old jl»»k walk'in trout of the
party lines and elected him governor in
the face or strong opposition from thu
machine poUticians of both parties.
His native state to Tennessee, and his
adopted one Missouri. He would bo
sour hern enough for the south end wes
tern enough for tlie west. A floe com
bination; with hla worka and his reoord
as hla platform Bach a combination
sTonldnct begin with such afoot raco
nor end with such not as onr last
A force of workmen are busy making
repairs to the fbont of the. bolldlng oc
cupied by the Western Union Telegraph
as do* pair Ethiopian dye, our regular 20c hose 16c
Made of Imit black seal nicely lined ^nd trimmed
Our regular 59c hag for Next weck>only... 39 c
Whitinp hcx paper regular 50c quality
Berwickshire box paper regular 35 cqualit
tt Th i* me h®* WerregulM- 35cqualil
HoW/jd N. Stanton
Plana and Bp eciflrations furnish-,.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Personal attention given to all we
Office: Parker Building, next door I
The Correct Number gate the Stove
Range from Ball's Grocery.
l)M>P*ine Grove SCbCOl daring the
t mo and protad hereelf to bo a
bar of merit.
't«* enpino polling the extra frtm
mimutiUo hn>ke dovvn at this plaio
uwlaj morning. The broken par's
to taken to Dvhom « machine shop
were at on j nt in or.ler.
Sole Agent* Sampson Lining Silks.
ns 11M boUamUMas »H mbnim MU ttm. vklck arib hr SO oala *