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Neel’s Midwinter Clearance Sale,,
» time when everyone finds that he needs all the money- he can
>ri every one needs goods. H ere during this sale -we will
make yoiir money. do double duty. Sale lasts from Dee. 10th. to 25th*
ana vi
:: i i i• b for oar entire More of winter poods in thi* eftle at leaf-than IialTprlco.
1'! \> • duk Percale. 86 iuch. 8c
.*.0 p c :cs nil wool dre»e poods, all colors including Brown. Worth
from GOo to SI 00 Entire lot your choice at..... 49c
A few Holiday suggestions. For mothers or
sisters. Kid Gloves. We carry the celebrated
Centimeri, the best made from 75c to $1.75
per pair. Hankerchief's. A great variety for
all purposes.
40 dozen ladies Heavy Vests and Pants *<?5o kind for.. 17c
60 dozen misses Shirts and P.tnts 15c kind for...:.. 10c ,
25 dozen todies Tie*, Gptlars and Belts to match. Onr price at this . ^
great Clearance Sale.... 10o
r. lli .ivy wool .Skirt! v.orth *1 OOSnlo I'rico 78?,
25 1 leavy wool Skirt! worth *8.00 to *8.5u Sal? Price.... *108
*5.00 reduction ou every Indiei Suit,
25 Mi.scH l»rg»OIo,*i wortli*ff.50for...... *4.80
25 Ludies loose back jackets worth *6.60 for *4.80
Alt jackets *10 to*15 for *8.80
All jackets }:i to.?’, for *3.80
1 ■■ ■
li> Tablo SoitB worth *30 to *25 Clearance *14 CO
2nd Table Suits worth *15 to S18 " *1180
tli.l Table Cult* worth *126010*15 « *9 80
nil IGnls Suit! worth #10 tuMa-BO " *7.80
Bih lull a Halts worth *8 60 to #10 “ *8.80
it I. Table Salt, wortli *8 to *8.60 “ *8.46
Men. O.ereoMi |.’4 off front *3.0-up. 76 |ialr«
Mou' rnmi’le Shop, at le.» than whotesatecoet.
M.'ii . Felt Hats 1-4 rtr all grade* 800 pair!
Men's odd Pant* worth *1.60 to *8.60clearKnce 76c
Hosiery. Fine silk ones at $3.00 per dozen* Rugs.
Nothing pleases a woman more. Umbrellas. Silver
and Gold mounted. Drawn Work, real Mexican hand
made, Dress Patterns of all kind which always bring
joy and comfort to mothers and wives.
We have too manr Ladles high grade Shoes in high nrice.
We are determined to more them. These prides ought to
do so at bnce ns the, are 41 late rtjles and are gnaranteed
60pairworth'*3 5d>o *4.60 sale price...'.. *8.40
235 pair worth *2.150 to (300aale price....... *1.90
40pairmiivesShoes*1760 sale pride. *1.19
40 pair misses S oes *1.35. sale .price. *1.00
For Fathers and Sons. Suits of all sizes, Overcoats that are warm
and good. Nobby Neckwear, Fancy Vests, Hankerchiefs, Socks, Um
brella's and a great variety of serviceable things, Christmas presents
that will give comfort" as well as pleasure. Something serviceable and
Good, • •• :
Compound lard
100 pound cotton sack Sait
Best Cheese for
Seem Lenox Soap....
2 pound can Tomatoes fl?
leers S'a'oh 2 fmckages. x 5 ■
Cor d Iiii: , ajie
t4«oi gin Melon Tobacco per ponnl SO?
NewSeruppor gallon 25?
Ail kinds of Tinware at reduced rules.
Grout l.arvuins in this dejurtment
At all pile*.
Dec. io
[Broad Street.
We only ask that you come look at our stock and we are sure of pleasing you both
in styles and prices, v ; y
Yours for Business,
We are offering some special prices
in tills department for tike hoitdat*'
Thomasville Ga.
Dec. 25
Near Monument
^ GEORGIA—T)>om4«Count,.
Notion is hereby give? that the under-
elgued has applied to the ordinary of
sstd count, for leave to sell all the real Twipwt, belonging
to the estate of Steven Mingo forth)
payment of debts and distribution
among the heirs!Said application will bo
heatd»t the tegular term of tho Court
of Ordinary for said count, to be held
on the first Monds, in January 1905.
Administrator’s Notice.
To J. J. Wllsoo, Exooutor, lAnnle.E.
Baker, OrAoo Wilson and J. R. Wilson,
at law of J. R. Wilson, daoeaaod and l»ss.
BOtt-rcaldontt; \J Lots93, OS. 94and961n blk 3, col. B.
Dorris and Psrith haring made ap
plication to retjolre tltlee to b« oxoonted
to lilm cortaln land described In a bon d
for title thereto ntswhsd purporting
to be signed by J. R. Wilson, late of
■aid c inuty, depoatod, tho stld appllca-
tuut dinging that said land has boon
fall, p id for. AU parties oonoornsd
are hereby notified that eaid appUoa-
tion will bo heard before the Court of
Ordinary for said oonnty on first Mon-
day in January, 1906,
Thu 7th day of Dooombor 1001.
jPffiaV- .• - Wm-M. Jones.
1 west, containing one acre eaoh mom or
Lo’s 100,10*and 103 In Mk 6, col. 5,
one acre man or
FANNY pollock,
mms*[ ; -•
To JitMirv N. Pollock.
You are hereby notifUd and required
to be and apjHjar at tho April Term 1905
of the .SuporiorOoartof ThotiiMCounty
to answer the complaint in abovo stated
ca<w>. otherwise tho court will proceed
aa to johlice shall appertain.
Wiuiww the Hou. Robt. G. Mitchell,
Judge S. O. T. O.
tarn for 3m “A
Commissioners Sale.
Underjnidbr,yj^5^^rrer0hitlon- Georgia Thomas CouuJu’^T’. g
loanl of Commissioners Under ibid b; virtue of an order psa*.
Adopted by the Board of Commissioners'
of Rosds and Bevennos of Thomaa
county at the Deoembor mooting 1904,
tho following lots In tho City of Thqm-
asTiUe, nnd In lot Mo. 89, of the lBth
District of said oonnty, (tho uumiiers of
the lots, blocks and oolumns being ac
cording to Wilson’s ourvoy.) 8ald lots
being those for which no deoda have
over boon made by tho authorities duly
authorized to sell county propurty at
Administrator's Sale.'
' ’at'
ed by the Hon. Wm. M. Jones, ordinary
of Thomas Connty Georgia between the
logal hour, of sale before the con11
honredoorin tho city of Thomasville
on tho flrst Tuesday in Jannaiy
will be sold Ilia following described
property to wit:
All that tract or panel of land being
the north halt' ) lot of land Ho, 147 of
the 14th district of Thomas Coant;
Georgia containing 280 acres more or
less, about 168 acres of the same being
the Count; ot Jefferson State of
.... . ... *_,*_,* me v/oniHj oi jeuersoij
any time, will be sold atpubUo ontot, < lnr| ^ TornjI ot Mfh _
to the highest bidder before theoonrt
house door in ThomairlUo en the 1st
Tnssday in January 1055, within the
nsnal hour* of legal sales, to-wit:
Luts 88,97, 88 and 80 in blk 4. ool. B,
west, containing eaoh one acre more or
Lot# IW, 105, 106 and 107 to Mk 6,
ooL 5, west, ooetalning eaoh one aor s
more or lose exoept lot 107 whloh has
bsen rednoed by a strip eat off for Com-
press street.
Lot 103 In blk 7, ool, 5. west, contain •
log half an acre,
Fractional loti 109 and 110, Uk 5, oo*.
6, west, bounded by Monro, and West
street*(West street not opened) end-
Compress street
Lots llfnnd 113, nod that part of 111,
lying east of A. O. L. right ot way to
blk 4, ool. fi. west. ■
Lbt 118, Uk 8, ool.«, west containing
one sore more or less.
Lots 18p nnd 111, blk S, obi, «, west,
containing esoh t aor* more or less.
Lot 68, blk 9, col. 4, west, containing
on* acre more or less.
LoU 81,89,83 and 84 to blk 8. ool. 4,
went, containing eaoh halt aero more or
Fractional lot Ho. 86. to blk 9, ool. 4,
west, bounded by Oak (Met, Jeffenoa
■Met and the line between lot 39 and 40
in 13th district.
By order of the oonnty oommlssloosrs
T. W, Lewis, Administrator Eit. of
Witten N. Lyrnts deoastd.
Administrator. '
GEORGIA Thomas County.
To whom it may concern.
J. I. MoCann, having made appltoatlon
to me to due form to bo appointed per.
manent administrator upon tboestateof
]. F, MoCann, late ot said oonnty, da-
ceased, notice is hereby given that sat
application will be heard at the regular
term of tho court if ordinary for Bald
oonnty on the first Monday to January
1906. T
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this 6th day of Deo. 1904. ll*4t
Wm.vM. Jones,
Notice of Dissolution.
Notioeta here by given that thfc firm
of Bar wick Mercantile Oo. here to fore
engaged In the badness ot general Mer
chandise to the town of Barwiok, la this
day dissolved by motnal opnsent, 8. E.
'Sapehe* and R. L. Redfeara retiring and
J. L. Massey associating with him G.
W. Holloway.. The business will con
tinue at the same plao* by J: L, Massey
BndG. W. Holloway in the name of
Barwiok Mercantile Oo . They will set
tle all liabilities of the firm and reotdpt
for all amounts doe above named firm.
This 1st. day of Deo. A. D. 1904.
- Signed J. L. Massey
Q. W. Holloway
8. E. Sanchez
B. L. Redfearn
H. D. Davis Mgr.
- ( •
Sir Petition for. Charter. *
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the Superior Court of 'said Connty.
Tho petition of J. M. Simpson, G. L.
Daren, T. X Willis, J. N. Carter and E.
E. Wilkes, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns,
to beoome Incorporated nnder tho name
and style of "THE PLANTER’S
W1REHOU8E CO.” with a capital
stock of *360000* divided into shares of
*100,09 eaoh, with the privilege of in
creasing said capital to a sum not ex
ceeding *10,00000 upon two thirds vote
of tho stockholders.
Pedtioner-s propose, and ask an*
jhority for, to conduct a general ware
house bminess, to buy and sell, lease
end mortgage real or personal property,
to bay and seU cotton, cotton seed, oorn,
fertilizers and any and aU farm pro
ducts, and to store and reoelve compen
sation for commodities of eretyktod.
3. Petitioners desire to he Incorpor
ated for the term of *0 years, with the
privilege of renewal at the end ot that
4. The object of said ^Incorporation
is pecuniary gala and profit to iu mam-
6. Petitioners show that more than
10 per cent, of the said capital stock has
actually been paid to..
6. The principal office and place of
boaiueea of said proposed corportion is 1
to be to Meigs, Ga , with the privilege
of establishing branch offices.
Wherefore, petitioners prajtbat they
may be Incorporated nnder the name and
style as aforesaid, entitled to all the
rights and privileges of the law.
Petitioner’s Attorney,
I, J. W. Groover do hereby certify
that the above la a tree cop; of the .pe
tition this day filed to m; offioe the 10th
day of November 1904.
O. S. O.
)■■■■ ■: - Divorce.
AOelbieJMl'chell yj John Mitchell.
To JohnlMirchell;
You are hereby cited to be and ap
pear at the next term of Tfiomas Superi
or Court, April term 19o5, to the case
above stated and show cause, if any you
have, why.divorce should not be granted.
In default,thereof the coon>iil proceed
as justice may appear.
Given under my hand and seal,
J. W. Groover.
Clerk superior Court.
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for Its self to one days use. For
solo by all hardware dealers or the
Warts ManufactuHnCo
Thomasville, Ga, __
Application for Administrator.
Geor*la, Thomas Oonnty:
To whom It may oonoern: .
Mrs. F. P. Dtkle, having made np.
lcatioo to me to due form to- bo ap-
Anted permanent administratrix upon
theosUte of A. W. Debts, late of said
notion Is hereby given that
Ueatton wUl be heard at the
regular tenant .the Court of Ordinary
for said Ooufity, held on the fi st
Monday to January. 1996.
Witness my hand and official sl(na
tore, this Nov. *4th, 1994.
Wm. M. Jones,
1* 14t Ordinary.
Trustees Sale.
By virtue of an order ot the Superior
Court of Thomas Oouniy, Gs. made at
the October term, 1904 I will sell at
public outcry at the court houte door at
Thomasville, on the first Tuesday to
rtt. nest, for oasb, the water mill situ
ated on Little Tired Greek in raid coun
ty, together with thirteen acres of lard
constituting the mill site and fully dec-
eribed in a’ deed from W. G. Baggett
and wife to Mr. J. O. Ragan. No Lid
less than *500,00 will be received.
N Its U)l . 11—4—It
Bettie O. Trait.
When yon want a pleasant purgai’e
try Chamberlain’s Stomaon and Unr
Tablets. They are easy to take and pro
duce no nausea, griping or other die-
agreeable effect. For rale fay J. W
Letters ’of AdmlflbtratidiLj'Y '
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
M. A Fleetwood, connty sdminlstra*
tor. having made application to mo to
doe form to bo appointed permanent
administrator upon the relate of W. A.
Barrow, lato of jald county, notice is
I oreby given that said application will
be beard at the regular term of tho
Coart of Ordinary for raid county, to
be held bn the first Monday to January,
Witness my hanl and official signa
ture this 38th day of Nor. 1904.
Wm. K. Jones,
11-4* . Ordinary.
Georgia, Thomas County: /:
J. M. Rnshin, administrator upon the
estate of Fannie M, Groover, late of
said connty, deceased, haying filed hla
petition for discharge, this is to cite nil
person* concerned to show canseagainst v
the granting of this discharge, at the
regular term of the court of ordinary
for said oonnty to bt hold on the first
Monday to January 1995.
Wm. M. Jones,
l*-*-4t Ordinary.
Letters Dismission.
GEORGIA Thomas Connty; M. A.
Fleetwood Administrator upon the estate
oFjame* Wheeler late of said county
dsoeaasd, having filed his petition for
discharge, this is to cite aU persona con
cerned to show Cause the granting ot
thla discharge, at the regular term of
t he osnrt of ordinary for said oonnty to
be held on tho first Monday to January
19-3 <t. , Wm. M. Jons.
I negotiate fit* yean loaat on farm
ends * t lowest retsst of interest. Com
mission charges reasonable. A small
abstract fee, cor si stent with the amount
of work and trouble Involved, will he
charged to eaoh ease. Bring your chain
of titU with you. , ~
» -Law.
Moultrie, Ga