Newspaper Page Text
lira. J. L. Aren and little daughter
H*we went to Dnweon Tuesday _ou a
Mr. and Mrs A, G. Robinson came
home Tnesday from a pleasant holiday.
Tbit to the latter'g parents at Pelham.
Mr. J. H. Carter and family went
hack to their homo in Meigs Tuesday
after two days spent with relatives
Messrs W.Yauoey Bryan and W. T.
Wood I' 1 tiro passed through the city
Honda.) going ]to Cairo from Camilla
where bey spent Christmas.
Mr. W. L. Powell patted through
* Tuesday from Albany to his home at
Mr. Frank Smith came home from
Montgomery Tuesday afternoon. Be
spent Christmas with bis wife and baby
there. “
Mr. Ed Jones who b filling t respon
sible position at Blaeksheir returned
there Tueday.
Miss Lawton Vann retarded to Mon-
tioello Tuesday, after a Ohr stmas stay
With home folks in Boston.
Maatra. T. J. Willis and Robert Ham-
bleton after a holiday season with home
folks returned to Meigs Tuesday.
Mrs. J IV. L. Tates and boys accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Blake to Savan
nah Tuesday for a week’s visit.
Mr. M. 0. Sheffield of Merrillville
»im to town on Tuesday to m<et hb
brother, J. W.'Sheffield of Brinson Gs.
Hr. W J. White of the firm of Baldy
A White at Ooolldge, was in the city
Tneslay returning bom Cairo, hb old
Mrs. Max Schener and Miss Lavtne
Jaqnes of Mew York City are visiting
Mrs. Edward Lousberg on Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Merrill*
Tilb passe 1 through the city Tneaday
on their way to visit the htter'a parents
«t Hontioello.
Mr. Jno.. A. Powell,..» prominent
merchant of Montioello,' Fla, passed
through the city Tnetday returning
from a holiday visit to bis old home,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. L. Yates gave a
Yule Tide dinner to Hr. and Mia. W. EL
Blake ef Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Z. L
. Fitzpatrick of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. J,
F. Lamb and Mr. John O. Sharp.
Mr. Jos Bobbon returned to hb borne
in Amerioni Tnesdar afternoon after
• few days visit with relatives here.
Mrs. Rob|scs Will remain for some time
A Fruitless Chase.
The polios offioert amused Sandy
Bottom jesterfay afternoon by a chase
after a young negro who had bean
tronblingjanother with fireworks. The
culprit disappeared in the devious by
ways of that region and escaped.
Visitors Hero,
A party of distinguished Savannah
visitors arrived Tuesday, sftaknooo at
AM, the Inin being ob. timo. In their
honor for the first tune in several weeks.
They are Hon. W. W- Osborne and
wife, Bon. Jss. M. Dixon and Bon.
George M. Gadsden. They an guests
of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roddenbery at
their home on Hansel! street.
Days fo» Fire Works Over.
The mayor let down the ban for fire
works and of oonne the. younft people
msd« the moat of their opportunity. Bat
thb liberality does not last forever. Yes
terday was the last day for fireworks
fnii my youngster who pyrotecbnbtes
to-day might be snmmoused to oourt.
Word from Texas.
[ A word of Christmas cheer oomra
from the Lone Star state. Mrs. Ferdin
and Banaw, who was Mist Steyerman
of thb city, writes bom 'San Antonio,
Texas. “Have enjoyed reading the
Times-Enterprise and congratulate yon
upon Us rapid pragmas.”
Misses Motsall Griffin and Clifford
Griffin, of ThomaavilU, are spending a
few days with Hr*. B. L. Griffin..
-Yaldotta Timet.
(By R. L. Van Laudingbani)
Christmas is gone and, all our mer
chants had a splendid trade, especially
those who handled the holiday goods.
The streets were thronged all last week
with shoppers and while the crowds
Friday and Saturday were unusually
large, good older prevailed, there being
only two arrests during the" entire
The oyster dinner and sapper given
by the ladies last Wednesday in the
vacant store formerly oooupied .byj.
L. Ponlk, was a great sneoets. the pro
ceeds amounting to more than (60.00
which will go toward purchasing a new
piano for the sohool.
Rev. G. P. Riviere of Pelham spent
Tuesday and Wednesday with his
family hero.
lss Johnnie and Kathryn 'Brown
went over to Climax Monday where
they will spend a few days with rela
Miss Benlah Zant is spending the holi
day* with home folk* at Lake Park.
Rev. and Mn. W. O Jones and chil
dren of Quitman are spending the holi
days with relatives here.
J. M, Ponlk has moved Into the Joree
Louse on Monroe street and Dr. Eugene
Glower will oooapy the house vacated
by Mr. Ponlk.
E. A. Williams has opened a grocery
basinete and cafe in the Arllne store.
While engaged in shooting fire works
on Bryan street last Satarday night
Perry Baggett was strickened very sud
denly with congestion of the “bowels;
He was oarried to the realdenoe of Mr,
W. D. Barber.where he remained nntll
Sunday afternoon when he was re
moved to the home of ids father, Mr.
W. G. Baggett. At thb writing his
condition la ranch improved and heb
thought to be out of danger.
The Knights of Pythias and Masons
have moved into their new lodge room
In the third story of the L. B. Powell
bnlldmg, where they will have more
room. The K. P’a have bought a hand
some suite "of furniture tor their Castle
Ball and when it arrives thoy will have
one of the best fnrniilied lodge rooms In
thb section. J,-
Mrs. W. A. Peterson and children of
Mount Vernon are visiting iu. the city,
the guests of Dr. and Mrs, W. A.
Walter. KlvtaeJE*::-:
Mbs Jessie Clark U spending vacation
at her borne in Jasper, Fla.
(By J. N. Donaldson.)
Messrs. Owen and Linton who reside
\ Mr. Norman Thompson and Miss
< Hive Quattlobaum Df-Oehlockpuee were
about three mile* southwest of Uere ; riviug through the beautifol streets of
(Byj. F. Singletary.)
Mlsee* Mabel and Hilda Stephens are
■pending the holidays In Dothan, Ala
the guests of Mn. Edna Barwiok.
Mr: and Mn. Wa, Singletary of
Meigs spent last Sunday with relatives,
Mbs Olivia Lindsey b visiting her
moot, Mn. Jerry Parker, of Cairo, thb
Mrs. J. B. Lucas, of Oordete, b the
gneet of friends bera'tbb week.
Mr. Borman Thompson, of Oordeb,
after spending several days with hb
parents, Mr. and Mn. T. T. Tbomplon,
■turns 1 to Oordeb Tush Ur.
Rev. H. P. Stubbs left for Hilton
Wednesday, where he goes to take
charge of the work assigned him by the
South Georgia Conference. _
Mr. and Mn. Austin Thompson, of
Warn Springs, are the guests of Mr.
and Mn. T. T. Thompson thb week.
Mr. and Mn. E. -R. Singletary, of
Meigs, spent‘last Sunday hen, the
guests of relatives.
Mr. and Ha E. R. Clark, of Thom-
aeville. visited relatives here tide week,
Mr. Raymond Singletary, of Grjrid
Ridge, Fla., b here for a few day* visit
to relative* and ftlends.
Rev. G. P. Revie re will preach at'tl e
Methodist ehnnh the fourth Saturday
and Sunday in each month.
Mb* Bessie Jackson, of Center Hill, b
the gneet of Mbs Grace Stubbs this
Mr. and Mrs. May Dekle spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Brayton
Mbs Susie blcgtetary has bought the
beautiful line of millinery from Mr*.
Nannie Venters.
Miss Lonvy Anderson b the guest of
Mrt. J. H. Anderson thb week.
will ereot a glu.and grist mill on tl.eir
faVm. The majority cf the machinery
has arrived which is being placed in
position. These gentlemen ard doing
all they can to have tltoir plant in open.,
tion at an early date. Messrs. Owens
and Linton aro lmstHng men aud no
doubt will make a suocess of thb- en-
terprise. '
The Christinas tree at the school
house on last Sstnr ay evening was a
grand success. A large ” crowd was
present and quite a number of betli vain-
able and useful presents were given
away by Santa Claus. Mr. W. R. Luns
ford acted his patt well, as master of
When yon see so many people wear-
lug a broad smile and a happy look on
their faces daring the holidays it is evi
dent.that they have bad a good time,
rhb b the oonditlon of oor citizens.
Mbs Fannie Reagan of Meigs is spend
ing a few days friends thb week.
Mr. and Mrs. Scarbrough of Thomas-
vllle were the gaeste of their parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. Green, a few days thb
Mrs. A. R. Lamar, who has been the
gneet of her brother, Mr. A. F. Hill for
a month left last night for Tnmpa,
_ Mr. and Mrs. Clias. F Mathis arrived
rhartday from Pensacola, Flo., and are
-pending the Holidays with robtivesand
home folks.
Mrs. M A. Johnson, of Maoon, came
down Monday to spend a few days with
her son Mr. Y. T. Johnson.
Mrs. J. J. Hardy of Quitman and
Mist Rath McOartey, of Monltrio were
guests of Ur, and Mrs. J. N. Donaldson
a few days daring the holidays
Mr. and Mn. J. J. Tamer left Tues
day for Montioello, Fla., where they
have gone to be present at the marriage
of their brother Mr. Manly Clarke of
Mr. and Mn. Deo Evans, Mr. William
Brooks and daughter -Mbs
Misses Mamie and Lottie Evans, of
Ooolldge, Miss Zella .'Daren of Thomas-
vllle and Mr. O-D;.Moore, of Valdosta,
formed a pleasantparty'who oame down
from Ooolldge this morning.
St. Petersburg Bakesa.
In St Petersburg nearly everybody
live* U a flat and In tho basement* of
thee* flat building* are shop*. If yon
live *t th* top of * flat bonding you
go down an endless stone stalrcss*-
elevators are a* yet almost unknown—
oat of th* doable doors Into the street
and at your feet In the basement be
hold • shop. Boy yon enter It in nine
cases out of ten yon will find your*;1f
In a provision shop, probeMy a bal
—a' German baker's., 1’" ■ «'J)’
there are many German f v
tljere are aboMozeos of •
ibn bread eel'-'
their her
ten set
the r
it •
• ills town a few afternoon- since.
Mr*. M. P. DeWolf aud daughter, of
P.'lbsm, were guest) of Mrs. T. F.
.'niton on Quality square Monday.
Mr, snd Mrs. J. D. Nelson ot this
l-lacb are on a to Mn. Nelson's
parents, near Alnpnha.
Many families are looklag for Itousi f
here. SomeexoeUent families are wish?
mg to oome heret bat with all the build-
mg that goes on from January to De
cember there are no houses to be had.
- Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Walden of A!-
iiituy, ware the guests of Mrs. Walden's
parents here daring Christmas
Mes-ra W. A and O L. Daren and
families of this place ate turkey with
the faintly of Mr T.O. Dureu at Thom-
asvilb. Christmas.
Bob Mize of Pelha n was here Bator
Miss Maggie Daren who lias been
vt lting in rhomasvdle and Stalls Daren
who has been with relatives for several
lays in.Oamllla, have retnmed home,
Mr. J. H. Sapp aud famllj left Wed-
nesday morning for Sonth Florida,
where they will make their home. M-.
Sapp lived Just over the line in Mitchell
Misses Oallie and;Estelle Ferguson, of
.TnberviUs, ware the guests of friends
here during the holidays.
Misses Edna and Pansy Green of Pel
ham were visitors at the home ofAfrr,
E. E. Wilkes daring the|week.
■Mrs Rosa Jones was the^nest of Mr.
George D. Johnson duriogjthe week,
Truly there was some whisky in tills
town daring Ohrbtmns, . *
It will be a surprise to even the people
of ihb town to learn of the-marriage of
Miss Eugenia Stubbs, to Mr. Styles B.
Mnes of Mars, Soreven oonnty,;Ga. 8he
is the daughter of Judge Olios. F.
Stnbbi, and <s accomplished and lovable
and bin Avery ways prize. Mr. lines
b a fine badness man, and stands high
In social circles.
Step in to Atkinson MeroantUe Co.’s
■tore and get all the ladles and gents
underwear, OOoentaynlae for 89 oen’e.
Invitat.qus were received iu Thomnit-
vllle yesnr.iajvts follows; “Mr. aud
Mrs. Henry A Blackburn request 11 e
honor of your presence at the marriage
of their daughter Julia to Mr.-Claude
Thornton Aneley oh tho nfteruoon of
Wednesday the eleventh ot- ..’ni.uarj at
two o’clock. First Presbyterian church,
Live Oak. Florida j
This Is indeed »u interesting tmuonneo-
me tto ms iy Ti omasville people. Mr.
Ansley’s mother, sistors and brothers
ro-ide here He himself wa) a* valned
citizen of this place for mauv years.
He entered the service of the Atlantio
Coast Line s freight department some
rears ago and was steadily promoted.
HU last promotion look him to Live
Oak. Fla., where he has lived for the
past two yea's. Ho la a youugjman of
splendid character aud fine business
ibi! Uy. Reports say that Ills wife-to-be
'* one pf the F orida city's most charm
ing young women.
■i .•'Tie. - V .: \
The negro citizens'.too making great
preparations for tbs celebration of Mon
day January eeoond at “Emancipation
Day.’’ They have issued * circular
railing attention to tho foot that thle
will be tho forty-seoood anniversary of
the freedom of the negroes. A* b their
custom they will have a number of
-•we at th*^ First Afnoan
^ 'Broad-
. why
Boarders Wanted.
Gentleman absent rrom'th) city moat
of the timo wishes oue or two boarders
as company for wife. Siigle ladies or
flonpls without children preferred.
Good subnrban location, no waterworks,
19-98 7t w. Address "P •’ thb office
F. J. Brown of Cairo spout Wodnes
day In town. •
Mr. Clyde Neel b at home again after
a visit to Qaltman '■
Mr. Alf Robinson spent (Wednesday
hunting near O-hlookonee.
y,, ■ *
W. M. Quinn, postmaster at Whigham
was in town on] Wednesday.
Mrs. J, O. Lewis has gone to Lump
kin to spend a few days.
Mr. Theodore Titus made a' business
trip to Albany yesterday.
•it. 1
t i\ reprejont J
What may he cd
“that hqic<
of tlu? Dally Urn
of the
figurcme'nt of English books by A
can spelling. I should like to tell
that we think onr way Is right n\
tlmt your waj is wrong, and
your editor will not mind If 1 veritai
on n few lonurrk^ in defense of
corrections. For example, we wi
‘favor* nnd 'honor,’ Well, ‘favor’
‘honor’ are nearer the Latin orlj
than ‘favour’ and ‘honour.’ whh-h have
acquired their uxmocessary ‘u’ hy com
ing throuirh the French.”.
“But If they have been Hpelled ‘h<
our' and ‘favour’* for Vontiirif-. w
change them now?”
“Why not? They were ns often spoil
ed ‘favor* nnd 'honor* in Shake .'(>:ire’$
day us‘favour’amt •lionour.’ Vm must
rcjncmhcr that ppoDing ins extmroely
uncertain In tlioV Llizaheih.m d.iyv
whence we me believed to h ;v • driuvo.
the well of English umlehli .' Ben.
Jonsou marshal.cspenre. for r;;
spell •recede* l!? four other
ccad,' vTocoado.’ *i ed.’ ’n
“Let v. i 1 '• " ’ho our.’ fl
defend ‘center?’ ”
“Why Rhonl.l you spell i*
when you write ’puriniente^
ameter' mid wl.en Shakespor:
‘scepterV By history nwd anal .
ter' Is eid!y,(o l;e just'm! tb«A
'centre.* ‘ Then*rgain,” continued th*
United .States cit'^n, warm!::/; up to
his subject, “you .write ‘crttU'iae.’ and.
wo write 'rrltVao.’ Iml oiir version
"balks buck to t: e -Uryt'k original; yon
write 'almanac,* hut why don't yoa
write V.Ununii.’k,’ wbidi is- U>oro
chalc? You blame us for ‘program,’ but,
'you put down ‘drum* without a acnipM*,
Many English ■'pfeopu* wftio-'tyre* fot
‘tiro,’ which any pbililaglst kqows W
be n gross crroKand almost every Eng>-
Ilshman, for no benson whatever, wrltstt
‘Waggon’ Instead of ‘wagon.’ fum
know what Horace Greeley said who*
ho was ‘ reproached for making that
mistake. He said he lmd been taugWt
spelling In the g >od old times, wbOfc
people built ‘wig^ons* heavier. "'b*t
don Graphic.
A brave man doesn't think; he acta**
IT. Rider Haggard.
'Hurry, excltemcntf bustle-
W. W. Bryan was here yesterday en
rente from Cairo to hb home in Tifton.
Mr, Oy Mallard b expected home
from Atlanta today. He went there to
bo treated by an oyo specialist.
Miss Emma McCray has returned
home, after a most |delightful~Tisit to
friends In Albany.
M. M. Mize, on his way from Bain-
bridge to Pelham was in townWednos-
T. A. Stringer of Metcalfe and Ids
•liter Mlse Maggie were here jestordaj
on their way to Cairo.
if, a, BULqog/mir9
not good for people. .I-ei
and live long.—Frank T?
There Is only one w
man , or ‘ woman can
strength, and that la '
Ingly nnd to stand »
Gertrude Atherton.
To borrow one’s /
free llbrnrlea Is llkr
bles dropi>ed by som
road ami linking *
other’s Ieav!ng8.~-
To go n-Ashing
past Is n pastime
Whnt old, 'forgottr
be dragged ^ *
gler!- F»*
y or
every man.
stand over a
make him.T
to the choy.
was no other
him. Also tL
allow a girl
knowing, asjwar,,
hb physical aa WfO a* .
dltloa deserved to be scaljra
“The. wliolo marrying bow
wrong," said Mr. Lincoln,
bio girls have ton often foolish .u,.
era, who care for nothing l/ut to sei.
their flesh and blood to the highest