Newspaper Page Text
fide DIKerenee *■ M * a
i incuu vviiu wuv« .7
! “that young fellow nt tbe next table
! who just left? He reminded me of tbe
>]. ; : - t: re is to people When it
j comes to carrying money. Tbat voutb
; had ii roll oi bills as big at hii* ana
a l he wanted everybody to see them,
although he nude believe to blile tliem.
; 1 bey were mostly ones and fives. His
check was 40 cents, but be i*M with
n live. Then when be ordered a cigar
out came tbe accumulation of a lire-
time Again, and he banded tbe waiter
another five. It be baa bla. shoes fbined
h. ii hivuk a five dollar bUi and keep on
uutil he has nothing but ones and
twos. He likes to give folks tbe im
pression tbat bis capital is enormous,
ultitougb it Isn't, jodglog from his ap-
pea&nca Than there's the man who
always has *300 or #J0Q in bis pocket,
but ifs tu an inside pocket and ifs in
big d. i;..uiinations—fifties' and . bon*
dreds. “He seldom shows any real
money. He has small hills handy for
ordinary use, but be doesn’t mean to be
caught If there’s an argument with
a bet in It he can put up on the spdt
And a good many men don't cany
enough money to scrape through tbe
A Terrell coauty man shot
j negro Sunday. Tint’s aboat th
of cassedness. Booze did it, of
Tom Watson's new magazine will
make its first appearance on February
twentieth. It • v , says the editor,
carry on the work for r.'" w .
Rev. Walker Lewis, the well-know*
Mrthodist minister, write*: “I baee
tued Dr. Mozley‘s Lemon Elbrtr la nr
family with very beneficial results. It u
an admirable medicine and czcaUerS as
a tonic and liver regulator.*
Athens if planning to bnild a moan-
merit to Dr. Crawford \V Long, t •
discoverer of anasthosia. Dr. Lung
lived in that city.
day. Ydu’ll find mlllhwUrea wbo have
to tfiro themselves tuudu out to settle
for a car fare. Some lug what 1 Call
rheumatism money In every pocket If*
so. twisted and deformed and out of
sliape tbat you can't count It nulesa
.you smooth it over with a hot flatiron.
Others fold tbeir money neatly. There
are all kinds, but as a rule tbe chap
wbo pulls out a bloated collection of dol
lar bills'is carrying every penny be bus
In tbe world and a good deal more than
he'll have many hours unless he's care-
fab”—Providence Journal.
The ere liters of tbe First National
Bunk of Mhcou w'■coked by the Plant
failure will receive a Oliristtuss dlvi-
dend.thi* week that brings the total np
to85percent. : - ...
On Sunday morning. Solicitor W. W.
Osborne, who Itss been writing a cries
of letter* on the political situation in
Georgia published the third of the aerY .
Mr. Osborne was recently attacked by
opeakar Morris in an open letter, in
wnioli the speaker declares Osborne to
be a corporation attorney, and that his
epistUtory campaign .s in behalf of tbe
In tbelast election the Populists ticket
heade-i by ilium** E Watson received
li-1,'137 vo cs. His largest vote wv In
tins state 22,n.11, aud ho secured in Ne
breaks 20,508, The Populist came fifth
in tiie list, those ahead of that til ket
boit'g the Democratic and Republican
of couree, and tbe Socialists aud Prt -
If you have-never tried this
great remedy
for a free eample and elate
your symptoms.
lie simply ask you to try f*
-if our expense.. We .know eohat
U will do.
Thacher Medicine Co.
A Dob! and Da.lilon Lady Warn the
Mother at Robert Drove.
Many a marriage auggeets to an Ir
reverent curiosity tbe question, “Did
the woman propose ItV But one eel-
dom finds gctual historic proof tbat she
did. A recent delightful book on Scot
land has an Interesting and apparently
authentic story of a case where tbe wo-
man not only took tbe Initiative, but
took It hi a blgb banded fashion.
Tbe yuuug Countess of Carrlck woe
left a widow by the death of ber hus
band while on one of tbe crusades.
Tbe king became ber guardian, and she
had good reason to fear that he would
force upon her a marriage of policy.
Sbe was,* fsuious horsewoman and
often rode for a day through her own
rorest. attended only by a small mount
ed gnariL One day sbe encountered a
The Monlfrle OJ Mill burned Satur
day night, Tiie mUl was owned by E.
S. Nace, und ids low Is (lO.OOOor (12,000.
The milt was insured for (8.000 in ’the
Phoenix of Brooklyn! and the Insurance
Oompauy of North America.
The mill was destroyed last year by a
cyclone. It wil probably be rebuilt
soon, an'd for the third tnuo. ‘
. ; ‘i i£J ’“fame,?;
Even dnrtngthe holiday time Geor
gia organizations esme to’ the' front.
The Wowing is last weekyiist:’ '
Atlanta—(100,000 time lamp maitu-
f.ctarihg company: construction com
pany; (10,000 coal mining company:
(10.000 manufacturing company: (100,-
000 heud company.
Crawford—Electrio light plant.
. Douglas—Electrio light plant.
Vldalla—Water and light company. '
The Valdosta Tims* discos am cdltori-
■leh of
R. R. Far* P*!d. Nona
tdmi « turnon. BEST
"Two weeks* 'imprisonment brought
him to a proper sense of tiie charms of
his fair hostess, .and knight and lady
wet* wedded with the reluctant con
sent of the king.
Tbe sou. of. this romtntlc marriage
was RobertP: dee. whose splendid
patriotism''and brace'deeds at* well
filled to Justify his mother’s coura
geous audacity.
ally and hi
first chaptsr shoald,.coiitain m
* those pttteot ai the ecu-
summer of-IMS) it
'e, bBt tbe lntere is
■wer Just ss well;
anced at this o.i..
should he beaten;
is Mr. fitted to
t The article
open, (rank,
free (tons abu-i
•poet and attei-
The,Old Fashioned Wife..
A pretty young married woman said
’ ' . r . •. ,i ' — Ss^W,.,
Tlicwe wlio wish day board or pleas-
at rooms witli board ran be aooom
»ted. Everything ^lean, Comfortable.
id homelike, good *bd prompt serv toe
veil to alL ' Phone ill.
Masu*y Hotel.
cllnes all luvltatlons unless he is in-
eluded and never under any clrrum-
stances la away from home when he
return* at night. -* T - \ r
M “Then Site always gets up to break-
fast with him und even goo* so ftr as
to prepare certain favorite dishes for
him instead of leaving inch fussiness
to the cook. 8he does not go away In
the summer ontll be la able to go, too.
and. in facL she. fusses over him In
the most absurd fashion."
After the pretty creator* had van-
•shed to Join a party of friends at' din-
ner a reflective mood stole over the
friend, end sbe thought how mnch be*
ter It would be If there wer* more old
fashioned wives.
Morris in hi* li>
> take a ooap.e
ig the holidays
■aageduntil tie
So I give him
toddhiapart. If
that time, In ihe
sent that the great
• upon this question
ts, I shall myr* If
rom informal!) n
I am in no hmry
on. I don't want the
< oat of their misery no
For Infants and Children.
lie Kind You Hare Always Bought
i a lingering death.”
jaea with the statement;
s awake. Let them I •
i the candidate*. W! at
is? With whom did tl ey
■ any legislative core- n
shad? Who an the sup.
<eh candidate, and lastly,
toe mercenaries want? l>n
them select some one with no ei •
In all parts of the city
with all modem con.
veniences "for the sea-
last evening? Carrie-How did you
happen to goes* it? Yes. and I'm going
to take out s policy for (1,000. Aunt
Jsne-Foc mercy’s saks, what do you
mean? Carrie-Well, yon see, be be
gan to make lot* to me, bat the chance
to get a new applicant wee so strong
he couldn’t resist He’s a Ufa Insur
ance solicitor, you know.—Boston
Transcript * .
Also, Suites of furn
ished rooms tp rent.
Write or call on
E. M. Mellette,
Mitchell House Block
Thomssville, G*.
Musical Card.
Mr ^Frederic J. Uscombe from N« v
York who Is to bt orcanisf and qbc X
master of the St. Thomas Episcoisl
c hurch daring(tb& winter will give ht.
son-s onjpiano^piiie'organ aud voice «t-
taru at roa-onable rates. Classes erv
o 'em Fo-Iii&rticvl&ts call at Mrs. E. 1
Jackeou fit.
“Did you ever try any of onr whisky.
Judge?" asked the dealer.
“No," replied the Judge, ‘Tint 1 tried
a man today wbo—kludge.
s'Yneatau there Tl
y-two ruined and
Mrg. Ellington
moments the
to her friend
• Vi hew they
Hi- re,
g his 27th year of
That >>!*---f*.1 tiny drawj nigh:
Ihe nad&y lads cjdh in, their urmf*
vnlnt tii^h
Willi f'hrifttcnag bonghH of cedar, fir and
K^d-Vtecned !if>lly. and green ivy vine.
The incense like \ erfnrne
llullowfi each happv room;
Tlif ivoune is beHQtifnl with Chrintman
li i« the gay time of the year.
OChriar. who on the Olirivtuias mor«
[song yHnrn ago.
While aDk-eli* Kang the chime
For tiie flr.t Ohri>nii»»H time,
ftf a poor nmid wjik horn
And laid Ft thy kindly head
Ffu entli the hi.mblr aln*d
Wr.i-rt; aad-eyed oxen munch their
biniscd corn
Aud mUch kitie for their wean
iingH low.
Le t i
Irf l i
Let i
e pitiful lhi?
i ('iimtiun i
wretch in
vain fer help
ti«F> from any floor.
Uiiwanned, unfen.
No kind word said,
HnlpleM, t>e turned away;
For thine own sake, we prny.
• ••Wil lam Drau Howells.
Mrs Klllugton vrulcomed her friend
wUh cordial i>lcanure into the ta-tcfaliy
fareirluNl imrlor of lier pretty new
tsimaf, »Md after a whija c alled her at*
tv&tioti to kovoihI pictuii?K, "co. \-9 of
lit* oi<l masters,*• she oxp'ained, ’*l«U h
*J»e eojor»*d very mnelt, eaueelal.J" that
tenutiful jrtt lurc of Iht* 1 iCa’ivitv by
^VaTcifgii* " Then she tdk**d of ther
5J*tn of tmuifa i.ulft -4 ' i tyiu**-re*t
, t er fri'Mid inf.’; - i i.” tyv - i*.
s Bofore I go I nu*4t re’l yo i » pa
^ulearory and tisk .fnrar he P
i»it tiiere Cuino to our tow i n
,)ung wourtU wlio, after tr>in^
•Jo got a jilaro to stay *-lcp! m n
and her baby was born in olio,
,.v dreadful!” exclaimed Mr>.
would be sorry
d if 3ou would
ved into your
”, Mrs. El-
•pri»c, and
am fcorry
In Saturday'k Atlanta Journal Kev.
Alex. W. Beaier has an article bubbling
over with ChriKtmaK good cheer,
describes two well known Thomefvillo
treet cliaractere as follows:
He was old and gray and helpless, and
black. Inetatnrehe was very small,
aud there was that aboat his face that
betokened a favored servant in the o'den
s of the south. You could tell it
by the einile that lit up his wrinkled
face when yoa dropped a nickel into the
little cap hanging aboat his neck. Theie
was a tiastfalness'iu the sightless eyes
that were upturned to . yon when he
thanked you for the charity that had
been given him. His children had all
drifted away from him aud he was de
pendent upon the charity of the world.
He had learned to find his way along
the streets that led to the humble cabin
where ho lived. 8ome friend generally
pat him upon the sidewalk aud with his
stiff he would push along tiie way
counting the corners he came to until
he reached bin homo.
One day I saw him coming. Lcould
hear his ttick thumping against the
fence as he walked. Directly he came
to the corner. He I6$t his way. He
wondered out to the middloof the broad
street and Could not find the fence agoir^
ThereTw stood, perplexed for a moment
and then, lie began to turn rounl aud
roond vainly reaching for the fence
which coold not bo found.
Not far away a Rroup of white cbib
dren were at play. Their merry laughter
floated fnto my study where I waiat
work. Suddenly 1 saw them standing
together in silence. They had seen the
old man and the trouble he was in. I
wondered what would bo the result. It
was only for a moment. A, little boy,
not moro than k flvo years old sped out
from the crowd, os fast, ns his littlplegs
could carry him, straight to the helpless
old man. I saw him reaoh out and
catch the stick, and turning, he led the
•^7# negro back to the.,sidewalk where
to walk and giwe