Newspaper Page Text
Birds That Imitate.
"The roar of tho ostrich resembles
the roar of the lion because the os
trich stole from tho lion this sound,
oren as one playwright steals from
another a plot."
An ornithologist made that odd as
sertion In a taxldenhtsttl shop. Ke
went on to elaborate it as follows:,
“Blrde from the ostrich down are
Imitative. The ostrich, where he Urea
alone, IS silent, but In a country whero
A. A. Boyce, a farmer, Bring three
and a hajf^ miles from Trenton, Mo.,
Fot a time I was unable to Walk at
all, and srery makeshift I tried and
all the medicine I took bad not the
slightest effect. My back continued to
grow Weaker until I began taking
Doan’s Kidney Pills, and I must say
I Iras’ mere y>an surprised and grati
fied te notice the back ache disappear-
lag gradually until It finally stopped.”
Doan’s Kidney Pills sold by all
dealers or mailed on recerpt of price,
to cents per box, Foster-MUbum Co,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The capacity and reliability of t!
that thef^QOOd# sell anywhere L
they get th£ most careful atter
erence—It may asstot you »"
This I» much_ Improved by being
dipped first In cracker crumbs. All the
slices, are to be cooked In ‘‘deep tat”
and then lifted out. Next put them
Into a-shallow frying pan and scran>
ble up beuten eggs with them.
Among fruit sandwiches, banana
takes the lead, and totals a alight’
variety can be given by spreading each
lengthwise slice‘with whipped cream
rather sparingly. Upon thla sprinkle
•hredded cocoanut, pressing the Utter
well down with a silvtr knife. Boaton
brown bread thus trusted will be ex
ksty and grandeur of the lion’s roar,
he gradually learned to roar himself.
Believe me, it U fine to see an ostrich
throw back hts little head and emit a
rear like thunder.
"Buntings Imitate pipits, and green
finches imitate yellow hammenr. They
aeek thetr food In the winter together,
and they gradually steal each other's
cans. *
“The Jay la an Insatiable imitator.
Some Jay* will Include In their reper
tory not only the whoo-oo of the kite,
the scream of tbs bustard and the hoot
of the owl, but also the bleat of the
lamb and the neigh of a horse.
“Even the nightingale mutates. In
a nightingale's perfect song I bars of
ten heard the tlpstp-elalsis of the wood-
warbler and the bub-ub-ttbble of the
nuthatch.”—Washington Post.
Ion price $l.oi p »ryoar. Ai
Wash and pulp the grapee, dropping
{he pulp In one dish snd the skins In
another. Stew the pulp udtll soft, then
sift through s colander, which will re
tain the seeds. Put the pulp and skins
together, and allow one pound of sugar
to cncb four pound* of the fruit. Put
over the fire In a preserving kettle,
bring to a boll, can and seal.. Canned
In this way, grapes will be found good
for either sauce or pies.
' .Poison In Oriental Ruga,
A salesman employed In the rug de
partment of a big Market attest store
died of blood poisoning the other day,
and alnoe then no one In the estab
lishment has been permitted to handle
any new Importations that have not-
been fumigated unless floras are
worn. The salesman in question had
scratched one of hi* flngegh with k
opening a bale of rugs that had Just
cams lrc im tho Orient h* had become
'Inoculated with poison, which resulted
About Yawning.
Yawning la not conildsrel a very
graosfnl sot, and I think It should bo
avoided In unseemly placee; but
Health Culture an Impor
tant effort of nature to rest and
otherwise benefit the body. The
writer is of opinion, though, that It
practiced too much a yawning habit
may be cultivated which may bo more
troublesome than useful. But the
publication referred to says whenever
you leal Ilka yawning, just ysdrn.
Don’t try to suppress It because you
thing it Is Impolite to yawn. Put your
baud over your mouth if you want to,
but tet the yawn come. And If you
ore where you can stretch at the same
time that 'you yawn, Just stretch and
yawn, ITU# la nature’s way of
stretching and telexing the muscles.
Don’t be afraid to open (he mouth
wide and yawn and stretch whenever
very -tired but do not feel like yawn
ing, there la nothing that will rest you
so quickly as to sit on a straight-back
chair and lifting your feet from th*
floor push them out In front of you as
far as possible, stretch th* arms, push
the head back, open the mouth wide
sad make yourself yawn.
Chop cold cooked kidney ve« fine;
make an omelet mixture WltMHhree
tablespoonfuls of milk, three eggs,
salt and pepper to season; put one'tea-
spoonful of butter In' S frying ran;
when It Is melted turn In the mixnve;
cook ilowMkntll s crust is formed on
the bottomlgR the meantime, sprinkle
over tho omelet. tho chopped kidney;
and chopped' parsley; fold the omelet
In half, lift It to a hot platter and'
servo at once..,
Two eggs, one cup granulated sugar,
half cup rich, sour cream, two cups
flour measured before sitting, bait’
teaspoonfnl soda, dne level teaspoon
ful baking powder, pinch salt Beat
the eggs till whites snd yolks are well
blended, add sugari dissolve soda In
cream, stirring It then Into the eggs
and sugar; sift into the mixture the
flour, baking powder and'salt, and
best well. Bake In threc-!aycc cake
tins. Fllllng-On* cap pccau or wal-
"It’s a wonder .to ms,” said a friend
of the victim, "that such cases are
not more common. I have traveled
through Turl|*y and Armenia, where
mast of the rugs are manufactured on
hand looms amid filth,and squalor al-
most Indescribable, where the mast
loantSom* of diseases aye everywhere
In’ evidence. These products, while
beautiful from an artistio point of
view, may readily carry germs to
.other countries that might spread all
’torts of horrible contagion."—Phils-
delphla Record.
To bettor MvertlM the South-. leading
! College, four leholerthlpe sre of-
S persons of this county at lees than
“Spoiled Parents."
A correspondence In one of tao.
morning papers, on tbo "spoiled chil
dren” of the,present day, Has brought
to the front many Interesting aspects
of family training. It scums general
ly felt that thore Is In’ many esses
an undue laxity nowadays on th* part
of the parents, with disastrous re
sults to the children. Ons writer has
traced this tendency to one of ~*
sources by pointing out that frequent
ly It Is the parents who ar* spoiled
Ha says:
u. “indifferent and ooae-lovlng fathers,
iwsai end vacillating .mothers, and mo-
-meat will seold and punish; and the
next coddle and pity their children,
with the-result that the children, with
their wonderful powers of observation
and Imitation treat the. desire* and
feelings of their parent with corre
sponding contempt."
Good parents ore few and far be
tween. and- that Is because the quail,
ties of firmness, salt restraint, and
wisdom, so neodtul lu family training,
ar* so rare among man-end women.—
London Christian.
the Uncomfortable-Appearing Coffin.
- It la not so much what you pay for,
nor what you pay, but what you get
A poultice of finely scraped beets 1st
well.recommended for cuts with glass
or wounds from rusty Iron. It Should
he frequently renewed In order to
keep th* mound moist for several
Use an equal number of apples and
oranges. ' Wash tho apples, slice' snd
core them; pnt them over the fire In
the preserving kettle with enough cold
water to cover them and simmer them
until- they, are reduced . to a pulp.
Pour the apple pulp Into * Jelly beg
to strain out the Juice. Measure the
Juice, and to each pint of apple Jnlco
'odd ono of boiled orange Juice add «
pound of sugar, snd boll them togeth
er, removing the scum that rises, until
r. little, cooled upon t saucer, forms
a Jelly. Then take .the kettle off the
stove, let the Jelly partly, cool,’ snd
pour Into glasses. When cold, seal op
like any other preserve.
Twelve large, smooth, sound toma
toes, one coffee cuptnl of finely
chopped cold cooked meat, two cup
fuls of fine bread crumbs, one-half cufi-
fnl of water, one tablespoonfnl of
minced onion, one large tesspoonfnl of
salt, one-bslf tesspoonfnl of pepper,
one-hslf teaspoonfnl of powdered ram
mer savory. : Cat a thin slice from tbs
stem end of etch tomato; with a tea
spoon stoop ont the Inside Jnlco hnd
pulp. Put a tablespoonfnl of butter In
a saucepan, and place It over the fire;
whan it -melt* add the chopped onion,
cook until It turns yellow, tben tdd the
tomato pulp snd water; cook five min-
utea, tben add th* meat and half The
crumb*. Season with salt, pepper and
summer savory; remove from the fire,
and when cool fill tho tomatoes full.
Sprinkle the top of each with the other
cupful of crumbs and dot with batter.
Arrange .them in k baking pan and
brown in a hot oven for forty, minutes.
Serve as soon as baked. Garnish jrifb
’that needs your attention In the eeleo-
tlon of a casket, for the genius of the
twentieth century hoe bean Just aa
th# styles of caakats are quit* differ-
ant from what they were fifty, years
to. ago end changing every day.
. Thla I* especially tqia in JfetaUJo
Caakats/tbq old style heavy cast Iron
i good* having fiven away to the more
up-to-dats copper linings which are
r.eatly ntted Into the best grades cf
varnished or cloth oovarad work.
Ono of the latest designs as recently
FITBpannaaraMyourt]. No fits or nervous-
-Uusanecflnt day's usa ol Dr. KUua’a Qrsa!
Narvalteatorar.tslrlalbottlaaad treatise free
Dr. n. H. Kuss.Ltd., Ml Aroh lit.. PMU., Fa.
There an places la Europe where women
plo»-. V-.q.
O. Eypmr, Vanburen, lhd,, k Fob. 10,1*0J.
. There ia Mid to be a ihortage in tbe
world's auppljr of w6nl.
Itch cured In 10 minute* by Woolford'a
Sanitary Lotion. Krrcr fail*. So'd by a'l
drucfiita, 91. Mail order* promptly tilled
by Dr. E. Dctchoo, CrawfordtviHc, Ind.
There are 30,000 dry food# store* in tbs
United States.
comfortable conch when open, yet re
tains all the requisite outlines of th*
bovt styles in render casket work
. You cannot bay a whip In the city
of Moscow sinew a local law prohibits
tho uso of whips on horses. Tbe re
sult of this bamana law ls seen In
tho beauty, good condition and good
behavior of the horses.
On the occasion of tbe hundredth an
niversary o( tbe death of Schiller
(May o, 10011,) tbe Swiss Government
Intends to give every pupil In tbe pub.
He schools a copy of that poet’s play,
"William Tell" Th* sum of $20,000
night Food Ofakoe llappr Children Bo-
cittifie They Are Healthy.
Sometimes milk d- ce not agree with
Children or adults. The sume thing-Is
true of other articles of food. What
agrees with one sometimes docs not
’kbree with others.
\ But food can be so prepared that It
will agree with the weakest stomach.
As *n Illustration—anyone, no matter
how weak the stomach, can cat, relish
and digest s nice hot oup of Postum
coffee with a spoonful or two of Grape-
Nuts poured in, and such a comblna-
tlon contain* nourishment to carry ono
a number of hours, for almost every
particle of it will b* digested and
taken up by th* system and be made
lady writs* from, the land of tho
Magnolia snd tbs mocking bird way
down in Alabama snd says: .’ I was
led to drink Postum because coffee
gave me sour stomach and--mado mo
nervoOK - Again Postum was’ reconf-
' mended by two well known physicians
for my children, snd I feel especially
grateful for tbe benefit derived.
‘•Milk docs not agree with either
child, so to the eldest, sged four and
one-bfilf years, I give Postum with
plenty of sweet cream. It agrees with
her splendidly, regulntlng her bowels
perfectly, although «bc Is of s consti
pated habit., i i* .v]
’’For tbe youngest, aged two and ono-
bslf-yesrs, I use one-lmlf Postum and
onc-balf skimmed milk. m I have uot
given any medicine since the children
began using Postum, and they enjoy
every drop of It.
“A, neighbor, of mine Is giving Pos-
'tum to her baby lately weaned, with
splendid results. The little fellow Is
■ thriving famously." Nome given by
l’oslum Co., Battle Creek, Mich,.
Postum agrees' perfectly with chil
dren and supplies adults with tho hot.
Invigorating beverage In |dnre of,
coffee.' Literally! thousand* of Amcr-
fchns havev been helped out of stoin-
neb and nervous tflaenae* by leaving
off coffee and using Postiftn Food (lot-
fee. Look In parkn^t* for the lit tie
book, "Tbe Hoad to WeUville."
The especial advantage of the Conch
•, Casket Is'found In Its relief from th*
stiffness usually noted In hit other
' designs,' radImpressing th* mind* of
th* friends as well os that of th* fam
ily with a feeling of peace and rest- ,
fulness not known twforb.
If it Is desired to retain all of th*
preservation qualities as found In th*
capper linings, the Conch Casket con
be enclosed In n metal Unod outside-
*. -box, which will then answer the dots-
, ble purpose of preserving both the.
V casket-as welkA* t
» All underiSRrt I
bejn_a position to
iS tV. L. Oouglam makes and tall*
ahoom than any other mmnmam
■ea»on W. L. Donato* f *.*^nh«>e«
i ot be eared by noil's CoeastSOsre. S*»d(or
circulars free, T.J. CaveiT A Co..Toledo,O.
wfe^iUfif^ffl'y Flits lot consUpaUoa.
A man broogbt np at SL Albaw »»
an Incorrigible rogue was proved to
have married his aunt. His children
are, therefore, hla first cousin? and lie
is bis owh uncle. Hie grandmother
and her mother-in-law are lbt same
person. Apparently tbe lodge sym
pathised with bliMfor be wa* dlsi
charge*. JPiS ,
_ these late it i
improved goods,* National Cas
ket Co's, large plant at NasbvlUa,
Train, baa been especially fitted up
for furhlsblnT them on short notlso,
and burg* sales' already proves that
their efforts are being appreciated by
tbe beet das* of people everywhere.
Alcohol will take ont candle grease.
Lamb chops are delicious If dipped
In lemon Jhjce Jut before broiling.
A weak halation of alum and soda
will revive tbs colon In a duty, car-
Soak lamp wlcka In vinegar and then
dry them thoroughly to keep th# lamp
from smoking.
Brooms should be occasionally
dipped into MBlng and, and tben
they will keep longer.
Vciean plaster ornaments by drop-
la necessary for cotttn to prod oca
high yields and good fibre.
Write lor our valuabla books on
fertilisation: they contain informa
tion that meant doj/ the
iarmeis. Sent Dee on request:
Write now while yon think of It
to the
btood, wind or
patina wfter eat
r?guU/Jy you;
■Urts chronic
pins In cold starch, brushing th* pow-
. der up light!y when-dry. ■
Equl part# of skimmed mlllc snd
water, warmerf, wlU remove fly specks
froi| -varnished woodwork or form
f Jut before a heavy frost, come*
gather the leaves of the rose geranium
qnd scatter them In the linen shelve*
unj| drawers. W- ' :
, Don’t forget to bav* your mateems*
turned daily for at leut one hour be
fore making the bads, Tbe mattress
will l*it nodi longer.
Keep a bag In thq-Jrltehen Im which
SB pieces of string may be placed os
they removed from the parcels.
booklet ff<
Should be in Every
Homo, School, and Office
ONLY $1.00
l’heue watches are kub-.i r.for il l.
here liuor* tha-i nfi/» mdli in of thV
haa been for yeara. K'. wt mberdf.*,’t
mown to Ilardware, ftlivorware, Sfor
are the largest in the aouth? ’-v.-ue ^
King Har<J\
lugeritul Watoheu—qent H
u>dr for a one dollar IM
>mh*,artd In America to
keeping porfen time * -1
hen In need of anTt!*' •
<*«, H v j.-v .,r CaileV*t ***
xauythliur yoti want.
rare Co.,
Th*t’»Y«ry Important tof.trmprs H if) Cftch pr#pAl<l If your dealer Q
• doein’t hanile. Writet 9 r t*K m*ai. book. i
r§ COUCH BROS. A J. J. EAGAN CO., . AtlranU. 0». I
“Youn^ mule’* shoulder scalled all over, healed in om* wt-ek and N
plowed dally with Lankford Collat W N^BCyn. CornorvMU, Ark." |j