Newspaper Page Text
Tlx reader, of tbist paper will be
pleated totearn that therena leaat out
dreaded discaea tliat ectenoe hat been
■bid to care in all its stages; aud that it
Catarrh. Uall'e OaWrrli Cor- u the
only positive earn now known te the
medical- fraternity Catarrh heing a
constitutional dlaeaac, reqairet a i-onsti ■
tutional troatnftot. Hall's Cetan-HW
la taken Internail?, Wing dlromly upou
the blood and the tnnonoe aarfawa of
the iyit*m, thereby detfrnjrtu:- the
foundation of tbe disease' and giving
the patient strength bybail ding ui thy
f.matltnaon and «wiling nature I i do
ing ita work. Tbe pvoprietfgs ha e jo
n.nrK faith in ita cafaUre powers, hat
ha? offer One Hundred Uollef» .or >ny
.--so ttiat it fails to euro, bend for tat
of twtiiiioniftli
Adrinm F. J. Cheney & Co .To’"*' o.
Sold br all Drnggiata, life
Tako Hall’s family pilh for
) $3,j]0 BOND WAS
iowTilUet) Appointed- Officers Se
lected for Cominp Veer- New Mon
Sworn In 'and Reports Mads- Susy
Mco Infl of City Council-
Trouble Sproaos to Intorlor- Czar
’ Prostrated by Situation- Military
Still Has Upper Hand But State of
evolution Seems Assured-
lenaattonal Tuallmrn/ In Commit’.-
m»n. T'-Jlef Man V/ ,j Killed H,»
Mothor-nlaw- AtionayiSay Bond
Will Be Made Today
1 The oily gureriitn nt changed fcnuda
. Monday ti ght iulike new c cii an* now
r Jntontiiil. At Seven thirty 1st'n'ght the
I members of the old. ouncil met, made
, ti.Bir auuuilrr port* for 1314, tran-actcd
y routine basilic a and declared the rtaalt
t of the election .
1 JndgoC P.llanxll sdmlnsfered the
oiuTT of offloe to Mayor RoddtAbary,
i who id ’ai-n adcnluleterod it to t>-o o'ght
new aid nnrti, Koplclus and Miller of
, the etiiool board and s.-xton Sanford.
) Clark 'tnoloau im 1 Tr-Miar-ir .Mitchell
’ will present their hond* and be sworn in
, at n'Ba'.Iad-mMtiilg tonight. ■
Tho'M ijor siitldauoud tha following
. o -mml ters, Light — Mallctte, Evans,
l PiUtnaui Qrdluancoa—I ewiv Pittman,
a Eiri,(^d(gw^,{-I^bi«ton3Uo<!«i«i,
, MaHelte; Eire —'(jiochraii, Pittman,
i : ,^ tend «-
h'leVl'ni/.l T Alnla
St, Petersburg, J m. 23.—ConflletS'be
tween the military »ud the -pablio have
been returned. Troops are; bn
Nevsky Pruspeet.
highly Endorsed,
|Lr». Toiler Lewie, the wxtt-ha»wr.
Metho-li-t n .jiLur, write-: “I- bate
-used In. K.Ltcr'S Lemon Elixir Is a;
family r I'h % -ry her-ef.rial results. Ills
in »f(tKtr**,> nwlit-mr aruj ezc«U«r4 M
• Ultk'e ir *•» ~
For Infant* and Children.
tbs Kind-You Have Always Bought
■ frvsss
Thomas County'* Moat Papular Girl'
. Wad North Oaorglan/rlday. .
; jiisa, Alice Carter, dtoghlar >'of Hop:
T. W. Carter 'jvaa married on Friday
night tq Hr. John Maynard ot'frln3aiT
Ga. at her father's home m Meigs. This
announcement will be of great Interest,
not only in her homo and In Tbpmat-
title,, hot throughout the county.
Mira Carter is a young lady of uuntu
si beauty and moat oharatng manner,.
She belongs to one of Thomas county's
most prominent families, and has had
every advantage that education can give.
As a result she, has’ a inoat al'raolirs
personality aud lias made friend, of all
with whom the Mines' in'oo itaet Her
pcpnlarity waashown afeW weeks ago
In t «,most decisive manner. Tito Times
Entorpr’so oonductcd-rii voting contest
lion,, xiiUlni'^ a diagram of tholionsc,
dcsi-ii fd'ttii) hilldra of the WObad, and
told .! tho'l ul.ei mirks on the dining
room .(irnl'i dining room walla. Mr.
^iil.'Wtiu Uvea hoar the tesjdeuce
wli r, t'ottragtilytol December 311, took
[diuo, told oi leering shots. He rail
tdttard the reildeucc, taw Mrs. Barrow,'
end TiHey'fl** from the homo,
flr.nltat iliem. Ha fhott saw Barrow
tbrn i.iocnd, step oat of Ida rango of
vlai u, flro nguin, then return with a
rifle, r—t It on tha porch and | nnip lead
at Ins II- eh g wife. Mrs. Pattvrron’s
similar to that of Mr.
amlning three witnesses
All meals in dining oar, - Service a la
carte. F.nest dining car service in the
Leave St. Aagwt'n* daily 8:30 a. a.
Leave Jacksonville dai'y 0:80 a. m,
Arrive Chicago aextdiy 4:t0p. m
a Arrive St-.Lonia next day'1:33 p. m.
Also through Pullman drawing-room
sleeping cart pally ffomJaekaoovlUe on
0. L. 8:00 p. m. train to Birmingham
Nashville, Evansville, St. Louie, Chi
eagownd 8:00 train* to PaneaMla, Mo
bile and New Orteane.
1 bett iervioaiedeeiiad atk for lick-
eta via L. ft N.
For rates, Pn'lman reaervatimr, sto.
cati on or write
‘ V£”! FLi. Pus, Agent,
330 W. Bay St. Jackajnville, Fla.
for a
jour »i
Vo r
' -I our.
Medtfne Co.
•tory Wn quite
Wer I. After oi
the statu rested Us caso, nnd an adjourn
ment unti two o’clock p. m. was lakeu.
Ti.e aftetiiooti opened with speeches
Iroiji Atroraty, Luke anil .IUddoiibcrr.
They it-tcd that the deieuiw would
prove tli «t at Ihe lime of Mrs/ Par.iU’a
killing. Burro*, if he did do Ilia deed,
ws- 11 mi— -i ml mind Tint ha
bad Lorn driven to tilt* atato by ilia
fUgnu; mil li-lity of hlivvi c, atvarions
tlmia Th-y would adduce fnithor ovl.
deuc-, -in.i tl.o attorney,, to provo that
it was \c ,\ improhablo thntSarrow itred
the fa n! slu t, that oilier peisoue wore
preceui, aud shooting, that his ansonnd
ooiiiil 1-u.uf mind had been brought
about n- toimuuod mo fur several days
of o] i ii< • fur tonal rolio. Attorney
Titui f r the mate objected to the iutm-
dactlm of tcmimotiy Tooching Mr».
Bartow's clmractor, say lug that had
nothing u. ilo with tlio charge 1
Km V* o vse, Dr. B. A. Daniels,
test ill ,i eg to meeting Bartow In charge
of Pol cemnn W. O. Lambert, and aftor,
watda • 111» rating upon him St thedty
hospital. There wero two wounds In
hia client nud only one powder stain on
hit clothing. One bullet was removed
and ono <a slUl In Barrow's body. Dr.
Harry Ainsworth testified of treating
llarn.w prior to tlio day of the tragedy.
Heobim Biown and A. W. Kirkland
told of conditions asthoy found them
upon entering the Pariah house, shortly
after tlio shooting wss done. Salllo
Jones, the cook, told In emphatlo accents
of hearing tho shooting, getting aoared, '
and tanning from "down do stops,
throoah the yard, and over dofauce." ,
Tha wltmhs’ • decided teatlnimsy brought '
such a laugh from tha epectaton that
tha alt* riff frowned while the jostlcea
rapped for order. Juo, Lamb teatlfled
as to the good character and peaceable
disposition of Barrow. *
Three witnesses wen Introduced who '
told of tho visits of Mrs. Bam* to I
questionable resorts in Thomasville, I
and of ber relatione to J. W. fraUter. 1
. - Xbtdatoseelomd with Barrow's state- '
ment. Ho told of long oontinned do- l
im-stio infelicity, of hia brooding over 1
hia trooblea, of hit HdkntM on the day I
ptariooi to tha trouble. He freqnantlr <
broke down In team, while making lilt ^
statement, talked in a t ambling manner '
and seamed much affcci«d. Bis state- t
meat was in contradiction to others pre.
ykansty mnds by Mm. He said, "On t
that day I remember getting up, ard 1
gelagdown town With Tinley. Then I I
want back to the mantel piece, wbete
there woaa vial. There was a glass J
- wUh aboot a tahta epo-nful of some, i
thinglnit. I poi ■ d soma whiskey into a
for the most popal* r yoong Is’ty in the
’ county. Though a smto of ilia fairest
" -laughters of tlx several commnnlths
were voted for, Mias Carter led them all,
’ and liar Dtonaanda of voles gate her a
1 safe majority 1 >T©r her competitors I
1 She v tailed tha St. Lonii Exposition as
' rha'gnr’st of lira Times Enterprise and
1 had a meat rujornble trip.
Her name became familial to everyone
1 in tho oonnty through this mean*, and
allot tho*e, aa well as her personal
friends will he Interested in bearing of
her muriage and in wishing her every
joj. In Thomasville she is vsgjr popq
lar with the young people aa she comes
here fraqnentlr to vlsii her aant Mrs. J.
D. Strti'gav,
Tho marriage ooonnd on Friday night,
was a very qnlet affair and was Mm ealj
mlnatlon of a romantio ooartMilp. Mr.
Maynard aud hia bride had been child
hood swasthearta and lied known each
Other from Infancy. During lha last
few years Mr, Maynard had remaved to
North Georgia, and thoughts of an im- 1
m-ditto marriage had bean given np
A few days ago Hr. Maynard earns to (
Ueigion « visit. Ha made np hia mind
that ha would not return to Winder i
without a bride. So ordsutly did ha 1
pram his suit that Mias Cartaroonsented |
to aooompany him aa Ml wife. The
marriage wus quietly arranged, and i
oonsomnated on Friday night. Tim <
happy yonug people have goot to their '
North Georgia horns, where they begin J
their new Ufa nndsr happy enapioas and ,
amid onivaraal good wisliee from this i
stctHn of the state. •!
olty phyelciin, 83J j»r mouth, half his
former salary. Tho Board of 1 Health
was re oleo-ed. The ccranoU adjourned
ar 10:40 p. m
Tlio Sonlhonatern Cotton Bayers, Ar-
sodatlon has larnad tha followiny circa-
lar:- • " • r ' •
Ou aoooont of tha large amdont of cot
ton hold, throughout he oonntry and
left exposed to the w»M|mr, there will
be marketed from Mile time forward^an
nnumally large quantity of damaged
.8. Crane, of forala, Md^
r yean from, satism nnff
la wa* flnsfi/ adrihed to try
n’sPain Balm, whVch b* did
d a complete oars- This
Washington, Jan. 81. --W. J, Brytn
called on President Koosevolt at tbs
White Houle to-day. He was cordially
received by tlie President who took him
into hia private ofllce, where he was
holding n private conference with rev-
oral senators.
At tha oonolulonof tlm interview Ur.
Bryan said that the talk lied been cor
dial end satisfactory, and that tlmf lied
dU-oseed ruvtrel things.
"It is a pleasure to command his at
titude on some things,''said Mr. Bryan
"The President la rarely right In bis de
mand for railroad legislation, and Ilka-
wise, I believe, on thelneome tax, and
I hope to sea it brought about ”
We beg to notify you therefore, that
we will mail settlement - f. r damage]
cotton shipped ni, upon the weight of
and pot it in merchantable oordltion.
We would much rather not Imre darn
ed cotton shipped ns at all:
Please impme upon all bo'dtrs of cot
ton, lha neoeeslty of housing their coi ton
f oa the weather, In order, to avoid
heavy losaea by damage.
Winter Food and Living Strain Diges
tive Organa Dm Ml-o-na and Be
Well. r *•"
\ N. Stuntnn
lire furnishes
n to all w»k
t, next dost 10
Tha hearty fool and emanating, so
ooanaoa in wiaMr, Mraia tha stomach
and dlgastiva srgins an thakby thin time
Ibe average pareunia oat oi rith. I
may be n simple baadac
eleapiemnass, or a general
feeling, bat the chsnoea at
oarfnl : i
•At tbn inv tatkm of tbe.TaldoaU
Chamber of Oommeroa, President J. N.
Pldoook of the Gvorgla Northern wait
down to Valdosta Wadneadav and held
h conference wllli leading bualncm men
at which tlm uueation of extending tbs
road from Unoltde to Valdosta nraa dls-
ouasad. Presidant Pido ok was aocom
panted by Judge W, & "Humphreys,
counsel for the road; F. R. Pidcock,
ganeral manager; G E. Smith, general
freight and passenger agent.—Monltrie
takaunnoftlm food, and a
there is heartburn, indigastloi
energy and n general fagged t
Tbe etomaeh needs hee
strength. The various aches a
that yon have ate tha stomach'
help and its warning that It 1
Offloe phooa
Paris,'Jan. W.—^Information reach
ing authoritative quartern hen from
Caracas, Vanesuela, my* that President
Outre has deoiled to give a negative
reply to the representations of the United
States.' ThePreoIdent has left Garqcae
for a fortnight with the evident inten
tion of patting off kn immediate reply.
Hia atUtnda leads toapprehenrions here
that the rituation In Vanesuela may de
velop serious complications.
Give it strength by taking n in
tablet before each meal, and it w on
do Its work so promptly and na Jy
.fastyonwill'not realise yon L a n
stomach. Tlmre will be no aoMit: • no
flatulency, no gritting about Ihe Ugrt,
Goes to Chariaaton.
Mr. Walter H. Letter who baa Man
Halting his father Col. R. K. Lester, for
several days, left Snaday tor Ohar
lealoo 8. 0 , where ha will act aa
oaahler of the New York Life Insurance
Company’s offloe Ha has been serving
jn a similar enpaoity nt tha Shreveport.
La, offloe of the company. Hia promo
tion will be of Interest to, his friends
no nnpleaaant pease noVnrred tongue,
no Inflammation of the mnoons mam-
A 60s box of Mi-o-na will bring boev-
aooy of spirit in piece of laastiada and
deapoodanoy. It wUl help that over
taxed stomach to start fairly on rim
road to health It will gl<e the alaap ao
To Beautify Your
Mis, B. H. Houston of Pelham is in
the dty, the guest of the Mtaary,
Sutton Oenvlotad. /
Neal Sutton, tlie Batubridga bartender
wax last weak convicted of attempted
orimlnal assault. A tew weeks ago he
kidnapped Alloa Skelton, a heautifal
twelve year old girl who formerly lived
in Thomasville. The dead caused great
excitement and a special term of court
wre oal’ed tc try the kidnapping charge.
He was found gutUy, and tha assault
oharge is the eeoond count sgsinst him.
Unices hia attorneys are ineSeesfnl in
their effort* for apew trial hd willtpond
a long term in the pan.
ContrJfctor and Builder.
'rhomareiUe, Ga.
Work executed according to latei
proved plan.-. Soarifleation
an-- eatinsatoa faruLhed.
Call at IfiXDawaop atreek.
Bids- for City Stock Food.
Jab. *4, 1808
, .Sealed bide will be.receiveu for feed
ing of the city atoek to be opened oa the
first regular meeting of council Is Feb
ruary. City reaervea the tight to reject
any or all bid*. I
.dwtd Ghat, pub'ic plop. Com.
PuWic Hanginj Entry Day.
! a»ean publj* banging of
Wall Parer and Window Shad
Order, b 'phone or mail given pron
attention. rhone 15-2 rings.
Ser. lie, shown at your homes.
Raatfelt Heuit
Thoroughly reasovatol and ready
for the recepiUoa of guests. Or.
positr Piney .Woods Bvtal. - bonar
rooms, doligbtfnl ctrisina, excellent ser
vice. . j
M m Mrs. M, J. RandaU
' Proprielrcs:
Mr*. W. L. Fambrottgh and Mire
Helen Fambrongh whq have bean Me
guests of OoL J. W. Dillon’s familyre-
turned to Boston Friday afUrnapa