Newspaper Page Text
Coolidge Cash|
S to RE ■£.
A few more pairs of Shoes left that ! a
going to sell at cost in order to make roo
for my new stock which have just ai rive
I invite one and all to come and get-, th<
share of the Bargains while the opportune
is at hand. ,
n. Megahto, Proprietor.
Uniy way to save syrup We buy
in large quantities and can make in
teresting prices, wholesale and retail
Albany, Georgia
Mrs. Turnbeull and Mrs. Mary Den
Of Investiga-
tlon Shows’^ New Ir
New York, Nov. 23.—Tho mngnifl-
tude of the election fraud investiga
tion was increased today by several
new cases. John Elder was held in
$10,000 hail, charged with illegal
voting and perjury and Janies Gallag
her was held in $5,000 hall on a
charge of perjury.
Frank D. Bat/.lg, a Tammany mem
her of the district hoard of election
Inspectors, arrested on a charge of
neglect of duty, was held In $5,000
In many of the district canvass
ed by the board of county canvass
ers of New York county discrepan
cies were found today and tho Hcarat
representatives claim their candidate
Will lie Observed by One Drug Store
After Growing Custom.
The drug store of S. H. Price Co.
will begin the Observance of Sunday
hours tomorrow. The store will he
open only from 7 to 10:30 in the
.morning and from 5 to 7:3t) in the
[afternoon. This is th- first drug
Store in Tliomusville to start the sys-
i -m of Sunday hours. Mr. Price
states that he has been considering
the move for some time and that lie
hopes his brethren in tho Same line
of business will do the same. There
has been a t toady growth In Sab
bath observam e In Thomasville. A
few years' ago the barber shops all
kept open on Sunday morning. Noi&
tho fellow who neglects to get .a
shave Saturday night ha^ to do his
own harboring or go to church with
whiskers on his visage. Not so very
long ago the soda founts dispensed
drinks. Now the coca cola fiend
has io slake his thirst on water. It
begins to look ns if the churches and
the Y. M. C. A. will soon he the only
apostles of the open door on the Sab
bath day.
a Veterans-Will Draw Nearly
Million Dollars This Year.
Constantinople, Nov. 23
Atlanta, Nov. 22.—Oominisfoner
J of Pensions J. W. Lindsey today com
^. pleted hia preliminary report to Gov
fan today issued an irade approving
the decision of the council of minis
ters to reject the demands of the
powers for international control of
the finances of Macedonia. Whether
the rejection Is absolute pr eondition-
al was not learned. Vice Admiral
Husni Pasha has started on a special
steamer for the Dardanelles, presum-
wlth instructions to the com
mander of 4 the forts for his corn!
vent of the appearance of an in
ational fleet.
$100,000 TO LEND
On Farms and Choice City
property in Thomasville. Inter
est tl to 7 per een : and payablo
annually. Time 5 years, but par
or all of principal may bo paid
back At end of any year and stop
interest. Prompt attention
eu to all written inquires.
Padriok liming. Tiftou. (L.
utilise! for W. It. Heart today
raised thelegal point that Mayor Mc
Clellan will be mayor of New Yorl
only as hold over after December 31
next, unless Mr. Hcarst’a fight for
a recount is ended beforo that time.
This was said to bo due fo Iho fact
that under an order Issued last week
by .Justice Amend of the 8upr
Court the board of canvassors of
New York county cannot Issuo a cer
tificate of election cither to Mayor
McClellan or tho comptroller or tho
hoard of aldermen until tho proceed-
attendlng tho movement for a
int are ended.
dly WJJ1 Mo
»m firmly C
J. Myers, Miss Tannoyhill
Beatty of Mlllersfmrg, Ohio,
for tho winter and are
A. 0. Robinson's on Clay
rhoy nre iflcnsaijtly remem-
visltors here last year.
Shells, Shells, Shells
We dosing out last
year's shells
nr cost
AU loads. .Now Is your
time lor cheap shooting.
nil completed some pu:
sul., of lurid, by monr
of whirl: the; hi n ovo to Thom:
nty near town. They have pu:
chased the farm of Mr. J.'M. Subei
uir miles from town and will mov
lore at once. They will make *cj
nslve Improvements on tho place
and will probably buy other land
near Thomasville. Their old place
In Grady county near Ochlockone-
they have sold to Mr. A. L. Watson
Both gentlemen are splendid citizen:
and will be warmly welcomed as ad
ditlons to tho numbo of ' Thomai
county’s good people. The^younger
Ward was one of the strong op-
of G rad> - oiintar. 1 He. 8*y*
that he i i not running fi o:
Grady hut has long wanted to move
Colored Cun Wlrhler Will Have Trial
for Murder by Ills Surrender.
Sylvester Clayton came to town
cat or day and gave himself up to the
ifllcorx. Clayton is the man who
hot Coot Williams about two weeks
go. He took to tho woods after
hooting Coot and has been ther
ver since. After saving the count
wo weeks' board he decided to sui
onder to the ofilcers and faco a trial
for murder. Ho will claim self de
3 and seem8 to have u pretty good
Ho will be ono of the guests
at Sheriff Hight's house’ party until
the next term of Superior Court in
Terrell upon the pension rolls of
1906, showing that there will be a
deficit* of $19,520 the pension fund
for next year.
Commissioner Lindsey has -approv
ed some 1,326 apllcntions for “1906.
while last year's rolls will he de
creased by deaths only 1,021, leaving
a net Increase over last year of 341
new pensioners.
The total number on the pension
rolls for 1906 will be 15,398 and the
total amount to be paid out will be
$909,,520, to meet which tho* legis
lature had to appropriate $27,500 to
block the deficit. It Is said If It had
not been for tly* more liberal pen
sion laws passed at the recent ses-
sloii of the Legislature, particularly
v giving every Georgia soldier
idow a pension regardless of
ic residence within tho state,
vould have practltyilly no
in this year’s rolls over th
of last. The payment of . pensions
on the new- rolls will begin In Jan
Buys Herrick’s Place.
E. M. Mallettc, the real estate
aler has cold to Mrs. A. Y.* Mac-
tyre tho Horrlck's place, adjoining
her home on Dawson street.
Spiitli Selects Date for Argil
With Howell at Columbus.
Atlanta, Nov. 24.—Uoko Smith tor
day named January 10 as the date
for meeting Clark Howell In Joint
debate at’Columbus. He also chal
lenges Howell to meet him in de-
nt Griffin the next day, January
A Prize
In thePocke
*— —.... . —u
In the pocket of one out of every ten dozen pair wil
found a ticket entitling 'the holder to a fine watch 1
Fine Goods—Guaranteed Goods
$1 per Pair.
H your dealer does not keep the UNCLE SAM brand,
$r to us and we will send you a pair, prepaid.
South Georgia Clothing Compa
Thomasville, Georgia,
Heavy Bond.
The commitment trial of James
Nelson, the colored man who shot
it Capt. Way's diiver, was held be
fore Justice Bibb yesterday morning.
The negro was bound over to Super
ior Court under the charge of assault
with Intent to murder. The amount
of his bond was fixed at $1,000. He
could not furnish it nny more than
ho could have furnished J. II. Wade’s
residence and is languishing in the
B as tile.
A. C3-003D C3-T~NT
• ’ Is worth Money to you.
It makes your product bring a higher price
is first-class in every respect. Best machinery, best opera
tors. We have recently built a commodious shelter foi the
accommodation of our patrons. Patronize us.
Robert Dekle Coolid^e Georgia
Many Fruit Trees are Being Shipped
to Thoniasville.
/ Pelham's New Commercial Hotel
Opened January the fire*-, 1905, Modern and up-to date in alt details,
Moat'conveuiontly^located hotal iu tha city. Very best ssrviees, rendered
experienced Jmanagenieut. Opposite A. O. L. depot. Laok for sign.
Rates [$i.oo and $i.o« per day.
Commercial travelers, patronage seiir ed. . ✓
Mr. an I Mrs. J. W. ARUNE,
„ Proprietors and M nags
MOder#,"Up-to-date,-Oonvaniant— Centrally L<fcated
Experienced Management—-Rates $9 00
l Best of Livery Service iu Connection.
Preprl.ters & Manager,
,y Meigs. Georgia.
1 HE above picture of the
man and fish is the trade
mark of Scott’s Emulsion,
and is the synonym for
strength ami purity. It is sofd
in almost all the civilized coun
tries of the globe.
If the cod fish became extinct
it would bo a world-wide calam
ity, because the oil that comes
from its liver surpasses all other
fats in nourishing and life-giving
properties. Thirty years ago
the proprietors of Scott’s Emul
sion fou ml a way of preparing
cod liver oil so that everyone can
take it and get the full value of
the oil without the objectionable
taste. Scott’s Emulsion is the
liest thing In the world for weak,
backward children, thinjvdulieate
people, nnd nil conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
J , . Stmtl hr Am tmmpb.
— ' 3 * ■ • -wer- »xw son
It will bo a surprise to most peo
ple to learn that a car of fruit trees
a day Is being shipped to Thomasville
A solid carload of nursery stock has
conre In every day this week and thli
rate will continue for some time
longer. The trees are from the Flort
da orchards of tho Grifflng Brothers
Nursery Company. Thomasville 1$
the distributing polnt for South Geor
gia and the local manager, Mr. C. W.
Cook is kept busy handling the stock.
Most of the trees are pecan and poaclj
trees. Many of them are being plant
ed In Thomas county.
British Cabinet Will Appeal to Peo
ple for Indorsement.
London, Nov. 24.—After the moot
ing of the cabinet this morning, it
is understood that the proposal for
collective resignations of the cabinet
was rejected an<f that the ministers
decided that they had better dlssolx
parliament themselves and appeal to
the electorate.
Wil! Happen December ISttth at Sau;
Francisco, Nov. 24.—The Fitz
simmons and O’Brien contest will be
held at Mechanics’ Pavilion on Tues
day, December 20.
What the Farmers all Say
About the Ellwood Fence
| The Elhvood is pig tight, horse high, and bull strong,
has no wraps to slip, no welds to break, is very handsome
is more durable than any other, and just as cheap as th]
ch-.ape t, so why not use the Eilwood? It is made especiall
for a hog fence and is absolutely guaranteed—If you are g:'
ing to do any fenring write me before buying - and I wi.
take pleasure in quoting yon my very lowest prices. If the:
I can’t sell you I certainly wont do yon any harm, and rnigh
help you to buy cheaper ■ elsewhere. We give all inquirit
prompt and careful attention and when favored with anordi
ship it out promptly,
_Joj»»Jj_Burney , s Hardware Store, Boston, Ga.
Atlantic & Birmingham
Time Table Effective Sept. 11th
B w.ow.onoitcmotu -•-.v.'&ws
'I rains Arrive ' o,... ... a,.. toMaco
2:tp p m. 7:35 p. m
Trains Leave
7 io a. tn., 4:15 p. m
ham of MonUcello, Fla., will arrive
In the city Monday nnd will be the
guests ot Mr. and Mm. A. B. Girar
deau until.’- alter the I)enham-Bar-
fleld wedding on the jit.—Savannah
•d>,„...a;i| Sett
Atlanta, St. Ionia a nil all. points Wcat^ 1
Finest equipments in the South, Coache!
elsotrielighted, with fans in summer! 'J\
and steam heat tn winter, making travel!
comfortable and easy,
_ Tickets on sale to ail |oiUs in
United States -
If yet I YoTitdmpfvting a trip, ask '
onr Ageii | of* information--we may be]
able to bhyou money and time.
H. C. Me Ladder, I David Porter
General Passenger Agent \gent, Thomasvilj
J O. Knapp, Com Agent, Fitzgerald:
= ——
.Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick{ etc. Public
H. P. Con^i
Thomasville. Ga.